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FingerTips Resources

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Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes. Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary. ESL | ELE | FLE




Specialists in creating engaging, interactive and fun language learning resources for English, French , Spanish, German and Portuguese classes. Exam preparation, conversation, reading & writing, speaking & listening, grammar & vocabulary. ESL | ELE | FLE


Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match emotions et sentiments vocabulary to images of facial expressions. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to emotions et sentiments. Target Vocabulary: Contente - Effrayée - Énervée Furieuse - Heureuse - Inquiète - Ravie Sure d’elle - Surprise - Triste Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments


Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match sports extrêmes vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to sports extrêmes. Target Vocabulary: Escalade - Flyboard - Jet ski - Karting - Kitesurf - Laser game Paintball - Parachutisme d’intérieur - Parapente - Windsurf Randonnée en quad - Saut à l’élastique - Saut en échasses Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons des MÈRES et FÊTE des MÈRES !

Parlons des MÈRES et FÊTE des MÈRES !

A great Mother’s Day activity! Students first match vocabulary to images showing some different aspects of motherhood. Target Vocabulary: Brosser les cheveux - Consoler - Cuisine - Éduquer Être enceinte - Faire les courses - Faire prendre un bain Fêter un anniversaire ! - Lecture d’une histoire au coucher Porter - Pousser un landau - Se déguiser Students then discuss & debate conversation questions relating to mothers & motherhood. Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify their arguments
Parlons des ETAPES DE LA VIE !

Parlons des ETAPES DE LA VIE !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students first acquire vocabulary relating to stages of life by matching vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students then discuss & debate conversation questions relating to the stages of life and life events. Target Vocabulary: Adolescent - Adulte - Bébé - D’âge moyen Enfant - Jeune adulte - Personne âgée Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons de TRANSPORT !

Parlons de TRANSPORT !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match transport vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to transport. Target Vocabulary: Avion - Bus - Décapotable - Métro Scooter - Taxi - Train - Vélo - Voiture Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments


Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match seasonal celebration vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to seasonal celebrations. Target Vocabulary: Anniversaire - Fête des mères - Halloween La Saint Valentin - Noël - Nouvel An - Pâques - Thanksgiving Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons de VACANCES !

Parlons de VACANCES !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match types of holiday vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to holidays. Target Vocabulary: Camping - Escapade en ville - Vacances à la plage Safari Sauvage - Vacances de Ski Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons des activités de l’HIVER !

Parlons des activités de l’HIVER !

Students first describe and discuss images of people enjoying winter activities. Students then discuss & debate conversation questions relating to fun in the snow and winter activities. Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons des PÈRES et FÊTE des PÈRES !

Parlons des PÈRES et FÊTE des PÈRES !

A great FÊTE des PÈRES activity! Students first match vocabulary to images showing some different aspects of fatherhood. Students then discuss & debate conversation questions relating to fathers. Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify their arguments
Parlons de ROBOTS !

Parlons de ROBOTS !

Students are presented with images of robots of the future. After discussing the purpose, likelihood and how useful each robot could be, the students choose a robot and plan a marking campaign. The activity is best suited to advanced language students, but it has also been successful with intermediate students.
Parlons de PEURS et PHOBIES !

Parlons de PEURS et PHOBIES !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match common phobias with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to fears and phobias. Target Vocabulary: Aiguilles - Araignées - Chiens Engagement - Espaces confinés - Germes Intimité - Mort - Parler en public - Vertige Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments


Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match mauvaises habitudes vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to mauvaises habitudes. Target Vocabulary: Accroc à la Télévision - Accroc au shopping Accroc au travail - Accroc au jeux d’argent Alcoolique - Drogué - Fumeur - Mangeur excessif Raconteur de ragots Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons des HACKERS !

Parlons des HACKERS !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students discuss how images are associated with hacking. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to hackers in general. Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons de PÂQUES !

Parlons de PÂQUES !

Students are presented with some images relating to PÂQUES. After discussing how each image is associated with PÂQUES, students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to the images and to PÂQUES in general. Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify their arguments
Parlons de NOËL !

Parlons de NOËL !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match Christmas vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to the images and to Christmas in general. Target Vocabulary: Ange - Bonhomme de Neige - Bougies - Boule de Noël Cadeau - Chaussette - Cloche - Couronne - Étoile Flocon de Neige - Gui - Père Noël - Reine - Ruban Sapin de Noël - Sucre d’orge - Traineau - Vin Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons de PÂTISSERIE !

Parlons de PÂTISSERIE !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match baking ingredients vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to baking, cakes, bread and cooking in general. Target Vocabulary: Beurre - Cannelle - Farine - Huile Lait - Levure - Oeufs - Pâte - Sel Sucre - Vanille - Vinaigre Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons de LÉGUMES !

Parlons de LÉGUMES !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match LÉGUMES vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to LÉGUMES. Target Vocabulary: Artichaut - Aubergine - Brocoli - Carotte - Céleri - Chou-fleur Citrouille - Concombre - Maïs doux - Oignon - Petits pois - Piment Poivron - Pomme de terre - Radis - Tomate Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments


Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match matériel de bureau vocabulary with images. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to matériel de bureau. Target Vocabulary: Agrafeuse - Bloc-notes - Ciseaux - Classeur - Colle - Compas - Crayon Cutter - Feutres - Gomme - Livre - Perforateur - Pince clipsante Pinceau - Punaise - Rapporteur - Règle - Sac à dos - Scotch - Stylo plume Surligneur - Taille crayon - Trombone - Trousse Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments
Parlons de JOUETS !

Parlons de JOUETS !

Part 1: Acquire Target Vocabulary Students match vocabulary with images of toys. Part 2: Use Target Vocabulary Students discuss & debate conversation questions relating to toys. Target Vocabulary: Boulier - Appareil photo - Ballon - Billes - Camion - Dinosaures Globe - Hélicoptère - Je de construction - Legos - Livres Ours en peluche - Poupée - Robot - Sac à dos - Soldats - Tambourin Tank - Train - Tricycle - Voiture - Xylophone - Yo yo Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify arguments It is recommended to use this activity in conjunction with Parlons de CHAMBRES !
Parlons de l’UNIVERSITÉ !

Parlons de l’UNIVERSITÉ !

Students first discuss images showing different aspects of university life. Students then discuss & debate conversation questions relating to university life. Target Skills: Express opinions Extend answers Maintain a conversation Elicit more information Agree or disagree Justify their arguments