Resources included are as follows:
Alphabet letters with mini superman logos inside (A4)
Numbers 0-9 with mini superman logos inside (A4)
Question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop with mini superman logos inside (A4)
Alphabet letters on superman shield (A5)
Numbers 0-9 on superman shield (A5)
Question mark and exclamation mark on superman shields (A5)
Resources included are as follows:
Alphabet letters with superhero theme
Numbers 0-9 with superhero theme
Question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop with superhero theme
All A4 size.
Resources included are as follows:
Alphabet letters with mini wonder woman logos inside (A4)
Numbers 0-9 with mini wonder woman logos inside (A4)
Question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop with mini wonder woman logos inside (A4)
Resources included are as follows:
Alphabet letters with emoji theme
Numbers 0-9 with emoji theme
Question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop with emoji theme
All A5 size., They can easily be printed smaller or photocopied larger.
Resources included are as follows:
49 PDF or PPT files for you to print.
A range of alphabet flashcards – some plain, some patterned, some small, medium and large, several sets of character flashcards, A4 alphabet poster, Table top line, table mats to draw and colour, table mats with famous characters, Large set of letter A4 size flashcards with pictures, another set without pictures, A4 star shaped posters each with a different letter on, Mini pencils with letters on 8 per A4 page, 130 word cards – 5 for each letter of the alphabet
Alphabet bunting with pictures, another set of alphabet buntings with different patterns on each,
Alphabet mini cards to make words or sort into order, small set of cards for one to one work,
Bingo game with boards and selection cards, 2 sets of loop cards, Alphabet fans, alphabet game, Alliteration cards, handwriting cards showing how each letter is written,
Letter stencils, lucky dip game, play doh activity, certificate, badges, sack tag, folder cover, patterned display border, backing paper to print if needed,
Word and picture cards for simple words, odd one out posters for each letter of the alphabet, word cards with missing words and matching cards, 26 letter handwriting sheets, 26 word writing worksheets, writing booklet cover, lined paper with pink borders, plain paper with borders, long banner and large letters to head wall display
Resources included are as follows:
Pdf file for you to print.
100 colourful cards – each with a 2 minute challenge for children to complete.
4 cards per A4 page.
Challenges are suitable for all ages and you can pick which ones you prefer.
Challenges can be used as starter activities, plenary, or as simple gap fills.
Examples of challenges can be seen on the photo.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
All the signs showed on the signpost are included for you to print, cut and display similar to the example shown. Each sign is half an A4 page in size in landscape format. You can print them smaller or photocopy them larger.
Also there are 25 A5 preposition posters, each with the preposition, matching picture and example sentence.
Long banner to head wall display spelling ‘Prepositions’ is included too.
Also a picture of white wood grain is included to allow you to make the sign as small or large as you wish or use as backing paper if you wish.
Includes the follows:
1.54 A5 VISUAL TIMETABLE CARDS - Literacy, numeracy, wash hands, toilet, reading, writing, spellings, jobs, sleep, bikes, construction, small world, water, home corner, weather chart, scissor work, snack time, register, tidy up, sand box, pets and plants, communication, assembly, languages, home time, religion, your choice, science, role plays, history, gardening, painting, drawing, arts and crafts, jigsaws, design, play doh, music, emotions, play time, lunch time, computers, singing, swimming, carpet time, outdoors, story.
2.Also included is a long banner to head your timetable, an A4 poster for smaller displays, backing paper to print if needed, borders to edge wall display, and time cards to fill in the time to show children when they are doing each task (hands can be drawn on the clocks and digital times). Blank cards are also included for you to make your own should another topic need to be added in the future.
Each flashcard has the letter sound, 3 pictures, and 6-8 words.
Size A5.
Includes the following sounds: a-z, long a e i o u, long and short ea, ou, ar, ee, ow (down), ow (grow), aw, ch, sh, ur, air, wh, bl, sl, sn, st, str, au, ew, ir, oa, or, er, long and short oo, oi, oy, igh, th, ai, qu, ay, ear (beard), ear (bear), ph, ng, are (hare), a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e.
Resources included are as follows:
15 PDF files for you to print.
A range display materials to make an attractive display to remind children about their noise levels.
A3 voice levels chart as seen on advertisement photo
Extra large voice levels display – each level on an A4 sheet
Large numbers to display around the room with matching pictures – great to put with different activities to indicate the noise needed in this area.
Alternative version on posters for around the room with low ink capacity
Small numbers for display
Large letters to head display
Long banner for title
A4 title page
Table top noise levels reminder
Writing sheets to write about each noise level – great for all your class or for specific children
Writing and drawing frames
Display border
Bookmarks for silent reading
Includes the following letters and sounds:
a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
ai ar au aw ay ie ir oa ee er ew oe oi or ou ow oy ue ur spl igh ure ear str air bb bl ch ck cl cr ff gn ld le ll mp nd ng ph qu sh sl sn sp ss st sw th tt wh zz
long a long e long i
long o long u long x
long ea long oo
short oo short ea
Resources included are as follows:
PDF OR PPT files for you to print.
12 A4 rules posters to display in your classroom.
1 title page poster ‘FOLLOWING RULES’
All posters can be seen in the cover picture.
Posters can also be used on the whiteboard at the beginning of the term to refresh rules with pupils and set standards.
Also includes large lettering to head wall display.
Great resources for younger learners.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
8 A4 rules posters to display in your classroom
Can also be used on the whiteboard at the beginning of the term to refresh rules with pupils and set standards.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF OR PPT files for you to print. You could also use them on the IWB.
Over 60 colourful A5 word cards, each with a word missing and pictures for pupils to fill in the initial sound for each picture to spell the word.
All the words included are the ones listed in the National Curriculum for Year 2 exception words.
A file with answers is included for if needed.
Great for independent learning task, for work in groups, or as a whole class.
Suitable for Year 2 or catch up for struggling pupils. Also useful for children with special needs.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF or PPT files for you to print.
100 reward charts to print. Each with a different picture or slightly different design.
Most are sized A4 but there are some which are pocket sized.
A range of characters and other designs are included.
Also includes large lettering spelling ‘well done’ to head a wall display.
Resources included are as follows:
5 PDF files for you to print.
A great wall display or to use on your classroom door.
The sign includes everything you see on the advertisement photo and more.
1- ‘When you enter this room’
2- ‘YOU ARE’ – large lettering
3- 30 job roles such as writers, poets, scientists, safety officers etc
4 – 20 compliments such as unstoppable, amazing, special etc
5- ‘You are the reason we are here!’
Resources included are as follows:
1.40 animal flashcards showing a picture of the animal with it’s name in Romanian
2.40 food flashcards showing a picture of the food with the word in Romanian
3.10 A4 colour posters – showing the name of a colour and lots of different items in that colour
4.10 A5 size colour flashcards with colour splats and colour name in Romanian and English
5.Transport flashcards showing different transport such as car, taxi, bus etc in Romanian
6.Days of the week flashcards – 1 set of Romanian days and another set of English days each with colourful flag borders
7.Months of the year flashcards – 1 set of months in Romanian and another set of English
8.Number 1-10 in English and Romanian on large flags
Posters included are as follows:
1.Characteristics of effective learning title poster
2.Characteristics of effective learning overview poster in colour
3.Characteristics of effective learning overview poster in black and white
4.Active learning title poster
5.Active learning key points poster in colour
6.Active learning key points poster in black and white
7.Playing and exploring title poster
8.Playing and exploring key points poster in colour
9.Playing and exploring key points poster in black and white
10.Creating and thinking critically title poster
11.Creating and thinking critically key points poster in colour
12.Creating and thinking critically key points poster in black and white
13.Spotty border to edge display
14.Long banner to head display
15.Backing paper to print if needed
16.3 observation sheets to monitor the children
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
15 A4 rules posters to display in your classroom
Each poster shows a different way to be responsible.
All posters can be seen in the cover picture.
Posters can also be used on the whiteboard at the beginning of the term to refresh rules with pupils and set standards.