I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience.
As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!
I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience.
As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!
Full set of working + ANSWERS.
In the zip files there are the unnumbered CLIPART PDF versions of all the questions and answers so that you can insert them in your own PowerPoints, Worksheets and or Notebook files etc.
Should scale up without loss of quality.
I hope colleagues and students find these useful.
I have double, no quadruple checked these worksheets and was still finding the odd ‘rogue’ letter or number that was in error. I believe they should be ‘good to go’ now but please accept my apologies if I have missed correcting any small mistakes.
** Please note PREVIEW of the full poster makes it looked stretched see cover image or first preview****
Please follow/comment so that you’ll get notified of any upgrades or amendments.
I can send you a version with your school logo or department if required ,on request. (Free)
File include One in FULL COLOUR and one on white background at two different sizes
Also included - sticking the printed tiles together advice/instructions
BANNER Approx w 2.7m x h 0.3m POSTER Approx w 1.3m x h 0.7m
Best results printed on Laser printer (designed to tile A4 PORTRAIT or A3 Landscape Sheets)
Suggest set page over lap to 2.5 cm/1in and set crop marks
Will print all tiles from the PDF to Inkjet printer with appropriate settings
Most printers leave a white border around the edge. I printed a colour version, stuck it together and cut the white edge off (but that’s a personal preference)
Please follow/comment so that you’ll get notified of any upgrades or amendments.
I can send you a version with your school logo or department if required ,on request. (Free)
A 2 page worksheet that involves using ALGEBRA
Handout and PowerPoint to show use of Pascal’s Triangle.
Some knowledge of algebra (simple addition, collecting terms) a prerequisite.
I suggest letting students try the worksheet before mentioning Pascal’s Triangle and they should notice the link.
Working in millilitres and litres and converting between each
a) colour amount given
b) state amount in jug
Use clip-art to create your own worksheets/PowerPoints - they are transparent PDFs so it is easy to draw a coloured rectangle behind to show liquid in jug
500 lesson starters (probably 5 to 10 mins)
Answers on PowerPoint by clicking anywhere on screen to reveal. (Answers also on a separate PDF)
I have included PDF and WORD version of all the starters 1-200 (might be useful especially if your Whiteboard stops working)
Hopefull these two sets of worksheets will encourage student to visually compare fractions and resort only to calculation as a ‘checking mechanism’.
Set C has 10 question (40 sub-questions)
Set D has 5 question (15 sub-questions)
Set C - Order sets of 4 fractions
Set D - Compare 3 fractions against a ‘Base’ fraction and state if it is less than. greater than or equal to
Set B - State fraction in given fraction diagram
I have also included over 700 + pieces of clip-art.
Images for every fraction up to 20th’s to use in your own worksheets or Powerpoint’s etc
I started with the idea to make every possible variation you could have without reflection or rotational copies and it proved quite a challenge. After get to the 12th’s and making 183 diagrams and with thinking the 13th’s would have even more a just did a few variations for those up to 20th’s.
I hope what I have done will be of use to some one.
SETS C and D are part of a larger collection of fraction resources
Practice reading scales and identifying the value of each division on the scale. (all diagrams have 10 divisions in set A
Watch out for Set B which will have scales with a varying number of divisions
Solve by logic/reasoning or trial and improvement OR USE ALGEBRA
use as a worksheet or cut into strips or individual puzzles so each student gets a different question(s)
DIFFERENTIATE by giving students some of the numbers - see answers
Otherwise these are quite challenging.
A starting point could be giving out a blank grid and supplying the numbers and get student to fill in the numbers in the circles before trying to solve these puzzles.
Use the clip-art on your own worksheets or PowerPoints etc by overlaying text boxes. Use the questions/answers for the numbers.
I was only going to do 100 questions but ended up doing 1504 (94pages x 16puzzle per page) just to see if I could ,so sorry for the overkill!
A set of Christmas themed Basic and Basic+ LOGIC PUZZLES
9 Intermediate difficulty puzzles
Pupils are to solve the puzzle by working out the value of each Christmas Themed Icon and use the found values to calculate the missing number.
There are each set there are 3 sheets of 3 puzzles.
Each pupil could have a sheet each or they could be cut into individual puzzles
PENTOMINOES - 5x3 GRID CHALLENGE (only 3 pentominoes in each solution)
Find the 7 possible distinctly different solutions, i.e. no reflection or rotation duplicates for fitting 3 pentominoes into a 5x3 grid.
This challenge only needs 8 of the 12 pentiominoes from the set and these are indicated on the worksheet.
This could even be done without having any shapes at all by using the page of blank grids as a ‘working out’ sheet then transferring their final answers on to the worksheet.
This is compatible with my PENTOMINOES - STARTER KIT
The 15mmx15mm shapes will match up with the grid size on the worksheet and sheet of blank grids.
For up to 10+ PLAYERS at a time
I have played this game with pupil of all age/abilities of the last 20 years or so and it is one that has been one of my most popular and successful resources. It really surprised me how much the pupils improved their number bond skills
I have usually played it using a normal set of playing cards and on numerous occasions had pupils say they have played it a home with their family/friends. Playing card rules differ slightly and are included.
We have also played this (just for fun) with family and friends especially on holidays.
This set has 72 cards and should be printed on card/laminated
IF YOU NEED THE CARDS TO BE SMALLER/BIGGER i have included all my clipart images
PENTOMINOES - ANIMALS 2 PUZZLES - 14 PUZZLES (set 2 of 3)and resources used to make them.
COMPATIBLE with my PENTOMINOES STARTER KIT (15mm version) in both size and colour of pieces which is also available to download for free.
Use the resources to make your puzzles any size.
Use with PowerPoints, Displays and they should work on Interactive whiteboards
(eg put a puzzle on a notebook slide along with the 12 pentominoes and manipulate into position)
PENTOMINOES - ANIMALS 3 PUZZLES - 13 PUZZLES (set 3 of 3) and resources used to make them.
COMPATIBLE with my PENTOMINOES STARTER KIT (15mm version) in both size and colour of pieces which is also available to download for free.
Use the resources to make your puzzles any size.
Use with PowerPoints, Displays and they should work on Interactive whiteboards
(eg put a puzzle on a notebook slide along with the 12 pentominoes and manipulate into position)
A single worksheet that involves using the cardinal and inter-cardinal points/directions to solve a logic puzzle.
It also involved reading the clues, matching this description up to a monster and associated letter which could be very challenging!
Complete the worksheet OR print off the separate STUDENT ANSWER GRID and CHECKLIST and save the ORIGINAL worksheet for another time which saves on printing costs.
I have not tried this with students myself yet so if you do use it I would love to know how it went.
A comprehensive set of blank templates for you to use in your own documents, Powerpoints and Notebook slides etc. Only a few examples are shown the the image gallery above. You can import a template and resize it to what is required , either a large version or multiples per sheet (if you use the PDF version you can do this in the print settings automatically)
These include.
Different number of spots around a Circle - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36 , 50 and 72
Let the students investigate different patterns they can make by joining spots up in different ways ( see investigation results graphic)
Different patterns of spots (both blank and numbered):
Based on axes, around different shapes eg triangles, squares, cubes etc.
STARTING INSTRUCTIONS to create some of the more difficult patterns are included as graphics so can be projected onto a white board if necessary.
The colleague who I made this resource for found it useful and said that the students really enjoyed the activity.
A follow on from my ‘SET A’ worksheet where students have to use Pythagoras’ Theorem to find the missing side in a right-angled triangle give two of the sides.
Separate worksheets or one double-sided. 11 questions with Some scaffolding + ANSWERS
See other my FREE resources in this set.
-Find 352 maths related words ( KS3 Vocab. list)
For wordsearches this is quite a challenge.
Hardly anyone has ever found all the words (even when they have taken home over an holiday period and arrived back saying it became a family activity) but a lot have said they enjoyed trying.
In class some have wanted to do it on their own, some in a small group. But it has worked best as a table activity where they work together an pool their answers.
I have also used it to just to find certain words from a small list of 10-20 that I have put on the board.