5 lessons covering Topic 5 of the Y113 Churchill and Britain unit (Labour and the Conservatives in power, 1964-79), including a comprehensive content booklet to accompany the PowerPoints.
5.1 Why did Labour win the 1964 election?
5.2 How successful was Wilson’s government, 1964-70?
5.3 Why did Labour lose the 1970 election?
5.4 How successful was Heath’s government, 1970-74?
5.5 How successful were Wilson and Callaghan, 1974-79?
Topic 5 booklet - acts as a textbook, covers all spec content.
* Designed as a teaching tool for a lower-ability GCSE group, as an alternative to the content-heavy textbook, but equally could be used as a revision guide for all students.
* Summarises key content in a visually appealing format
* Includes revision activities (gap fills, match-ups, etc.)
* Divided into 4 sections, each with recap quiz at end
9 lessons covering Topic 4 of the Y113 Churchill and Britain unit (Conservative domination, 1951-64), including a comprehensive content booklet to accompany the PowerPoints.
4.1 Introduction to Britain in 1951
4.2 Why did consensus emerge after WW2?
4.3 What did Labour achieve in the years 1945-51?
4.4 Why did Labour lose the 1951 election?
4.5 How successful were Churchill and Eden, 1951-57?
4.6 Does Macmillan deserve the name ‘Supermac’?
4.7 Why did Conservative support decline?
4.8 How weak was Labour, 1951-64?
4.9 Review - Why did the Conservatives dominate politics, 1951-64?
Topic 4 booklet - acts as a textbook, covers all spec content.
8 lessons covering Topic 6 of the Y113 Churchill and Britain unit (Thatcher and the end of consensus, 1979-97 ), including a comprehensive content booklet to accompany the PowerPoints.
6.1 Why did Thatcher win in 1979, and what kind of leader was she?
6.2 Why was Thatcher in office for so long?
6.3 How successful were Thatcher’s economic policies?
6.4 Did Thatcher’s social policies ‘roll back the state’?
6.5 How well did Thatcher deal with industrial relations?
6.6 How strong was Thatcher’s handling of foreign affairs?
6.7 What caused Thatcher’s downfall in 1990?
6.8 Why were the Tories so badly defeated in 1997?
Topic 6 booklet - acts as a textbook, covers all spec content
Work booklets for all 4 Medicine Through Time topics:
Medieval Medicine, c.1250-1500
Renaissance Medicine, c.1500-1700
Industrial Medicine, c.1700-1900
Modern Medicine, c.1900-present
Medicine on the Western Front (historical enquiry unit)
Ideal for use in class or as revision.