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A teacher and tutor with more than thirty years' experience working in both mainstream and independent schools. I have an Honours degree in English Literature and Linguistics from UEA and have written a dissertation about encouraging children to write. I am a mother of three and interested in all things green. I am in the process of setting up my TES shop and hope to launch my "Spagbag" resources which are suitable for both Primary and Secondary aged pupils.




A teacher and tutor with more than thirty years' experience working in both mainstream and independent schools. I have an Honours degree in English Literature and Linguistics from UEA and have written a dissertation about encouraging children to write. I am a mother of three and interested in all things green. I am in the process of setting up my TES shop and hope to launch my "Spagbag" resources which are suitable for both Primary and Secondary aged pupils.
Punctuate with Potter in The Chamber of Secrets

Punctuate with Potter in The Chamber of Secrets

This animated Power Point asks pupils to punctuate passages from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The selected passages will test knowledge of proper nouns, apostrophes for contraction, hyphens, colons, brackets, speech marks and much more besides. The answers will appear as if by magic. There is an activity to invent muggle words from some of the characters' names and a bonus question to test knowledge of the book. Pupils are asked to write a formal letter to Harry complaining about inappropriate use of his wizarding skills. This is an ideal way to test knowledge of punctuation and encourage reading at the same time. Suitable for ages 10+
humans vs computers

humans vs computers

This animated Power Point presentation discusses the evolutionary future of the human race and the part modern technology plays in that futuristic landscape. Obesity, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes are the big killers. Has our sedentary lifestyle and addiction to screens caused our brains to work in different ways? Will computers ever achieve consciousness? This resource is suitable for audiences aged 16+
The trouble with toothpaste

The trouble with toothpaste

This Power Point looks at the ingredients within modern toothpastes and compares well known brands. It takes a humorous look at historical remedies for tooth ache through the ages and advocates why regular tooth brushing is so important. This resource could be used when discussing fluoride additions to water and is suitable for students aged 11+ This would be ideal to promote a homework investigation into toothpaste branding.
Pastry Poster Healthy Eating

Pastry Poster Healthy Eating

This poster shows how pastry can in fact be classed as being part of a healthy diet as long as other food groups are also included in your diet overall. This resource is useful for students studying healthy eating patterns and also embarking on cooking simple recipes for themselves as they become more independent. Suitable for ages 10+
Poetry analysis of "What has happened to Lulu?"

Poetry analysis of "What has happened to Lulu?"

This power point presentation takes apart Charles Causley's poem bit by bit and offers an interpretation of the relationship between Lulu, the mother and the younger sibling and suggests that the rag doll abandoned by Lulu in her hurry to leave, epitomises her own lost childhood as she escapes her mother's over protection. A brief biography of Charles Causley is also included. This resource could be used when studying poetry or for discussion purposes and is suitable for ages 12+
Grammar, punctuation and spelling quiz

Grammar, punctuation and spelling quiz

This power point resource can be used to test pupils' knowledge of homophones, adding prefixes to form opposites, using commas, alphabetical ordering and much more besides. There is a passage to perfect with deliberate errors such as missing punctuation and capital letters. This is one of many similar quizzes in my shop which can be used in rotation to test different aspects of spelling, grammar and punctuation on a regular basis. Suitable for ages 10+
anger issues and mindfulness

anger issues and mindfulness

This power point explores anger issues and how being more mindful of our words and actions can be beneficial. A story is told of a young boy who is given a bag of nails by his father. Each time he says something hurtful to his family he has to hammer a nail into the tree at the bottom of the garden. As he discovers ways to control his temper, the nails are used less and less and eventually his father asks the boy to pull them out. The boy discovers that the nails have left holes in the tree trunk, just as his unkind words have left wounds in others that will take time to heal. Students are asked questions surrounding the story and asked to share strategies for dealing with anger. Suggestions are made at the end for using hand templates to pass round to friends to write kind words on and display ideas suggested. Talking therapies for dealing with mental health issues and mindfulness meditation are promoted as strategies for dealing with stress. This resource would be useful as an assembly or in tutor time and of particular importance around exam periods. It is suitable for ages 10+
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Revision

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Revision

This power point requires the students to supply missing apostrophes, the correct homophone, add prefixes to form the opposite, to organise alphabetically and to decipher a weirdly worded passage. This is intended to be used when revising different aspects of grammar , punctuation and spelling in general. Answers are provided. Suitable for ages 10+
Spelling and Grammar quiz bundle

Spelling and Grammar quiz bundle

3 Resources
I have bundled together three quizzes which test various aspects of spelling, grammar and punctuation. As they are in a similar format they can be easily rotated on a regular basis and tweaked to suit the needs of the students. Answers are provided. Suited to ages 8+
Spelling and grammar quiz. Perfect your punctuation!

Spelling and grammar quiz. Perfect your punctuation!

This power point resource tests the students' knowledge of speech marks, question marks, masculine and feminine nouns and the past tense. The students also have a paragraph to perfect with punctuation marks. Answers are given. This resource will be useful for revision purposes and the questions can be easily differentiated . It is suitable for ages 8+ depending on ability. I include a resource which encourages pupils to extend their range of punctuation marks and another which leads to more extended passages and descriptive writing.
Famous Victorians

Famous Victorians

This power point showcases some famous Victorians such as Faraday and Darwin, engineers such as Isambard Kingdom Brunel and authors such as Charlotte Bronte and Charles Dickens. The presentation also includes an infamous Victorian: Jack the Ripper and the people who were suspected of being this notorious serial killer. Brief biographical details are given and an overview of major achievements/incidents given. Suitable for ages10+
Awesome adjectives and quiz

Awesome adjectives and quiz

This power point is intended to inspire children to expand their sentences using adjectives. I used crystals as a starting point and asked the children to pass round four or five different types of crystal and think of a describing word. From the list of words we then expanded into sentences. From the sentences we expanded into a story about being lost in a cave. I encouraged the children to use all five senses to bring their descriptions to life. I include a more general spelling, grammar and punctuation quiz in which adjectives feature. All answers included. This resource is suitable for ages 6+
Another spelling and grammar quiz

Another spelling and grammar quiz

This power point tests knowledge of apostrophes, forming plurals and the opposites of adjectives using the correct prefix. Students are also required to rewrite a weirdly worded paragraph so that it makes perfect sense. Answers are provided. I include a resource which encourages pupils to use a wider range of punctuation. The tasks can be easily differentiated according to ability. Suitable for ages 10+
Comprehension and descriptive writing : A hamster called Spock

Comprehension and descriptive writing : A hamster called Spock

This power point is a simple narrative about a hamster called Spock. Pupils are required to read the short story and then answer the related questions. They are required to use dictionary skills to define trickier words from the story. The pupils are then required to choose an option to write about: describe their ideal pet or design a des res for a hamster like Spock. I include an extra revision aid which could be used to strengthen writing skills and provides an opportunity for descriptive writing concerning animals and pets. This resource is suitable for ages 7+
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

5 Resources
I have bundled together five resources which cover different aspects of grammar and punctuation which should prove useful when it comes to revision. All answers are provided for ease of marking. Suitable for ages 10+
Spelling and Grammar Quiz

Spelling and Grammar Quiz

This power point is a quiz which will test students' knowledge of apostrophes, making nouns plural, finding the opposite adjective by adding prefixes and deciphering a weirdly worded paragraph. This resource could be used as a whole or split into sections over a week. The exercises can be easily differentiated according to ability. It is suited to ages 10+ and answers are provided. I include a resource which encourages pupils to use a wider range of punctuation in their writing.
Victorian Novel Historical Context

Victorian Novel Historical Context

3 Resources
I have bundled four resources together which will provide valuable material when it comes to answering context questions when studying Victorian novelists such as Dickens. The resources include key themes of the Victorian novel, how Christmas was made so popular by Dickens' work and how Christmas has become so commercialised today and has lost its true meaning. Included also is a poetry analysis of No! which depicts an enveloping smog, so evocative of Victorian London.
The Victorian Christmas as popularised by Dickens

The Victorian Christmas as popularised by Dickens

This power point presentation gives an overview of what a Victorian Christmas was like including customs of the day such as The Christmas Tree, Parlour Games and Festive Food. Particular emphasis is given on how Dickens' novels A Christmas Carol and The Pickwick Papers helped to make Christmas more popular with the general public than other festivals. This resource will prove useful when studying Dickens' novels and thinking about historical context. Suitable for ages 10+
Proper nouns

Proper nouns

This power point explains the use of proper nouns and asks students to supply the missing capital letters in well known people, places and things. A more challenging activity is provided where the students are given a passage regarding Victorian theatre and are required to re-write it identifying all proper nouns. This resource will make an ideal revision tool when revising grammar but also when studying information texts regarding Victorian Britain. Included is a more general spelling, punctuation and grammar quiz where proper nouns is just one of the topics featured. This resource is suitable for ages 10+
Adjectives and Spagbag quiz

Adjectives and Spagbag quiz

This power point explains what adjectives are and asks pupils to identify them within sentences, to match adjectives of similar meaning and to form adjectives by adding the suffix -ful or -less. Pupils are also required to form the opposites by adding the prefixes un- or dis- I include a more general spelling ,punctuation and grammar quiz in which adjectives feature. All answers are provided. This resource will be a useful revision tool and is suitable for ages 7+