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Creating detailed KS3 & KS4 resources tailored to improve student skills and knowledge as well as strengthen learning attributes such as teamwork, resilience, communication, independence and problem solving.




Creating detailed KS3 & KS4 resources tailored to improve student skills and knowledge as well as strengthen learning attributes such as teamwork, resilience, communication, independence and problem solving.
Soldiers of the British Empire

Soldiers of the British Empire

A KS3 History lesson looking at the contributions of soliders from across the British Empire. Students will investigate the motivation for joining the war effort and the problems faced for these soldiers. Slide 6 has sensitive language, please review before teaching.
Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

A KS3 lesson on Remembrance Day. It focuses on the later years of the war, the cost of the conflict and how the dead were/are honoured. Questions are presented to the students throughout the Powerpoint.
Weapons of the First World War

Weapons of the First World War

A lesson on the weapons used within the First World War. Artillery, machine guns, grenades, aircraft, rifles all mentioned amongst other things. Best way to teach this lesson is a carousel/information hunt where you print off the weapons and the students discover their impact on life in the trenches.
The Great War

The Great War

A lesson focusing on the long and short term causes of the First World War. Nationalism, Militarism, Imperialism and Alliances are looked at before turning attention to the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Ideal for KS3 (Years 7 to 9) as an introduction to the First World War as it sets the scene nicely. There are a number of written tasks included with the information.
UK Protests - Black Lives Matter PSHE

UK Protests - Black Lives Matter PSHE

KS3 & KS4 PSHE lesson on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. This lesson features the recent coverage of the protests carried out across Britain in the name of the Black Lives Matter movement. Students will watch videos, analyse photographs and participate in class discussion about the protests. This lesson is to encourage students to be a part of the solution and stand united with black people across the world, regardless of the students’ own heritage. This lesson is also online friendly so can be set as work for students who are remotely learning; instructions are clear and information is clearly signposted.
George Floyd - Black Lives Matter PSHE

George Floyd - Black Lives Matter PSHE

KS3 & KS4 PSHE lesson on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. This lesson features the recent coverage of the murder of George Floyd by police officers in the USA. Students will have access to videos and a mural dedicated to George Floyd and other black citizens who have needlessly lost their lives through unacceptable actions by people in positions of power. This lesson is to encourage students to be a part of the solution and stand united with black people across the world, regardless of the students’ own heritage. This lesson is also online friendly so can be set as work for students who are remotely learning; instructions are clear and information is clearly signposted.
20th Century History Word Bank

20th Century History Word Bank

A perfect accompaniment for a modern history (WW1 & WW2) scheme of work; this document contains over one hundred key words and phrases to be used within lessons. Ideal for spelling tests and starters.
PSHE Consent Lesson

PSHE Consent Lesson

PSHE Lesson aimed at Year 9 students on the topic of consent. Students will be given both real life and fictional examples where consent has not been given and the consequences. Students will watch a number of videos on the topic of consent; links are in the slide notes. There is a range of questions throughout the presentation which will provide more than enough work for an hours session. There is also a group activity included which puts consent into practice.
PSHE Strength and Skills Lesson

PSHE Strength and Skills Lesson

PSHE lesson designed for Year 7 students surrounding the topic of Strengths & Skills. Students will be put into groups and asked to complete tasks which aim to challenge skills and showcase their strengths. Students will complete word searches, sudoku puzzles, Maths treasure hunt, a Geography crossword, Blindfold drawing task & learning the first 10 numbers in Japanese. Students love the challenge and be sure to reward the team that acquires the most points; a bag of Haribos tends to go down well.
Introduction to Geographical Exploration

Introduction to Geographical Exploration

Basic KS3/4 Geography lesson introducing a new scheme of work on India. Students will be given classroom expectations to begin before heading into a starter activity about the growing population within India. Students will then watch a video (link in the notes) about the geographical location of India and complete a description using the prompts on the board. Students are then asked to complete a definition for the key words on the board before watching another video (another link in the notes) and completing a description of the physical geography of India. Homework is also provided on the last slide.
Ancient Cultures Scheme of Work

Ancient Cultures Scheme of Work

3 Resources
14 KS3/4 History lessons based on Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The lessons cover origins, government, health/medicine, religion and key individuals. Perfect for a complete half term of work.
Medicine in Ancient Rome

Medicine in Ancient Rome

KS3 History lesson on Medicine and Health in Ancient Rome. Students begin by recapping their knowledge on Ancient Greek medicine: Four Humours, Hippocrates, etc. Students will then be introduced to Galen and his achievements; comparing him to Hippocrates and how his work shaped medical study for the centuries to come. Students will then be split into teams to complete an information race. Students will be provided with information sheets and run back and forth in the classroom. Winning team with correct answers gets a prize. Once settled, after the race, students will judge how effective medicine in Ancient Rome was and showcase what they have absorbed during the information race. Answer sheets and questions (for teacher to print and cut out) are provided at the end of the powerpoint.
What is a Revolution?

What is a Revolution?

KS3 History lesson introducing the concept of revolution. Students will be told about the most notable Revolutions (French, American, Industrial and Russian) A modern day example of Football is there to use but is optional as well as a starter task based around the ‘digital revolution’ of today. Students begin to understand how a collective change in thoughts and actions brings about a revolution. Powerpoint contains a few slides to begin with about standards as this lesson is used at the start of a new term before heading on to the French Revolution.
Ancient Rome Mini Scheme of Work

Ancient Rome Mini Scheme of Work

Four KS3 lessons based on the Roman Empire. Lesson 1 covers the origins of Roman, with the myth of Romulus and Remus, as well as a task centred on Roman expansion and the Ancient Greeks. Lesson 2 covers how Rome was governed; with emphasis placed on the senate and the role of senators in Roman society. Lesson 3 focuses on Roman health, with students set in teams to competing to find the answers to questions using a variety of resources. Lesson 4 is a basic lesson covering the life of the famous Roman consul Julius Caesar.
How was Ancient Rome governed?

How was Ancient Rome governed?

History lesson on how Ancient Rome was governed. Students are to recap on previous knowledge on how the Ancient Greeks governed themselves. Students will then look at the various stages of Rome and how each stage was ruled differently and by different people. Students will then look, specifically, at the Senate with a two-sided information sheet to be printed and a questions sheet to be given to the students to direct them. An extension task is given to students to extend learning. Students will then look at the similarities and differences between the House of Commons (and MPs) today and compare it to the Roman Senate.
Rise of the Roman Empire

Rise of the Roman Empire

History lesson on the rise of the Roman Empire. Students will look at the geography of Rome in relation to the previous empires covered: Egyptian and Greek. Students will be given the story of Rome’s foundation with the myth of Romulus and Remus. Students will then be asked to complete a missing words task on the Roman Empire. Students will be then asked to write a letter drawing on their previous knowledge of the Greek Empire. They are to summarise the good aspects of Greek life to the Romans to ensure that their culture is not destroyed and rebellion does not occur.
The Plains Indians - Lakota Sioux

The Plains Indians - Lakota Sioux

An introductory lesson into the lives of the Plains Indians. Students will analyse the lifestyles of the Apache, Cheyenne and Lakota Sioux and complete a Venn diagram highlighting similarities and differences. Students will then investigate the Lakota Sioux as a focused Case Study: Home & Family, Leadership, Warfare and Beliefs are the aspects of Lakota Sioux life that the students will be made aware of. This is a great resource to use to begin looking at the American West; both at KS3 as a taster lesson or KS4 as the start of the GCSE curriculum.
Negative Effects of Social Media

Negative Effects of Social Media

A PSHE lesson on the positives and negatives of social media. Students are to answer questions in their groups, decide whether certain statements are true or false before watching a short clip on social media use. Students will finish by completing their own pledge to use social media responsibly and sparingly. Does use the term ‘bastard’ within the lesson resources. This can be easily removed.


A complete lesson on Puberty for KS3 & KS4. Two videos linked within slide show as well as venn diagram activity and the full 5 stages of puberty covered. Perfect for an hours lesson during PSHE.