Brilliant Classes by Creative Educational Resources Designer
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(based on 14 reviews)
We design creative educational digital teaching resources for the grade levels Prek-12.
It mainly includes the Science-Maths-ELA subjects with a wide range of resources such as lesson plans,whole lessons/Units, Activities, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessments sheets, Vocabulary, Reading,Grammar,History, Flash cards, Graphic organizers, Literacy,Lesson plans(Bundles&Individual), Posters, Printables,Task cards, Thematic unit plans.
We design creative educational digital teaching resources for the grade levels Prek-12.
It mainly includes the Science-Maths-ELA subjects with a wide range of resources such as lesson plans,whole lessons/Units, Activities, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessments sheets, Vocabulary, Reading,Grammar,History, Flash cards, Graphic organizers, Literacy,Lesson plans(Bundles&Individual), Posters, Printables,Task cards, Thematic unit plans.
Fractions Worksheets:
This unit of fractions only includes worksheets to have a good practice on examples for the students. This unit will assist students in grasping the concept of fractions with number of different worksheets.
This unit will be helpful to students within the class for their fraction unit assessment or review.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Equivalent fractions are fractions that represent the same value or fractions that represent the same part of an object. Using various examples, this unit will assist students in grasping the concept of equivalent fractions.
Pictures and diagrams are included that will greatly enhance understanding to your students.
At the end of the unit, there are 8 different worksheets included for conducting a test/ assessment of the students in the class. Hope students will really enjoy the worksheet problems.
Topics covered in the given unit are:
How to find equivalent fraction
Methods to find out equivalent fractions
Comparison of equivalent fractions
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
President's Day Scavenger hunt
Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the historical facts on celebration of President’s day with its vocabulary.
1. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards (16 cards total) on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Moon Phases and Ocean Tides Scavenger Hunt
At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the science behind Moon phases and ocean tides with vocabulary on it.
Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets. They allow students for random movement in the classroom, which brain research shows increases achievement! It works well with partners or individually.
Directions to use: “Moon Phases & Ocean Tides” Scavenger Hunt
1. Print 27 Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
This science unit is prepared to teach all about the Moon Phases and Ocean Tides in the subject of science. It includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students about the causes of Moon Phases and Ocean Tides. The given presentation will be helpful to the primary-secondary school students.The purpose is to make them aware about how Moon phases and Low and High tides in the ocean are caused.
This unit in the form of PDF file includes engaging, colorful, informative, visually stimulating and eye-catching photos and diagrams as per the topic need which rarely fails to stimulate a lively class discussion.
The unit includes 11 different worksheets at the end for the assessment of students knowledge and learning in class. Students may research different facts about causes and effects of the Moon Phases and Ocean Tides.
The unit involves the following Completed facts and topics.
1.Phases of the Moon in detail with pictures
2.Effect of the Moon on Ocean
4.Causes of Ocean Tides
5.Gravity and its effect on Moon
6.High/Low tides with pictures
7.Relation between tides and timings
8.Gravity effect of sun
9.Spring tides and Neap tides.
10. Different Worksheets on whole unit.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn about the basic structure and composition of Earth’s atmosphere & related science with its vocabulary.
It is presented with number of neat, colorful eye catching pictures to understand easily.
There are 22 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary on 'Earth’s Atmosphere unit''.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images.
Directions to use ‘Earth’s Atmosphere Scavenger Hunt’
1. Print the given all 23 cards on a card stock or any other good paper and cut them along the black line.
2. Get the print of Cell Scavenger Hunt questions pages and each student should be given this copy.
3. Place Scavenger Hunt cards around the classroom. For example you can place it on chair, on table, on benches, behind the classroom doors, besides the computer or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the cards in a classroom in order to find out the answers of the questions. Students can complete this exercise in a group with classmate or alone.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Black History Month Scavenger Hunt:
This scavenger hunt includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students about the History and background of ‘Black History Month’ celebration in the subject of History.
There are 16 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool to review the History and background of ‘Black History Month’ celebration.
Directions to use and purpose:
1. At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the History and background of ‘Black History Month’ celebration with enrichment of vocabulary.
2. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
3. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
4. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like.
5. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Valentine's day History & Fun Facts Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt introduces to students historical background on the origin of Valentine's day celebration and some fun facts associated with it.
There are 32 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary on Valentine's day story.
Directions to use Valentine's day History & Fun Facts Scavenger Hunt:
Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the history and some famous facts along with vocabulary on “Valentine’s day” .
1. Print 32 Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Water Discounted Bundle!!!!!!
(All of the below material that I am including in this Bundled Unit Download are sold separately on my TES store. Below is the complete list of what you are going to receive in a bundle with the description. You can also click on the link given at last on this page to buy individual resource or unit.)
This bundle is for students of grades 2 to 8 contains FOUR water science units(Water and its importance, Water cycle unit, Water cycle scavenger hunt and water scavenger hunt)for a discounted price! It will help you to save total of 5 POUNDS!!!!!
This unit in the form of PDF file includes engaging, colorful, informative, visually stimulating and eye-catching photos and diagrams as per the topic need which rarely fails to stimulate a lively class discussion.
This bundle contains the main FOUR following Water units on :
1.This Water science unit is prepared to teach all about the water and its importance in life in the subject of biology/environment. "Water" includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students how water is important for every living entity on earth which is a very vital substance for the life. .
The unit includes discussion questions with 13 worksheets at the end. Your students will enjoy this engaging lesson on water! Students may research different facts about each unit also.
2. The Water cycle unit involves the following Completed facts and topics:
• Water basics with few facts
• Water cycle basics with main features of it.
• Travelling path of water in nature
• Water cycle diagram
• Explanation of various stage processes of water cycle with neat diagram
• Various factors affecting water cycle such as,
1. Hydroelectricity
2. Irrigation
3. Deforestation
4. Green house effect
5. Ten worksheets and Activities (see the preview to get the idea about it) on unit.
3. Water Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information and fun facts/science about the Water and its importance.
There are 20 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for students to review vocabulary on Water.
1. Print the given all 20 cards on a card stock or
any other good paper and cut them along the
black line.
2. Get the print of Water Scavenger Hunt
questions pages and each student should be
given this copy.
3. Place Water Scavenger Hunt cards around
the classroom. For example you can place it on
chair, on table, on benches, behind the
classroom doors, besides the computer or
wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the cards in a
classroom in order to find out the answers of the
questions. Students can complete this exercise
in a group with classmate or alone.
4. Water Cycle Scavenger Hunt
At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the information about Water Cycle and its Science with its vocabulary.
There are 19 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures.
1. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
This unit in the form of pdf file is prepared on Ocean “currents,wave and tides”. My units have been made to be both informative and visually stimulating for all students.
It consists of 37 pdf slides that are colorful. Pictures and diagrams are included that will greatly enhance your explanation to your students.
It also provides basic information about Ocean currents,wave and tides. It gives information related to different types of ocean current in detail and causes of ocean currents. It also contains ocean wave and tide in detail.
At the end of the unit, 9 different worksheets are provided to evaluate the understanding of the students in the classroom.Hope students will love it while answering and will have the fun..
you have to give it a try! Your students will enjoy it. Please view the Preview File to obtain a sense of my style, see how my power point is structured and evaluate my work.
Included in the unit is:
• What is ocean current?
• Types of current
• Surface Currents
• Global Wind Belts
• Continental Barriers
• Deep Currents
• What causes ocean currents?
• What is Waves?
• Parts of a Wave
• Wave Movement
• Waves Caused by Wind
• What is Tides?
• Gravitational effect of moon to cause tide
• Key features of ocean tides
• Relation between Tides and Timings
• Types of Tides
• Gravitational effect of Sun to cause tide
There are 9 worksheets included at the end of the unit for students assessment which will enhance students learning.
If you have any questions or would like to sample a unit for quality please email me and I will gladly assist you any way I can. Thank you for your time and interest in this resource. Thank you in advance for rating and commenting on this resource.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Ocean currents,waves and tides scavenger hunt
This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information and basics and details about the science related to Ocean currents, waves and tides.
There are 28 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary on Ocean currents, waves and tides.
Task cards are a great alternative to worksheets. They allow students for random movement in the classroom, which brain research shows increases achievement! It works well with partners or individually.
Directions to use:
Ocean “Currents, Waves and Tides” Scavenger Hunt
Purpose : At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the vocabulary and science involved in Ocean “currents,waves and tides”.
1. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Water Cycle Scavenger Hunt
At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the information about Water Cycle and its Science with its vocabulary.
There are 19 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures.
1. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
This Water science unit is prepared to teach all about the water and its importance in life in the subject of biology/environment. "Water" includes key information and everything you’ll need to teach your students how water is important for every living entity on earth which is a very vital substance for the life. .
This unit in the form of PDF file includes engaging, colorful, informative, visually stimulating and eye-catching photos and diagrams as per the topic need which rarely fails to stimulate a lively class discussion.
The following topics(35 pages) are covered in this unit:
1.Importance of water
The unit includes discussion questions with 13 worksheets at the end. Your students will enjoy this engaging lesson on water! Students may research different facts about each unit also.
If you have any questions on a unit for quality please email me and I will gladly assist you any way I can. Thank you for your time and interest in this PowerPoint. Thank you in advance for rating and commenting on this PowerPoint.
Hope this resource will be very much useful to the students and to the teachers.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, and more!
This science unit is prepared to teach all about the ‘Water Cycle’ in the subject of Environment Science. Your students will love this engaging lesson about the water cycle and various stage processes of a it!
This unit in the form of PDF file includes engaging, colorful, informative, visually stimulating and eye-catching photos and diagrams as per the topic need which rarely fails to stimulate a lively class discussion.
The unit includes total TEN different worksheets and ONE activity at the end. Students may research different facts about water cycle on the earth with its impacts on all living entity. Download the preview for a FREEBIE.
The unit involves the following Completed facts and topics:
• Water basics with few facts
• Water cycle basics with main features of it.
• Travelling path of water in nature
• Water cycle diagram
• Explanation of various stage processes of water cycle with neat diagram
• Various factors affecting water cycle such as,
1. Hydroelectricity
2. Irrigation
3. Deforestation
4. Green house effect
• Ten worksheets and Activities (see the preview to get the idea about it) on unit
If you have any questions on a unit for quality please email me and I will gladly assist you any way I can. Thank you for your time and interest in this PowerPoint. Thank you in advance for rating and commenting on this PowerPoint.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Climate Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information and basics about the Climate, its various zones and factors affecting the climate.
There are 24 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary on Climate.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images.
How to Use:
1. Print the given all 24 cards on a card stock or any other good paper and cut them along the black line.
2. Get the print of Climate Scavenger Hunt questions pages and each student should be given this copy.
3. Place Climate Scavenger Hunt cards around the classroom. For example you can place it on chair, on table, on benches, behind the classroom doors, besides the computer or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the cards in a classroom in order to find out the answers of the questions. Students can complete this exercise in a group with classmate or alone.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
This unit as PDF file is mainly focused on unit of Climate, its classification as well as the major factors affecting the climate.
It consists of many colorful slide which can be used as a presentation in the classroom. Pictures and diagrams are included that will greatly enhance your explanation to your students.
At the end of the unit, 16 different worksheets are provided to evaluate the understanding of the students in the classroom.Hope students will love it while answering and will have the fun..
The unit includes the following things:
Introduction to climate
Climatic Zones
Climate zone classification
What factors do affect climate?
At the end of the whole unit 16 worksheets are given to assess or do the review for the students. The students will really enjoy the exercises and will help them to decide how much they have understood.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!
Martin Luther King Scavenger hunt
At the end of this Scavenger hunt students will be able to learn the history and biography of Martin Luther King along with vocabulary.
There are 20 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary as well as history about Martin Luther King,Jr.
Directions to use 'Martin Luther King Scavenger hunt'.
1. Print the Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly -colored paper and cut them apart along the black lines.
2. Make copies of the Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet. Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
Fractions Scavenger Hunt
Here its a fun way for students to practice solving very basic fractions problems listed on cards with with minimal prep. The Solving fractions problems with Fractions Scavenger Hunt Game gets students up and moving around while practicing math.It will help to introduce and reinforce concepts on fractions to the kids..
12 Scavenger hunt cards are there.
1. Print the Fractions Scavenger Hunt cards on card stock or brightly-colored paper and cut them apart along the dotted lines.
2. Make copies of the Fractions Scavenger Hunt questions worksheet (2-sided). Each student needs a copy.
3. Place the Fractions Scavenger Hunt cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the back of your classroom door, on the sides of student desks, on the chalkboard, or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the room and find all of the sentence cards to answer the questions. You can differentiate by having students work alone or with a classmate.
With the Scavenger Hunt game I have the students complete it as part of a rotation during math activity center. Students seeking extra support can be paired with a classmate/friend for this activity. I have also done similar activities with the whole class or as a filler especially if you made the cards a little bit tricky to find. My students enjoy this activity.
NOTE: While I always strive for accuracy, I am human and can make editing mistakes. If you find anything that needs correcting, please send me a message immediately in Q/A section. I would be happy to correct and upload a new file before you rate it! :) Thank you in advance.
Christmas Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt introduces to students history and some well known fun and facts on Christmas festival. With this game students will be able to learn and know about the vocabulary and facts about the Christmas.
There are 20 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for to review vocabulary and history on Christmas.
Preview images may have reduced picture quality due to jpeg file. But original .pdf file contains clear images.
Directions to use 'Christmas Scavenger Hunt'.
1. Print the given all 20 cards on a card stock or any other good paper and cut them along the black line.
2. Get the print of given Scavenger Hunt questions pages and each student should be given this copy.
3. Place Scavenger Hunt cards around the classroom. For example you can place it on chair, on table, on benches, behind the classroom doors, besides the computer or wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the cards in a classroom in order to find out the answers of the questions. Students can complete this exercise in a group with classmate or alone.
Water Scavenger Hunt
This scavenger hunt introduces to students an information and fun facts/science about the Water and its importance.
There are 20 scavenger hunt cards with colorful pictures. It’s a great tool for students to review vocabulary on Water.
1. Print the given all 20 cards on a card stock or
any other good paper and cut them along the
black line.
2. Get the print of Water Scavenger Hunt
questions pages and each student should be
given this copy.
3. Place Water Scavenger Hunt cards around
the classroom. For example you can place it on
chair, on table, on benches, behind the
classroom doors, besides the computer or
wherever you like.
4. Students have to search the cards in a
classroom in order to find out the answers of the
questions. Students can complete this exercise
in a group with classmate or alone.
You will find lots more in my store, including math, science, ELA, activities/craftivities, special education, interactive activities, and more!