I am a secondary science teacher from Plymouth, United Kingdom. I have a passion for designing interactive, engaging and well scaffolded resources that are inclusive for all pupils. I teach all years, from years 7-13. I teach KS3 Activate (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy (Biology and Chemistry), AQA GCSE Biology, AQA GCSE Chemistry, and A Level Biology (OCR A).
I am a secondary science teacher from Plymouth, United Kingdom. I have a passion for designing interactive, engaging and well scaffolded resources that are inclusive for all pupils. I teach all years, from years 7-13. I teach KS3 Activate (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy (Biology and Chemistry), AQA GCSE Biology, AQA GCSE Chemistry, and A Level Biology (OCR A).
Designed for students studying the AQA GCSE Chemistry syllabus, although also suitable for AQA GCSE Combined Science students.
This is an A3 Knowledge Organiser which details the following:
How to read a periodic table
What a ‘group’ tells us in the periodic table
Atomic structure
Position of alkali metals, halogens, noble gases and transition metals in the periodic table
Trends in reactivity of alkali metals
Trends in reactivity of halogens
Why noble gases are inert
Physical and chemical properties of transition metals
This 1 hour lesson covers the following topics:
Causes of extinction
Evidence for extinction
The fossil record
The formation of fossils
This is designed with the GCSE AQA Combined Science specification in mind (and includes exam questions from this syllabus), but this should be fairly transferable.
This resource is a fully planned lesson with engaging lesson hooks, an embedded video, exam questions and scaffolded mark schemes, multiple choice quizzes, and a board game for students to play as a group.
Suitable for a KS3 or KS4 science lesson on extinction.
A board game for 2-4 players.
Contains a playing board with rules and instructions.
You will need dice for each group, plus counters (I get mine to use pen lids or rubbers).
Students will pretend to be a species and try to make it to the finish square without going extinct!
Students will need to read the tiles on the board and respond accordingly.
Along the way, students should learn about some common causes of extinction, as well as about adaptation and natural selection.
A good extension or homework task is to ask students to design their own board game titled ‘extinction’.
A PowerPoint presentation (1 hour) designed for a higher ability year 8 class.
Mainly focuses on the different adaptations of wind-pollinated vs. insect-pollinated flowers.
Resource also contains a differentiated reading comprehension task on fertilisation in flowers.
This resource contains:
5-in-5 style retrieval starter
Lesson hook
Class discussion on pollen grains
Embedded video on insect pollination
Direct instruction slides on insect pollination / wind pollination
A 5-question quiz as a CFU
An independent writing task comparing insect and wind pollination, with model paragraphs for self assessment
A reading comprehension task - differentiated (colour coded or not)
Comprehension questions based on reading task - differentiated (colour coded or not) - followed by answers.
A plenary task
A knowledge organiser based on the AQA GCSE Combined Science topic ‘Chemistry of the Atmosphere’.
This knowledge organiser covers:
Chemistry of the atmosphere - early atmosphere vs. current atmosphere. How did it change over time?
Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect
Sulfur dioxide how it is formed and the problems it causes
Oxides of nitrogen how it is formed and the problems it causes
Carbon monoxide how it is formed and the problems it causes
Particulate carbon how it is formed and the problems it causes
Acid rain
A colour coded worksheet with ramped questions designed to teach students to independently write word equations for reactions between a metal and oxygen.
Designed for a KS3 lower ability class, but could be suitable the whole way up to year 11.
Contains an example and 12 questions for students to attempt.
Contains answers.
An A3 knowledge organiser on the Organic Chemistry topic from the AQA GCSE Combined Science syllabus.
Also suitable for AQA GCSE Chemistry, although does not include the ‘more organic chemistry’ topic.
The knowledge organiser includes information on:
The structure and formula of alkanes
The structure and formula of alkenes
Tests for alkenes
Complete combustion of hydrocarbons
Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons
Trends in the properties of hydrocarbons
Fractional distillation
A PowerPoint lesson resource on the structure and properties of graphene and fullerenes (Buckminsterfullerene and carbon nanotubes).
This resource was a designed for a bottom set year 9 class, so is highly scaffolded. Scaffolds can be removed to suit all sets / abilities.
This resource contains:
A “5 in 5” retrieval style starter on giant covalent molecules and bonding
Direct instruction on graphene
A series of checkpoints (multipe choice quizzes, cold call questions, quick written tasks) based on short exam questions on graphene
An independent written exam question on the properties of graphene, with optional scaffold
Guided self assessment / model answers
An embedded video on buckyballs
Direct instruction slides on fullerenes (Buckminsterfullerene and carbon nanotubes)
A series of checkpoints (multipe choice quizzes, cold call questions, quick written tasks) based on short exam questions on fullerenes
An independent written exam question on the properties of fullerenes, with optional scaffold
Guided self assessment / model answers
A plenary task (6 mark exam question with answers)
This resource was designed for a top set year 8 class studying an electricity topic.
This resource requires the following practical equipment:
One large rope for demo
Power packs
Crocodile clips
This PowerPoint resource contains:
A “5 in 5” retrieval style starter on current, potential difference and insulators
A retrieval practice task on giving definitions for key terms (current, potential difference, ammeter, voltmeter, electrons)
Direct instruction on resistance with dual coding
A hand signals quiz to check for understanding
A simple ‘fill in the blanks’ task with delayed key word bank
A rope model demo for current and resistance
A discussion task about the model - what did each person represent?
A practical activity on the effect of resistors on current in a circuit (results table provided as print out)
A plenary task (writing a conclusion for the investigation)
This lesson resource was designed for a lower attaining year 10 class studying AQA GCSE Combined Science.
This is a full 1 hour lesson.
This PowerPoint contains:
A “5 in 5” retrieval style starter
A lesson hook
Direct instruction on Lamarck’s theory
Direct instruction on Darwin’s theory of natural selection
A teacher model showing natural selection in flowers
A guided activity where students assess written responses to an exam question on natural selection in Arctic hares using a mark scheme
An independent exam question on natural selection in giraffes, with guided self assessment
Direct instruction on antibiotic resistance
A deliberate practice task on antibiotic resistance and how it develops, with guided self assessment
A written plenary task (an exam question with a mark scheme)
A full 1 hour lesson resource on puberty for a KS3 Biology class.
This resource was originally designed for a mid-set year 7 class, girls only. However, this would be suitable to deliver to any KS3 class of any ability or gender.
This PowerPoint involves:
A “5 in 5” retrieval style starter
A group activity annotating an outline of a female’s body to show the changes that occur during puberty
An embedded video on the changes in males during puberty
Direct instruction on the effects of hormones on starting puberty
A multiple choice hand signal quiz
A ‘choose the word’ written task, with guided self assessment
A written true or false quiz to address misconceptions about puberty
A T-table task sorting changes in puberty into males only, females only, or both males and females
A homework task to write a response to an agony aunt letter
A written plenary task
This is a full 1 hour lesson resource on static electricity. This was originally designed for a top set year 8 class.
This lesson involves practical demonstrations and activities.
The following equipment will be needed:
A comb and a tap (for demo)
Balloons (for demo)
Empty can (for demo)
Plastic rods, cloth and small pieces of paper (for class practical)
The PowerPoint contains:
A “5 in 5” retrieval style starter based on the electricity topic, with answers
Retrieval practice on the structure of an atom and subatomic particles
A practical demo bending water using a comb
Direct instruction on static electricity (using comb and water as an example)
A hand signals ‘thumbs up’ true or false quiz
A practical demo making hair stand up using a balloon
A practical demo making an empty can roll using a balloon
A guided conservation on why this happens
A deliberate practice written task on static electricity, with guided self assessment
A class practical on picking up paper using static electricity
A deliberate practice written task on this practical, with guided self assessment
A plenary task
A GCSE lesson on drawing electron structures. Also contains a recap on atomic structure and the charge / mass of each subatomic particle.
Contains videos live modelling drawing electron structures for:
This lesson resource was designed for a bottom set year 9 class with a large number of SEND students, so is heavily scaffolded.
The PowerPoint resource also contains:
A “5 in 5” style retrieval practice starter
A recap on subatomic particles, their charges and mass
A hand signal quiz on subatomic particles
A quick reteach and task on atomic number and mass number
Teacher models using videos on the electron structures of lithium, carbon and magnesium
A student activity drawing the electron structures of boron, sodium, fluorine, aluminium, and neon
Live videos for students to check and correct their drawings
A written plenary task
A full 1 hour lesson resource designed for a year 12 Biology class studying the OCR Biology A specification.
This lesson is from the unit 4.2.2 Classication and Evolution , from specification point g “the diferent types of adaptatons of organisms to their environment”
This resource contains:
A retrieval starter
Easy to deliver direct instruction slides on the types of adaptation
A video hook demonstrating each type of adaptation
Hand signal check for understanding
Checkpoint MCQs from exams
A reading comprehension task on adaptations in polar bears, with a guided student task
Easy to deliver direct instruction slides on convergent evolution
A case study on European / Maruspial moles
Exam questions
Guided self assessment
A full 1 hour lesson resource designed for a mixed ability year 12 class studying the OCR Biology A specification.
This is from the unit 4.2.2 Classification and Evolution, from the specification point i) “how evoluton in some species has implicatons for human populatons.”
This lesson resource contains:
A “5 in 5” style retrieval starter
A linked video on how MRSA evolved
Direct instruction on antibiotic resistance (dual coding, reduced cognitive load)
A linked video visually showing the evolution of antibiotic resistance
Checkpoints (MCQs from exams with answers)
A discussion on antiviral resistance in HIV
An application question on drug resistance in malaria from the CGP textbook (with guided self assessment)
An embedded video - a news report on pesticide resistance in bed bugs
A case study on DDT resistance in house flies, with a guided discussion
An exam-style question on pesticide resistance from the CGP textbook (with guided self assessment)
A full 1 hour lesson on fungal diseases from the AQA GCSE Biology syllabus. Also suitable for AQA GCSE Combined Science.
This resource contains:
A 5 in 5 style retrieval starter
A lesson hook on parasitic fungi in ants
A hook / discussion on making links between athlete’s foot and mushrooms
Direct instruction on athlete’s foot - causes, methods of spread, prevention
A choice task ‘choose the difficulty’ - three deliberate practice questions on athlete’s foot (with answers)
Retrieval practice linking tobacco mosaic virus to photosynthesis topic
Direct instruction on rose black spot
Lightning questions on rose black spot
A practice exam-style question on rose black spot with guided peer assessment
A ‘question olympics’ game - retrieval from this topic
A plenary task
A resource containing:
Five A3 information sheets on giant covalent molecules / allotropes of carbon (diamond, graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes, Buckminsterfullerene)
A structured template for an A4 fact sheet for students to fill in
This resource works great for SEND classes that benefit from movement around the room. This is a great reading comprehension task and trains students to seek relevant information from chunks of text.
This resource was designed for a low ability year 9 class as end of unit revision.
A full lesson resource on viral diseases from the AQA GCSE Biology specification.
This lesson was designed for a mixed ability year 9 class.
This resource contains:
A ‘5 in 5’ retrieval starter
Details on how viruses replicate
Direct instruction and a discussion on tobacco mosaic virus
An exam question on tobacco mosaic virus with guided self assessment
A video on HIV and AIDS
A ‘fact or fiction’ quiz about HIV and AIDS
Direct instruction on measles
A hand signal quiz on measles
An open task to design a fact sheet on either AIDS or measles for a doctors’ office
A plenary task
A full lesson on bacterial diseases designed for a mixed ability year 9 class doing the AQA GCSE Biology specification.
This lesson contains:
A 5 in 5 style retrieval starter
An introduction into pathogens - what they are, the four types
A video on salmonella
A true or false quiz on salmonella
An open written task on salmonella with peer assessment
Direct instruction slides on gonorrhoea
Lightning cold call questions on gonorrhoea
An open task to design a fact sheet on gonorrhoea for a doctor’s office
Guided self assessment
A plenary task
A GCSE lesson on the structure and properties of graphite, from the unit on giant covalent molecules.
This lesson was designed for a lower ability year 9 class, and was made to build resilience in answering exam questions.
The resource contains:
A ‘5 in 5’ style starter
A brief retrieval practice
Direct instruction on the structure of graphite
Quick checkpoints using exam questions
A ‘fill in the blanks’ activity on the structure of graphite
Direct instruction on the properties of graphite
Teacher modelled responses to exam questions around the properties of graphite
A student worksheet used to develop exam technique
Exam questions for student independent practice
Mark schemes and model answers