Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Managing Diversity is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department.
Employing and properly managing a diverse workforce is a challenge for most organizations. In the United States, we are faced with a growingly diverse population, which has necessitated changes in how we look at employees. With the push in the 1960’s toward civil rights, and the women’s movement, managers are now more aware of the needs of special groups. However, diversity isn’t always black or white, male or female. There are many aspects of diversity that a manager must consider. These topics, along with the management initiatives to better manage diversity are presented in this lecture.
Learning Objectives of this lecture are:
Define workplace diversity and explain why managing it is so important.
• Develop your skill at valuing and working with diverse individuals and teams.
Describe the changing workplaces in the United States and around the world.
Explain the different types of diversity found in workplaces.
Discuss the challenges managers face in managing diversity.
Describe various workplace diversity management initiatives.
• Know how to find a great sponsor/mentor and be a great protégé.
In this file you will find:
1 Managing Diversity Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Lecture Note Guide
1 Test Bank with 115 different questions with full answer description and explanation
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them
1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions
1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 Folder with relevant useful pictures
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All resources are compressed in Zip File.
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Writing Negative Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module.
This Lecture continues the discussion of brief message types with a look at negative (“bad-news”) messages. Students will get practice with both the direct and indirect approaches in a variety of specific message scenarios. A particular point of emphasis in this lecture is helping students understand that negative messages don’t have to be—and in fact should not be—delivered in a negative way. By maintaining a focus on ethics, etiquette, and audience needs, bad news can be delivered in ways that are sensitive and professional while still being effective.
Learning Objectives:
Apply the three-step writing process to negative messages.
Explain how to use the direct approach effectively when conveying negative news.
Explain how to use the indirect approach effectively when conveying negative news.
Explain the importance of maintaining high standards of ethics and etiquette when delivering negative messages
Describe successful strategies for sending negative messages on routine business matters.
List the important points to consider when conveying negative organizational news.
Describe successful strategies for sending negative employment-related messages.
In this file you will find:
1 Writing Negative Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation
1 Folder with relevant pictures
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Employee Testing and Selection is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module.
The purpose of this Lecture is to explain how to use various tools to select the best candidate for the job. The main topics we’ll cover include the selection process, basic testing techniques, backgound and reference checks, ethical and legal questions in testing, types of tests, and work samples and simulations.
Interesting Issues:
Google job candidates used to have a dozen or more grueling interviews. But, with Google hiring thousands of people annually, this selection process proved too slow. Now Google uses just four to five interviews, but lets all its employees express opinions on each candidate by email, using what it calls “crowdsourcing.” The changes speed up hiring and bring Google’s hiring policies more in line with its fast-growth strategy.
Learning Objectives:
Answer the question: Why is it important to test and select employees?
Explain what is meant by reliability and validity.
List and briefly describe the basic categories of selection tests, with examples.
Explain how to use two work simulations for selection.
Describe four ways to improve an employer’s background checking process.
In this file you will find:
1 Employee Testing and Selection Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation
3 Case Studies with all answers to them
10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 Interesting Exercise
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
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THE POLITICAL AND LEGAL ENVIRONMENTS FACING BUSINESS is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
When firms source, produce, and/or market products in foreign countries, they encounter dynamic and challenging political and legal environments. This lecture provides a conceptual foundation for the examination of the political and legal dimensions of international business operations. It compares major political regimes, discusses their potential influence upon the development of effective business strategies, and considers the relevance of political risk. The lecture also examines the major types of legal systems that exist today, as well as the strategic and operational concerns they pose. It concludes with a discussion of intellectual property rights and the associated challenges confronted in an age of globalization.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Discuss the philosophy and practices of the political system
• Profile trends in contemporary political systems
• Describe current trends in political ideologies and their implications to MNE’s choices
• Explain political risk management
• Compare the relative benefits and drawbacks of proactive versus passive political risk management
• Discuss the principles and practices of the legal environment
• Profile trends in contemporary legal systems
• Identify and describe key legal issues facing international companies
In this file you will find:
1 The Political and Legal Environments Facing Business Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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Strategies for International Business is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
This lecture presents tools and concepts used in analyzing and formulating international business strategy. First, the relationship between industry structure and competition in global industries is examined. Next, value chain analysis is used to identify the internal capabilities of the firm that can be leveraged to create competitive advantage. Effective international strategy depends greatly on the proper configuration and management of a company’s global value chain. The sometimes-conflicting demands of global integration versus local responsiveness are examined. Finally, a typology of strategic alternatives including multidomestic, international, global, and transnational strategies is presented.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Evaluate industry structure, firm strategy, and value creation
• Profile the features and functions of the value chain
• Assess how managers configure and coordinate a value chain
• Explain global integration and local responsiveness
• Profile the types of strategies MNEs use
In this file you will find:
1 Strategies for International Business Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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The Organization of International Business is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
Structuring organizations is a complex task made even more complex when those organizations span national boundaries. This lecture examines the ways in which firms group their operations in order to implement their strategies and control processes, as well as the role of organizational culture. The lecture begins with a discussion of the principles of organization and then explores the dynamics of various organizational structures. It considers the trade-offs between centralizing and decentralizing the decision-making process and discusses the various mechanisms that can be used to help ensure control measures are in fact implemented. The lecture concludes with an examination of organization in special situations such as acquisitions and shared ownership as well as the role of legal structures.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Profile the evolving process of organizing a company for international business
• Describe the features of classical structures
• Describe the features of neoclassical structures
• Discuss the systems used to coordinate and control international activities
• Profile the role and characteristics of organization culture
In this file you will find:
1 The Organization of International Business Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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Managing the External Environment and the Organization’s Culture is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department.
The components of an organization’s culture are as complex as the different aspects of an individual’s personality. Today’s managers must understand how the force of an organization’s internal and external environments may influence, and sometimes constrain, its productivity.
Future Managers must realize that organizational culture and organizational environment have important implications for the way an organization is managed. Both organizational culture and external forces that can shape an organization are explored in order to gain a better under-standing of the complexities presented by internal and external environments.
Learning Objectives of this lecture are:
Contrast the actions of managers according to the omnipotent and symbolic views.
Describe the constraints and challenges facing managers in today’s external environment.
• Develop your skill at scanning the environment so you can anticipate and interpret changes taking place.
Discuss the characteristics and importance of organizational culture.
• Know how to read and assess an organization’s culture.
Describe current issues in organizational culture.
In this file you will find:
1 Managing the External Environment and the Organization’s Culture Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Lecture Note Guide
1 Test Bank with 116 different questions with full answer description and explanation
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
5 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them
1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions
1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 Folder with relevant useful pictures
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All resources are compressed in Zip File.
Project Management is a lecture which is covered within the Operation Management Module which is covered by Bachelor and Master Level Students.
Project management one of the crucial topics in the operation management module. Project management is important for future managers and must to be covered by business students.
Learning objectives:
Use a Gantt chart for scheduling
Draw AOA and AON networks
Complete forward and backward passes for a project
Determine a critical path
Calculate the variance of activity times
Crash a project
In this File you will find:
Project Management Lecture Power Point Presentation
Detailed Project Management Lesson Plan
Project Management Test Bank with answers
4 Case Studies and Videos to them with all Answers to them
18 Discussion Questions for Seminar with Answers
13 Exercises with all answers for Seminar or Lecture
Plus reading resource on Project Management in order to enhance you overall knowledge about the topic.
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All resources are compressed in zip file.
You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Managing Quality (quality management) is a lecture which is covered within the Operation Management Module which is covered by Bachelor and Master Level Students.
Quality, or the lack of quality, affects the entire organization from supplier to customer and from product design to maintenance. Perhaps more important, building an organization that can achieve quality is a demanding task.
Define quality and TQM
Describe the ISO international quality standards
Explain Six Sigma
Explain how benchmarking is used in TQM
Explain quality robust products and Taguchi concepts
Use the seven tools of TQM
In this file you will find:
• Management Quality Lecture power point presentation
• 4 Case studies with all answers
• 1 Ethical Exercise with answer
• Lecture Notes
• Test Bank with all answers (More than 100 different questions)
Managing Quality Lecture pack will help you to conduct brilliant lecture for your students. Moreover, it contains lots of case studies and exercises which will help you to practice covered materials. Finally, quality management test bank will help you to assess your student knowledge.
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Strategic Planning is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department.
In this lecture, we look at an important part of the planning that managers do: developing organizational strategies. Every organization has strategies for doing what it’s in business to do. And managers must manage those strategies effectively.
Effective managers recognize the role that strategic management plays in their organization’s performance. Throughout this lecture, students discover that good strategies can lead to high organizational performance.
Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture.
Learning Objectives of this lecture are:
Define strategic management and explain why it’s important.
Explain what managers do during the six steps of the strategic management process.
• Know how to identify your own personal strengths and weaknesses and deal with them.
• Develop your skill at strategic planning.
Describe the three types of corporate strategies.
Describe competitive advantage and the strategies organizations use to get it.
Discuss current strategic management issues.
In this file you will find:
1 Strategic Planning Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Lecture Note Guide
1 Test Bank with 131 different questions with full answer description and explanation
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them
2 Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions
1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 Folder with relevant useful pictures
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All resources are compressed in Zip File.
Global Manufacturing and Supply-Chain Management is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
Important objectives shared by the global manufacturing and supply chain functions are to simultaneously lower costs and increase quality by eliminating defects from both processes. This lecture examines supply chain networks to see how firms can manage the various links most effectively. The lecture begins by discussing global manufacturing strategy. It then moves on to explore supply chain management issues, quality standards, and supplier networks. The lecture concludes with a discussion of inventory management and the development of effective transportation networks.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Describe the different dimensions of a global manufacturing strategy
• Examine the elements of global supply-chain management
• Show how quality affects the global supply chain
• Describe how information technology is critical to an effective global supply chain
• Explain how quality affects global supply and effective inventory management
• Discuss how to establish successful transportation networks as part of the global supply chain
In this file you will find:
1 Global Manufacturing and Supply-Chain Management Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
6 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department.
How important is it for organizations and managers to be socially responsible and ethical? In this lecture, we’re going to look at what it means to be socially responsible and ethical and what role managers play in both. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture.
You make choices every day: Your boss asks you to do something questionable; you see a colleague doing something that violates a company rule or policy; you think about calling in sick because it’s a beautiful day, and boy oh boy do you need a day off; you need to make copies of some personal documents and the company copier isn’t monitored by anyone; you need to get some bills paid online and your boss is in meetings all day. Choices, choices, choices. What do you do?
Learning Objectives of this lecture are:
Discuss what it means to be socially responsible and what factors influence that decision.
Explain green management and how organizations can go green.
Discuss the factors that lead to ethical and unethical behavior.
• Develop your skill at creating trust in work groups.
Describe management’s role in encouraging ethical behavior.
• Know how to make good decisions about ethical dilemmas.
Discuss current social responsibility and ethics issues.
In this file you will find:
1 Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Lecture Note Guide
1 Test Bank with 122 different questions with full answer description and explanation
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them
1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions
1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 Folder with relevant useful pictures
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All resources are compressed in Zip File.
The Economic Environments Facing Businesses is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
When companies source, manufacture, and/or market products in foreign countries, they encounter fascinating and often challenging economic environments. This Lecture first explores the economic environments of countries in which an MNE might want to operate by discussing the importance of economic analysis and identifying the major dimensions of that process. It then compares and contrasts key macroeconomic indicators, such as economic growth, inflation, and the surpluses and deficits reflected in the balance of payments. Finally, it reviews the characteristics of the major types of economic systems, explores the principles of economic freedom, and concludes by examining the drivers associated with the transition from a centrally-planned to a market-based economy.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Communicate the importance of economic analysis
• Discuss the idea of economic freedom
• Profile the characteristics of the types of economic systems
• Introduce the notion of state capitalism
• Profile indicators of economic development, performance, and potential
In this file you will find:
1 The Economic Environments Facing Businesses Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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Global Foreign-Exchange Markets is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
The foreign-exchange market consists of all those players who buy and sell foreign-exchange instruments for business, speculative, or personal purposes. Primarily, foreign exchange is used to settle international trade, licensing, and investment transactions. Chapter Eight explains in detail basic concepts (such as rates, instruments, and convertibility) and explores the major characteristics of the foreign-exchange markets. The chapter includes a discussion of the foreign-exchange trading process that focuses on both the over-the-counter and the exchange-traded markets, i.e., banks, securities exchanges, electronic brokerages, and the respective roles they play.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Learn the fundamentals of foreign exchange
• Identify the major characteristics of the foreign-exchange market and how governments control the flow of currencies across national borders
• Describe how the foreign-exchange market works
• Examine the different institutions that deal in foreign exchange
• Understand why companies deal in foreign exchange
In this file you will find:
1 Global Foreign-Exchange Markets Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
5 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
7 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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International Accounting and Finance Issues is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
The international accounting and taxation functions comprise great challenges for today’s global business managers. This lecture presents the key accounting and taxation issues confronting firms that do business abroad. First, the lecture examines the ways in which national accounting systems differ and how today’s global capital markets force countries to consider the harmonization of their accounting and reporting standards. It then explores a number of unique issues MNEs face, such as the valuation and translation of transactions and assets that are denominated in foreign currencies. The lecture concludes with an examination of the impact of transfer pricing on business unit performance evaluation and an explanation of the balanced scorecard approach to performance evaluation.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Examine the major factors influencing the development of accounting practices in different countries
• Examine the global convergence of accounting standards
• Explain how companies account for foreign-currency transactions and translate foreign-currency financial statements
• Explain how companies include international factors in the capital budgeting process
• Discuss the major internal sources of funds available to the MNE and show how they are managed globally
• Describe how companies protect against the major financial risks of inflation and exchange rate movements
In this file you will find:
1 International Accounting and Finance Issues Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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GLOBAL CAPITAL MARKETS is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
Firms that invest and operate abroad access both debt and equity capital in large global markets as well as in local markets. Chapter Ten highlights the external sources of funds available to MNEs, as well as the internal sources that come from interfirm linkages. It first explores global debt markets, global equity markets, and offshore financial centers. Then the types of foreign-exchange risk and the hedging strategies associated with foreign-exchange risk management are discussed. The chapter concludes with a discussion of international capital budgeting decisions and tax issues facing MNEs.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Describe the finance function and how it fits in the MNE’s organizational structure
• Show how capital structure varies internationally
• Describe the different ways to access debt internationally
• Show how companies can raise capital on stock markets outside their home countries
• Highlight some of the tax issues facing MNEs
• Explore how offshore financial centers are used to raise funds and manage cash flows
In this file you will find:
1 Global Capital Markets Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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Management History is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department.
In this lecture, we’re going to take a trip back in time to see how the field of study called management has evolved. What you’re going to find out is that today’s managers still use many elements of the historical approaches to management.
Since the birth of modern management theory in the early 1900s, management experts have developed theories to help organizations and their managers coordinate and oversee work activities as effectively and efficiently as possible. In presenting the history of modern management, this supplement explores the evolution of management thought and practice during the twentieth century. Students discover how knowledge of management history can help us better understand current management practices while avoiding some mistakes of the past.
Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture.
**Learning Objectives of this lecture are: **
Describe some early management examples.
Explain the various theories in the classical approach.
Discuss the development and uses of the behavioral approach.
Describe the quantitative approach.
Explain the various theories in the contemporary approach.
In this file you will find:
1 Management History Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 117 different questions with full answer description and explanation
10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
2 Interesting Exercise related to the topic
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 Folder with relevant useful pictures
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Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department.
Change is a constant for organizations and thus for managers. Because change cannot be eliminated, managers must learn how to manage it successfully. Because innovation is often closely tied to an organization’s change efforts, managers must know how to manage it as well.
Change takes us out of our comfort zone. But to survive and thrive in your career, you are going to have to be change ready. As you’ll see throughout this lecture, change is inevitable. So, the more easily you can adapt… the more successful, appreciated, and happier you’ll be. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture.
Learning Objectives of this lecture are:
Describe making the case for change.
Compare and contrast views on the change process.
Classify areas of organizational change.
Explain how to manage change.
• Know how to be change ready by overcoming your resistance to change.
Discuss contemporary issues in managing change.
• Develop your skill in change management so you can serve as a catalyst for change.
Describe techniques for stimulating innovation.
Explain why managing disruptive innovation is important.
In this file you will find:
1 Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Lecture Note Guide
1 Test Bank with 142 different questions with full answer description and explanation
8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them
1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions
1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 Folder with relevant useful pictures
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All resources are compressed in Zip File.
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THE DETERMINATION OF EXCHANGE RATES is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students.
From a managerial point of view, it is critical to understand how exchange-rate movements influence business decisions and operations. This lecture first describes the International Monetary Fund and the role it plays in exchange-rate determination. Next the lecture examines the various types of exchange-rate regimes countries may choose, as well as the role central banks play in the currency valuation process. It then presents the theories of purchasing power parity, the Fisher Effect, and the International Fisher Effect and discusses their contributions to the explanation of exchange-rate movements. The lecture concludes with a brief examination of the potential effects of exchange-rate fluctuations on business operations.
Lecture Learning Objectives:
• Describe the International Monetary Fund and its role in the determination of exchange rates
• Discuss the major exchange-rate arrangements that countries use
• Explain how the European Monetary System works and how the euro became the currency of the euro zone
• Identify the major determinants of exchange rates
• Show how managers try to forecast exchange-rate movements
• Explain how exchange-rate movements influence business decisions
In this file you will find:
1 The Determination of Exchange Rates Lecture Power Point Presentation
1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture
1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations
4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar
6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them
1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge
1 folder with useful pictures
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Design of Goods and Services is a lecture which is covered within the Operation Management Module which is covered by Bachelor and Master Level Students.
Learning objectives:
Define product life cycle
Describe a product development system
Build a house of quality
Explain how time-based competition is implemented by OM
Describe how goods and services are defined by OM
Describe the documents needed for production
Explain how the customer participates in the design and delivery of services
Apply decision trees to product issues
In this File you will find:
Design of Goods and Services Lecture Power Point Presentation
Detailed Design of Goods and Services Lesson Plan
Design of Goods and Services Test Bank with answers (more than 100 Questions)
2 Case Studies with all Answers to them and plus 2 videos
18 Discussion Questions for Seminar with Answers
27 Exercises with all answers for Seminar or Lecture
Plus reading resource on Design of Goods and Services in order to enhance you overall knowledge about the topic.
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All resources are compressed in zip file.
You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
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