Aim :To explain the nature and causes of stress and to examine different ways of coping with it.
A 30-45 minute lesson that covers…
Learning outcomes Children should be taught:
• to talk and write about their opinions … ;
• to … discuss … topical issues, problems … ;
• to reflect on … social … issues, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences;
• what makes a healthy lifestyle, including the benefits of exercise … what affects mental health, and how to make informed choices;
• where individuals, families and groups can get help and support
Like this lesson? The Key Stage Two edition has been completely re-written by expert authors and freshly illustrated. The files are packed with engaging lessons and practical ideas covering a wide range of topics such as: feelings and relationships, health and hygiene, living in a global community, life in Britain today, and good and active citizenship. The lessons in these units dip into sex education and British values in a safe and age-appropriate manner.
The Key Stage Two File is so packed with great information that it has been split into two files (Part 1 and Part 2), both suitable for all year groups, but covering different topics.
Each file contains several units which include a Teacher’s Guide, Medium-Term Plan, and up to fifteen lessons ranging from 20 to 90 minutes.
Each plan provides the teacher with the lesson aim, list of resources needed, learning outcomes, differentiation and suggests any cross-curricular links with other parts of the National Curriculum.
Aim To help children achieve an understanding of cyberbullying and its possible consequences, to enable them to be in a position to identify it and consider some of the ways in which it can be handled.
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to face new challenges positively … and make responsible choices; • to realise the consequences of anti-social and aggressive behaviours, such as bullying … ; • to resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices; • to recognise the different risks in different situations and then decide how to behave responsibly … ; • that pressure to behave in an unacceptable or risky way can come from a variety of sources … ; • to understand the need to keep themselves safe; • to realise the nature and consequences of … bullying and aggressive behaviours, and how to respond to them and ask for help; • where individuals … can get help and support.
Lesson length 45-60 minutes
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Aim To encourage children to think about how we value ourselves and respect each other.
30-45 minutes
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to talk and write about their opinions, and explain their views, on issues that affect themselves and society; • to face new challenges positively by … making responsible choices … ; • to resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices.
Aim To help children understand the meaning of trust.
45-60 minute lesson
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to talk and write about their opinions … ; • to … discuss … topical issues, problems … ; • to reflect on … social … issues, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences; • what makes a healthy lifestyle, including the benefits of exercise … what affects mental health, and how to make informed choices; • where individuals, families and groups can get help and support.
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Like this lesson? Get the file.
The files are packed with engaging lessons and practical ideas covering a wide range of topics such as: feelings and relationships, health and hygiene, living in a global community, life in Britain today, and good and active citizenship. The lessons in these units dip into sex education and British values in a safe and age-appropriate manner.
Each plan provides the teacher with the lesson aim, list of resources needed, learning outcomes, differentiation and suggests any cross-curricular links with other parts of the National Curriculum.
Aim To help children understand how people overcome problems and achieve happiness.
30-45 minute lesson
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way; • how to set simple goals; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to relate feelings to aspects of everyday life.
All resources included for lesson.
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Daily Dynamo! – the whole class resource that gives you over daily starters to challenge your pupils’ thinking and reasoning. Ideal for pre-Registration engagement in the morning, these PowerPoint slides are fully customisable by you to suit your class needs. All have clear links to ECM Objectives, and are themed so that you can choose on a daily basis which Daily Dynamo! to get your pupils powered up in the morning.
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KS1 - Lesson 8: Managing my feelings from the ‘Who Am I?’ section. To help children make sense of their emotions and develop an understanding of how to manage them.
Aim To help children make sense of their emotions and develop an understanding of how to manage them.
Lesson length 50-60 minutes
As children learn about the world around them, locally, nationally and globally, it is important for them to learn more about themselves. They need to explore who they are, what they can do, their favourite things, what makes them special and the type of person they want to become. They develop a degree of self-awareness and awareness of others around them.
All resources included
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Aim To create an understanding of germs (what they are and where they live) and help children develop good hygiene habits, such as handwashing, to lessen the risks of germs spreading.
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • how some diseases spread and can be controlled; • to make simple choices that improve their health and well-being.
Can easily be linked to Cornavirus
All resources included
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Aim To help children understand the value of money and the need to be careful in looking after it.
Lesson 30-45 minutes
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to recognise what they like and dislike; • to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to recognise choices they can make; • to realise that money comes from different sources and can be used for different purposes.
All resources included
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Aim To help children consider and value the needs of a community or society.
45-60 minutes in length
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to recognise choices they can make; • to agree and follow rules for their group and classroom, and understand how rules help them; • to appreciate that people and other living things have needs, and that they have responsibilities to meet them; • to realise that they belong to various groups and communities, such as family and school; • to value and consider the needs of a community or society.
Full lesson with resources.
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Aim To help children understand that being responsible for someone or something is a total commitment that we should accept, even if to do so is time-consuming and/or difficult.
2x 25 minute lessons
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to realise that people have needs, and that they have responsibilities to meet them; • to be able to identify positive and negative aspects about taking on a responsibility.
Lesson plan and resources.
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Aim To help children understand that you should leave other people’s property alone and that it is wrong to steal.
30-40 minutes- Full lesson
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to recognise what is right and wrong; • to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to play and work co-operatively; • to recognise how their behaviour affects others.
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The files have been fully updated by a team of experienced contributors who teach in a range of schools across the country and bring a breadth and depth of experience to ensure that the latest material is relevant and carefully tailored to the needs of primary teachers working with pupils in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Aim To help children recognise and appreciate the meaning of the word ‘rule’
Length: 25-30 minutes
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to agree and follow rules for their group and classroom, and understand how rules help them.
Resources • A large space to sit in a circle • Small whiteboards or number fans • A story about different animals, either published or created by the teacher.
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Aim To help children make sense of their emotions and develop an understanding of how to manage them.
50-60 in length
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to contribute to the life of the class and school; • to recognise how their behaviour affects other people; • to recognise choices they can make and recognise the difference between right and wrong; • to agree and follow rules for their group and classroom and understand how rules help them.
Complete lesson with resources
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Aim To help children understand the influences that affect our choices
30-46 minute lesson
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to talk and write about their opinions, and explain their views, on issues that affect themselves and society; • to face new challenges positively by collecting information, looking for help, making responsible choices, and taking action; • to research, discuss and debate topical issues, problems and events; • that their actions affect themselves and others, to care about other people’s feelings and to try to see things from their points of view.
Like this lesson? This lesson is part of our The Key Stage Two File. This file is packed with great information that it has been split into two files (Part 1 and Part 2), both suitable for all year groups, but covering different topics.
Each file contains several units which include a Teacher’s Guide, Medium-Term Plan, and up to fifteen lessons ranging from 20 to 90 minutes.
Each plan provides the teacher with the lesson aim, list of resources needed, learning outcomes, differentiation and suggests any cross-curricular links with other parts of the National Curriculum.
Aim To appreciate the changing roles of men and women in society.
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to talk and write about their opinions, and explain their views, on issues that affect themselves and society; • to recognise their worth as individuals by … setting personal goals; • about the range of jobs carried out by people they know, and to understand how they can develop skills to make their own contribution in the future; • to recognise and challenge stereotypes; • that differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors, including … gender
25 minutes lesson
Lesson plan and resource
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This unit covers: Knowing the importance of keeping healthy and clean; ■ Managing own hygiene needs; ■ Knowing where we can find germs; ■ Identifying other times when we need to wash
Taken from our Building Blocks resource. Building Blocks is a modular series of resources offering Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) practitioners a source of fresh, fun activities linked to inspirational, childcentred themes, and providing comprehensive coverage of the different aspects of the Early Learning Goals
This unit is full with 6 pages full of a range of activities to teach your child about the importance of washing their own hands.
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Taken from -RE Resource File RE Resource File Key Stage 2 Years 3 Key Stage 2 Years 3 & & 4
Unit resources
Medium-term plan
Lesson 1: What does a baby need?
Lesson 2: What is sin?
Lesson 3: Christian baptism
Lesson 4: Muslim birth ceremonies
Lesson 5: Sikh birth ceremonies
Lesson 6: Making comparisons
All lesson plans and printable activities included
This unit is designed as an introduction to Religious Education at Key Stage 2. It introduces pupils to some of the religions they will study during their four years in Key Stage 2. All religions treat the birth of a new life as special and celebrate its importance in different ways. In the religions covered in this unit, God is acknowledged to have an important role in the creation and safe delivery of a new life and is thanked for the new baby. Prior learning: The class will have spent time in Key Stage 1 studying religious belief and practice. This unit will build on their previously gained understanding. Lesson length: The lessons are designed to last approximately 60–70 minutes.
At the end of this unit most children will: • Be able to explain the meaning behind the symbols and actions in the different birth ceremonies. • Be able to explain the importance of committing the baby to the community of God. Some children will have made less progress and will: • Be able to share their own experiences of babies and explain what some people believe are babies’ spiritual needs. Some children will have progressed further and will: • Be able to explain similarities and differences between the themes in the different birth ceremonies.
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Unit resources
Medium-term plan
Lesson 1: Doing the right thing
Lesson 2: Making choices
Lesson 3: A good influence
Lesson 4: Wrong choices
Lesson 5: David and Goliath
Lesson 6: Inner strength
Lesson 7: It’s up to you
This unit is intended as an introduction to thinking about ultimate truths in Key Stage 2. By beginning with ‘golden rules’, found represented in all major faiths, pupils then explore how their sense of right and wrong can change with circumstances. By using stories from different faiths and by studying the actions of believers who chose what they believed to be right over wrong when that was a hard choice for them to make, pupils are introduced to the concept of faith and behaviour being inextricably linked. The issue of ‘right and wrong’ will be discussed almost daily throughout a school child’s life! For this age group, right and wrong tends to be very cut-and-dried. These lessons are not intended to introduce the issue of ‘grey areas’ or ‘relative truth’ as children at this age have neither the spiritual, mental, moral or ethical maturity to address these issues appropriately in a classroom context.
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