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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Reading Comprehension

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Reading Comprehension

Three extracts from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with three sets of differentiated questions attached with each extract. These activities will help children work on a range of comprehension skills using a story many are already aware of and engaged with. Questions range from simple retrieval to commenting on why particular language has been used. ***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling.
Place Value planning, slides and resources

Place Value planning, slides and resources

Complete set of planning, slides and worksheets to provide 10 lessons on place value. This has been written with Year 6 in mind but the resources are easily adaptable for other year groups. The worksheets have written with mastery in mind and so follow the following structure: Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving Lessons that spread over two lessons also have Worksheet Four. N.B - Edited to include Roman Numeral worksheet as noticed it was missing. Worksheet Four - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (This is a spare worksheet should children finish problem solving on worksheet three) Differentiation is achieved through self-assessment of own abilities to choose which worksheet they do. The worksheets will be clear in which is LA, MA and HA. Lesson 1 and 2 - Understanding place value, reading numbers, comparing numbers etc. Lesson 3 and 4 - Same as Lesson 1 and 2 but with decimal numbers Lesson 5 and 6 - Rounding Lesson 7 and 8 - Rounding decimal numbers Lesson 9 - Roman Numerals Lesson 10 - Indices (particular focus on square and cube numbers) These have had great success in previous lessons and challenge and stretch children of all abilities.
North America Fact File

North America Fact File

50 page Powerpoint that introduces the continent of North America to children. Within the Powerpoint, the 23 sovereign states of North America are included. Included are the flags for every country, the capital city and currency for each country as well as two to three facts for every country in North America. Useful for introducing North America or countries within North America as well as being able to create a fact file using the slides.
Back to School: Classroom Rules

Back to School: Classroom Rules

An activity made for the start of the new school year. This activity is made to get children to think about rules that they think are important as classroom rules. There are 15 different rules that children will need to cut out. In groups, get children to pick the five rules they think are most important, getting them to justify why they think they are the five most important. This can then lead in to a classroom discussion looking at each groups selection and getting them to discuss why they picked them. These can also be used to then create the class rules for the year if their is a clear set of favourite rules or by voting on each one.
Back to School: Getting to know you

Back to School: Getting to know you

An activity made for the start of the new school year. This activity acts as an ice breaker, giving children the chance to talk to one another and get to know each other more. Included are 25 statements that children have to find someone else to match to. Some statements are more common events e.g. made a snowman whilst some are more specific e.g. been to France. At the end, it can then be used as a class discussion to see who has done what and also pick out more details for certain events.
Mo Farah Reading Comprehension

Mo Farah Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension based on Mo Farah. Included is a fact file about Mo Farah and three differentiated question sheets with answers included. The fact file can also be used separately to work on Mo Farah or show examples of how people can write bibliographies about a sporting star. Reading questions work on both fact finding and inferring from the information available, enabling children to practise their reading skills as well as learning about Mo's background story.
South America Fact File

South America Fact File

28 page Powerpoint that introduces the continent of South America to children. Within the Powerpoint, the 12 sovereign states of South America are included. Included are the flags for every country, the capital city and main language for each country as well as two to three facts for every country in South America. Useful for introducing South America or countries within South America as well as being able to create a fact file using the slides.
European Factfile

European Factfile

112 page Powerpoint that introduces the continent of Europe to children. Within the powerpoint, Europe is split into six different zones, introducing every country in Europe. Included are the flags for every country, the capital city and currency for each country as well as two to three facts for every country in Europe. Useful for introducing Europe or countries within Europe as well as being able to create a factfile using the slides.
English planning and resources bundle

English planning and resources bundle

7 Resources
Included are five different genres (newspaper, discussion, instructions, information and persuasion) of English planning that are fully planned with differentiation, include all the slides required for lessons and the activities used for lessons.
Newspaper planning and resources

Newspaper planning and resources

Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at newspapers. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 15-17 lessons that focus on key features of newspapers and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7. Skills include: Using alliteration, punctuating speech accurately, converting direct speech to reported speech and work on pronouns. ***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling, Roald Dahl, Trinity Media Group and News UK respectively .
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Reading Comprehension

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Reading Comprehension

Three extracts from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with three sets of differentiated questions attached with each extract. These activities will help children work on a range of comprehension skills using a story many are already aware of and engaged with. Questions range from simple retrieval to commenting on why particular language has been used. ***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling.


A powerpoint that can be used for teaching different aspects of speech. It includes examples as well as activities to check children's understanding. Included are: The difference between reported and direct speech. Punctuating directed speech accurately. Changing between reported and directed. Rules for changing between reported and directed.


A powerpoint that can be used for teaching about commas. It focuses on commas for lists and commas for different clauses, showing examples of how they can be used as well as having tasks that children can complete to check their understanding.
Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and Similes

A powerpoint that looks at both metaphors and similes. This identifies what they are and how they can be used in different ways. These are backed up with examples of metaphors and similes in use and also include activities to do with children finishing sentences are writing their own sentences that involve similes or metaphors, as well as identifying whether sentences are a simile or metaphor.
Year 6 Simplifying fractions/ changing denominators worksheet

Year 6 Simplifying fractions/ changing denominators worksheet

Three differentiated worksheets that work on simplifying fractions/ changing denominators for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets. These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern. Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Year 6 Factors worksheet

Year 6 Factors worksheet

Three differentiated worksheets that work on factors for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets. These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern. Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Year 6 Division worksheets

Year 6 Division worksheets

Three differentiated worksheets that work on division for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets. These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern. Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Year 6 Algebraic Sequences worksheet

Year 6 Algebraic Sequences worksheet

Three differentiated worksheets that work on algebraic sequences for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets. These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern. Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Year 6 Algebraic equation worksheet

Year 6 Algebraic equation worksheet

Three differentiated worksheets that work on algebraic equations for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets. These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern. Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Year 6 Addition and Subtraction worksheets

Year 6 Addition and Subtraction worksheets

Three differentiated worksheets that work on addition and subtraction for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets. These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern. Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving