Starter activity. 1 pupil faces the board, 1 faces away. Pupil facing the board has to describe the picture without using the words on the board.
Timer added to slide.
Two starter slides. One is a trapdoor activity where students have to read out the sentences, guessing the word in each cloud. You should choose the words before the task and students guess what you have chosen.
Second slide, students make sentences from the words and then try to extend them using weil.
Before playing this, choose one word from the clouds and write it on a piece of paper.
One student starts to read out the sentence and when they arrive at the cloud they guess which response is correct (on your paper). If right, they continue but if they get it wrong then another student takes over. They must start from the beginning each time. This ensures that all students are focused.
Can be altered for other MFL subjects or change the numbers to words or questions.
For Plouf- pupils have to get accross the river by jumping from one stone to another, saying the number as they go. If they hesitate they fall in and the class shout 'Plouf'
Pictures of weekly shopping in other countries. Pupils have to guess which countries they are and say what items they can see. I used this with a top set and asked them to pretend they were in one of the countries and say what they bought and ate last week and what they will buy and eat next week.