hcamburnLinear Graphs(0)Plotting linear graphs from tables of values, drawing linear graphs from their equation and writing the equation of a linear graph.
hcamburnTimes Table Worksheets - Multiplication and Division(0)Times table worksheets from 2’s to 10’s including where students need to use times table facts to divide.
hcamburnFactorising Quadratics(0)Factorising Quadratics without a coefficient of x^2. The worksheet is split three sections increasing slightly in difficulty.
hcamburnFunctions Machines - Linear Graphs(0)Function machine worksheet extending to simple linear graphs.
hcamburnPythagoras' Theorem Worksheet(0)Practice of Pythagoras’ Theorem (add and subtract questions).
hcamburnInequalities(0)Lots of practice on number lines (representing and writing the inequality shown) and writing the integers represented by an inequality.
hcamburnSimplifying Algebraic Indices(0)Simplifying Algebraic Indices worksheets covering the multiplication, division and powers rules.
hcamburnStandard Form(0)Standard Form - Exit tickets, Next Step Questions and Overall Assessment Paper
hcamburnFactorising - Exit tickets, Next step questions and overall assessment paper.(0)Factorising - Exit tickets, Next step questions and overall assessment paper.
hcamburnEquation of a line - y=mx + c(0)Practice of matching the equation of a straight line with graphs, writing the equation of a straight line using graphs and drawing graphs from the equation. Positive and negative gradients.
hcamburnMaths Christmas Quiz 2020(0)Two maths rounds with a mixture of questions and two non-maths rounds (observation and picture rounds).
hcamburnPrime factor decomposition - low ability worksheet(0)I have made this sheet to support students to access prime factor decomposition.
hcamburnCube numbers with pictures - match up activity(0)Cube numbers, cube roots and pictures to match up together for lower ability groups.
hcamburnSquare numbers, cube numbers and roots - low ability worksheets(0)I made these worksheets for my low ability KS3 class and they worked well for them.