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Pirate one more one less board game
A board game for practising one more/ one less. Could be adapted for bigger numbers, I differentiated by changing the start number. This was used for the focus task in an observed lesson and the feedback was excellent for children and observer! Enjoy
One page crib sheet for teachers and subject leaders
Shares both ambition and access:
Ambition – What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
Access – What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SENs to achieve?
These sheets were incredibly useful in our recent OFSTED inspection
EYFS Staff Meeting on Continuous Provision script
Full agenda / script for an EYFS staff meeting on Continuous Provision
Environment and Enhancements
Skill Development and Progressions
There are timings next to each section
Cutting Skills Progression doc EYFS or SEN
Document showing the progression of cutting skills
Really useful for EYFS practitioners
Can be shared with staff / displayed in creative areas / shared with parents
Helps to track small steps of progress for pupils with an SEN
Pre-Handwriting – Developmental Continuum
Pre-Handwriting – Developmental Continuum
Useful one page document with flow charts showing development of handwriting
Great for senior and Subject leaders needing an understanding of EYFS development of writing
Sections on:
Fine motor skills
Scissor skills
Pre writing skills
Can also be useful to share with parents so they understand when a child is ready for handwriting instruction
Selective Mutism Staff Meeting
Selective Mutism Staff Meeting / CPD / INSET / Teacher Training
Videos and research included
Space to add photos/images
Explanation, causes and how school can help
SEN in Computing
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
SEN in History
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
This example is SEN in Spanish but all the content is applicable to any other MFL language
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
SEN in Writing
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
SEN in Science
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
SEN in Geography
These crib sheets were hugely helpful for our subject leaders during a recent OFSTED inspection
Each includes a section on Ambition - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? and Access - What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject?
Progression in EYFS map with examples
includes pre requisite skills and progression of learning for:
small world
malleable materials
role play
and template for you to add your own areas
These are an invaluable resource for EY leaders in both Nursery and Reception to ensure staff know the purpose of areas of learning and how best to support children’s development.
Progression from EYFS to KS1 in History
Shows Nursery - Reception - Year One NC Expectations
Amazing resource for History Leads particularly as a prompt during OFSTED inspections.
Reading Top Tips for KS2 SATS
Reading Top Tips for KS2 SATS
Could be used on the morning or days before or in booster classes
Daily Class Agenda Slides
Daily class agenda slides
includes space for a morning riddle to be answered during the register, daily good deed, daily timetable, extra curricular information
Scientific enquiry infographic
Scientific enquiry infographic
outlines 6 types of scientific enquiry
great to go in books, also used for display
The art of Collage - full lesson
Art lesson on collage
slides to teach from
activity page for task