I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
A fun crossword to be done alone or in pairs. Tests easy decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
Solution provided.
Based on original by eam_larkin.
A Powerpoint with questions and answers, alongside video solutions.
The following questions are solved for a normally distributed population:
probability of being above a certain value
probability of being below a certain value
probability of being between two values
Final answers are found using a data booklet (specifically the one for Advanced Higher Statistics in Scotland)
Also included ‘AH Statistics Normal Distributions with Phi Notation’ which shows how the number of standard deviations above or below the mean leads to a probability.
Normal distribution short questions
This is a free-standing resource on ordering decimal numbers.
It involves questions like 3 x 500 up to things like 300 x 22 ÷ 60
It's taken from a Murder Mystery Package I wrote hence it includes a small riddle element at the end. There are two levels of difficulty (A is easier than B) that both have the same solution.
Full solutions included.
A great way to introduce formulas, with a fun activity to estimate how fast your reaction time is.
The Power Point introduces the idea of reaction time then shows pupils a simple experiment they can do, which leads to a formula for converting centimetres on a ruler to reaction time in seconds.
Four worksheets covering the following topics
- differences between times (minutes, hours days)
- hourly wages (including time and a half and double time)
Used for National 4 Lifeskills Finance Module
A whole class activity:
- a picture is cut into pieces
- each pupil makes a scale drawing of their part
- the class put them all together
Good for practicing scale drawings and having some fun.
Six challenges showing where Pi turns up unexpectedly
Easy (Secondary School) - Simplifying fractions, Square root of two
Medium (GCSE level) - Fibonacci numbers and area of polygons
Hard (A level) - Probability theory, Area of a circle
This is a series of questions aimed at making pupils more comfortable with dealing with formulas with fractions in them.
I made this worksheet in response to a very bright class who had no problems with most formula but struggled rearranging fractions.
Full solutions included.
Edit: added powerpoint of extra questions
Edit: added some textbook change the subject questions with answers
A series of 17 one-page handouts each with explanations, examples then questions.
Covers Numbers, Negatives, Fractions, Percentages, Algebra.
For lower ability classes I print these out and they stick them in their jotters.
The topics are:
Types of Number, Factors, Powers, Prime Factors, Negatives adding and subtracting, Negatives multiplying and dividing, Fractions of an amount, Equivalent fractions, Mixed numbers, Multiplying and Dividing fractions, Adding and subtracting fractions, Finding percentages, Fractions decimals percentages, Substitution, Multiplying Brackets, Simplifying, Solving Equations)
A series of projects on rearranging formulas.
(Note: Some of the embedded equations do not display well on the TES preview but they all display perfectly on the downloadable PDFs)
Each project is linked to real life situations, and also includes lots of practice at other KS4 / National 5 Skills: standard form, algebra using brackets, volume formulas, rounding, units, surds.
A series of five homeworks covering the topics of
- time (hours, days, weeks etc)
- hourly salaries
- tax
- loans and repayments
- money exchange
- budgeting
A set of practice tests all provided with full solutions. Some are whole course, some cover specific aspects of the course, some with self-assessments too.
AH Statistics Past Paper Questions Test
AH Statistics Practice Test 1
AH Statistics Practice Test 2 (full course)
AH Statistics Practice Test 3
AH Statistics Practice Test 4 (Sampling, Prob, Binomial)
AH Statistics Practice Test 5 (Data Analysis)
AH Statistics Practice Test 6 (full course)
AH Statistics Practice Test #7 (Distributions, Regression, CLT, Confidence Intervals, T tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #8 (Probability, Normal Dist, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Chi-Squared)
AH Statistics Practice Test #9 (Probability, Sampling, Data Display)
AH Statistics Practice Test #10
AH Statistics Practice Test #11
AH Statistics Practice Test #12 (t-tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #13 (no t-tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #14
AH Statistics Practice Test #15 (no non-parametric)
AH Statistics Practice Test #16
AH Statistics Practice Test #17/18/20 (Probability, Poisson, Binomial, Confidence Intervals, Control Charts, Fences)
AH Statistics Practice Test #19
AH Stats Practice Unit Assessments
AH Stats English PPQ - Part 1 (Sampling, Prob, Mean and Variance, Normal Dist)
AH Stats English PPQ - Part 2 (Binomial, Poisson, Conf intervals, Chi Squared, Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon, Regression)
AH Stats Unit Assessments
Edit March 2023: updated Practice Test 4
Edit: December 2023: added #14-15,
Edit: March 2024: added #16
Edit: Feb 2025: added #17-20
A series of worksheets exploring the link between door codes, Euler Graphs and also De Brujn Graphs. This will introduce pupils to the concepts of
- vertices
- edges
- degree of vertices
- directed graphs
A series of statistics questions that cover everything that might be needed for an Advanced Higher Geography project. Largely overlaps with Advanced Higher Statistics. Topics included are:
Descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient of variation)
Inferential statistics (chi-squared)
Linear regression
Nearest Neighbour analysis
Full solutions at the end.
A series of three worksheets on solving equations. Covers all types of equations:
Simple: n + 3 = 5
Multiple n: 2n - 3 = 5
Subtracting variable: 5 - 2n = 1
Tricky numbers: 31 + 3n = 5
Squares and roots: 30 – 2n^2 = 12
Brackets: 3(n + 2) = 11
Letters on both sides: 3(3 + n) = 4(n - 3)
Now with solutions included.
Edit: Added Powerpoint of two pages on same topic plus ‘Think of a Number’ problems
A series of simple questions for pupils to answer on mini-whiteboards (or any other way).
Topics here are combining simple terms and multiplying out brackets.