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I am passionate about Religious Education & theology. I also teach Spanish, English and History.




I am passionate about Religious Education & theology. I also teach Spanish, English and History.
(2.4)  ‘Jesus as both fully human and fully God,’ to aid pages 42 & 43.

(2.4) ‘Jesus as both fully human and fully God,’ to aid pages 42 & 43.

(2.4) ‘Jesus as both fully human and fully God,’ to aid pages 42 & 43. Objectives i. Know passages in the Bible which show that Jesus is fully God and fully man. ii.Understand how Jesus being fully human affected his life on earth. iii. Understand the meaning of the titles of Son of God and Son of Man. Key Terms 1. Evangelist: the writers of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and john) 2. Son of Man: a title that could refer to either just a human being, or a human who is given power by God. 3. Sanhedrin: the Jewish Council that looks after all aspects of Jewish life and religion at the time of Jesus.
(2.10) 'Different understandings of the incarnation' to aid pages 54 & 55.

(2.10) 'Different understandings of the incarnation' to aid pages 54 & 55.

(2.10) 'Different understandings of the incarnation' to aid pages 54 & 55. Objectives i. Understanding recent documents from the Magisterium that show how Jesus is both God and fully man. ii. Appreciate the importance of these teachings about Jesus’ humanity and his teachings. Key Terms 1. Heresy: a belief that goes against the accepted teachings of the Church. 2. Magisterium: the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, exercised by the Pope and the bishops. 3. Salvation: freedom from sin, and from the eternal separation from God that is brought about by sin. 4. Apostolic exhortation: a letter or document from the Pope encouraging Catholics in their religion.
AQA Religion & Life, Catholic Christianity  Studies B, (1.3) pages 14 & 15.

AQA Religion & Life, Catholic Christianity Studies B, (1.3) pages 14 & 15.

(1.3) This 15 slide PowerPoint presentation aids the AQA Religious Studies Catholic Christianity Studies B, (1.3), 'Creation and the nature of God in Genesis 1,' Chapter 1, Section 1.3, pages 14-15. Objectives i. Know the scriptural basis for Catholic teachings about God and creation. ii, Understand what these teachings show about the nature God as creator, transcendent and omnipotent.
To aid (2.1) 'Incarnation' pages 36 &37, AQA Religious Studies B, Catholic Christianity.

To aid (2.1) 'Incarnation' pages 36 &37, AQA Religious Studies B, Catholic Christianity.

To aid (2.1) 'Incarnation' pages 36 &37, AQA Religious Studies B, Catholic Christianity. Objectives i. Know what the term incarnation means. ii. Understand what the incarnation shows about God’s love. Key Terms Doctrine: official Church teaching. Incarnation: God taking on the human condition in Jesus. Annunciation: when the Angel Gabriel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the Son of God. Angel: a spiritual being believed to act as a messenger of God. Grace: God’s free gift of His unconditional love to the believer.
(2.7) 'Interpreting statues of Jesus' pages 48 & 49.

(2.7) 'Interpreting statues of Jesus' pages 48 & 49.

To aid AQA Religious Studies 'B' Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism (2.7) 'Interpreting statues of Jesus' pages 48 & 49 (21 slides). Objectives i. Know the symbolism of one statue of Jesus. ii. Understand why some Christians have different attitudes towards images of Jesus. Key Terms 1. Sacred Heart: a representation of Jesus that focuses on his burning love for everybody. 2. Crucifix: a representation of the cross on which he died.
(3.1) 'The Triune' 21 slides to aid pages 64 & 65.

(3.1) 'The Triune' 21 slides to aid pages 64 & 65.

(3.1) 'The Triune' 21 slides to aid pages 64 & 65. Objectives 1. Understand why music is important in worship. 2. Understand the role of the psalms in Church worship. Key Terms 1. Praise: an expression of the respect honour and thanks to God. 2. Mass: a ceremony, also called Eucharist, in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated using bread and wine. 3. Psalms: a book in the Old Testament containing pieces of poetry that are sometimes set to music. 4. Divine Office: a collection of psalms and readings that every priest, monk and nun has to say at least four times a day.
Diwali Festival (112 slides)

Diwali Festival (112 slides)

To understand what Diwali is and how it is celebrated by Hindus. So that you can confidently answer the 67 questions at the end. 11 key-terms with their definition and picture. Exercises throughout the PowerPoint to make learning this fescinating subject enjoyable and challenging. Recommended link- clips to revise sections. This presentation is is in the following order. . . Diwali, the festival of lights for Hindus, Sikhs and Jains. Rama and Siva. Welcome, goddess. Why there are patterns by the door during Diwali. Diwali is a time to pray to Lakshmi. Lights in the sky. Diwali is a time for sharing. Happy New Year. The Sikh Diwali. Siblings. I hope you’ve enjoyed this presentation!
(2.2) 'God's message to Joseph' to aid pages 38 & 39.

(2.2) 'God's message to Joseph' to aid pages 38 & 39.

(2.2) 'God's message Joseph' to aid pages 38 & 39. Objectives i. Know Matthew account of what the message to Joseph. ii. Understand the importance of the virgin birth. iii. Compare Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts. Key Terms 1. Genealogy: A list of the generations in a family, which shows how people are related to each other. 2. Emmanuel: A Jewish name meaning ‘God is with us.’ 3. Virgin birth: The belief that Jesus was fully human but did not have a human father.