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Topic Resources

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(based on 50 reviews)

We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.




We offer EYFS, early years foundation stage, KS1, KS2 and SEN teaching resources. powerpoints, topic resources, worksheets, labels and games.
Year 2 Non-chronological Report Writing Pack (Polar Bears)

Year 2 Non-chronological Report Writing Pack (Polar Bears)

A fabulous cross-curricular resource for familiarising children with how to organise and write their own non-chronological report. This highly useful and topical resource will engage your children in writing a non-chronological report based on the fascinating topic of Polar Bears. The pack includes a guide suggesting how you could use the resources with the children in your class.
Year 1 Literacy Activities

Year 1 Literacy Activities

A super set of activities designed to give children the opportunity to practise their literacy skills. The activities can be used individually, to form part of focussed teaching sessions or in booklet form for children to use independently to reinforce prior teaching and learning.
Christmas Comprehension and Problem Solving for KS2

Christmas Comprehension and Problem Solving for KS2

A super Christmas resource pack, filled with a range of fun and challenging themed reading comprehension/problem solving activites for KS2 children. Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. We have also provided an answers in order to facilitate speed of marking.
Christmas Inference Tasks for Year 2/3 (Great for gathering evidence)

Christmas Inference Tasks for Year 2/3 (Great for gathering evidence)

A fabulous Christmas resource pack, filled with a range of fun and challenging themed activites for KS1 and Lower KS2 children. The pack includes a wide variety of reading for inference tasks and is currently being used by teachers in Year 2 to provide evidence of children’s reading levels. Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. We have also provided an answers in order to facilitate speed of marking.
Reading Comprehension/Problem Solving for KS1 and Lower KS2

Reading Comprehension/Problem Solving for KS1 and Lower KS2

This superb set of Upper KS1/Lower KS2 reading comprehension/problem solving activities will provide you with a fun and stimulating way to challenge your children. The activities include inference questions and the opportunity to interpret information presented in a variety of ways. The resource comes with a set of answers which can be used either to aid speed of marking or for children to check their own answers.
Inference Tasks for Year 2/3 (Great for gathering evidence).

Inference Tasks for Year 2/3 (Great for gathering evidence).

This excellent pack of inference tasks will stimulate and challenge your children. The resources have been tried and tested by Year 2 teachers who are finding them an excellent tool for gathering evidence. The pack includes a wide variety of reading for inference tasks and is currently being used by teachers in Year 2 to provide evidence of children’s reading levels. Each activity can be incorporated into a complete booklet using the front cover provided. Alternatively, each activity can be used separately according to your particular requirements. We have also provided an answers in order to facilitate speed of marking.
Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack 3/Homework Booklet for KS2

Inference, Deduction and Problem Solving Pack 3/Homework Booklet for KS2

We are delighted to be able to offer a super resource! It is a KS2 resource designed to challenge and stimulate. Based upon a “returning to school” theme, this beautifully structured set of activities will engage children both in the classroom and as a homework activity. The tasks include problem-solving, logic, mathematical and structured comprehension work.
KS1, Year 2, Punctuation and Grammar Activity Book

KS1, Year 2, Punctuation and Grammar Activity Book

Recently, I have been struck by the fact that many of the commercially produced SPaG resources can be a little dull and dry at times. Consequently, we have made a fun and humourous activity booklet based on two families of aliens and the adventures they have. This lovely resource is designed to be used by KS1 (specifically Year 2) children and has activities based on: capital letters and full stops, questions, exclamations and commands. We know that your children will be entertained, stimulated and challenged by this wonderful resource.
Lower KS2 Reading Comprehension Cards based on Hedgehogs

Lower KS2 Reading Comprehension Cards based on Hedgehogs

This superb set of Lower KS2 reading comprehension cards will provide you with a fun and stimulating way to challenge your children. The cards are based on the topic of Hedgehogs and include fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts with a range of inference questions. The resource comes with a set of answers which can be used either to aid speed of marking or for children to check their own answers. We would suggest that the cards be laminated so that your children can write on and wipe off when their answers have been checked.
Lower KS2 Reading Comprehension/Problem Solving Cards

Lower KS2 Reading Comprehension/Problem Solving Cards

This superb set of Lower KS2 reading comprehension/problem solving cards will provide you with a fun and stimulating way to challenge your children. The cards include inference questions and the opportunity to interpret information presented in a variety of ways. The resource comes with a set of answers which can be used either to aid speed of marking or for children to check their own answers. We would suggest that the cards be laminated so that your children can write on and wipe off when their answers have been checked.
KS1, Year 2 SATs SPaG Practice Papers

KS1, Year 2 SATs SPaG Practice Papers

This super teaching resource has been designed to give Year 2 children the opportunity to practise a SATs style spelling, punctuation and grammar test in line with New Curriculum requirements.
KS1, Year 2, SATs style Reasoning and arithmetic assessment bundle.

KS1, Year 2, SATs style Reasoning and arithmetic assessment bundle.

3 Resources
This superb bundle of four Year 2, SATs style reasoning tests and four SATs style arithmetic tests will provide your children with the opportunity to gain additional practice and confidence when tackling SATs style maths questions. Bought individually, the booklets would cost you £10.00, but if purchased as a bundle, you will save 25% (£2.50).
KS1, Year 2, SATs style maths assessment booklets for reasoning and arithmetic

KS1, Year 2, SATs style maths assessment booklets for reasoning and arithmetic

KS1 SATs style reasoning and arithmetic booklets (designed with New Curriculum requirements in mind). These booklets have been used by a number of KS1 (year 2) teachers to give their children additional practice at tackling the new SATs reasoning and arithmetic papers. All have said that they offer an excellent way of increasing children’s confidence in tackling these kinds of questions. The resources include answer book/marking schemes designed to give teachers an idea of how their children might cope in a Year 2 SATs test.
KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklets, Bundle 3

KS1/LKS2 SATS style Reading Comprehension Booklets, Bundle 3

3 Resources
This is the third of our bundles of SATs style Reading Comprehension booklets, designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements. This super bundle of four KS1 reading comprehension booklets includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. They offer both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around a variety of topics. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklets have also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups. Purchased individually, the booklets would cost £8.00 for 4 booklets but I am offering a £2.00 discount with this bundle of 4.
KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet based on Easter

KS1/LKS2 SATs style reading comprehension booklet based on Easter

This SATS style reading comprehension booklet is designed to give your children additional experience in tackling New Curriculum SATS style texts and questions. It offers fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Easter to provide your children with an opportunity to use their comprehension skills whilst consolidating their knowledge of the Easter festival. Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully trialled with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.