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Gail Hennessey's Teacher Emporium

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I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.




I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.
Middle Ages: Travel Back to Medieval Times!(A Unit of Study)

Middle Ages: Travel Back to Medieval Times!(A Unit of Study)

Did you know that the salute dates back to the time when knights would lift their visors to show who they were? Did you know that the carousel was originally a training tool for those hoping to become knights or that people actually placed live birds in a pie(Sing a Song of Sixpence)?This unit includes notes, lots of activities and resources on the Middle Ages!
Let's Explore the Middle East! A Webquest

Let's Explore the Middle East! A Webquest

The region of the Middle East is in the news. Introduce your students to this region of the world with this informative webquest! Additionally, I have included several extension activities.It would be a great one day activity for before a vacation or for an enrichment activity or for a unit of study on this part of the world. There are 15 webquestions.
Crusades: A Visit with Sir Bartholomew, A Crusader(Reader's Theater Script)

Crusades: A Visit with Sir Bartholomew, A Crusader(Reader's Theater Script)

Learn about the Crusades with this fun and informative play. Students will have fun acting out the different parts, especially those of Sir Bartholomew. There are 10 audience questioners. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series, the format is that of a talk show host with a studio audience that ask Ms. Bie Ografee’s guest questions about the time period. Included: cause, different crusades(ie: People’s Crusade, Children’s Crusade and the Third Crusade) and the important results of this period in history. There is a DiD You Know? fun facts,comprehension questions, a teacher section with extension activities and links I thought might be of interest to the teacher. There is also a key to the comprehension questions.
Julius Caesar: A Reading Passage Activity

Julius Caesar: A Reading Passage Activity

This resource is part of my series, “Let’s Meet…” famous people in ancient history. With this biographical reading passage, students will learn about Julius Caesar, Famous Leader of Ancient Rome and One of the Greatest Military Leaders in History. There is a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions and a teacher page with extensions and links. My Let’s Meet… series is growing. Currently, I also have the following in the series: Hatshepsut, Ramses, Socrates, Hammurabi, Aesop and Hannibal, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Archimedes and more
Harriet Tubman(A Reader's Theater Script)

Harriet Tubman(A Reader's Theater Script)

Use this informative Reader’s Theater Script to learn about Harriet Tubman, ex-slave who became the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad, a Union Spy and women’s suffrage advocate. The fun/informative play uses the format of three historians being guests on Ms. Bie Ografee’s talk show and the studio audience asks questions to the Historians to learn about the life of Harriet Tubman. Great for Black History Month,unit on the Civil War,or Women’s History Month. Comprehension questions/extension activities, key. Kids get a chance to “ham” it up and try out their acting skills!
American Revolutionary War: A Visit with A Tory(Reader's Theater Script)

American Revolutionary War: A Visit with A Tory(Reader's Theater Script)

During the American Revolution, Tories supported the British in the war. Loyalists, the King’s Friends and Royalists were other names for those that took sides with the British. Students will learn about what it was like to be a Tory during the American Revolutionary War. Joshua Crabtree(fictitious character) is a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show where studio audience ask questions . 10 questioners, Did You Know? section, comprehension questions, teacher page with extensions,key and more. Other resources: 1. Revolutionary Female Spies: American Revolution/ Revolutionary War: Studying the 13 Colonies? This resource would work great for such a unit of study. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee’s Reader’s Theater Scripts, this play about the Culper Spy Ring and specifically, Agent 355, one of the female member of the organization! During the Revolutionary War, the Culper Spy Ring was organized to work to defeat the British. Agent 355 and other members of the spy organization were very important in the colonists being victorious in the War for Independence from England. Although Agent 355’s real name remains a mystery, she was one of the women spies who showed that patriotism has no gender! Secret codes, invisible ink, LAUNDRY used to communicate messages, what spies did during the Revolutionary war, lots of information is weaved into Agent 355 being a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show with the studio audience asking her questions. Also great for an activity during Women’s History Month or any time you are looking for a fun/informative play to use with your students! Lots of extension activities, links, a Did You Know Fact section, comprehension questions and the key are also included. 2. Use this Reader’s Theater Script to learn about our 3rd President, Thomas Jefferson. Using the format of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series, Jefferson is a guest on the show and audience members ask questions of her guest, Thomas Jefferson. In addition to lots of interesting information, there is a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions and a teacher page with extension activities, additional links and the key. The resource can be a one day activity or over several days if you decide to do some of the activities: 3. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee series of plays, this Reader’s Theater Script is on the “Father of the Constitution”, James Madson(1751-1836), and his sharing with students the history of the writing of the Constitution. Madison who would become the 4th President of the United States(1809-1817)), played a very important role in the forming of our US Constitution. In addition to being a delegate, he introduced the first additions to the Constitution(amendments) which came to be known as the Bill of Rights. With 13 audience questioners, a Did You Know Section, comprehension questions, a Teacher Page with extension activities, key and additional links.
Greeks! Let's Learn about the Greeks and Greece(A Unit of Study/Activites/Links)

Greeks! Let's Learn about the Greeks and Greece(A Unit of Study/Activites/Links)

Covering the Ancient Greeks? This unit on Ancient Greece includes notes, lots of activities and resources I used with my students. Did you know that the ancient Greeks played with a yo-yo about 3000 years ago or that in the city of Athens, ancient Greeks sold snow cones that were mixed with honey and fruit? Also, check out my Greece(A Country in Focus Webquest).
Phoenicians: Sea Traders of the Ancient World(Unit with notes, activities and links)

Phoenicians: Sea Traders of the Ancient World(Unit with notes, activities and links)

This product covers an introduction to the Phoenicians and their contributions to the world(Alphabet,color purple, first sea traders).Notes, extension activities and links and several comprehension questions, too. Depending on how many activities you’d like to do, the mini unit could take 2-3 days. I also have a review activity on the Phoenicians and a reading passage activity on Hannibal and Hanno.
Rosa Parks(Reader's Theater Script)

Rosa Parks(Reader's Theater Script)

Learn about Rosa Parks with this Reader’s Theater Script. Rosa Parks is a guest on a talk show and the studio audience asks questions about her life and contributions and how her bus ride helped to change history! There are 8 questioners, a Did You Know? fun fact section, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities, the key and additional links. Kids get a chance to "ham"it up and act out roles in this fun/informative play.
Prehistoric Man: Mini Unit/Webquest

Prehistoric Man: Mini Unit/Webquest

This mini-unit on Prehistoric cultures will assist the classroom teacher in presenting this topic of history to students.In addition to an overview and notes, lots of additional resources and activities are included. 12 question web quest,too! Did you know that historians say the needle was a tremendous advance for early man?Enabled clothes to be more form fitting to protect from winter cold!
Famous Games of Ancient Greece(Webquest)

Famous Games of Ancient Greece(Webquest)

Learn about the history of the famous games which began in ancient Greece, both past and present with this informative webquest. There are 15 questions as well a number of fun facts.Extension activities are also included(and the key).The webquest can be completed in one class period and is geared for upper elementary and middle school students.Can be used before a vacation, for a Friday activity or if you are studying the ancient Greeks. Updated for Paris 2024 Games. The famous games started in the country of Greece. Use this nine question web quest to learn about the country of Greece. Learn about Greece, a Webquest. I also have several resources on China( including a unit of study, a webquest and a reading passage/activity on the Great Wall of China.
Inauguration Day! A History(Webquest)

Inauguration Day! A History(Webquest)

What is this event in the USA called an “Inauguration”? Taking the oath of office, a big parade and evening balls, Inauguration Day is a very busy day for the incoming President! There are 11 web questions, a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions and extension activities. This resource would be a great activity for around Inauguration Day to learn all about the history and festivities surrounding our country’s inauguration procedures. It could be used as a Friday activity or when you are studying US Government and for Presidents’ Weekend. UPDATED for 2025.
California Gold Rush: A Reader's Theater Script

California Gold Rush: A Reader's Theater Script

Another Reader’s Theater Script in my Ms. Bie Ografee series! Students will learn lots of information about the California Gold Rush with this play, A Visit with Murdoch McLeary, A Gold Prospector during the California Gold Rush. There are 9 audience questioners supplying information and asking questions of Ms Bie Ografee’s guest. There is a Did You Know? fun facts section about the time, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities, additional links of interest and the key. Great as an introduction to this time period, as an enrichment or review activity or just as a fun/informative play to do with your students on a Friday or before a vacation. Check out my other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Sacagawea, Sequoia, Elizabeth Blackwell, Abraham Lincoln, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen, Susan B. Anthony, William Shakespeare, Love Brewster(one of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower), interview with McSean, a leprechaun, interview with Sarsaparilla,a groundhog.More to be added…
Martin Luther King: A Biographical Play(Reader's Theater Script)

Martin Luther King: A Biographical Play(Reader's Theater Script)

Martin Luther King Jr. A Biographical Play: Learn about this important civil rights leader who worked for equality in non-violent ways. Martin Luther King envisioned a world where the color of your skin did not determine a person’s value and civil rights! He was also a excellent orator whose " I Have a Dream Speech" is probably his most famous. Using this Reader’s Theater Script, part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show series of plays, your students will have fun acting out the parts and learning about the life of Martin Luther King, as they pretend to be in the audience of Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show. There are 10 audience informational questioners, a Did You Know? section of additional facts, comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension questions, vocabulary(which are highlighted in the play), additional links and the key. I also have similar plays on Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, the Tuskegee Airmen, Rosa Parks and Bessie Coleman. I have many other plays,too, including Sacagawea, Sequoia, Thomas Edison,Michelangelo, DaVinci, Susan B. Anthony, Simon: Victim of the Black Death, McSean: a Leprechaun, Interview with a Groundhog,Elizabeth Blackwell, Revolutionary War Female Spy, California Gold Rush Prospector and more. Please consider becoming a follower of mine. Thanks! Gail Hennessey
Black Death: A Reader's  Theater Script

Black Death: A Reader's Theater Script

Use this informative Reader’s Theater Script to learn about the Black Death, a disease that killed almost 1/2 the population of Europe(1347-1351). The fun/informative play uses the format of Simon, a victim of the Black Death being a guest on Ms. Bie Ografee’s talk show. A studio audience asks questions about his experiences during the time(the medical beliefs,cause, the effects the Black Death had on Europe, etc.Great for study on the Middle Ages or science unit on bacteria/contagious diseases.
Life on the Homefront during World War 2(DBQ)

Life on the Homefront during World War 2(DBQ)

A DBQ activity uses primary sources. Sources can include diaries,posters, music, news articles from the time, anything written by those who participated in or witnessed an event in history. Students review the given documents and use many cognitive skills in processing what they see and read. After gathering information using the documents, students develop an essay answering a question, in this case, “Describe Life on the Home Front During World War 2”, citing several of the documents reviewed. A teacher page includes the Key and suggestions for a rubric to grade the DBQ. If a teacher wishes to use the activity as a web quest, suggestions are also given. I also have a similar activity on Life of a Japanese-American Child living in an Internment Camp during WW2.
Vikings: Leif Eriksson and Erik the Red(Reader's Theater Script)

Vikings: Leif Eriksson and Erik the Red(Reader's Theater Script)

Leif Eriksson Day is October 9th. There are different spellings for his name. Studying the Vikings? Looking for a Reader’s Theater Script in Social Studies? Check out this script on the Vikings and Leif Ericsson and his father, Erik the Red. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series of plays, Leif Ericsson and his father, Eric the Red are guests on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show. They share information about their lives and the Vikings. There is a Did You Know? section of fun facts, reading comprehension questions and a teacher section with lots of extension activities, links and the key. Other plays in the Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show Series: The Constitution(A Visit with James Madison, “Father of the Constitution”),Dr. Seuss, A Visit with Josh Crabtree, A Tory during the American Revolutionary War, Charles Dickens, Johnny Appleseed, Albert Einstein, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Bessie Coleman Sacagawea, George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Sequoia, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Tuskegee Airmen, Susan B. Anthony, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, an interview with a groundhog, an interview with a leprechaun, an interview with Simon, victim of the Black Death, An Interview with Agent 355, a female agent in the Culper Spy Ring(Revolutionary War), Interview with a 49er from the California Gold Rush , Albert Einstein, Rachel Carson, Katherine Johnson and more. I also have related resources on the Middle Age, a play on Christopher Columbus, the Black Death and Marco Polo and an internet activity(web quest) on the Age of Discovery.
Pilgrims: A Reader's Theater Script

Pilgrims: A Reader's Theater Script

A Ms.Bie Ograffee Reader’s Theater Script, an interview with Love Brewster, a Pilgrim of Plymouth Colony.Love was an actual member of the 102 Pilgrims that came to America. He was about nine years old. The play includes info on Mayflower, first winter and Thanksgiving feast. Fun facts,Comprehension questions, extension activities, links.
Bessie Coleman: Aviator!(A Reader's Theater Script)

Bessie Coleman: Aviator!(A Reader's Theater Script)

Use this informative Reader’s Theater Script to learn about Bessie Coleman. Bessie was the first African American female pilot in the U.S. A. AND the first AMERICAN to receive an international pilot’s license! Comprehension questions/extension activities, key. Kids get a chance to try out their acting skills!
New Year's Eve Webquest!Learn about the history of New Year's around the world

New Year's Eve Webquest!Learn about the history of New Year's around the world

Learn about the history of New Year’s with this fun/informative web quest. There are nine questions, lots of interesting customs of how people celebrate New Year’s around the world, comprehension questions, extension activities and the key. Great activity for reading for information and research/computer skills. Included are also other holiday New Year’s celebrations including Diwali, Chinese New Year, Songkran and Rosh Hashanah. The resources also mentions how April Fool’s Day originated over when to celebrate New Year’s!