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Primary Texts

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(based on 254 reviews)

Primary Texts provides resources to help support the teaching of reading, writing and speaking and listening at primary level. Resources are flexible, adaptable, easy to use and meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.




Primary Texts provides resources to help support the teaching of reading, writing and speaking and listening at primary level. Resources are flexible, adaptable, easy to use and meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Year 2 Expanded noun phrases: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 2 Expanded noun phrases: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 2 sentence objective requiring pupils to understand the use of expanded noun phrases for description and specification. The PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 2 Sentence Types: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 2 Sentence Types: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 2 sentence objective requiring pupils to understand how the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement, question, exclamation or command. The PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 2 Demarcating Sentences: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 2 Demarcating Sentences: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 2 punctuation requiring pupils to understand the use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences. The PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 4 Fronted Adverbials: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 4 Fronted Adverbials: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 4 sentence objective requiring pupils to understand ‘fronted adverbials’. The PPT contains explanation, examples, activities and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings PPT and Worksheets

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings PPT and Worksheets

This resource includes a 12 slide PPT containing the Year 5 and 6 words broken down into 11 spelling lists with activities to aid spelling practice. Also included are three differentiated sets of worksheets for each of the 11 spelling lists. Activities are focused around developing strategies to learn the words and understanding their meaning. The content of the worksheets is shown below: Practise: Look Cover Write Check Spelling Sheets Consolidation: Correct the Spelling Worksheets Challenge: Match the Meaning Worksheets Plus, there is a copy of the year 5 and 6 spelling list. This is a comprehensive, straightforward and easy to use resource which allows for repeated spelling practice in order to ensure the pupil’s recall of the spellings is secure.
Fun Christmas poetry lesson for KS2: The Twelve Days of Christmas

Fun Christmas poetry lesson for KS2: The Twelve Days of Christmas

This fun Christmas poetry lesson based on the poem / song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ includes a PPT presentation of the song and comprehension tasks. It also includes guidance for four follow-up activities with links to literacy, art, music and maths: Activity 1: Sing the poem Activity 2: Illustrate the twelve days of Christmas Activity 3: Create a Christmas gift list Activity 4: Use maths skills to do sums calculating the number of gifts This flexible resource with the potential for extension into a short unit of work. Suitable for KS2. The 32 slide PPT contains: • The poem with supporting visual images • Background information about the poem • Discussion questions • Details of follow-up activities. The resource also includes: • A copy of the poem. Useful for pupils to read, make annotations or highlight. • Two differentiated comprehension worksheets. Worksheet A contains a straightforward literal task and an activity requiring pupils to visualise aspects of the poem. Worksheet B is more challenging and contains tasks linked to exploring the poet’s use of language and expressing opinion.
Year 2 Apostrophes: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 2 Apostrophes: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 2 punctuation requiring pupils to understand the use of apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling and to mark singular possession in nouns. The PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 2 Subordination and Co-ordination: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 2 Subordination and Co-ordination: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 2 sentence objective requiring pupils to understand subordination (using when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (using or, and, but). The PPT contains a variety of examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 6 Booster Pack: Describe characters, setting and atmosphere

Year 6 Booster Pack: Describe characters, setting and atmosphere

3 Resources
Contains three lessons focused on the year 6 writing framework objective, ‘in narratives, describe settings, characters and atmosphere’. The format for each lesson is: Discuss: Talk about the features and purpose of the text type and the set task. Analyse: Identify the features that can be seen in an example text. Write: Students create a written description of them choosing from a selection of stimuli Edit: Review work and identify improvements that could be made. Includes engaging pictures and suggestions for vocabulary
Haiku Poetry Lesson for KS2

Haiku Poetry Lesson for KS2

A complete poetry lesson based on a classic Japanese haiku: Matsuo Basho’s frog poem. Includes a PPT presentation and comprehension tasks. Also includes activities designed to help students create their own haikus. These activities are ideal for helping pupils consider word choice, editing, syllables and layout. A flexible resource with the potential for extension into a short unit of work. The 12 slide PPT contains: • The poem with supporting visual images • Background information about the poet and poem • Discussion questions • Details of follow-up activities which explore how haikus are written and provide guidance supporting students in writing their own. The resource also includes: • A copy of the poem and translations. Useful for pupils to read, make annotations or highlight. • Two differentiated comprehension worksheets. Worksheet A contains literal questions and an activity that requiring pupils to visualise the poem. Worksheet B contains more challenging activities requiring pupils to compare and contrast vocabulary and express their opinion.
Martin Luther King Jr.  KS2 Lesson with PPT and Activities

Martin Luther King Jr. KS2 Lesson with PPT and Activities

A complete PPT lesson resource about Martin Luther King Jr and why we remember him. Ideal for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Black History Month or studying equality and civil rights or significant individuals.The PPT presentation contains details of Martin Luther King Jr’s life and achievements with a range of questions to encourage discussion and deeper thinking. This resource includes two follow up art activities: • Follow Up Activity 1 - Create a patterned design for a peace dove or a heart to illustrate Martin Luther King Jr. ’s emphasis on peace and love. This activity is supported by the inclusion of outlines of a dove and a heart to aid students with presenting their work if needed. • Follow Up Activity 2 - Create artwork which symbolises racial unity using different coloured linked hands. Instructions and example pictures are provided on the PPT to help support this activity. Suitable for years 2 to 6
Year 3 Clauses and Subordinate Clauses: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 3 Clauses and Subordinate Clauses: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the Year 3 terminology objective requiring pupils to understand the terms clause and subordinate clause. The PPT contains explanation, examples, activities and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 4 Spelling Pack

Year 4 Spelling Pack

This pack provides coverage of around half of the spelling objectives for year 3 and 4 as detailed in Appendix 1 of the English National Curriculum: The pack is fully editable and includes: • A suggested year 4 spelling half-termly teaching sequence • Word Lists containing sets of the statutory and example spellings. These can be given to pupils or enlarged to create posters • Look Cover Write Check sheets containing statutory and example spellings • A PPT containing example words accompanied by rules, guidance and word lists • Dictation sentences containing a mix of statutory and example spellings • A PPT containing a range of teacher led spelling tasks to help pupils practise their spellings • A PPT containing a range of spelling tasks to help pupils learn their set spellings independently For a resource offering complete coverage of all of the year 3 and 4 spelling objectives please see details of the year 3 and 4 bundle.
Year 3 Spelling Pack

Year 3 Spelling Pack

This pack provides coverage of around half of the spelling objectives for year 3 and 4 as detailed in Appendix 1 of the English National Curriculum: The pack is fully editable and includes: • A suggested year 3 spelling half-termly teaching sequence • Word Lists containing sets of the statutory and example spellings. These can be given to pupils or enlarged to create posters • Look Cover Write Check sheets containing statutory and example spellings • A PPT containing example words accompanied by rules, guidance and word lists • Dictation sentences containing a mix of statutory and example spellings • A PPT containing a range of teacher led spelling tasks to help pupils practise their spellings • A PPT containing a range of spelling tasks to help pupils learn their set spellings independently For a resource offering complete coverage of all of the year 3 and 4 spelling objectives please see details of the year 3 and 4 bundle.
Lifecycle Poems for KS1: PPTs, Worksheets and Activities

Lifecycle Poems for KS1: PPTs, Worksheets and Activities

Two complete poetry lessons for KS1 based on classic poems written by the poet Christina Rossetti. The poems are ‘Brown and Furry’ about the lifecycle of caterpillar and ‘White Hen Sitting’ about the lifecycle of a chicken. Includes PPT presentations, comprehension tasks and guidance for differentiated writing activities . Also includes guidance for performing the poems. Ideal for teachers exploring classic poetry, lifecycles, performance poetry and explanation texts. Useful for reading sessions, English lessons or science work linked to lifecycles. A flexible resource with the potential for extension into a longer unit of work. The PPT provided for each lesson contains: • The poem with supporting visual images • A glossary to explain tricky words • Background information about the poet and poem • Discussion questions • Guidance on how to perform the poem • A differentiated writing task to support students in writing an explanation text • Video links to help deepen understanding of the topic. Each lesson is accompanied by three differentiated comprehension worksheets. These poems and resources are also available as part of a larger collection of poems in the following pack: Animal Poems for KS1
KS1 Lifecycles Poetry Pack

KS1 Lifecycles Poetry Pack

2 Resources
Two complete poetry lessons for KS1 based on classic poems written by the poet Christina Rossetti. The poems are ‘Caterpillar ’ about the lifecycle of caterpillar and ‘White Hen Sitting’ about the lifecycle of a chicken. Includes PPT presentations, comprehension tasks and guidance for differentiated writing activities . Also includes guidance for performing the poems. Ideal for teachers exploring classic poetry, lifecycles, performance poetry and explanation texts. Useful for reading sessions, English lessons or science work linked to lifecycles. A flexible resource with the potential for extension into a longer unit of work. The PPT provided for each lesson contains: • The poem with supporting visual images • Background information about the poet and poem • Discussion questions • Guidance on how to perform the poem • A differentiated writing task to support students in writing an explanation text • Video links to help deepen understanding of the topic. Each lesson is accompanied by three differentiated comprehension worksheets. These poems and resources are also available as part of a larger collection of poems in the following pack: Classic Poetry Bundle for KS1
Describe the Picture Sentence Builder Pack

Describe the Picture Sentence Builder Pack

Ideal for EAL/SEN pupils who are ready to begin writing first sentences. Contains 20 worksheets each featuring a picture and phrases to help pupils form sentences. Also suitable for early writers / SEN writers requiring structured support with sentence building.
Nelson Mandela KS2 PPT and Activity Pack

Nelson Mandela KS2 PPT and Activity Pack

A biography of Nelson Mandela which includes a PPT, comprehension worksheets and follow up activities. Ideal for studying significant individuals, Black History Month and Mandela Day. Suitable for KS2. This resource includes: • A 14 slide PPT • A paper copy of Nelsons Mandela’s biography • Follow Up Activity 1- Differentiated comprehension questions • Follow Up Activity 2 - Students use pictures to write about key events in Nelson Mandela’s life. • Follow Up Activity 3 - A selection of quotes is provided for students for analysis and discussion. A worksheet for this activity is provided to be used if needed. • Follow – Up Activity 4 – Guidance to help students produce artwork based on the idea of South Africa as a ‘rainbow nation’. Two printables are provided to support this work if needed • A PDF of Nelson Mandela quotes which could be used for display • Planning guidance for the provided activities
KS1 Easter Story (Incl. Holy Week) and Traditions Lesson Pack

KS1 Easter Story (Incl. Holy Week) and Traditions Lesson Pack

This KS1 Easter Story and Traditions lesson pack contains an editable 24 slide PPT which includes the Easter story focusing on the main events of Holy Week. This flexible resource also includes a choice of five follow-up activities: Complete a cloze procedure about Palm Sunday Match sentences and pictures linked to the words of Jesus during the Last Supper Draw and colour an Easter Sunday cross which is decorated with flowers Design and colour an egg Make a simple Easter Card The pack also includes an explanation of Easter traditions and supplementary worksheets which support follow-up activities. This easy-to-use low prep resource is designed to be used flexibly to suit the needs of the teacher. The varied activities mean that the contents can be used to create additional lessons or develop a short unit of work. Teacher guidance which explains how to use the contents of the pack to create a lesson or unit of work is included.
KS2 Easter Story (Incl. Holy Week) and Traditions Lesson Pack

KS2 Easter Story (Incl. Holy Week) and Traditions Lesson Pack

This KS2 Easter Story and Traditions lesson pack contains an editable 30 slide PPT which includes the Easter story focusing on the main events of Holy Week. This flexible resource also includes a choice of five follow-up activities: Complete a True or false quiz about the events of the Easter story Summarise the events of the Easter Story Write an acrostic poem about Easter Create a painting which shows the Good Friday Make a simple Easter Card The pack also includes an explanation of Easter traditions and supplementary worksheets which support follow-up activities. This easy-to-use low prep resource is designed to be used flexibly to suit the needs of the teacher. The varied activities could be used to create additional lessons or develop a short unit of work. Teacher guidance which explains how to use the contents of the pack to create a lesson or unit of work is included.