RE 101: Religion & Philosophy Resources is shop for teachers of Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Studies & Politics.
It sells Schemes of Work, Knowledge Organisers, PowerPoint Lessons, Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs), Key Word Glossaries, Electronic Reading Lists and many other revision resources.
Exam Boards covered include: OCR, AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC
RE 101: Religion & Philosophy Resources is shop for teachers of Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Studies & Politics.
It sells Schemes of Work, Knowledge Organisers, PowerPoint Lessons, Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs), Key Word Glossaries, Electronic Reading Lists and many other revision resources.
Exam Boards covered include: OCR, AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC
GCSE Eduqas & WJEC Religious Studies Knowledge Organisers - Revision Pack
This is a revision pack of 8 sets of 2-page knowledge organisers designed for students studying GCSE Religious Studies (OCR specification).
The pack contains Christians and Muslim view.
The following knowledge organisers are contained:
Unit 1
Relationships and Family
Good & Evil (Crime & Punishment)
Religion, Life & Death
Human Rights & Social Justice
Unit 2
Christian Beliefs & Teachings
Christian Worship & Practices
Unit 3
Muslim Beliefs & Teachings
Muslim Worship & Practices
Key Stage 3 Judaism Lesson: When is the Problem of Evil?
This is a fully resourced and editable PowerPoint lesson introducing students to the topic of Judaism and responses to the problem of evil and suffering. It is suitable for Year 7, 8 and 9 students.
The lesson contains the following activities:
A quick quiz about the nature of God
An explanation of the problem of evil and suffering
A card sort on responses to the problem of evil and suffering
A writing task summarising the learning of the lesson.
A plenary activity making links between the problem of suffering and Jewish history
Please note that this lesson can be taught in isolation on it’s own or as part of a 6 lesson scheme of work on Judaism.
Key Stage 3 Christianity Lesson: Revision & Assessment
This is a fully resourced and editable PowerPoint lesson revising the topic of Christianity and completing an assessment on Christianity. It can be taught as a single lesson or a two lessons (one on revision and one completing the assessment).
It is suitable for Year 7, 8 and 9 students.
The lesson contains the following activities:
A discussion task around what students have learnt about Christianity.
A Mind-Mapping exercise with Mind-Maps provided.
A assessment paper.
A plenary activity reflecting on the assessment.
Please note that this lesson would be difficult to use without completing the 5 prior lessons on the scheme of work on Christianity.
AQA GCSE Religious Studies Revision Pack - Blank Mind-Map Handouts
A collection of Eight Blank Revision Maps for students to fill into revision from.
The topics the revision maps cover are:
Unit 1
Christian Beliefs & Teachings
Christian Worship & Practices
Muslim Beliefs & Teachings
Muslim Worship & Practices
Unit 2
Relationships & Families
Religion & Life
The Existence of God
Crime & Punishment
Religion, Peace & Conflict
Human Rights & Social Justice
Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 2 Religion & Ethics Key Texts
Five copyright-free texts and wider readings to use with Sixth Form students studying for an A-Level in Religious Studies or Philosophy.
Readings include:
St. Thomas Aquinas’ Natural Moral Law;
Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics;
Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative;
Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarianism;
Plato’s Euthyphro Dilemma;
Please note that this anthology only contains extracts of pre-20th century texts that are no longer in copyright. Unfortunately, this means that more recent key texts (such as anything on Applied Ethics or Meta-Ethics) are not in this anthology.
These readings are suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level) , AQA Religious Studies (A-Level), Edexcel Religious Studies (A-Level) and Eduqas (WJEC) Religious Studies (A-Level)