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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
'God's Colours' + 'All Shall Be Well' with Lyrics

'God's Colours' + 'All Shall Be Well' with Lyrics

My sister Jill Blackadder is a teacher in the Shetland Islands. She has been writing songs since childhood. They are spiritual and inspiring. You can contact Jill to obtain sheet music and the CD by emailing her directly - 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, 'God's Colours&' is particularly popular, relates to Community Cohesion and RE good for all ages. All Shall Be Well is a more solemn meditation on life - all profits from CD sales go to charity. please give feedback and rating if you use this
Twenty World Views

Twenty World Views

A 40 page document prepared for students attending 2004 Parliament of the World's Religions - an overview of 20 World Views - including many great World Religions plus Atheist and Agnostic perspectives. It is a good for reference and comparison. Appendix explores Interfaith work, outlines MOE (Minorities of Europe charity) gives a little history of the Parliament of the World's Religions and info about Sri Chinmoy who opened the last two PofWR with silent meditation and music + Swami Vivekananda (star of the first one.) Free to download here (usually pay for this.)
What is Religion - an approach by DurgaMata

What is Religion - an approach by DurgaMata

This is an approach to the subject of Religion which has evolved over about 20 years of teaching in a number of different schools. It is an approach which has evolved in response to a climate of general hostility towards RE, and it has been effective in making a difference, connecting with the students and developing a positive and enthusiastic attitude. I am intending eventually to publish it, including some worksheets I have created and examples of students work - but today I am inspired just to share it here as a free download in the hopes that you may find it interesting and helpful.
Poverty, Hunger and Food Banks in the UK 2013 -

Poverty, Hunger and Food Banks in the UK 2013 -

This is a collection of articles and an interview about this important topic that is affecting more and more people in our nation. \n\nThe recession is supposed to be over but Red Cross surveys show that in Europe many more people are trapped in poverty and a recent survey revealed that in the UK the use of Food Banks has tripled since April, caused in a large part by changes to the Benefits System and the introduction of the Bedroom Tax.
Strategies to improve listening and leadership

Strategies to improve listening and leadership

My subject specialism is Religious Education and I am sharing here an exercise which I find very useful when presenting students with information about a new subject. They work in groups of three. This is designed to improve listening skills and understanding. The exercise is by no means only useful in an RE setting so I am sharing it with other subjects too. I also include here two articles forwarded from some my business mentor emailed to me - one on listening and one on leadership. I hope you find them helpful. Do give some feedback.
Kuriakon and ekklesia - How translation matters

Kuriakon and ekklesia - How translation matters

a great example of the importance of looking at translation when seeking to understand any scripture. several articles from the Web give different perspectives on the way that translating ekklesia as church (a word that is derived from Kuriakon) has distorted the meaning of the Bible and given power to the institution, not the people. Because many reject religion in response to the misuse of power, this is particularly important to explore in RE. File on William Tyndall added. He was put to death because his correct translation threatened those in power.
Issues of Identity - What's in a Name?

Issues of Identity - What's in a Name?

An exercise to explore the meaning of our names - Includes a homework topic that you can just print out. This exercise is one which I use for page 2 of the Religious Identity Passport with some classes, usually year 7 in the Autumn term, as it helps the class get to know each other and the names make a strong display which gives the students a sense of belonging and ownership of the RE room.
durgamata blog

durgamata blog

I came to New York in August to attend the birthday anniversary festival of my spiritual teacher. It was as joyful and inspiring as ever. But before I returned home I was asked if I might be able to stay a bit longer to care for a friend who is ill. I don't get much opportunity to come on internet so I have no idea whether this blog idea will be a &'one off&'; or whether I will be able to add to it regularly, but my friend has been away for a couple of days - so at least I have been able to start. I hope it is of use or interest to some of you.
War poems old and mostly post WW2

War poems old and mostly post WW2

An assortment of war poems which include some from Iraqi and American poets and one from a 15 year old girl written on reflecting her visit to Auschwitz. I researched this in relation to work on Remembrance Day but there are poems here which could be used in many other topics including The Holocaust and all topics related to suffering, good and evil, war and peace.
Village Community - based on a Bengali village

Village Community - based on a Bengali village

The PowerPoint is in the process of development - to support a family member who is studying Early Years Childcare in Kolkata. Having been to Bengali villages I googled things that I remember seeing there and this is a complete jumble of images. I suggest
Belief in God, Spirtual Experience, science/Spirit

Belief in God, Spirtual Experience, science/Spirit

A range of resources including personal anecdotes of some miracles and spiritual experiences in my life. I work as a free-lance RE consultant and will happily come in and talk about my own spiritual life or make a presentation on any aspect of RE (free - expences only)
Sri Ramakrishna and models of God

Sri Ramakrishna and models of God

Sri Ramakrishna lived in the 19th Century. Here I have given some insight into those who recorded his message as well as a brief selection of quotations including where he explains how God can be both Infinite, Transcendent and Impersonal AND personal and finite. Another model he uses is of the waters of a lake. Travellers approach from different directions, passing through totally different terrains, but when they bathe in the waters the waters are the same. (Different religions are like the different journeys - but the goal of all is the experience of God.
Submissions on RE to parliament for Ebacc review 2

Submissions on RE to parliament for Ebacc review 2

More reports submitted to parliament for the Ebacc Review. I have stated the number of pages in the documents and my impression of the quality of the argument regarding the position of RE in the English Bacc - as part of the file names. This section is a continuation of the previous resource as only 20 documents can be uploaded within one resource. As always I request that you give comments, feedback and ratings to guide me when producing resources and help others who may be interested in this resource.
Lyrics for It's Christmas, Get Cracking,

Lyrics for It's Christmas, Get Cracking,

Here are the lyrics of another of Jill's songs from the aforementioned CD. I have used this a lot in teaching KS3 and KS4, it is funny and direct - engaging but very serious and quite soulful too. Please appreciate that my sister Jill has given me permission to share her songs - but only part of them. If she sees too many people downloading them free from here she may ask me to include only the first few lines of the music. She had to payva lot to get the recordings done. Once costs are covered all profits will go to charity. Contact - info@bluelotus.co (it is .co - not .com)
Five Pillars of Islam - especially Zakat

Five Pillars of Islam - especially Zakat

The Five Pillars file is from Wikki but I have added some comments relating to supporting Muslim students who are fasting during Ramadan. Also how to respond if a Muslim student claims that s/he can’t attend a detention because of fasting. I am including good contributions from the thread here too.
'Who wrote the Bible?' and is it fiction?

'Who wrote the Bible?' and is it fiction?

Responding to a rather 'silly' comment on a thread, which suggests the Bible was a work of fiction written by Jesus&' mates, I have outlined the authors of Acts and the four Gospels here, using material copied from Wikki. This attitude and question is fairly typical of some of our young people when they come into year 7 so I hope that colleagues will find this outline useful. It may be good to use as revision with KS4, too, when beginning a unit of work on Christianity, since some of them can have a rather ignorant attitude. Do add your comments and ratings. Thanks
The Story of Masada/Jewish History/Holocaust

The Story of Masada/Jewish History/Holocaust

I use the story of Masada as part of the background to European history which included such widespread anti-Semitism. It is likely that without that climate of prejudice and mistrust, the Holocaust could not have happened. and if students don't understand that fact, then they can look at the Holocaust as an isolated incident, unconnected with their own lives or our world today. I have written a bit more about this and uploaded it as a separate file. Do give your views and other items which are related and I could include to strengthen this resource.
RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

I have copied the article from Independent and the letter from The Telegraph mentioned in a recent thread, adding some of the best submissions etc. I've highlighted important bits. Do keep up the pressure and forward these to Mr Gove, to your MP to chase Mr Gove with + anyone you know who may be willing to do the same, I think this time is really critical and a lot of people will be like me, up to the neck with other duties, so its hard to fit in the time. Good Luck and happy summer