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Think Tanker

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Stimulating, engaging and promoting thinking beyond the lesson of the day - that's the support material I seek to produce in the English, Maths and Humanities areas. As a resource manager and classroom teacher for over 30 years, I want to offer practical, get-to-the-point material to broaden, challenge and deepen understanding, provide for a range of skill levels, and make teaching and learning stimulating and enjoyable.




Stimulating, engaging and promoting thinking beyond the lesson of the day - that's the support material I seek to produce in the English, Maths and Humanities areas. As a resource manager and classroom teacher for over 30 years, I want to offer practical, get-to-the-point material to broaden, challenge and deepen understanding, provide for a range of skill levels, and make teaching and learning stimulating and enjoyable.
NED KELLY Study Guide for use with text Black Snake

NED KELLY Study Guide for use with text Black Snake

Twelve page study guide for the study of Ned Kelly based on the text “Black Snake.” The focus is on vocabulary and the representations of Ned Kelly in poetry, legal records, journalism and film. Students are provided with language activities for each chapter and with comparative studies of Ned Kelly as hero and outlaw.
AUSTRALIAN HUMOUR  - A Powerpoint on Comedy in Australia

AUSTRALIAN HUMOUR - A Powerpoint on Comedy in Australia

Powerpoint covering 1. What distinctive elements make up the distinctive Australian sense of humour - irreverence / class difference / city and country perspectives 2. Case Study - Classic Australian cartoon (“Stop Laughing this is serious!”) 3. Case Study - The Bush Comic (George Wallace) 4. Political correctness and Australian humour The material can be used in whole or part as the basis of a single lesson. There are lots of opportunities for direct note taking practice, class discussion and debate over whether there really is an Australian style of humour, and whether political correctness has eroded its distinctiveness


This study guide is a complete unit made up of ten pages of varied activities. It is a practical resource for educators who want self-explanatory, stimulating analysis and well targeted questions presented in a visually interesting handout. For the teacher with a classroom with a variety of reading and writing aptitudes, this study guide takes the student through the plot, characters and ideas of “A Christmas Carol” so that they can progress at their own pace. The handout is intended for approximately two to three weeks work. It is made up of 1 Background context to Dickensian England 2. Dicken’s purpose in writing / the process he followed in composition 3. Activities and close analysis of the plot and characters of each stave 4. Vocabulary and spelling tests throughout 5. Close reading comprehension testing at varying levels 6. Grammatical exercises using the text Those who have taught “A Christmas Carol” are well aware that engaging students can be a challenge - the story is so well known yet the original text requires application. For learning purposes, this guide gives step by step instruction in reading for meaning, enabling students to grasp Dickens’ plotting, comprehending characters, and appreciating the Victorian era style. This handout provides the necessary background to give students the social context, class issues, and the concept of mass poverty and its implications. Using a chronological stave-by-stave analysis with detailed comprehension, the study guide provides plenty of back up explanation in vocabulary and terminology, and practice in identifying word meanings and applications for usage.
EDITORIAL CARTOONS UNIT 'Understanding & Enjoying Editorial Cartoons'

EDITORIAL CARTOONS UNIT 'Understanding & Enjoying Editorial Cartoons'

EDITORIAL CARTOONS – A COMPLETE UNIT This is a unit on editorial / political cartoons, ready to teach for approximately three weeks, made up of daily powerpoints covering all aspects of editorial cartooning (see full list of content at bottom of page), culminating in explicit step-by-step teaching of paragraph and essay response writing to editorial cartoons. The package is made up of daily powerpoint lessons, step by step activities to check for understanding, annotated exemplars of paragraph and essay responses, and scaffolding handouts to assist in the practice . Please note - the cartoons have been chosen to be on universal topics like the environment and technology and are not reliant on culture-specific knowledge of politicians and localised systems for understanding. Those cartoons included in the material that relate to historical events are accompanied with snapshot explanations and brief context details. CONTENTS IN FULL package is (i) Teacher Master PPT (answers for all questions on pp) / Student copy of PPT minus answers I. Definitions and Purpose of editorial cartoons II. Targeting III. Prior knowledge test of cartoon commentary IV. Prior knowledge test of key terms to be used in unit V. Satire – purpose and impact VI. Three case studies from history in editorial cartoon satire VII. Application of understanding – test identifying the cartoonist’s purpose VIII. The Techniques of Editorial Cartooning – The Visual Element a. Exaggeration b. Caricature c. Positioning d. Symbolism e. Test on knowledge of classic symbols f. Allusion and Parody g. Analogy h. Metaphor i. Irony j. Stereotypes k. Stereotypes, accuracy and fairness l. National stereotypes m. Juxtaposition n. Comparing and contrasting IX. The Techniques of Editorial Cartooning – The Written Element a. Cartoons with no written text b. Labels in cartooning c. Dialogue in cartooning X. Editorial Cartooning around the world a. Censorship and taboos b. Placing limits on cartooning in democracies XI. Writing an Extended Analysis of An Editorial Cartoon a. Deconstructing the cartoon b. Writing the introduction c. How to write the analysis in full – pp exemplar d. Practice writing using analysis scaffold template XII. Putting It All Together Essay Exemplar – Annotated essay on David Low’s ‘RENDEZVOUS’ (pp. explanation and student handout for close reading) XIII. Editorial Cartoon Analysis test – Student handout Cartoon Analysis Scaffolding - Student Handout XIV. Essay Writing Practice Questions – Student Handout Essay Writing Task from Power Point Stimulus (‘Techno Generation’’) – PPT and Handout Essay Scaffolding - Analysing an Editorial Cartoon – Student Handout


Year 10- 12 Term Unit to guide students in close literary analysis of the novel through a variety of visually engaging activities on plot, characters, themes, setting, literary and language elements, vocabulary building, comparing and contrasting with other texts, extension exercises for able students, crossword with answers, and individual chapter summaries each with comprehension questions. 27 page student study guide - activities on each numbered page - answers for all questions in teacher powerpoint. Material is cumulative to develop understanding from literal to metaphorical, and unit can be used as a self- directed program with students working at their own pace or as teacher directed learning for whole class progression. Teacher powerpoint contains all answers to all activites One Master Powerpoint for teacher - contains answers to comprehension questions. One powerpoint - crossword answers Class activity (pre or post reading task) ‘Personal Reflection - Issues in LORD OF THE FLIES’ to connect student experience with understanding of concepts & themes in the novel. Study Guide Contents (each section containing text comprehension testing with answers for all questions in teacher powerpoint (i) Background to the Novel (ii) Language and vocabulary - terms to know (iii) Setting in the Novel (iv) Charcter Analysis (a) Ralph (b) Jack (c) Simon (d) Piggy (v) Literary Techniques (a) symbolism (b) foreshadowing (vi) Themes and Ideas in the Novel (vii) Extension activity - Where Is the Beast? Neuroscience and the novel (viii) Revision Crossword (ix) Extension activity - Poetry on the theme of Lord of the Flies (x) Chapter Questions - Separate analysis for each of the twelve chapters


PROPAGANDA, MEDIA LITERACY AND CRITICAL THINKING is a modular unit designed for approximately three to four weeks of class work. It is designed for high – level student engagement with the history and techniques of propaganda, the psychology of media manipulation and specific strategies to apply critical thinking to digital communication, with a range of techniques and activities for analyzing on-line propaganda and digital manipulation. It is based on three extended power-points, each a complete unit in itself (see full content below). Each slide has questions and other tasks to test for understanding – these are a range of activities, including prior knowledge tests, crossword, short answer quizzes, research tasks, discussion topics and visual interpretation analysis. The teacher copy of the power-points contains the answers to all the questions asked in the unit. All slides are numbered to ensure ease of use in whole class teaching. An extension activity analyzing romanticized representations of war is included. It is a modular unit which can be used as a whole or each of the sections can function as a self contained program of instruction, depending on teaching time and course focus – English, media literacy, life skills, digital persuasion. The unit is in three sections PROPAGANDA AND MEDIA LITERACY What is propaganda – a definition Prior Knowledge test of persuasive techniques The propaganda spectrum/ Use of propaganda for good and bad ends Stereotypes Symbols Emotive Language – Connotations and Associations Framing the issue Sound devices in propaganda ROLES - R epition O missions L ies E xaggeration S implification FIVE ENQUIRY QUESTIONS – Media Manipulation and Digital Deception (i) Advertising and Propaganda (ii) Propaganda and pre-exisiting prejudices (iii) The Big Lie – The Success of Massive Deceptions (iv) The Goals of Propaganda – Case Study Research (v) News Reporting as Propaganda- Case Study DEVELOPING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN AN AGE OF DISINFORMATION Technology and the Future of Propaganda (i) Quantity of Information Technology and the Future of Propaganda (i) Quality and targeting Online Propaganda Campaigns – Case Study Summary of key points - technology and propaganda Questions for research and discussion Five Step to Deal with Online Disinformation Applying Critical Thinking to Digital Propaganda Online Propaganda’s Greatest Tricks (a) Correlation and Causation (b) The Slippery Slope © Bandwagon Appeal (d) False Dichotomy Additional Resources (1) Crossword of Key Terms (with answers) (ii) Extension activity (ppt) - Romanticized Images of War - Wartime Posters