A range of power points and worksheets designed to accompany teaching of Feminine Gospels. Some assessment tasks based on th new AQA Literature A level.
Next set of 4 complete lessons, with exemplar questions, notes on linking extracts with the play as a whole, test on language, form and structure vocabulary and specific focus on Romeo's character. Complete lessons with worksheets. Three possible exam style questions based on AQA guidelines and further detail on context.
Planning for the final assessment, a pre-test and a collection of 8 past paper style tests. Brilliant preparation for the new AQA Romeo and Juliet Literature question.
A great resource if you're teaching the post 1900 poetry for the new A level Literature syllabus. there are power points for almost every poem. This is great for long term cover, as a revision bundle or just to save teachers new to the syllabus load of work.
A comprehensive resource designed for KS3 but easily adapted for KS4 students. Chronological series of activities, debates and self assessment quizzes.
This is an invaluable resource that can be purchased for teachers of Year 11, 12 and 13 and students looking for revision guidance. This could also be used as an INSED for Teaching and Learning purposes as it outlines and summarises memory techniques from most recent psychological research. The PP summarises information from 6 books on educational research and learning/memorisation skills.
We all know that hours can be wasted on reading when students could be using time more meaningfully by utilising the most effective techniques. I say you DON’T need to spend 7 hours per day over Easter revising. Use this guide and you can revise effectively, relax and enjoy family life.
Comprehensive series of lessons with past paper style questions on both unseen and comparative unseen. Mark scheme and assessment objectives broken down into student friendly language. Tactics and skills outlined. Range of poems and poets included with brief biographical outlines. Also included - a generic and comprehensive guide to revising.
Pre-1900 poetry
Generic revision guide with detailed outline of how to create a timetable
Literary Terminology self testing and re-call quizzes
Everything you need for revision
A detailed power point for AQA A level English Literature comparison of Handmaid with Streetcar. This is designed as a revision resource for students to make links between the texts in preparation for a comparative essay. This resource can stand alone for students to use for personal revision, or can be used by teachers to guide students through thematic links. theres some contextual information as well as an essay planning model, some exemplar opening sentences and some potential timed essay titles.
complete A level English Literature resource bundle for revision. Many of these resources can be set for independent study or used for teacher led revision sessions. Poetry pre- 1900, Gatsby, Othello, Streetcar and Handmaid resources
A complete scheme of work for A level Literature, there are lessons on every scene of the play and also on contextual information.
There are guides to examination style questions and whole areas to support the exploration and study of the Tragic genre.
This is a fabulous resource, built up over years of teaching the play and demonstrating the years of experience and expertise of the writer.
Wonderful vocabulary tips and knowledge of characters and events.
Brilliant guides to essay planning and writing.
This is a comprehensive and invaluable source for any teachers of A level Literature or teachers considering the text for IB study.
Revision materials for pre 1900 AQA Poetry Anthology. Covers aspects of planning and hitting the Assessment Objectives, along with some re-call activities to get those synapses working in embedding poems and their poets into long term memory. Most significant part of this power point is for students to develop an effective way of planning to hit all Assessment Objectives and developing their LINE OF ARGUMENT to improve AO1