Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed.
I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in.
So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.
Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed.
I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in.
So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.
A simple introduction to autumn for EYFS/Y1 children.
What is autumn? A season and a time of change
The four seasons
Change in temperature
Change in daylight
Plants get ready for autumn: leaves fall and change colour/make seeds/nuts/berries
Harvest time: fruit/vegetable harvest/ploughing fields and sowing seed
Mushrooms growing
Animals prepare for winter including hibernation
Birds migrate
The presentation ends with the words of the hymn ‘We plough the fields and scatter’, over 2 slides. These can be omitted if the hymn is not considered appropriate.
29 slides
PowerPoint format
Beautiful photos
Animated, but no sound - teacher to read the text
A good way to start a project on autumn, or to consolidate work covered at the end of a project about autumn.
See also:
Seasons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12761222
Light and Dark: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12761117
[Why Leaves fall PowerPoint ]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/why-do-leaves-fall-powerpoint-eyfs-ks1-12398686()for EYFS/Y1
[Conkers PowerPoint]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/conkers-powerpoint-for-eyfs-ks1-12401942() and Conkers Mini Project
This 57-slide PowerPoint takes KS1 children through the seasons, starting with summer.
They will:
Learn what changes to look out for across the four seasons
Learn that days get shorter and longer throughout the year
How this affects the weather
How the seasons/weather affect us: what we wear/what we do
How the seasons affect plants and animals
Bright photos and simple explanation makes it accessible to all abilities in the class and will engage even reluctant learners.
Simple text for children to read on each slide. More information is provided for the teacher to read, if desired, in PDF form or under each slide.
Simply click when ready to progress to the next slide. All animations occur automatically.
Why not follow it with our Light and Dark PowerPoint?
Light and Dark PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12761117
You may also be interested in:
All About Autumn PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12422557
Autumn Leaves PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12398686
Conkers Life-cycle PowerPoint:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12401942
Frogs Life-cycle PowerPoint: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12410937
A pack of display items for a study of the butterfly life-cycle.
Butterfly life-cycle word mat/poster
A long banner ( 11 A4 pages)which can be either pinned or strung on a string
1 A4 page with title ‘Butterflies’
Butterfly life-cycle flow chart: 1 A4 page each for eggs, caterpillars, chrysalis, butterfly and an arrow to print 4 times
4 initial sounds cards for stages in lifecycle: e/egg; c/caterpillar;c/chrysalis;b/buttefly
4 words and pictures cards for stages in the life-cycle
4 picture cards of stages of the life-cycle with matching word cards: can be used to make games, or for display.
5 strip vocabulary words with pictures
6 Photos
Find lesson notes and worksheets/activities for an amazing lesson/s on the butterfly life-cycle here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12679170
All of our EYFS/Y1 popular autumn PowerPoints in a bundle to help you:
Explain what happens in autumn and why
Why leaves change colour and fall
Where and when mushrooms grow and how they differ from plants with green leaves
Where conkers come from and why
Make autumn come alive and increase your pupil’s understanding of the world around them!
Take EYFS/KS1 children on a journey through autumn, finding out why leaves change colour and fall
Why trees have leaves: to make food so that trees can do their work
How the leaves capture light and air and roots take in water What work trees do - making seeds
Kinds of seeds: nuts and berries
The difference between deciduous and evergreen trees
Why the leaves change colour - changing season and shortening hours of daylight
Are the trees now dead? What happens next?
30 full-colour slides
No sound - teacher/pupils to read the simple text on each slide
Ideal as a springboard to outdoor learning - get out of the classroom this autumn!
No cartoons, no music, no dumbing down - for we must present learning as serious if it is to be credible and to nurture life-long, thinking, learners.
See our popular Free Leaf Sorting activity
See also our Horse Chestnut Tree Life Cycle Lesson Resources Pack
Find out more at KS1 Nature.
This powerPoint about Light and Dark can help children to begin to understand the relationship between all living things and the sun; our need of light and the sun. This PowerPoint can help pupils learn or revise some aspects of the Y1/Y2 curriculum providing continuity of learning, and setting the context for Y3 work.
Simply explained, children will learn:
Darkness is the absence of light
The sun is the main source of light on Planet Earth
Reminds pupils never to look directly at the sun
The sun provides warmth too - or Earth would be very cold
Why plants need the sun: to make food to help them reproduce
Creatures of the day (the need for survival)
Shadows - how they are formed
Plants and animals that prefer the shade and why (the need for survival)
Creatures of the night
Nocturnal (the need for survival)
KS1 children can also learn:
To name some common animals
Why certain creatures/plants come out in the daytime/night time
Why plants need light
The basic needs of animals for survival
This PowerPoint is silent but comes with full narration notes, both under each slide for use in Presenter View, or as a PDF.
Why not follow this up with our Seasons PowerPoint?
Frog-life-cycle worksheets for Y1:
Stick the pictures of the frog’s life-cycle in order - 2 choices of format.
A life-cycle mat for display, or to stimulate discussion/writing
A frog development poster/mat for display/discussion
A sheet on which to write descriptive words about a frog.
A picture to colour for early finishers.
Use with our Frog-Life-cycle PowerPoint for Y1 and Y2!
Young children are always fascinated by frog spawn and frogs.
Life-cycles is not just for Y2!
These sheets help teach the Science National curriculum for Y1:
KS1 Overview:
To enable pupils to experience and observe phenomena, looking more closely at the natural and humanly-constructed world around them. They should be encouraged to be curious and ask questions about what they notice.
Y1: Animals, including humans
Statutory requirements
identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
These frog Life-cycle worksheets can be used in mixed Y1/Y2 classes when Y2 children are learning about frog life-cycle, or in Y1 classes.
Study the life cycle of a Horse Chestnut tree with our PowerPoint and lesson resource pack, giving you everything you need for a great lesson.
Suitable for use throughout the year, but especially in autumn , when conkers attract children’s attention.
For ages 5-6, this pack gives you all the information you need at your fingertips to study the Horse Chestnut tree through each season.
It also includes:
Teaching Notes
Cards to learn to read and spell words associated with science
work - Make a matching game and /or trace the words and draw.
The Life Cycle of the Horse Chestnut tree
Life cycle chart
Life- cycle pictures to order
Make a book about the Horse Chestnut tree
Life cycle ordering exercises on two levels
Pages to use for descriptive work in English - describe
conker and its shell, describe a leaf.
Resources: Pictures to use for display/ordering/language work etc…
Pictures through the year annotated as per the book
Photos for display
Large pictures of the drawings for own use (subject
to T’s and C’s, see page 2)
by KS1 Nature Helping you to teach science through the local environment.
Our 20-slide Hedgehog PowerPoint for KS1 Science can help children to learn:
How seasons (in this case autumn) affect different animals, in this case, Hedgehogs.
To identify and name Hedgehogs
To know that Hedgehogs are omnivores
To identify and name Hedgehogs
About the hedgehogs’ diet and how they obtain food from other animals and plants
Why Hedgehogs hibernate (food and the need for survival)
That Hedgehogs are nocturnal
Full narration notes are provided in either PDF form, or under each slide that you can use in presenter mode.
Once your pupils have learnt about Hedgehogs, why not use our other PowerPoints to help them to compare them with other creatures - all in the local environment - and teach more of the UK National Science Curriculum?
Blackbirds: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12757848
Squirrels: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12742513
Frogs: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12410937
Follow the life cycle of the Horse Chestnut tree through the seasons with this bright, engaging PowerPoint, starting with conkers.
Suitable for use all year, but especially in autumn when conkers are so appealing to children.
45 full-colour slides with easy-read text.
Teacher can control the speed of the slides to allow time for the reading of the text and discussion
Use as a stimulus for further study (see our Lesson Resource Pack for lesson ideas, worksheets and display pictures:
Stimulate the asking and answering of questions:
Where do conkers come from. What are conkers?
Take your learning to a new dimension by exploring the natural world out of doors with your pupils this autumn.
Bring learning to life!
Covers much of the National Curriculum for Science for Years 1 and 2.
Our Autumn Leaves and Horse Chestnut Life Cycle PowerPoints will help you take EYFS/KS1 children on an exciting journey to discover why leaves fall and change colour and where conkers come from and why.
Full colour and some animation in the Autumn Leaves PowerPoint.
See how a frog grows with our 18-slide, Frog Life-cycle PowerPoint.
Beautiful, original photos/drawings.
See the frog develop from the eggs, through tadpole, froglet to the adult frog.
Full suggested narration notes provided both in PDF form and under each slide for use in presentation mode.
For Year 1 pupils, why not use our Frog Life-cycle activity pack to follow up?
See our other life-cycle Lesson resources and Powerpoints:
Life-cycle of a Horse Chestnut Tree
Watch and learn the seasonal changes in an Apple Tree that lead to the formation of apples.
32 slide PowerPoint. Helps children to learn
The life cycle of an apple tree through winter, spring, summer and autumn with beautiful pictures. Watch leaves unfolding day by day and then see the blossom appear.
How apples grow on trees: watch the development of apples from the swelling at the base of the flower, through to ripe, juicy apples.
Learn the parts of an apple tree: leaves, buds, sepals, fruit, seeds, blossom, flowers,
Learn simply about pollination and the concept of seed dispersal
Great in Y1 to teach changes through the seasons.
Great in Y2 to
Help pupils to use the local environment throughout the year to observe how different plants grow. (Plants: Notes and guidance (non-statutory))
Begin to introduce the idea of food chains and how animals and plants in a habitat depend upon each other ( insects pollinating the flowers and animals eating the fruit and helping to disperse the seeds, seeds). These are not discussed in depth, but the PowerPoint could be used as a springboard to further explore these subjects.
This powerpoint is provided in two formats, narrated and un-narrated with narration notes supplied in PDF form as well as being written under each slide so that you can use presenter mode.
Suitable for use in either autumn or spring.
See our other life-cycle Lesson resources and Powerpoints:
Life-cycle of a Horse Chestnut Tree
All you need to teach an amazing lesson about the life-cycle of a butterfly:
Lesson notes to make you feel like an expert, and guidance on how to teach the lesson
Supporting Science and language activities with worksheets, differentiated where necessary
Display pack with
Headers to arrange into a bright life-cycle display
4 original photos
Butterfly life-cycle word mat with multiple uses
Life-cycle matching cards for display or to make a game of ordering.
A simple 23-slide PowerPoint to introduce Y1 children to the world of mushrooms.
Where and when they grow
What they do - decomposers
The parts of a mushroom
Compare them to plants with green parts:
How do they feed?
Do they have seeds?
An activity to see the spores
Learn the names of different kinds:
Bracket mushrooms
This PowerPoint is silent for teacher narration. this allow greater interaction withe the pupils according to their level of understanding. Full narration notes are provided in both PDF form and in Presenter View, the text under each slide can easily be read by the teacher with time for discussion of each point made.
Help your class engage meaningfully in the study of science today!
See lesson notes to help you plan a lesson at:
A bumper pack of 50 pages of differentiated Weather ideas for Y1 and y2, to aid project planning plus helpful differentiated worksheets and puzzles to make learning fun.
Teaches the Weather element of the Science and Geography UK National Curriculum, but can be used with any curriculum.
Tried and tested in KS1 classrooms
All the resources you need in one place for a super project on Weather!
General weather activities
The sun
Ice and Snow
Cross-curricular activities
Weather and plants and animals activities
See also our Cloud project that will go well with this Weather Pack.
Our Cloud Power Point presentation:
And our Weather related FREE Easy Readers:
Clouds: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12263077
Water (including the water cycle): https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12263066
20 Autumn topic word cards for use however you wish:
to aid with writing
etc… etc…
Phonetically coded to help early readers.
See our phonetically coded Autumn Word Mat too!
Autumn Nature hunt sheet.
Great to stimulate interest in autumn!
How many things can the children find?
See more Autumn Resources at Lilibette’s shop:
A lesson outline for planting Hyacinth bulbs and watching their growth over subsequent weeks.
Extension activities given.
What is a bulb?
How do bulbs grow?
Giving opportunities to observe, compare, question and record
For more information see:
KS1 Nature
KS1 Nature: Helping you to teach Science through the local environment
Learn to name common wildflowers and learn about their habitats.
Plenty of advice for teachers/parents as to how and why to teach children to recognise wild flowers as well as suggested activities.
diagram of a flower so teachers/parents can learn the parts of a flower for themselves.
6 flowers to colour
Wildflower ID sheet
Parts of a flower explanation
A ‘My flower’ sheet on which finds can be recorded
A colour chart/mat to aid learning the names of some common wildflowers.
Photos for discussion/display
Newly updated with more photos and pictures to colour
This pack is meant to be used alongside the lesson aide which can be found at KS1 Nature where you can find a simple text that can be read to children alongside beautiful photos and drawings of six common late spring/summer wildflowers to be seen. This can be used as a stimulus to find flowers of your own and to examine them carefully.