He4therlouise's ShopAverage Rating3.93(based on 1925 reviews)An English and Sociology teacher in a large academy in Oxford. Edit shopAdd a resource
he4therlouiseDetective and Crime Scheme of Work Short term plan(0)Detective and Crime Scheme of Work semester plan.
he4therlouiseCluster Web: Sensory Language(0)Use this cluster web to plan for precise, sensory language. One Power Point slide; can be reproduced.
he4therlouiseDetective and Crime Lessons Language Skills Intro(0)Detective and Crime Lessons Language Skills Intro. Also includes writing activities on introductions to the teacher; effective openings; spelling; Postcards; Eye Witness Report; effective openings.t
he4therlouiseDetective and Crime Lessons Language Skills(0)Detective and Crime Lessons Language Skills
he4therlouiseMurder Hunt Speaking and Listening Group Work(0)Murder Hunt Speaking and Listening Group Work