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Brilliant Classes by Creative Educational Resources Designer

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We design creative educational digital teaching resources for the grade levels Prek-12. It mainly includes the Science-Maths-ELA subjects with a wide range of resources such as lesson plans,whole lessons/Units, Activities, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessments sheets, Vocabulary, Reading,Grammar,History, Flash cards, Graphic organizers, Literacy,Lesson plans(Bundles&Individual), Posters, Printables,Task cards, Thematic unit plans.




We design creative educational digital teaching resources for the grade levels Prek-12. It mainly includes the Science-Maths-ELA subjects with a wide range of resources such as lesson plans,whole lessons/Units, Activities, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessments sheets, Vocabulary, Reading,Grammar,History, Flash cards, Graphic organizers, Literacy,Lesson plans(Bundles&Individual), Posters, Printables,Task cards, Thematic unit plans.
Easter Word Search Puzzle Worksheets

Easter Word Search Puzzle Worksheets

This is a free fun activity type of the worksheets pack to add in your students home work assignments based on Easter word search puzzles. Instructions: Find the words listed at the bottom of the worksheet. Words can go vertical, horizontal, diagonal, forwards or backwards. I hope that your class will enjoy this work... You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Easter Worksheets and Activities Pack {Grades 2 to 6}

Easter Worksheets and Activities Pack {Grades 2 to 6}

This Easter worksheet and activities pack will be great for language arts as well as drawing classrooms to do the practice. It also includes the Easter poster which is given at last page in this pack. 5 Easter Activities included are: 1. Easter cross word puzzle - 5 worksheets 2.Easter Egg Hunt by coloring the pages - 4 worksheets 3.Easter word search puzzle - 1 worksheet 4.Helping Easter buddies to find their destination - 4 worksheets 5.Easter Vocabulary - 1 worksheet You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Food Chain Vocabulary Cards - A tool to enrich the vocab....

Food Chain Vocabulary Cards - A tool to enrich the vocab....

Vocab cards are a great tool to help students expand their word choice as they write every day on various topics! These COLOURFUL vocab cards are ready to put up on a word wall or string together as a banner. Just PRINT and GO! Vocab cards help students build a robust vocabulary, a primary focus of Common Core, which in turn improves their reading and writing throughout the year! This 4 pages includes vocab cards on science unit of FOOD CHAIN. Vocab cards help support reading and writing activities as students respond to a variety of text. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Animal classification posters for classroom

Animal classification posters for classroom

This is a great review tool for the 'Animal Classification Unit' in the form of POSTER DISPLAY. This is a collection of six classroom posters based on my 'Animal Classification Unit Pack' which displays neat and colourful animal pictures and their characteristics of how each of the six categories of animals are grouped together. You can use these posters for a bulletin board, writing center or science center. You can take out the print of this posters on A3 paper size (16x11 inch)with very good quality of resolution. The following animal groups are include: * Amphibians * Reptiles * Mammals * Birds * Fish * Invertebrates You can visit my store for product related to Animal classification unit pack and cut-paste activities on it. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivity, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Easter Day - Cut, Set and Paste Puzzle

Easter Day - Cut, Set and Paste Puzzle

Easter Day - Cut, Set and Paste Puzzle:- This is a Easter Day Cut, Set and Paste Puzzles with 15 Worksheets. I am sure that kids are going to love learning about number order with these cut and paste worksheets. How to Use: Your kids will need to cut the picture strips and then will have to arrange as per counting order in a Square box provided with each worksheet. Each picture is divided into 5 or 6 numerals.Each worksheet has a different picture related to Easter’s day. There are total 15 picture given. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Black History Month Scavenger Hunt

Black History Month Scavenger Hunt

Black History Month Scavenger Hunt: This scavenger hunt includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students about the History and background of ‘Black History Month’ celebration in the subject of History. There are 16 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool to review the History and background of ‘Black History Month’ celebration. Directions to use and purpose: 1. At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the History and background of ‘Black History Month’ celebration with enrichment of vocabulary. 2. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines. 3. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy. 4. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like. 5. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt- {History & Fun Facts}

Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt- {History & Fun Facts}

Valentine's day History & Fun Facts Scavenger Hunt This scavenger hunt introduces to students historical background on the origin of Valentine's day celebration and some fun facts associated with it. There are 32 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary on Valentine's day story. Directions to use Valentine's day History & Fun Facts Scavenger Hunt: Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the history and some famous facts along with vocabulary on “Valentine’s day” . 1. Print 32 Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines. 2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy. 3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like. 4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Ocean Currents, Waves and Tides Scavenger Hunt

Ocean Currents, Waves and Tides Scavenger Hunt

Ocean currents,waves and tides scavenger hunt This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information and basics and details about the science related to Ocean currents, waves and tides. There are 28 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary on Ocean currents, waves and tides. Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets. They allow students for random movement in the classroom, which brain research shows increases achievement! It works well with partners or individually. Directions to use: Ocean “Currents, Waves and Tides” Scavenger Hunt Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the vocabulary and science involved in Ocean “currents,waves and tides”. 1. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines. 2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy. 3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like. 4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Ecosystem Colorful Posters for Classroom

Ecosystem Colorful Posters for Classroom

This is a great review tool for the ECOSYSTEM unit in the form of POSTERS. This is a collection of 8 classroom posters based on my ECOSYSTEM unit which displays all things covered in unit with neat and colorful pictures. You can take out the print of this posters on A3 paper size (16x11 inch)with very good quality of resolution. You can use these posters for a bulletin board, writing center or science center. Posters covers the following things in displays: 1. What is an ecosystem? 2. Ecosystem pyramid and levels of organization : Populations and communities 3. Main ecosystems and Niche and Diversity 4. Main ecosystems such as: Desert, Rainforest, Ocean, Taiga, Aquatic ecosystem (marine and fresh water ecosystem, lake ecosystem and pond ecosystem.) Tundra, Chaparral, Grassland, Temperate Forest. 5. Biotic components of ecosystem: producers (autotroph), Consumers (heterotroph) and Decomposers (detritivores)
Simplifying Fractions

Simplifying Fractions

This maths unit as pdf file is designed to give an easy understanding on Simplifying fractions as well as converting improper fractions into mixed numbers. This can be used to introduce three strategies for simplifying fractions: using prime factors, using greatest common factors, and using mental division. The first few slides provide an information about basic terms such as factor, common factors and greatest common factor. There are TWO methods discussed here in order to simplify any fraction.It also covers how to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers and then to simplify them with examples. At the end of the presentation 4-worksheets are given to have hands on practice for kids on simplifying fractions and improper fractions. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Fraction Wall Poster

Fraction Wall Poster

This fraction wall poster will be useful to the students to display as on bulletin board Math ideas in a classroom..Hope you will love it.. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive you activities, and more!
Fraction (Math Common Core)

Fraction (Math Common Core)

This unit deals with the most basic fraction concepts in mathematics. Students of the grades from 2nd - 6th can use this unit. This will help students how to identify and write fractions. Basic fraction parts of different types of fractions are also explained in a simple manner with examples. At the end of this unit students will be able to …. explain what a fraction is. explain what the denominator of a fraction is and find the denominator of a fraction. explain what the numerator of a fraction is and find the numerator of a fraction. Types of fractions: Proper fractions Improper fractions Mixed fractions Simplification and basic math functions of fractions. write a fraction of given problems in worksheets. 10 worksheets are given at the end of the unit. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Fraction Worksheets

Fraction Worksheets

Fractions Worksheets: This unit of fractions only includes worksheets to have a good practice on examples for the students. This unit will assist students in grasping the concept of fractions with number of different worksheets. This unit will be helpful to students within the class for their fraction unit assessment or review. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Moon phases and Ocean tides - Unit with worksheets

Moon phases and Ocean tides - Unit with worksheets

This science unit is prepared to teach all about the Moon Phases and Ocean Tides in the subject of science. It includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students about the causes of Moon Phases and Ocean Tides. The given presentation will be helpful to the primary-secondary school students.The purpose is to make them aware about how Moon phases and Low and High tides in the ocean are caused. This unit in the form of PDF file includes engaging, colorful, informative, visually stimulating and eye-catching photos and diagrams as per the topic need which rarely fails to stimulate a lively class discussion. The unit includes 11 different worksheets at the end for the assessment of students knowledge and learning in class. Students may research different facts about causes and effects of the Moon Phases and Ocean Tides. The unit involves the following Completed facts and topics. 1.Phases of the Moon in detail with pictures 2.Effect of the Moon on Ocean 3.Tides 4.Causes of Ocean Tides 5.Gravity and its effect on Moon 6.High/Low tides with pictures 7.Relation between tides and timings 8.Gravity effect of sun 9.Spring tides and Neap tides. 10. Different Worksheets on whole unit. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Earth’s Atmosphere Scavenger Hunt Activity

Earth’s Atmosphere Scavenger Hunt Activity

Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn about the basic structure and composition of Earth’s atmosphere & related science with its vocabulary. It is presented with number of neat, colorful eye catching pictures to understand easily. There are 22 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary on 'Earth’s Atmosphere unit''. Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images. Directions to use ‘Earth’s Atmosphere Scavenger Hunt’ 1. Print the given all 23 cards on a card stock or any other good paper and cut them along the black line. 2. Get the print of Cell Scavenger Hunt questions pages and each student should be given this copy. 3. Place Scavenger Hunt cards around the classroom. For example you can place it on chair, on table, on benches, behind the classroom doors, besides the computer or wherever you like. 4. Students have to search the cards in a classroom in order to find out the answers of the questions. Students can complete this exercise in a group with classmate or alone. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Human Brain Colorful Posters for Classroom

Human Brain Colorful Posters for Classroom

This is a great review tool for the HUMAN BRAIN-STRUCTURE & FUNCTIONS unit in the form of POSTER DISPLAY. This is a collection of 8 classroom posters based on my HUMAN BRAIN-STRUCTURE & FUNCTIONS unit which displays all things covered in unit with neat and colorful pictures. You can take out the print of this posters on A3 paper size (16x11 inch)with very good quality of resolution. You can use these posters for a bulletin board, writing center or science center. Posters covers the following things in displays: 1.BRAIN : A complex Organ of body 2.Size of the Human Brain 3.Structure of Brain 4.Functions of Brain 5.Main Parts of the Brain 6.Other Parts of Brain 7.The Limbic System 8.The Nervous System
Animal Adaptations colorful Posters for Classroom

Animal Adaptations colorful Posters for Classroom

This is a collection of 14 classroom posters based on my animal Adaptations Unit which displays different species of animal pictures and their adaptation characteristics in nature. You can use these posters for a bulletin board, writing center, or science center. The following animal adaptations included: Physical adaptations Structural adaptation Behavioral adaptations Innate behavior Learned behavior Homiostasis and their adaptation Endotherms and their adaptation Ectotherms and their adaptations Animal adaptations as animal defense Adaptation applications You can visit my store for product related to animal adaptation whole unit. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
President's Day Scavenger hunt

President's Day Scavenger hunt

President's Day Scavenger hunt Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the historical facts on celebration of President’s day with its vocabulary. 1. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards (16 cards total) on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines. 2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy. 3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard or wherever you like. 4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

Equivalent fractions are fractions that represent the same value or fractions that represent the same part of an object. Using various examples, this unit will assist students in grasping the concept of equivalent fractions. Pictures and diagrams are included that will greatly enhance understanding to your students. At the end of the unit, there are 8 different worksheets included for conducting a test/ assessment of the students in the class. Hope students will really enjoy the worksheet problems. Topics covered in the given unit are: Definition How to find equivalent fraction Methods to find out equivalent fractions Examples Comparison of equivalent fractions You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Earthquake Scavenger Hunt

Earthquake Scavenger Hunt

Earthquake Scavenger Hunt Topics covered are: Basic reason for earthquake Tectonic plate Earth layers Theory of plate tectonics Fault and their types Asthenosphere Aftershocks and foreshocks Seismic waves Seismograph Magnitude Hypocenter Epicenter Richter scale Major earthquake Inventors and some facts about the earthquake At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn about the science behind the earthquake, various terminologies associated and facts along with its vocabulary.Its a great tool to review any subject units. Colorful and neat images on cards will create a deep interest among kids to perform the game with great visualization. Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets. They allow students for random movement in the classroom, which brain research shows increases achievement! It works well with partners or individually. Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images. How to Use: 1. Print the 24 Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines. 2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy. 3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard or wherever you like. 4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate. © 2015 Brilliant Classes This purchase is for one teacher and for classroom use only. All rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed without express permission from the author. This product may not be posted or uploaded to the Internet in any form including classroom websites or network drives. If other teachers, colleagues, teams, schools or districts wish to use this resource, additional licenses must be purchased and can be done so for half price. You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!