An independent reading/worksheet activity to recap on the importance of Pilgrimage in Catholic Christianity as part of the Edexcel Religious Studies course
Worksheets to cover Edexcel Catholic Christianity
The Trinity
Biblical Understandings of God as Trinity
The Incarnation
The Nature of Salvation and Grace
The Paschal Mystery
Reading Comprehension and Questions
The preview shows the page as having really bad formatting however the writing fills up the centre of the page also. Not sure whey it shows this in the preview!
Worksheets for independent study and revision based on the topics found in the Edexcel Religious Studies module Judaism Practices
Public Acts of Worship
Shema and Amidah
Features of a Synagogue
Rituals and ceremonies is a PPT which goes through all the ceremonies from birth to Death with some printable slides for students to read/fill in/use as a study aid