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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Wedding Season

Wedding Season

From time to time I have mentioned a role-play Wedding exercise I have done with GCSE classes. I just came across some files relating to this from 2007. In 2007 I was HOD of RE and our year 10 classes did a 'Wedding Season.’ We explored weddings from the perspective of several denominations and the classes really enjoyed it. I include a detailed report on one wedding. I will add the ‘script,’ the music and photos - when I find them, but there is enough here to help other teachers to plan a similar event. It is a lot of work but well worth the exercise.
Some of my experiences as a Christian and beyond

Some of my experiences as a Christian and beyond

Hi guys, I sometimes go on a forum which is about spiritual experiences. This morning I read a message posted by a Christian who had been directed to their (contemporary) spiritual teacher by Jesus, in a moving way. I was inspired to share some experiences of my own which relate to Christianity. I couldn’t have shared this story with my classes, but please feel free to use it. I guess in relation to Religious Experience, pluralist and exclusivist views - and an example of why generalising removes you from reality. (Jackie – who meditates - and my ‘Old Lady’ are both Christians.)
What is Religion - an approach for all ages

What is Religion - an approach for all ages

This is a Slide-Show conversation about religion which starts with the answers that a Reception class, part of a workshop I gave in March. Here I explore Religion using models of Jigsaw, Kaleidoscope, Music and Dance and cover concepts of Theist, Atheist and Agnostic I conclude with a section which explores the concept of God. This makes the Slide Show useful for KS4 and older philosophy students as well as younger children. Please give feedback and ratings Thanks, durgamata
Lots of quotations from Native American sources

Lots of quotations from Native American sources

In preparing the Reflections on Life Slide Shows I researched quotations from many different sources. This is a great collection of Native American ones. I pasted onto this file from many sites and will; when time; try to include references to the original websites.There is a lot of material here including part of an autobiography by Chief Black Hawk; dictated to a government interpreter in the region; and edited by John B. Patterson; an Illinois journalist; who published it in 1833. As always; any rating and comments would be appreciated.
This is an email conversation with my MP

This is an email conversation with my MP

I am uploading it for other RE teachers to share and perhaps discuss. The email is mostly about the importance of RE and the English Bacc but covers some other subjects too, I feel passionately concerned about the current threat to RE posed by its exclusion from the English Bacc so I am happy for others in Management and Governors etc to read this. And please never give up the fight.
Activities / worksheets homeworks on Buddhism

Activities / worksheets homeworks on Buddhism

My approach aims to be practical and experimental. students who can be hostile towards other religions because of an atheist mentality are quite interested in Buddhism because it is such a practical faith which does not require belief in God. Buddha spoke of Truth and Nirvana. Many Hindus interpret this as God in the abstract form of qualities such as Truth, Peace and Bliss. I will add to the files in this folder
Government plans to cut Health and Safety

Government plans to cut Health and Safety

Excellent article on cuts to Health and Safety due to a desire to please the companies which fund political parties (saving firms money required for improving safety standards) with serious consequences for employees. Rates of death/injury at work will increase causing huge financial costs to the taxpayer and immeasurable suffering for many individuals and families. We need a campaign like we had for the forest sell-off to reverse this evil policy. The article raises important questions and is clear enough to use with KS3 upwards. Stimulate some great discussion/higher level thinking.
Reflections On Life part 2 - InterFaith with music

Reflections On Life part 2 - InterFaith with music

Slide Show listed as video - closest description. Contact me 4 'sound track' for Inter Faith Workshops. Includes Chinese, African, Native American, Bah&'ai, Jain and Rastafarian texts/images + the &';Main Six'. Also uploaded in two sections as the full one won&'t load for some + a text only one (includes some images which communicate in a non-verbal way for follow-up work. Edit to suit your groups as full one is 25 mins. Contact me to suggest other images/text/music to use.. Do put some feedback and ratings
places of worship

places of worship

This is a Power Point which explores the concept of Place of Worship and sets a reflective/mind-map exercise and research homework It explores the concepts of both place and worship encouraging reflection on what it means to be a human being, body, mind and spirit - where we go to find inner qualities such as peace and happiness - Very versatile introduction to the topic of places of worship but useful for more than that - including identity and meditation. Please give comments and ratings to help others.
poems about God from students Atheism and Islam

poems about God from students Atheism and Islam

This is also good for KS4 and post 16. The poems explore ideas about God and several are powerful atheistic and agnostic responses. Finally Johar's poem spans over a year. He has written about 35 pages, each exploring different aspect of Islam and his views as a British Muslim. I want to publish this and would value any feedback or ideas regarding this. Great material for stimulating serious discussion about the concept of God and many issues relating to Islam here.
The Geography Weather Song

The Geography Weather Song

A resource prepared for 6th Grade Geography, learning about climate and weather - this song or rap is designed to introduce or review the topic using musical intelligence. See if you can improve on it. Give me a pm if you would like to turn it into a yout
Wordsworth videos

Wordsworth videos

Links to 23 different youtube videos of Wordsworth's poem Daffodils. Then many other poems by Wordsworth. A few videos for his poem 'Rainbow.'Other poems which stimulate creative imagination - including Tiger Tiger.
Sri Ramakrishna and models of God

Sri Ramakrishna and models of God

Sri Ramakrishna lived in the 19th Century. Here I have given some insight into those who recorded his message as well as a brief selection of quotations including where he explains how God can be both Infinite, Transcendent and Impersonal AND personal and finite. Another model he uses is of the waters of a lake. Travellers approach from different directions, passing through totally different terrains, but when they bathe in the waters the waters are the same. (Different religions are like the different journeys - but the goal of all is the experience of God.
Christian Theology and the God question

Christian Theology and the God question

most of an essay I wrote on Christian Theology in around 1990 when working for my degree in Theology and Religious Studies. This is a good text to discuss with GCSE and A'level students.
A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

This is my account of what happened when we moved to London and my son (then aged 9) suffered some bullying. (He is now 31 and a professional actor. You may have seen him in the photos and video referred to on Siddhartha becomes the Buddha.) I wrote this years ago and found it when doing a computer search for Krishna - in relation to my recent Hinduism Day. I think it could encourage some good discussion on many aspects of RE, PSHE and Citizenship. I have now also uploaded the 'parent' file - Sunlight and Shadow parts 2 and 3
Resources for teaching Sikhism / Sikhism Day

Resources for teaching Sikhism / Sikhism Day

Just preparing background resources for a workshop introducing Sikhism. These will be of interest to anyone preparing work on Sikhism from KS1 to post 16. I will continue to add material as I find suitable resources. The video link tells the story of Guru Nanak. I have ordered the full video that this is taken from - and given the Amazon link here that I used. The 'parent' video includes 'episodes' about may religious leaders. Do add comments about how you use material and feedback/ratings as this helps others find what will be useful to them.
Workshop - the meaning of religion + Stone-Age Art

Workshop - the meaning of religion + Stone-Age Art

An initial assembly explores the question 'What is Religion' using many 'models' and questions. Moving on to Art-based activity, we look at Rock and Cave-Art thinking about what the Stone-Age people may have believed in / how they may have made sense of their world. Then using 'Stone-Age materials, create our own 'Cave-Art.'. Lots of opportunity for thinking about what we believe and why, asking questions, developing empathy and greater self-understanding.
Stoneage / Time Travel  / Belief in God  by year 9 girls

Stoneage / Time Travel / Belief in God by year 9 girls

In her encounter with the Stone Age Tribe, Rebecca takes part in a mammoth hunt and then, during the feast that follows, tells the Wise Elder about her world. He is impressed and shares the problems of his own tribe, asking if we have peace in our world. When Rebecca tells him about war and poverty he asks if there is no God in our world. In the second story, the author wonders if the 'Druid-Man she met might be able to help her answer her own questions. Great stories for encouraging reflection and debate on the big questions, with elements for primary and secondary age students.
Resources for teaching Hinduism / Hinduism Day

Resources for teaching Hinduism / Hinduism Day

Great resources which you can adapt for any age. Power Point Slide Show has over 80 slides and covers many topics. Save with different headings then delete slides to give many shorter slide shows - and show with music. Stories are versions of traditional stories about episodes in the lives of deities or the Ramayana and Mahabarata. Over a week’s work in these - and I’ll add to them. Don’t forget to give ratings and comments/feedback to help others find what they need. Contact if you would like a workshop - info@bluelotus.co