Spend your Sundays collecting resources from under your duvet! Find free teaching resources and other publications targeted at children including fiction, poetry and language books amongst others.
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Spend your Sundays collecting resources from under your duvet! Find free teaching resources and other publications targeted at children including fiction, poetry and language books amongst others.
Feedback is always appreciated.
A narrative poem following the nasty Dr Glum as he uses his magical drum to make others unhappy - but will he learn his lesson?
This is the story of old Doctor Glum
And the magical instrument he taps with his thumb.
He’s fat and old with a temper that’s bad,
And wears a red army tunic that belonged to his dad.
On his head is the hat from an old marching band,
Which is covered in dirt and was bought second hand.
Bits of spaghetti and old food dangled -
From his white beard that was scruffy and tangled.
Strapped around his neck (which is as fat as a plum),
Is a big red and white marching band drum…
But the power the drum holds is something quite great;
It’s a shame that the man with the drum’s filled with hate!
The most useful all-round Smartboard resource you'll probably ever use for teaching Primary Maths. Interactive resources for all sorts of maths topics including money, place value which can be used and adapted to suit your lesson as well as everyday resources such as squared paper, random number generators and a timer.
No more messing around each morning, open the document and get going. You can add you own resources too.
2 simple books for KS1 and KS2 children which can also be printed for displays.
Learn and practice numbers and colours in both English and French with words written in both languages. Number books also contains words and numerals with helpful pictures.
** Also available in the heavily discounted "Simple Language Books > Numbers & Colours" bundle. **
A valuable & versatile resource resource which can be adapted for all ages and is only limited by your own imagination.
- A Smartboard & PowerPoint resource to teach money or set problem solving challenges. Resources in £, p, $ and blank for your own currency. Add your own values to each cafe item to allow the resource to be used for ages and abilities (eg -
- A printable menu to match the iwb teaching resource - add prices to to set challenges suitable for your ability levels.
- Dry wipe printable to match other resources - just print, laminate & cut. Add your own prices for group work activities.
Examples of challenges you can set for your pupils:
You must buy a main meal, a dessert and a drink without spending more than £_______.
How many different meal combinations can you make?
You bought a main meal, a dessert and a drink with a £5 note.
You received £______ change. What did you buy?
I bought a main meal, a dessert and a drink for £______.
What did I buy?
I bought a pizza, a muffin & a carton of milk. I paid with exactly the correct change. How many different combinations of coins could I have used?
You take everyone sitting on your table for a meal. Find out what they would like to eat and how much it will cost.
- How much will you all have to pay if you share the bill equally?
One of the things which has given me the most comfort in my teaching career is hearing teachers swear in the staffroom. It sounds strange but it’s a funny sort of therapy - knowing that someone else is also having a bad day. Sometimes we just need a bit of reassurance that we’re not alone in whatever’s going on in our professional lives. We all have bad days but sometimes it’s easy to think we’re the only ones.
This collection of stories, confessions, grievances and all-out ‘fails’ written by an online community of real teachers is a little window into the problems of teachers around the world. Some will make you cringe, some will make you smile. We’re not endorsing, condoning or condemning anything you read here. Some of the actions described could not be described as ‘best practice’ while some seem like the musings of criminal masterminds. Take some comfort and draw your own conclusions...
Differentiated and self-marking column addition worksheets with built-in self assessment & teacher assessment.
- Each sheet has column addition for a different ability.
- Answers under the fold so children can self-mark on completion.
- Children add their own 'top tip' to demonstrate understanding.
-Easy self assessment & teacher assessment at top of page.
Save time & increase self-reliance. Easy.
Answer section can be cut off to allow page to stick/fit into books easier.
Wordsearches (and answers) with keywords for a range of science topics including:
Characteristics of rocks
Food Chains
Human Life Cycles
Plant Life Cycles
Properties of Materials
2 simple books for KS1 and KS2 children which can also be printed for displays.
Learn and practice numbers and colours in both English and German with words written in both languages. Number books also contains words and numerals with helpful pictures.
** Also available in the heavily discounted "Simple Language Books > Numbers & Colours" bundle. **
2 simple books for KS1 and KS2 children which can also be printed for displays.
Learn and practice numbers and colours in both English and Italian with words written in both languages. Number books also contains words and numerals with helpful pictures.
A great resource for educators and parents.
Thinking about questions is a great way to develop thinking skills. Some questions may be answered in seconds and others may start debates which last for days.
Some of these questions make us think about peoples place in the world (72 - If humans eat animals, why don’t we allow animals to eat humans?), others question what we know (125 - Are clouds alive?), which others are just downright pointless (17 - If you had to have either a moustache or a beard, which would you choose?). Each question however will exercise brains.
The most important thing to remember is to support the reasons for your answer by explaining your arguments
It is important to know that there are no right answer to any of these questions. Also you are also invited to go off at tangents and interpret each question as you wish.
An interesting approach could be to think out what would be the positive aspects of your argument, the negative aspects of the argument and would be other interesting points to consider.
For example:
(Q91) How would life be different if money grew on trees?
- Everyone would have access to money.
- No one would be poor.
- You could plant more trees.
- Would money be worth less is there was more of it?
- If money grew outdoors, would people be more likely to steel it from your tree?
- Who would own the trees?
- Would different trees grow different values of money?
(Q128) What would happen if all cars were the same color?
- Choosing a car would be easier.
- With fewer options to manufacture, cars would be easier to manufacture and cheaper.
- Repairing damage would be easier.
- Emergency services vehicles may not be obvious.
- It would be difficult to find your car in a car park.
- It would be boring.
- It would be difficult for police to track criminals.
- People could customise their cars with interesting patterns to make them stand out.
- Would cars be customized in different ways?
When you're out and about you're sure to hear grown ups telling off their children - but what are they getting told off for?
This fun picture book uses rhymes and humour to keep both yourself and your children giggling with each read.
What would you do with a banana?
Eat it? Well possibly, but there's so much more fun you could have first.
A delightful, short rhyming book for young children about the fun things to do with a banana with wonderfully simple pictures.
What happens when a little worm is brave enough to take a journey above ground? Will he end up as a meal for a larger animal?
Join him on his journey in this charming rhyming adventure.
A wide range of classic Christmas texts including short stories, novels & rhymes as as text documents for you to copy, paste and edit to make your own Christmas text resources.