Business and finance

Change Management (Business)
This resource is a detailed, comprehensive PowerPoint (124 slides) on change management.
The resource is split into four separate lessons that breaks down the topic in manageable chunks.
The resource contains:
several starter activities
exam practice
detailed notes
Coliurful and engaging throughout.
This resource lasted a full week of lessons (3 hours) for me

Please note that this is a SMART NOTEBOOK presentation and not a PowerPoint presentation

Capacity and Capacity Utilisation
A 52 slide presentation detailing capacity and capacity utilisation.
This presentation includes:
A depreciation starter activity
Introductory activity on the concept of capacity
Examples of capacity utilisation in different contexts
Calculation activity
Activity demonstrating hoe capacity utilisation impacts costs / average costs
Detailed notes throughout
This lesson took me an hour to go through.

Included in this PowerPoint:
A detailed and colourful title slide that outlines the key learning outcomes and equipment required for the lesson
A starter activity where students are required to guess how the price of 5 goods and services has changed over time (closest for each round wins). Students really enjoy this activity
Explanation of why / when inflation becomes a problem, how it affects incomes and sectors where incomes have risen lower and higher than inflation
Explanation in basket of goods / weighted index
Step by step explanation of how inflation is calculated using weighted index
Activity (with answers) where students are required to calculate inflation changes using a weighted index
Activity (with answers) - identify which goods and services have been recently added and removed from the basket of goods
Explanation of difference between demand-pull and cost-push inflation with examples
Diagrams for both types of inflation
Presentation is detailed and colourful throughout
There are 52 slides in total and this presentation took me an hour and a half to go through.

Market Structures and Competition
This lesson can be used either to teach Business students about competition, market structures and how consumers can be affected by anti-competitive practices OR to teach Economics students about the different features of market structures and why competition / a lack of competition affects different stakeholders.
Included in this lesson:
A colourful and detailed title slide outlining the key learning objectives
An income elasticity of demand starter activity suitable for both Business and Economics students (calculation / explain / diagram question). A printable slide of the questions has been provided with a detailed answer key on next slide for peer marking.
A detailed and contextualised example of how a lack of competition affects different stakeholders (Epic Games legal battle with Apple over Fortnite)
Brainstorming activity on competition
A rank in order activity on types of competitive markets
Detailed notes on competition, monopolies, oligopolies, monopolistic competition, perfect competition, Game Theory, types of anti-competitive practices such as Cartels, OFT.
This presentation contains 37 slides and took me an hour to go through with my students.

Porter's Five Forces
This PowerPoint introduces the theory of Porter’s Five Forces
Contextualised examples included (including why Apple hasn’t entered the airline example)
Each force is explained individually
Notes provided throughout
PowerPoint is colourful and engaging

Product Lifecycle
Included in this PowerPoint presentation;
A colourful title slide outlining the key learning objectives
A fun Catchphrase starter activity that my students adore!
An introductory slide explaining what the lesson is about
An introductory game where students have to recognise brands of drinks currently / previously owned by Coke (this activity links into product lifecycle)
A hyperlinked video about the rise and fall of Subway (10 mins in length)
Detailed and colourful notes on what the product lifecycle is and what happens at each stage
A simple class activity where students have to be creative and think about how to extend the product lifecycle for 4 random products (I get students to either stand up and explain their suggestions / draw them)
Colourful gifs and animations are included throughout to ensure full engagement from students
This lesson contains 38 slides and took me a full hour to complete with all the activities included

Marketing Mix - Price
This resource is a 58 slide PowerPoint presentation that gives a comprehensive overview of pricing strategies. Included in this resource:
A colourful title page outlining the learning objectives
A fun catchphrase starter activity where students have to guess the name of a business / product from the pictures given [answers included]
A critical path analysis recap activity [answers included]
An introductory explanation of the importance of pricing products correctly
Detailed explanations with examples of market-based, competition-based and cost-based pricing strategies
Colourful examples provided throughout
Calculation activities [with answers] for the cost-based pricing strategies
Colourful gifs and animation are included throughout
This lesson took me just over an hour to go through with students.

Franchises / Franchising
This PowerPoint is a 20 slide resource that containd the following:
A colourful title slide with lesson objectives and animations
An editable ‘guess the starter’ activity
Franchising logo activity
McDonalds information video
Additional activities
This presentation took me 45 minutes to go through with my students