The Inuit - powerpoint and heading
The powerpoint covers the following:
Who are the Inuit?
Traditional Inuit homes
Modern Inuit homes
Modern villages
Traditional Clothing
Modern Inuit Clothing
Inuit food
Inuit art
Inuit tools
Inuit travel - on land and sea
Transport topic - George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities
Two powerpoints looking at how and why trains developed over time, and the Father of the Railways, George Stephenson, plus 3 worksheets.
George Stephenson and locomotives: Looks at James Watt and his steam engine design; Richard Trevithick and his steam engine improvements, and the life of George Stephenson, and how he became known as the 'Father of the Railways'. Tells the story of the first steam locomotives; the Rainhill Trials; the Liverpool and Manchester Railway; and new steam locomotive designs up to 1941. Also briefly and simply explains how steam engines work.
Trains now and then: Shows different parts of a steam locomotive, and looks at pictures of different locomotives, and how they developed from George Stephenson's Rocket, to the modern bullet trains of today.
Steam train worksheets: 3 different worksheets, showing a picture of a steam train to label and caption.
The Rocket worksheet: To compare modern trains with old steam locomotives.
Steam train template: An outline of a steam train, to use for colouring, collage, paint etc.
Transport topic - the history of cars - powerpoints
5 powerpoints looking at the history of the wheel, the horse and cart and the development of the modern day car.
Walking : The earliest form of transport. why people went on journeys.
Horse and cart: Transport before the railways and canals - looks at dirt tracks, Roman roads, Macadam roads, Stagecoaches, Omnibuses, and horse riding.
Invention and history of the car: A detailed look at the development of the car, from steam engines and the internal combustion engine, to modern cars of today. Looks at different eras in car manufacture - the Brass Era, Vintage Era, and the Classic car.
History of the Wheel: The earliest types of wheel; the spoked wheel, and other wheel inventions.
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age, Bronze Age to Iron Age pack - powerpoints, activities, plan
INTRODUCTION TO PREHISTORY POWERPOINT: A timeline showing the history of the Earth, from when it was first formed to the beginning of the Stone Age
WORKSHEET: Prehistory writing sheet
THE STONE AGE POWERPOINT (30 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Stone Age life including:
Sources of information
Stone Age Britain
Stone Age people
Change from hunter-gatherers to farmers
Skara Brae
STONE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Cave paintings
Stone Age climate
Stone Age food
Stone Age way of life
Write a report about .... (x10) - Different Stone Age archaeology sites
Topic covers (x4 different designs) For topic books
Stone Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
THE BRONZE AGE POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including:
Sources of information
Discovery of copper and bronze
Britain in the Bronze Age
Daily life
BRONZE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Write a report about the Amesbury Archer
Bronze Age ways of living
Bronze Age travel
Bronze Age technology
Bronze Age religion
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
THE IRON AGEPOWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Iron Age life including
Sources of information
Iron Age Britain
Iron Age people & tribes
Iron Age life
Buildings - Hill Forts
Art and Culture
Arrival of the Romans
IRON AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Iron Age sites recording sheet
Iron Age tribes in the local area
Iron Age art and culture
Iron Age farming
Iron Age hill forts
Iron Age tribal kingdoms
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Iron Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
Plus and adaptable outline MT plan with links, suggestions etc
Pirates topic pack: Powerpoints, activities and display
Pirates Introduction: Explains the history of pirates, who they were, where they operated and what they did.
Pirate Life:
Daily life of pirates; pirate flags; injuries; pirate attacks; punishments; code of conduct etc.
Henry Morgan - the king of pirates: His life story
Famous Pirates: Includes Blackbeard, Black Bart, Black Sam, Anne Bonney, Captain Kidd; with facts of their lives and their pirate flags.
Pirate Activities: Fun things to do, songs etc.
Pirate glossary: 25 pages explaining different pirate terms /objects etc
Pirate Shipwreck: Recount of the sinking of the Whyday, and how it was discovered nearly 300 years later.
Pirates lettering v1 - Colourful lettering - spells out ‘Pirates’, plus all upper and lower case letters and numbers included so that you can print and cut out what you need to personalise your display.
Pirates banner - prints onto 2 A4 sheets
Pirate word / help mat - with vocabulary and pictures to help support writing tasks.
Pirate vocabulary - 12 A4 sheets with pictures and short descriptions. Includes anchor, deck, black jack, booty, cannon, compass, cutlass, maroon, mutiny, rigging, telescope and treasure map.
Pirate sayings - 11 A4 sheets with pictures. Includes Ship ahoy! Avast! Shiver me timbers! Yo ho ho! Thar she blows! Walk the plank!
Pirate invitations
Topic covers - 8 different versions, portrait and landscape
Treasure maps to colour and finish
Writing borders, lined and unlined, portrait and landscape with a pirate hat border.
Pirate colouring sheets - famous pirates plus others
Pirate flag colouring sheets
Treasure maps colouring pages
Blank treasure map
Blank pirate flag
The history of flying & the first aeroplane flight PowerPoint lessons and worksheets
A set of PowerPoint presentations plus a medium term plan looking at the history of flight. The PowerPoints are:
The history of flight: Describes the development of flight from the first kites made by the Chinese around 200 BC to the modern types of aircraft today. Includes kites, wings, ornithopter, hot air balloon, hydrogen balloon, airships, helicopters, autogyro, biplanes and monoplanes, flying boat, the jet engine, space shuttles and Concorde. Also looks briefly at the work of: the Montgolfier brothers, George Cayley, Otto Lilienthall, Samuel Pierpont Langley, the Wright brothers and Frank Whittle.
The first balloon flight ~ The Montgolfier brothers: A story of their lives, and how they designed the Montgolfier balloon.
The first aeroplane flight ~ The Wright brothers: A story of their lives and how they designed the first heavier than air powered aircraft.
How to make a paper plane (x2): Step by step instructions on how to make a paper plane, with illustrations.
Printable resources
Maps of the world / Europe/ UK/ North and South America/ South Asia/ Australia/ China/ Russian Federation / Mexico/ Africa
Topic cover
9x sheets with images of different types of inventions for flying
The Montgolfier brothers writing sheets
The Wright brothers writing sheets
Design a hot air balloon x 3
Airship picture
Pictures of the Wright brothers and their planes
3 x A4 titles The history of flight / The Wright brothers / The Montgolfier brothers
A-Z lettering
Large ‘Flight’ letters
Planning document
Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2
Powerpoint files:
Dinosaur AfL - 7 different questions to pose to the children before the topic begins.
Where and when did the dinosaurs live - Looks at Pangaea, and the timescale involved and how long ago it was.
Dinosaur discoveries - Looks at how fossils were found and ideas emerged about dinosaurs. Talks about early ‘palaeontologists’ including Robert Plot, Robert Buckland, Mary Anning, Mary Ann and Gideon Mantell, Richard Owen and their discoveries.
How fossils are formed - A step by step guide
Dinosaur diets - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
What happened to the dinosaurs - looks at different theories of why dinosaurs became extinct.
Ancient Egypt display resources
A set of posters, headings, lettering, borders etc for an Ancient Egypt display.
The Great Fire of London pack: Powerpoints, worksheets, wordmat, games display, activities.
Introduction: Looks at London and its location in the UK
London in the 17th century: What was it like in London long ago: Looks at the houses, materials and London Bridge
What was it like in the 1600s: Pictures and descriptions of rich and poor people; the Civil War; Charles II; and the Black Death
What happened in 1666 and how do we know about it: Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, and a timeline
The Great Fire of London: Story in diary style about the events that happened during the fire with excerpts from Samuel Pepys diary; what happened after the fire: Rebuilding, Christopher Wren’s plans and a view of London then and now.
Questions: Asks children questions to recap learning, including an event ordering activity.
Acrostic poem sheets x 3 different versions
Blank writing frame: To write about the different events of the fire
Cards - pictures and labels: Containing key vocabulary / characters etc. Can be used for card games and display.
Diary writing sheet
Newspaper report blank
Newspaper report - The London Gazette heading, with space for children to write a report
Sequencing pictures - 6 pictures to cut and stick in the order of events
Speech bubble questions - Can be used for writing activities or display
Topic covers x5: With and without pictures for the children to colour /design topic book front cover
Word Mat - with key vocabulary and pictures for the topic
Wordsearch x 2
Writing border x 3: Lined, plain and wider lines
Writing sheet x 4 with pictures of Samuel Pepys, John Evelyn, Fire scene and a 17th century house.
A4 heading
A-Z lettering
Banner - The Great Fire of London - prints onto 2 pages
Display borders: 2 different versions, flames and Tower Bridge on fire
Photographs of modern London (14)
Pictures of the Fire of London
Portraits of people involved in the Great Fire of London
The London Gazette, reporting about the Fire
The Londoners Lamentation, a pamphlet written just after the fire
Timeline posters: 17 pages, including weather reports for each day.
Vocabulary display with pictures
Vocabulary cards
King John & Magna Carta - Powerpoint, activities and display
KING JOHN AND MAGNA CARTA: A 26 page powerpoint in 3 sections
Life at the beginning of the 13th century: A look at what medieval life was like in England, inludes feudalism, manors, markets, monasteries, peasants and wars
Who ruled England at the beginning of the 13th century: The first Plantagenet Kings, Henry II and Richard I; King John, whether he was a good or bad king, the reasons the barons rebelled and wrote the Magna Carta, civil war, the death of King John..
The Magna Carta: A look at why it was written, what was in it, and its relevance today.
CLAUSES FROM THE MAGNA CARTA: 12 Clauses from the document; can be viewed as a show or print out for display.
Topic front cover x 2
Writing border - King John
Writing border - Magna Carta
Medieval battles writing/recording sheet
Medieval village peasant life x 3 writing/recording sheets
Parchment: For the children to write their own clauses
Magna Carta (in word, translated copies)
A4 Heading
Banner: Prints onto 2 A4 sheets
Lettering (A-Z with Magna Carta background)
Display borders
PLUS an outline planning document.
KS2 History Stone Age unit of work pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display
A set of resources looking at the Stone Age in Britain - Includes Powerpoint lessons, worksheets, and display.
INTRODUCTION TO PREHISTORY TIMELINE: (20 pages) A timeline showing the history of the Earth, from when it was first formed to the beginning of the Stone Age
THE STONE AGE: (30 PAGES) Description of different aspects of Stone Age life that can be split into weekly topics including
Sources of information
Stone Age Britain
Stone Age people
Change from hunter-gatherers to farmers
Skara Brae
Prehistory timeline booklet: Corresponds to the prehistory PowerPoint. It can be printed for display, or used as a reference pack.
Stone Age booklet: Corresponds to the Stone Age PowerPoint and can be printed for display or reference.
WORKSHEETS: (for recording research)
Prehistory writing sheet
Cave paintings
Stone Age climate
Stone Age food
Stone Age way of life
Write a report about .... (x10) - Different British Stone Age archaeological sites
Topic covers (x 5 different designs) For topic books
Stone Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
A4 title
A-Z lettering in a stone background
The Stone Age banner
Stone Age timeline
Stone Age artefacts
Stone Age border for display boards
Stone Age bunting
Anglo-Saxon display pack
A set of resources to print for display
KS2 History Iron Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display
A set of activities looking at the Iron Age and the Celts in Britain, consisting of an informative Powerpoint, printables and display resources.
POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Iron Age life including
Sources of information
Iron Age Britain
Iron Age people & tribes
Iron Age life
Buildings: Hill Forts
Art and Culture
Arrival of the Romans
IRON AGE WORKSHEETS: (for recording research)
Iron Age sites recording sheet
Iron Age tribes in the local area
Iron Age art and culture
Iron Age farming
Iron Age hill forts
Iron Age tribal kingdoms
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Iron Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
A4 title
A-Z lettering in a metallic iron background
The Iron Age banner
Iron Age artefacts
Iron Age border for display boards
The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age display pack: Posters headings timelines banners headings
A4 title
A-Z lettering in a stone background
The Stone Age banner
Stone Age timeline
Stone Age artefacts
Stone Age border for display boards
A4 title
A-Z lettering in a bronze background
The Bronze Age banner
Bronze Age timeline
Bronze Age artefacts
Bronze Age border for display boards
A4 title
A-Z lettering in a metallic iron background
The Iron Age banner
Iron Age artefacts
Iron Age border for display boards
KS2 history topic: The Roman Empire & its impact on Britain display pack
A set of resources in pdf format to print and display. The pack consists of:
4 Different A4 titles: The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain / The Romans / The Roman invasion of Britain / The Roman Empire
A-Z lettering: with blue 'Roman temple' background
Banner x 2: With lettering 'The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain' and 'The Roman Empire'
Border: Strips of border decorated with a Roman soldier for display borders,plus corners with 'SPQR'.
Famous Romans posters (x 4): A heading plus one A4 sheet for each of the following; Julius Caesar, Emperor Claudius, Emperor Hadrian and Romulus (& Remus), with information about each person.
Maps of Roman Britain posters (x 4): A heading, plus an old 4th century map of what Britain was thought to be like; A map of Iron Age tribes in Britain, a map of mining in Roman Britain and a map of Roman Britain in around AD 150
Roman artefacts posters (x 10; 2 on each A4 page): Heading, plus images of a Roman jug, an oil lamp, samian ware, aurus of Nero, a fresco, glassware, a mosaic, a military diploma, writing implements and copper and lead ingots.
Roman Emperor posters (x 5): A4 heading, plus images of the first five Roman Emperors; Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero.Clausius
Roman god posters (x 8): A4 heading plus the gods / goddesses Saturn, Jupiter, Juno, Janus, Neptune, Minerva, Mars and Vulcan.
Photo pack of Roman sites in Britain: A heading plus an A4 page for each of the following; Bath, Hadrian's Wall, Richborough Fort, Great Witcombe Roman villa, Vindolanda, Venta Silurem, Anderitum, London Wall and Viroconium. Each photograph contains a map of the UK showing the location of each site.
The Roman Army posters (x 8): Heading plus images of a legionary with his equipment and armour labelled, an aquilifer, archer, ballista, catapult, centurio, cavalry, cassis, cuirass, tunic, boot, scutum, pilum, standard and gladius.
Timeline of the Roman Empire: An A4 sheet, showing the rise and fall of the Roman Empire from 750 BC to AD 500
Vocabulary display of the Roman Empire: Contains 2 words per A4 page, with an image and definition of the following words; Senate, legionary, republic, emperor, empire, civilization, citizen, Mediterranean, barbarian, archaeologist, military, plebeian, tribe, artefact, century, hostage, BC and AD
Dinosaur resources, display, games and activities for EYFS KS1
A pack of powerpoint lessons, activities, games and display
Powerpoint files:
A pack of worksheets, activities, cards and display resources for a dinosaurs topic.
Acrostic poem templates x 2
Bones - different lengths to use for sequencing activities
Coloured bookmarks with dinosaurs - 4 different designs
Black and white bookmarks - 8 different designs
Cards - 9 cards with different dinosaurs on for matching/snap games
Colouring scenes - 11 different designs containing different types of dinosaurs
Counting dinosaurs - 12 different amounts of dinosaurs with space to write the number.
Dinosaur eggs - different sizes for sequencing
Dinosaur masks - black and white to colour
Dinosaur masks (colour)
Black and white dinosaur pictures - 13 simple line drawings to colour/cut out etc
Dinosaur information cards - to fill in
Dinosaurs - different sizes for sequencing (2 different designs)
Finger puppet dinosaurs - small images for puppets
3 x dinosaur themed jigsaws
Topic covers x 3
Writing border
A4 heading
Alphabet - 2 versions, one on an egg, the other on an image of a dinosaur hatching.
A-Z lettering, plus numbers and punctuation, with a dinosaur background image
Banner x 2 designs - large 3 page banners
Border with dinosaurs to frame a display
Clipart dinosaurs, for activities or display
Dinosaur alphabet capitals (2 letters per page; the letters are inside the dinosaur body)
Dinosaur skeletons - 5 different images
Numberline - Dinosaur egg - to 20 with numerals and writing
Numbers 1-100, with odd and even numbers different colours
Posters - 10 A5 posters containing images and vocabulary
Word mat - with vocabulary the children may need.
World War One powerpoint lessons, display and activities
A set of resources looking at life during WWI with a medium term plan.
1 Britain before the war
Powerpoint looks at:
The monarchy and the British Empire
Rich and poor
Houses and homes
Travel and transport
Activity: Images of life before WWI
2 Causes of the war
Powerpoint looks at:
What is war?
What were the causes of the First World War?
Activity: Blank map of Europe to label the countries involved in WWI
3. World War I timeline
Powerpoint gives an overview of the main battles and events that occured in World War One.
Activity: A blank timeline for the children to do further research for a display.
4. What was life like for soldiers in the First World War?
Powerpoint looks at:
The Western Front
Trenches and Trench Warfare
Trench Foot
Shell Shock
Prisoners of war
Remembrance Day
Activity: Excerpts from a book by C. Leroy Baldridge
5. The Armed Forces
Powerpoint briefly looks at the Royal Navy, the Army, and the Air Force during the war.
6. Life in Britain - The Home Front
The 50 page PowerPoint can be split into separate lessons:
Defence of the Realm Act
Women during the war
Life for children during the war
Recruitment and conscription
Food shortages
Air raids
Armistice Day
Plus an A4 heading and a 4 page title for display.
World War II & VE day - powerpoint lessons covering different aspects of WW II
A set of 9 powerpoint files looking at life during WWII:
The Second World War: An introduction to the causes
The Blitz: Description of what it was, and what happened during the bombings.
Why were children evacuated?: The reasons why
What was it like to be an evacuee: Experiences of children, with web-links
What did people eat during the war?: Explains why rationing occurred, what kinds of food/meals people had.
Women in WW2: What jobs women did
What did children & adults do in WW2: Ways of life and pastimes
What was it like for people who fought in WWII: Lots of pictures to look at and think about what life was like for soldiers.
Children of WW2: Thought-provoking pictures.
VE Day: A recap of the main events of WWII and what happened on VE day.
Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack
A set of powerpoints showing photographs of the most popular toys of the pre-50s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and modern toys; an introduction to the history of toys - going back to dolls in Ancient Greece to computers today; a look at portraits of children from the past playing with toys; a sorting toy activity into old and new, and an old poem about the wonders of a toy shop.
There are also 4 maths powerpoints looking at addition and subtraction in the toy shop, with cards to print for games.
The activities include:
An acrostic poem template
Animal cut-out templates to join together to make a moving toy
Colouring sheets
Pictures of new/old teddy
Puppets for role play
Russian doll set to print and laminate for size ordering
6 x Santa lists to use around Christmas
A thaumatrope template with instructions
3 x cover templates for a topic book
Toy sorting cards - to sort into different materials/ properties.
Toys from the past questionnaire to take home to fill in with parents.
A copy of an old book 'What shall we do next' from 1907 full of games and activities that children played
The Wonderful Toymaker fairy tale to read
An outline planning document with cross curricular links that can be adapted.
Old toys display - photographs
Children's portraits playing with toys
Toys banner
Toys heading
Toys in the past heading
Toys timeline
The Viking & Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England:powerpoints, worksheets, activities
A series of PowerPoint lessons, worksheets and activities to teach how the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons fought for the Kingdom of England up to the time of Edward the Confessor.
Life in in England before the main arrival of the Vikings towards the end of the 8th century / How the Anglo-Saxons lived / How the towns were structured / The importance of the monks.
Timeline / Introduces the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as evidence / The first known attack on Britain by the Vikings / The second attack on Lindisfarne/Holy Island / Viking longships / Viking warriors and equipment / Beginning of Viking settlement in England
Viking invasions and settlement / The Heathen Army / York / King Alfred / Guthrum / Danelaw / Alfred the Great and his fight against the Vikings / Edward the Elder / Athelstan / The Battle of Brunanburh
Family life / Clothing / Homes / Daily life / Viking law / Music / Food / Sport / Arts and crafts / Viking beliefs, Asgard and gods, days of the week named after Viking gods / Viking burials
Athelstan and government of England / The Witan / Hundreds / Moots / Reeves / Laws / / Punishments / Wergild / Ethelread the Unready
Further Viking raids / St. Brice's Day massacre / Sweyn Forkbeard / King Canute / Edward the Confessor / Harold Godwinson / William the Conqueror / The Battle of Hastings / The end of the Viking era
Place names / Viking sagas / Anglo-Saxon Chronicles / Surnames and DNA / The Bayeux Tapestry / Archaeology / Treasure discoveries / Runestones
RESOURCES TO PRINT (pdf): Most sheets are open-ended worksheets, with an image and lines for research, reports etc.
What I already know about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
What I would like to find out about the Vikings
The arrival of the Vikings
The Vikings attack the monasteries
King Alfred the Great
The Heathen Army
The Treaty of Wedmore
Viking daily life
Anglo-Saxon laws
Ethelred the Unready
Battle of Hastings
Battle of Stanford Bridge
Death of King Harold
Edward the Confessor
King Harold
The Vikings return
Bayeux Tapestry
Viking place names
Viking runes
Topic covers x 3
Viking ships
Viking warriors
Writing border - Edward the Confessor
Writing border - Viking ship
Plus a copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (in Word)
Vikings & Anglo-Saxons medium term adaptable plan, with web links.