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DO NOT BUY Case study
DO NOT BUY NO ATTACHMENT - A full PowerPoint on case studies in psychology. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY A2 validity - Research Methods - Psychology
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on validity in psychology. From what validity is, including external and internal validity such as temporal, ecological, population validity as well as assessing validity such as face, predictive, construct and concurrent validity, and evaluating validity. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, ‘apply it’ questions, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary, followed by exam style questions for homework. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board). A fun and interactive lesson.
DONT BUY Introduction to Schizophrenia (classification and diagnosis) - Paper 3 - A Level Psychology
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the Introduction to Schizophrenia (classification and diagnosis) . Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DONT BUY Biological therapies of Schizophrenia - Paper 3 - A-Level Psychology
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the biological therapies of Schizophrenia in psychology. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY Self-Report Bingo (Interview and Questionnaires) - Research Methods - Psychology
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the self-report method in Psychology. A fun and engaging bingo game which students love. Can from part of consolidation, retrieval and as a form of revision/quiz. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DONT BUY In-class Experiments on Research Methods in Psychology
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on carrying out fun and engaging experiments in psychology to make it interactive. The in-class experiments consist of ‘do blondes have more fun?’, in-class experiment on attractiveness and in-class experiment on the matching hypothesis. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions, sketching appropriate graphs and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY theory of the atavistic form - biological explanations of offending behaviour - Forensic
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the Lombroso’ theory of the atavistic form - biological explanations of offending behaviour with evaluation. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY Cognition and development: accommodation and assimilation
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT PPT lesson on accommodation and assimilation, can be used for GCSE/A-Level Psychology - any specification.
Great interactive lesson.
DO NOT BUY What is the behavioural approach to explaining phobias?
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on what the behavioural approach to explaining phobias with evaluation. Packed with examples, ‘apply it’ questions and exam practice. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE, A-Level (any exam board) and degree level.
What is the behavioural approach to explaining phobias? Psychopathology - A Level Psychology
DO NOT BUY Independent variable, Dependent Variable & hypothesis
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on Independent variables, dependent variables, writing directional, non-directional, correlational and null hypothesis. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY Types of Experiments
DO NOT BUY A full PowerPoint on the types of experiments in psychology. From what experiments are, to the diffferent types including lab experiment, field experiment, natural experiment and quasi experiment and evaluating each one. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY Peer Review and Implications for the Economy - Research Methods
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the purpose and process of peer review and implications for the economy. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DONT BUY biological (genetic) explanations of offending behaviour? Forensic Psychology - Paper 3
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the the biological (genetic) explanations of offending behaviour with evaluation. Packed with examples, ‘apply it’ questions and exam practice. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE, A-Level (any exam board) and degree level.
Forensic Psychology - Paper 3
DONT BUY The Cognitive Approaches - Approaches - Psychology - A-Level AS/A2
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the cognitive approach in Psychology, with in-depth reference to the key features and evaluating this approach. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on correlations in psychology. From what correlations are, to the diffferent types including positive, negative and zero correlations, how to sketch a scattergram and evaluating correlations. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY Offender profiling - top-down approach - Forensic Psychology, A-Level Psychology AS/A2
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the top-down approach of offender profiling, the description, process and evaluation of it. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY What is probability and significance? A2 Research Methods - Psychology
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on what probability and significance is in psychology. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, ‘apply it’ questions, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary, followed by exam style questions for homework. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board). A fun and interactive lesson.
Complete A2 Research Methods Lessons - A-Level Psychology AQA, PPTS and worksheets
A full sequence of lessons with PowerPoints, worksheets and booklet on A2 Research Methods Psychology approach including correlations, content analysis, thematic analysis, choosing statistical tests (inferential testing), case studies, validity, reliabiliy, features of science and sections of a scientific report with evaluating each lesson, plus everything else they need to know for A2 research methods. Each lesson complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Blank and filled out mind-maps also provided which can serve well for revision and/or homework. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DO NOT BUY Dealing with offending behaviour: Custodial Sentencing - Forensic Psychology - Paper 3
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on dealing with offending behaviour: custodial sentencing - Forensic Psychology with evaluating the treatment by also comparing it other treatment of offending behaviour. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).
DONT BUY criminal personality - Forensic Psychology - Psychology - Paper 3 - Disposition
DO NOT BUY THERE IS NO ATTACHMENT A full PowerPoint on the Eysenck’s theory of criminal personality - Forensic Psychology with a questionnaire to assess students’ own personality traits and evaluating the explanation by also comparing it other explanations of offending behaviour. Complete with lesson objectives, starter activities, video activity, checking for understanding, clearly structured independent tasks and exam questions and a plenary. A excellent, well-planned lesson where all you have to do is follow the instructions on the slides and all the answers to questions will also be revealed. Can be used for GCSE and A-Level (any exam board).