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UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.




UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.
Edexcel CB4d Breeds and Varieties

Edexcel CB4d Breeds and Varieties

CB4d lesson from the new Edexcel Science GCSE looking at breeds and varieties. The lesson includes a natural selection recap, what artificial selection is, selective breeding, breeds and varieties, genetic engineering and golden rice. *All of CB4 can be found here (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb4-11363744)*
Edexcel CB5d Pathogens

Edexcel CB5d Pathogens

CB5d lesson from the new Edexcel GCSE looking at pathogens. The lesson includes what pathogens are, types of pathogens and the effects of specific pathogens (as a research task that is then consolidated).
Edexcel CB5f Physical and Chemical Barriers

Edexcel CB5f Physical and Chemical Barriers

CB5f lesson for the new Edexcel science GCSE (9-1) looking at physical and chemical barriers. The lesson includes how pathogens get into the body, what physical and chemical barriers are, examples of barriers to pathogens, what STI's are, How STI's are spread and how to reduce the spread of STI's.
Edexcel CC4b Atomic Number and the Periodic Table

Edexcel CC4b Atomic Number and the Periodic Table

CC4b lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about atomic number and the periodic table. The lesson includes the work of Henry Moseley, how the modern periodic table is arranged, investigating properties of metals/non-metals and explaining the iodine-tellurium pair reversal. (There is a practical task during the lesson which references a worksheet from the activeteach but the practical could be done without this extra resource or omitted completed)
Edexcel CP6d Background Radiation

Edexcel CP6d Background Radiation

CP6d lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about background radiation. The lesson includes what background radiation is, the sources of background radiation and how to measure radioactivity.
Edexcel CB3d Inheritance

Edexcel CB3d Inheritance

New Edexcel Science GCSE, CB3 topic looking at Inheritance. Lesson includes looking at what determines the sex of a child, chromosomes, punnet squares and family pedigree charts. *All of CB3 can be found together here (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb3-11291549)*
Edexcel CB1g Enzyme Activity

Edexcel CB1g Enzyme Activity

CB1g lesson from the new Edexcel Science GCSE (9-1) looking at enzyme activity. The lesson includes recapping previous key words, what optimum conditions mean, interpreting rate of reaction graphs and an investigation into pH and enzyme activity.
Science Christmas Quiz 2022

Science Christmas Quiz 2022

Christmas Quiz for use within Science lessons towards the end of term. There is a combination of science specific rounds, loosely based science rounds and nothing to do with science rounds.
Edexcel CB2d Stem Cells

Edexcel CB2d Stem Cells

New Edexcel Science GCSE, CB2 topic looking at stem cells. Lesson includes looking at what stem cells are, adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells and meristems, *All of CB2 can be found together here (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-cb2-11282994)*
Edexcel CC17a Early Atmosphere

Edexcel CC17a Early Atmosphere

CC17a lesson from the new Edexcel Combined Science GCSE (9-1) all about the Earth’s early atmosphere. The lesson includes what an atmosphere is, the role of volcanoes, evidence from other planets, oceans forming, evidence for no oxygen and the introduction of oxygen into the atmosphere. includes a two minute video from the ActiveLearn which could easily be replaced by another video that recaps how the early atmosphere was formed
Edexcel CC11d Life Cycle Assessment and Recycling

Edexcel CC11d Life Cycle Assessment and Recycling

CC11d lesson from the new Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) looking at life cycle assessment and recycling. The lesson includes what recycling is, advantages/disadvantages of recycling, ways in which recyled materials are used, what life cycle assessments are, life cycle assessment of paper and plastic bags.
Edexcel SB3e Genetic Variants and Phenotypes

Edexcel SB3e Genetic Variants and Phenotypes

SB3e lesson from the new Edexcel Biology GCSE (9-1) all about genetic variants and phenotypes. The lesson covers using an mRNA/amino acid table, what mutations are, mutations in haemoglobin and the effects of mutations in non-coding DNA. One of the tasks (about 10 minutes of the lesson) involves the use of the Pearson ActiveTeach worksheets, but could easily be replaced by other worksheets/tasks
Edexcel CP12b Energy and Changes of State

Edexcel CP12b Energy and Changes of State

CP12b lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about energy and changes of state. The lesson includes what thermal energy is, factors affecting amount of thermal energy stored, insulation, specific heat capacity, explaining heating curves and specific latent heat.
Edexcel CC15a Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

Edexcel CC15a Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

CC15a lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about exothermic and endothermic reactions. The lesson includes what exothermic and endothermic reactions are, reaction profiles for exothermic and endothermic reactions and examples of both reactions.
Edexcel CB5b Non-Communicable Diseases

Edexcel CB5b Non-Communicable Diseases

CB5b lesson from the new Edexcel science GCSE, looking at non-communicable diseases. The lesson includes what non-communicable diseases are, types of non-communicable diseases, what malnutrition is, examples of deficiency diseases, the effects of alcohol on the body and looking at alcohol data and the effect on society.