I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Two fully planned and resourced schemes of work for writing information texts.
Included are:
Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at information texts, writing an information text about the white elephant from The Firework-Maker's Daughter. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 10 lessons that focus on key features of information texts and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7.
Skills include: planning, reading comprehension, using generalisers, peer-assessing writing, creating a glossary and structuring a text with sub-headings and a topic phrase.
Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at information texts. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 14-15 lessons that focus on key features of information texts and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7.
Skills include: researching and planning, reading comprehension, using generalisers, creating a glossary and structuring a text with sub-headings and a topic phrase.
Also included are a set of guided reading activity cards.
A ten lesson sequence focusing on addition and subtraction in Year 5.
Most lessons come as double lessons with two single lessons as introductions ahead of the double lessons that follow them.
The lesson sequence is as follows:
Lesson 1 - Written Addition
Lesson 2 and 3 - Written and Mental Addition
Lesson 4 - Written Subtraction
Lesson 5 and 6 - Written and Mental Subtraction
Lesson 7 and 8 - Choosing most appropriate method for addition and subtraction
Lesson 9 and 10 - Inverse operations and finding missing numbers in calculations
Each lesson/ double lesson includes PowerPoints which include arithmetic starters for every lesson, key vocabulary, teaching, discussion and practise before moving on to the independent activity and challenge questions. Over a double lesson, the activity and challenge task remain the same as it gives children chance to go in depth in both the teaching in the first lesson and through the challenge questions in the second lesson. Answer sheets are included for all activities and challenges.
A range of presentations that can be used to run different Maths lessons. Included in each presentation are modelled examples as well as practise questions to work through.
Three separate presentations that focus on relative clauses, adverbial clauses and non-finite clauses (all subordinate clauses) as well as a PowerPoint on subordinate clauses in general and main clauses.
Each set of worksheets: Three differentiated worksheets that focus on adverbial clauses, relative clauses or non-finite clauses for children in either Year 5 or 6. Activities start with children being able to identify the different clauses before moving on to including them and then writing their own sentences that include different clauses.
A bundle of fully resourced length and perimeter lessons based on the Year 4 White Rose maths unit for length and perimeter with 9 fully planned and resourced lessons included
Included are lessons for:
Lesson 1 - Measure in km and m
Lesson 2 - Equivalent lengths (km and m)
Lesson 3 - Perimeter on a grid
Lesson 4 - Perimeter of a rectangle
Lesson 5 - Perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Lesson 6 - Find missing lengths in rectilinear shapes
Lesson 7 - Calculate perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Lesson 8 - Perimeter of regular polygons
Lesson 9 - Perimeter of polygons
All lessons include:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A bundle of seven different sets of worksheets for fractions within Year 6.
Each set of three differentiated worksheets that work on multiplying fractions together for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets.
These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern.
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency (LA)
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning (MA)
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (HA)
Worksheet Four - Same as worksheet three as a spare for anybody who finishes problem solving
Answers are included for each sheet.
If you're looking for a fractions package, find a range of fraction worksheets as well as planning and slides to run 14 lessons at:
A 15 lesson unit of work that focuses on being able to complete written multiplication and division.
Included in the 15 lesson sequence is:
Lesson 1 - 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication
Lesson 2 and 3 - 4-digit by 1-digit multiplication
Lesson 4 and 5 - 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication
Lesson 6 and 7 - 4-digit by 2-digit multiplication
Lesson 8 and 9 - 3-digit divided by 1-digit
Lesson 10 and 11 - 4-digit divided by 1-digit
Lesson 12, 13, 14 and 15 - Using written division and applying remainders to the context
Within the lessons, small steps are applied when appropriate such as doing a 4-digit x 1-digit before then doing the same 4-digit number by a 2-digit number that includes the previous 1-digit number.
Most lessons come in double lessons. bar lesson one. Each double lesson includes a double lesson PowerPoint that includes an arithmetic starter for every lesson, key vocabulary, modelling, discussion and practice before moving onto an independent activity and challenge tasks that stretch over the two lessons. Answer sheets are included for all independent activities and challenge tasks.
The single lesson at the start has all the same features but only has a single lesson PowerPoint.
Also included within each lesson pack is a multiplication square should it be needed for support.
A bundle of resources linked to a variety of times tables with different activities that work on that times table and related facts with 195 activities included so far.
So far, included are:
3x (25 activities)
4x (20 activities)
6x (30 activities)
8x (30 activities)
9x (30 activities)
Added 16.11.21
2x (30 activities)
Added 4.1.22
7x (30 activities)
Activities include a variety of question types, including questions that help show commutativity, inverse and multiples of 10, 0.1 etc., filling in tables that require children to make links between different facts, completing sequences, using written multiplication and division using facts from the times tables and within some activities that include calculating with fractions or creating representations of the facts.
Answer booklets are also included for each separate times table.
Six lessons that focuses on the importance of prayer, where people may pray before then focussing in on this within three religions: Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. Included is the unit plan, a KWL sheet that can be used to check and develop understanding, the lesson presentations which include pink and green bubbles to support and challenge and activities required for the lessons. This includes two mini quizzes to check understanding and an end of unit assessment to check what children know by the end.
A bundle of fully resourced decimal lessons based on the Year 4 White Rose maths unit for decimals (A) with 10 fully planned and resourced lessons included
Included are lessons for:
Lesson 1 - Tenths as fractions
Lesson 2 - Tenths as decimals
Lesson 3 - Tenths on a place value chart
Lesson 4 - Tenths on a number line
Lesson 5 - Divide a 1-digit number by 10
Lesson 6 - Divide a 2-digit number by 10
Lesson 7 - Hundredths as fractions
Lesson 8 - Hundredths as decimals
Lesson 9 - Hundredths on a place value chart
Lesson 10 - Divide a 1- or 2-digit number by 100
All lessons include:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A bundle of fully resourced algebra lessons based on the Year 6 White Rose maths unit for algebra with 10 fully planned and resourced lessons included
Included are lessons for:
Lesson 1 - 1-step function machines
Lesson 2 - 2-step function machines
Lesson 3 - Form expressions
Lesson 4 - Substitution
Lesson 5 - Formulae/ Formula
Lesson 6 - Form equations
Lesson 7 - Solve 1-step equations
Lesson 8 - Solve 2-step equations
Lesson 9 - Find pairs of values
Lesson 10 - Solve problems with two unknowns
All lessons include:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A bundle of fully resourced multiplication and division lessons based on the Year 5 White Rose maths unit for multiplication and divison (A) with 10 fully planned and resourced lessons included
Included are lessons for:
Lesson 1 - Multiples
Lesson 2 - Common multiples
Lesson 3 - Factors
Lesson 4 - Common factors
Lesson 5 - Prime numbers
Lesson 6 - Square numbers
Lesson 7 - Cube numbers
Lesson 8 - Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000
Lesson 9 - Divide by 10, 100 and 1000
Lesson 10 - Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000
All lessons include:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A bundle of fully resourced fractions lessons based on the Year 3 White Rose maths unit for fractions (A) with 10 fully planned and resourced lessons included
Included are lessons for:
Lesson 1 - Understand the denominators of unit fractions
Lesson 2 - Compare and order unit fractions
Lesson 3 - Understand the numerators of non-unit fractions
Lesson 4 - Understand the whole
Lesson 5 - Compare and order non-unit fractions
Lesson 6 - Fractions and scales
Lesson 7 - Fractions on a number line
Lesson 8 - Count in fractions on a number line
Lesson 9 - Equivalent fractions on a number line
Lesson 10 - Equivalent fractions as bar models
All lessons include:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A bundle of fully resourced addition and subtraction lessons based on the Year 4 White Rose maths unit for addition and subtraction with 10 fully planned and resourced lessons included
Included are lessons for:
Lesson 1 - Add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s
Lesson 2 - Add up to two 4-digit numbers - No Exchange
Lesson 3 - Add two 4-digit numbers - One Exchange
Lesson 4 - Add two 4-digit numbers - More than One Exchange
Lesson 5 - Subtract two 4-digit numbers - No Exchange
Lesson 6 - Subtract two 4-digit numbers - One Exchange
Lesson 7 - Subtract two 4-digit numbers - More than One Exchange
Lesson 8 - Efficient subtraction
Lesson 9 - Estimate answers
Lesson 10 - Checking strategies
All lessons include:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A bundle of resources/ unit of work that focus on The Firework-Maker's Daughter.
Included are:
Six whole class reading comprehension sessions based on chapters from the Firework-Maker's Daughter. The session focuses on reading the chapter before looking at any vocabulary children are unsure of. Children will then be shown how to pick out key words from questions as well as looking at what question words are looking for. Finally, children will be able to work through one of three differentiated worksheets that check their comprehension skills/ deeper understanding.
519 different questions for The Firework-Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman that test a range of skills. These can be used for guided reading sessions or to give children as activities to support guided reading sessions/ whole class reading comprehensions. The questions follow the order of the chapter but don't have answers attached as the answers can vary depending on the child's opinion.
Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at information texts, writing an information text about the white elephant from The Firework-Maker's Daughter. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 10 lessons that focus on key features of information texts and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing.
Each set consists of a fact file about a Pokemon with a set of three differentiated worksheets that have 10 questions that test children’s reading. Each one has answers included.
Made to engage particular children with reading by using something they are interested in.
A range of worksheets included for Year 5 Maths.
Three differentiated worksheets that work on different topics for Year 5 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets.
These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern.
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
A mixed reading comprehension bundle that has a range of reading comprehensions that work on building understanding/ improving knowledge about particular facts.
Planning for Year 5/6 Science topics that is fully resourced with lesson slides, differentiated lesson plans and activities.
Also included is a famous scientist fact file with information about 12 famous scientists and reading comprehensions for some famous scientists.
Included so far are:
Year 5 - Earth and Space
Year 5 - Materials
Year 6 - Evolution and Inheritance
Year 6 - Electricity