I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
An introduction to time. Reading the time from clocks, then difference between two times, and finally a challenge with times in the school weak.
Full solutions provided.
A series of basic questions testing these skills:
• Use the four operations with whole numbers.
• Use simple fractions in context.
• Express numbers given in figures in words, and vice versa.
• Use money in a range of contexts.
• Interpret and use information.
• Select the appropriate unit of measurement for length.
• Measure to a required degree of accuracy
• Perform calculations in everyday contexts.
• Round to the nearest unit in context.
• Use fractions and percentages in context.
• Use 12-hour and 24-hour times for simple problems involving time.
• Select the appropriate unit of measurement for length, weight or volume.
• Order everyday objects according to weight or volume.
• Perform calculations in everyday contexts.
• Interpret and communicate information.
• Use properties of shapes.
• Use further measurement skills.
This is a set of six puzzles presented as large scale Power Points. I used them as colour A3 posters for a monthly maths competition.
Although they are challenging, they can all be solved without using any advanced techniques.
Full solutions included.
Edit: added two more puzzles
This is a set of six puzzles presented as large scale Power Points. I used them as colour A3 posters for a monthly maths competition.
Although they are challenging, they can all be solved using standard techniques.
Full solutions included.
Edit: added two more puzzles
These are a series of fractions problems set in real life contexts. They all involve percentages that can be converted into simple fractions, such as 10% = 1/10.
Because of the real life contexts and gradually increasing difficulty I have found that even pupils who normally struggle will be keen to finish the sheet.
A worksheets investigating different coins, and using them to add up to different amounts. Starts easy, then challenging at the end.
Full solutions included.
Now includes a Power Point, which revises lots of the same skills.
A series of worksheets revising negative numbers.
- addition and subtraction
- subtracting negative numbers
- multiplying and dividing
- all operations, with fractions and decimals
Full solutions provided.
Two worksheets, testing basic probability with dice, coloured balls and letters. The second worksheet is more difficult and introduces sampling with and without replacement.
Full solutions included.
This is a series of questions that will guide pupils from thinking only in numbers to thinking algebraically.
The questions are increasingly challenging, finishing with some that require a lot of thought and can be investigated further.
A series of about 30 Power Points each with mixed starter activities testing basic numeracy of:
- whole numbers
- fractions, decimals, percentages
- money
- graphs
- symmetry
This is a series of questions testing basic knowledge of percentages.
They should be solved by converting the common percentages to fractions.
They start easy then introduce increases and decreases, then more difficult numbers.
Full solutions included.
This is a series of questions testing the basic principles that there are 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour.
They start easy and get harder, including decimals and fractions.
Full solutions included.