Example interview questions for Head of Key Stage / Key Stage Co-ordinator / Year Group Lead / Head of Year. Used effectively to find the correct candidate this term. We used these questions for the appointment of Head of KS1, but can be applied for KS2 and upwards. Use these questions to prepare for the interview process.
Good luck! Happy to help further if needed :)
A successful cover letter and supporting statement/application linked to the points on a Deputy Headteacher job specification and person specification
Happy to help further if needed to support your application
A successful supporting statement used to apply for a Headteacher position. This resource would also be suitable and applicable for a Head of School position. This is also suitable to use for a position within a trust or federation, and demonstrates how to share your breadth of experience broken down into categories specific to those used in in job descriptions.
Happy to help further. :) Good luck!
Successful cover letter and supporting statement linked to person specification for Assistant Headteacher job application for a position. Also appropriate for Deputy Headteacher role. This example draws upon experiences, demonstrating how to share and celebrate your accomplishments to date and how these will be beneficial to the role being applied for.
Happy to help further if needed to support your application
Cover letter and supporting statement example, taken from a successful application for the role of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo / SENCo) including links to experience and expertise.
Happy to help further :) Good luck!
A range of successful job application cover letters and personal specifications / statements to use and adapt as examples. Suitable for both NQTs and qualified primary teachers searching for a new job. Demonstrates how to effectively share your skills and use the schools information/website to show your interest.
Good luck!
Example interview questions for the role of deputy head or assistant headteacher, including suggested outlines for what to include or look for in the answers. Utilised to successfully recruit a deputy headteacher.
A selection of successful job application cover letters and additional information to be used on the application form. Can be applied to any age level. This was for a Primary School application. Suitable for ECTs seeking their first job. Also suitable for qualified teachers.
Good luck! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further guidance.
Interview questions utilised in subject lead / subject leader interviews in schools for all primary and secondary year groups. You may be asked some of these questions for general primary roles too.
Successful Deputy Headteacher cover letter as part of an application. This cover letter demonstrates how you can share your skills and experience effectively to meet the job role. Adapt to suit the role you are applying for.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any help. Good luck!
I found writing and setting out the NPQSL assignment very tricky, particularly sticking to the word limit! This resource is my full ‘Figure 4’ assignment, with all appendices, including sponsor comments, feedback from EMLC assessor and confirmation letter of passing. I hope it is useful to those starting or finishing their NPQSL course. I loved it, and loved completing my assignment. However, I quite often felt lost during the process of writing everything up, as I had no example provided to me. Don’t hesitate to contact me for more information or if you are stuck, I am more than happy to help. This resource shows I passed all competencies, and provides a good example to those sponsoring an NPQSL candidate. Good luck!
Example Teaching Assistant (TA) and Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) interview questions, asked during the interview process. These questions have been used numerous times to help appoint successful candidates.
Happy to help further :) Good luck!
A successful NPQSL application form, including Headteacher comment.
I spent ages trying to think of what to write due to the word limit.
I hope this helps. I successfully completed my NPQSL. Please let me know if I can help further or if you have any questions :)
Use this resource to gain an idea of the type of in-tray tasks and exercises schools will ask you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in as part of the interview and recruitment process for the role of SENDCo. This resource is also useful for Headteachers and SLT when putting together in-tray tasks for a SENDCo interview for a vacancy position. These can be adapted for other roles such as key stage lead or assistant and deputy headteacher.
Example Deputy Head teacher / assistant head example interview questions, used for internal or external appointment during the interview process. Use this resource to prepare the answers to the most commonly asked questions during interview for these positions and vacancies.
Happy to help further :) Good luck!
Example Head teacher interview questions, suitable for both internal and external appointment. Used during a recent recruitment process. Also suitable for Head of School positions. Help to prepare for the interview process.
Happy to help further :) Good luck!
Interview questions and suggested outline of answers, used to successfully recruit a headteacher recently. Useful for head of school and executive headteadhers too.
Frequently asked example interview questions for SLT positions including, year group and key stage leaders, curriculum and pastoral leaders, assistant and deputy headteachers. Includes examples of what to include in your answers, used in recent successful appointments in schools
A KS1 performance script in the style of the Lion King. Very successful and loved by all!
Enjoy! Please let me know if you have any questions - happy to help!