This resource provides a list of comprehension and summary questions chapter per chapter with answers in French. This can help students not only to remember the sequence of events but also to exemplify their points in their essays by recounting these events accurately in French.
This is a fully editable Word document
this bundle contains more than 15 resources to teach the New GCSE /IGCSE Topic Mon quartier, Ma ville, Les magasins et Le shopping . It includes :
4 Interactive PPT to present and practice shops and places in town, prepositions and directions
4 worksheets for Core Vocabulary and extension tasks
Tutorial and Practice on the prepositions to go with shops
Questions with Model answers
A domino game
GCSE Questions with Model answers
2 sample essays on My area with Translation
A Test with Reading Comprehensions and grammar points.
It is suitable for Year 10-11 Foundation/Higher students to revise, consolidate and practice this topic.
Attached is a 20 pages Revision booklet with more than 50 activities. It is divided into 2 sections: Practice exercises on Year 7 topics +a General Test. Topics covered are:
Les nombres
Les saisons
Les sports
Les passe-temps
L’école : la trousse et Les matières
Les vêtements
Je me présente
La famille
Où j’habite
La nourriture
Every topic in Section 1 include 3 to 6 fun activities. The test includes 15 activities. Booklet can be used in class or at home for independent practice. It is also suitable for Year 6 .
This resource consists of 8 documents, including 8 in-depth and informative booklets mostly in French on Le Gone du Chabaa , covering :
• A complete plot summary with a description of the main characters
• 5 study guides & Character studies
• In-depth Analysis of the Key themes, Scenes and style
• A biography of Azouz Begag
21 Essay titles on the novel
The following bundle includes: 8 boardgames to practise GCSE questions and various tenses orally: Present, Past, Imperfect, Future.
This can be used in classes with social distancing as long as each student has a copy of the boardgame and a dice.
This is suitable both for GCSE Foundation & Higher students.
These resources include the analysis of the main themes of the film.
they can also be used for revision or teaching for other exam boards.
_A synopsis and film summary
_ A worksheet with 25 questions on the film
_Activities to explore the main characters
_ Analysis of 6 key scenes
_ Extracts from the film to illustrate the main themes
_ Analysis of the representation of the Barcelona, the flat
_ Questions on the main topic: Un film d’apprentissage
_ An interview with Klapish
_ A study of the trailer and the film poster
This bundle contains more than 15 resources on the EU and the Brexit up to the Deal, suitable for A Level students. It includes :
A comprehensive PPT presentation in French on the EU with 48 slides: its institutions, history, working, population, economy, politics
A comprehension booklet with 12 exercises to go with the PPT
2 Videos with questionnaires: one on brexit and one on European Elections. Answers provided on separate doc.
Au audio doc. on freedom of movement and a Listening comprehension to go with it.
14 caricatures on the EU to elicit conversations and some articles and news on EU
A Reading comprehension on the Brexit Deal adapted from A Le Monde article
Specific vocab on EU
15 Questions on the EU
A Quizz on EU
This resource includes some up-to-date facts in French on the AQA A Level topics for the Oral exam. Each topic has 6 to 8 facts presented in full sentences in French.
Also included are Model Questions and Answers on the 2nd Year AQA A Level Topics:
_ Integration / Immigration
_ La Marginalisation et la discrimination
_ La Criminalité
_ Les Manifestations
_ La Politique
Each topic includes a list of around 15 possible exam questions with developed answers in French.
This bundle is aimed at A level students. Attached are 7 comprehensive PPT : 1 model essay on l’amour + 6 analysis of the key topics with possible essay titles and plans:
Each PPT is between 10 and 20 slides
_ l’amour dans un long dimanche de fiançailles.
_Etude des personnages principaux :Mathilde et Manech
_ la musique, le silence et le bruit
_ Paris dans les années 20
_ l’importance du rôle des personnages masculins et féminins
_ Le décor dans le film
_ la représentation de la guerre
This resource consists of 3 Study booklet on la Famille Belier suitable for A Level / Higher GCSE.
One is a 40 slides PPT presentation and brings you:
• A complete plot summary
• Character studies with characterisation task
• Some comprehension questions & exercises
• Activities on the trailer
• An extract from the film and a gap filling task on the famous song from Michel sardou, and a portrait of the main actress.
• Useful quotes
The second booklet is a 11 pages booklet in Word format with lots of interactive activities. It must be used in conjunction with the PPT presentation.
The third booklet is a 10 pages long, also in Word format, with other activities.
Booklet can be be done after watching the movie.
In this Bundle: You will find all the teaching resources to study the novel L’Etranger (French A-Level)
In depth Study Guides
Analysis of the key chapters
Analysis of characters and plot
_ Essay titles per exam boards
_ Liens internet
_ Biography of Camus
-Summary sheets and revision booklets
This comprehensive booklet of 21 pages includes:
12 essay titles for task A (80-90 words) and 12 for task B (130-150 words).
Useful tips for each type of essay
A list of recommanded structures, phrases and linkwords
7 long Sample Essays with comments and translation
This booklet is suitable both for AQA and Edexcel Foundation/Higher Tier candidates for exam boards. It can also be adapted for IGCSE candidates as this is in word format and so fully editable.
My students found it very useful for exam revision and independent practice as they can pick and choose the topics they want and use a model to write their own essay.
Bon courage!
This a bundle of 15 resources about Christmas is aimed at Intermediate Students ( KS3 and GCSE students).
It comprises a wide range of activities:
_two PPT Presentation to introduce the vocab
_ Games ( dominoes and Loto), a conversation about Christmas holidays ( to be done in January!),
_ Reading and Listening Comprehensions for KS3 and GCSE students .
_ 5 worksheets with various vocab and grammar activities around Christmas such as a Role Play about shopping for Xmas, a gap filling activity with a letter to Pere Noel, a multiple choice vocab activity and a Worksheet to practise Prepositions.
_ a Visual Dictionary of Christmas Vocab
_ Matching up Vocab
_ Video questionaires
Joyeux Noel!
This is a module of work on the topic Le Patrimoine for students preparing the New A Level French comprising:
_ A Comprehensive PPT Presentation,64 slides, to introduce the concept of Patrimoine: Definition and exemples of National and World Heritage Site, History of Unesco, Exemples of Unesco Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Exemples and Embedded Video Activities on French World Heritage sites. it includes pictures to elicit Discussion and video activities.
_4 Reading Comprehension on some of the most famous landmarks in Paris such as Sacré-Coeur, Musée d’Orsay, Tour Eiffel, Notre Dame and some less well-known such as Les arènes de Lutece.
_ 5 Reading activities on Le Patrimoine gastronomique in the Pdf booklet
_ 2 Writing and Speaking tasks to complete for homework or in class
_ 2 stimulating and fun quizz in PPT and Word format about French Culture and General Knowledge about different aspects of France. Answers are provided. The quiz work best when done in small groups.
This bundle includes 14 resources to introduce and reinforce the A Level topic Integration & Discrimination.
It consists of:
_ a comprehensive PPT with 73 slides exploring the issues of immigration, integration and racism in France through the ages with lots of facts, but also quizzes, film extracts, study cases and testimonies.
_ 5 Reading Comprehensions with questions or True/False tasks,
_ 2 Summary Tasks: 1 Reading and 1 Listening
_5 Audio and 2 Video questionnaires
_ Comic Strips and pictures to illustrate the topic of racism
_ 2 Vocab sheets with illustrations and definitions of words related to Racism, Secularism and Discrimination.
_ A translation activity French to English
_ 10 Exams Questions with possible answers
Attached are 3 Extensive Model essays on No et Moi, one on character, one on style, one on a theme:
On dit qu’un vrai héros n’est ni tout à fait bon ni tout à fait mauvais. Examinez dans quelle mesure cette affirmation est vraie en ce qui concerne le personnage de Lou.
Evaluez dans quelle mesure le roman No et Moi est avant tout une étude sérieuse de la vie des sans-abris.
Décrivez et commentez le style dans No et Moi.
This bundle consists of 10 PPT tutorials with practice, each resource covering a different grammar points. The points covered are:
_ the main tenses in French ( Present, Perfect, Imperfect, Future and Conditional, all with irregular verbs)
_ Adjectives
_ articles
_ Comparatives
_ Pronouns
_ Prepositions
+ An editable booklet to revise all these points
This bundle of activties includes 11 activities on Immigration and Diversity suitable for A Level students. It comprises:
5 Articles with Comprehensions on Immigration and Integration
Pictures and Comics to elicit conversation on this topic
2 Video activities with questionnaires
1 Listening activity
A Vocabulary List
2 PPT Presentations on Immigration
A list of Web Links
A list of questions to discuss immigration.
This in-depth and informative booklet in French ( 15 pages) brings you:
• A biography of Delphine De Vigan
• A complete plot summary
• Character studies
• An Analysis of the Key themes and symbols
• Reflection on the style of the novel
It will help the A Level students with essay writing . It can be used in class or for independent study.
This resource consists of 8 French Higher GCSE Model Essays for the 130-150 words task ( 24 markers) based on Edexcel & AQA Past Writing Paper.
It a fully editable Word doc
The following topics are covered:
_ Food& Drink
_Sports & Hobbies
_ New Technologies
_ Friendship & Relationships
_ Holidays
_ School
_ My area and the Environment
_ Future Work
These essays are also useful for the IGCSE 130-150 words essays .