Hero image




OCR Classical Civilisations: Imperial Image Revision Guide

OCR Classical Civilisations: Imperial Image Revision Guide

The following revision guide has been designed for OCR Classical Civilisations: Imperial Image and is intended for use by AS and A-Level students. It covers all five sections of the course: Octavian Comes to Rome Power Struggle Augustus’ Reign Augustus’ Legacy Later Representations of Augustus At the end of the guide, there are: Test Yourself Revision Questions Exam Overview Timeline Example Essay Questions that are listed from previous exam papers which students can complete Glossary List of Prescribed Sources Key Individuals It has been attached as both a PDF and Word Document
Imperial Image Folder Dividers

Imperial Image Folder Dividers

Folder dividers broken down into each of the five topic areas for OCR’s AS/A-Level specification for ‘Imperial Image.’ It is broken down into the relevant themes, with a list of both prescribed and additional sources.
Homer's Odyssey  (OCR Classical Civilisations 9-1) Revision

Homer's Odyssey (OCR Classical Civilisations 9-1) Revision

This booklet provides an overview of Homer’s Odyssey for the GCSE OCR Specification for the ‘Homeric World’ paper. It covers: Literary Techniques and Composition Themes Character of Odysseus Portrayal of Key Characters There is a glossary of key terms, a summary of key characters and an exam overview. There are also accompanying essay plans (fill-in) and summary sheets.
World of the Hero Revision Bundle - Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid

World of the Hero Revision Bundle - Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid

17 Resources
This revision bundle has been designed for A-Level students studying OCR’s specification for ‘World of the Hero’ (Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid). The bundle includes: Exemplar essays (high-attaining) Theme and character sheets to help with reading the epic Scholarship
World of the Hero - Exam Overview Sheet

World of the Hero - Exam Overview Sheet

This is an A3 sheet that summarises how best to approach the questions for the OCR AS/A-Level specification for ‘World of the Hero,’ with a breakdown of what each question requires and what should be incoorporated.
GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Festivals Summary Notes

GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Festivals Summary Notes

Condensed notes for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Myth and Religion’. Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes Covers every point on the current OCR specification Exam Questions (knowledge and essay-based) with what to include to gain marks
Key Sites: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser

Key Sites: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser

Designed for students to use who are studying/following the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification, covering 2.1:Key Sites (Literature and Culture: Mycenaean Age). Image Citation: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/db332f8445c5367fc760c1b03c4397267dee6b4d/0_286_3467_2081/master/3467.jpg?width=700&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=9f88ff16c30ffc7707307573b2f90987
Describing Dido: Vocabulary

Describing Dido: Vocabulary

A list of ambitious vocabulary and short definitions of words in relation to the characterisation of Dido. Hopefully this is useful for students aiming for the top grades.
Dido Revision Sheet/Placemat

Dido Revision Sheet/Placemat

Revision sheet covering the character of Dido in Virgil’s Aeneid, covering various aspects of her characterisation and links to historical context and other characters The themes covered include: Dido as a Victim of the Gods Dido as a Victim of Aeneas’ Duty/Fate Dido’s Leadership Dido’s Relationship with Anna/How Dido is a Victim of Anna Examples of How Sympathy can be Evoked for Dido How Dido Resembles and Contrasts Aeneas Dido’s Resemblance to Cleopatra