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Lilibette's Resources

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(based on 39 reviews)

Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed. I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in. So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.




Raising standards in KS1 and Special Needs: helping every child to succeed. I have taught systematic phonics to all ages and abilities for over 30 years. My teaching degree was in Environmental Studies and I hate to see science reduced to box-ticking when there is so much to discover about the wonderful world we live in. So, I produce Phonic resources that meet the real needs of children and teachers, along with science resources to engage children in learning about the natural world.
Consonant Blends Phonics Games

Consonant Blends Phonics Games

Five phonic games to help pupils read and spell words with consonant blends (short vowel sound only). Suitable for use with Read, Write Inc. Make Phonics learning fun and help it to stick! These games have all been written by a special needs teacher, who knows exactly where children get stuck and what is needed to help them progress. The children will not know they are learning! These games work wonderfully to help disillusioned readers succeed, but great for helping all children Pre K to 2nd grade and older special needs pupils. Great for book bags, for use by classroom assistants and for the home-school. Supplied in pdf format, all ready coloured in. Just print and play! These games are very simple to play but very effective. Full instructions provided and tips on how to help your child/ren. See our Games for teaching Initial Sounds and CVC words too!
CVC Phonics Games

CVC Phonics Games

Six phonic simple games to help children learn to blend and segment cvc words. Suitable for use with Read, Write Inc. Learning to blend with set 1 sounds. These games work wonderfully to help disillusioned readers succeed, but great for helping all children Pre K to 2nd grade and older special needs pupils. These games have all been written by a special needs teacher, who knows exactly where children get stuck and what is needed to help them progress. The children will not know they are learning! Make Phonics learning fun and help it to stick! Perfect for teaching assistants, to send home in book bags and for the home-school. Supplied in pdf format, all ready coloured in. Just print and play! These games are very simple, but effective. All you need is in the pack. Full instructions provided and tips on how to help your child/ren. Laminating them will help them to last longer, but iw not necessary. Contents: Short vowel games: ‘a’, ‘e’/‘i’ and ‘o’/‘u’ (three games) - reading games All vowels Game - a reading game Missing Vowel Game - a spelling game Final sound Game - a spelling game
Phonics Digraph Games: sh ch ck ee oo ar or

Phonics Digraph Games: sh ch ck ee oo ar or

10, newly upgraded phonics digraphs games: easy to make, easy to play, minimum prep. Games to help children get to grips with the digraphs: sh ch ck ee oo ar or Match words to pictures Pictures to digraphs Find the missing letters Find the right ending Suitable for all ages and abilities. Ideal for use with SEND pupils with or without a speech delay, for whom they were originally designed. Suitable for home or school use. 1 intervention work or use by private tutors. Most of these games can be used as Literacy center activities/individual activities as well as being played by two players. They are useful tools for assessment. They can be used alongside our digraph phonics worksheets: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-practice-worksheets-phases-3-and-4-12009694 See our other games: Initial Sounds Games: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/initial-sounds-games-print-cut-and-play-11998349 CVC word Games https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonic-games-to-teach-cvc-words-11998365 CVCC word Games https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonic-games-to-teach-cvcc-words-for-reception-yr-1-and-special-needs-11998391
Frog Life-cycle  - KS1 PowerPoint

Frog Life-cycle - KS1 PowerPoint

See how a frog grows with our 18-slide, Frog Life-cycle PowerPoint. Beautiful, original photos/drawings. See the frog develop from the eggs, through tadpole, froglet to the adult frog. Full suggested narration notes provided both in PDF form and under each slide for use in presentation mode. For Year 1 pupils, why not use our Frog Life-cycle activity pack to follow up? See our other life-cycle Lesson resources and Powerpoints: Life-cycle of a Horse Chestnut Tree Apples Daffodils Apples Butterflies
Counting 6 to 10 EYFS/ SEN Maths Worksheets

Counting 6 to 10 EYFS/ SEN Maths Worksheets

Help your child/ren learn to count and write the numbers 6 to 10 - suitable for home or school use. 32 worksheets. Each number is introduced and then practiced to build confidence and ensure success. Includes: Learning to write numbers Matching 1 to 1 Ordering Biggest/smallest Number patterns The easy, clear format is suitable for all ages and abilities - including those with learning difficulties. Reinforces classwork - schools can print individual pages for home or school use. Parents can download and print themselves as an early maths workbook. Teachers can print out individual sheets as required. See also Count 0 to 5 Beginning addition and subtraction
Autumn Themed Maths Worksheets for Reception/Yr. 1/Special Needs

Autumn Themed Maths Worksheets for Reception/Yr. 1/Special Needs

34 Autumn themed number worksheets/workbook for EYFS/KS1/special needs. Suitable for home-learning. This book includes worksheets to teach: Recognising and forming numbers 0 to 10 Plenty of counting practice Introducing addition and subtraction Introducing multiplying and dividing (sharing) Either print a whole book for a child, or use as individual worksheets to meet a need. This pack of worksheets is sure to delight children this autumn. Featuring conkers, acorns, cones, leaves and squirrels, and giving heaps of counting practice alongside learning to add and subtract, share and group, it is a must for every Pre-K/K class! Works well with our other Numbers books, learning numbers 0 to 5, 6 to 10 and Beginning Addition and Subtraction.
Weather Worksheets and Puzzles

Weather Worksheets and Puzzles

18 weather-related worksheets and puzzles covering 6 areas of weather: •What is the weather like today? •Hot and Cold •What shall I wear today? •It’s Windy •It’s Raining •General Weather 3 Worksheets for each: 1 easy activity for younger children/lower ability, 2 word searches, 1 easy and 1 harder. Use for a topic on weather, or as early finisher activities at any time of the year. The harder words searches were originally written for a class of Y3 children so can be used with that age group too. These worksheets are included in the Weather Project Pack but are listed here separately for those who only want the worksheets.
Number Worksheets EYFS/Pre K

Number Worksheets EYFS/Pre K

3 Resources
Here is a bundle of over 90 worksheets to teach number recognition, formation and simple addition and subtraction. The worksheets provide unashamedly, old-fashioned maths teaching that is time proven to help all pupils, including those with a special need, to develop strong, foundational maths skills. Suitable for use as individual worksheets in class, or as a workbook for home-school use. See individual products for full contents details.
ng Digraph Phonic Worksheets Phase Phase 3

ng Digraph Phonic Worksheets Phase Phase 3

31 ‘ng’ fully differentiated worksheets, for use with any phonic programme, catering for the needs of the average class and special needs. Written for those at the early stages of phonics, e.g.: Letters and Sounds Phase 3 and Read Write Inc, Set 1 Special Friends and for catch up work, extra practice, ESL/EFL and special needs. The worksheets give practice in: Reading and spelling ‘ng’ words Tracking the ‘ng’ sound in words and sentences Proofreading Comprehension rhymes Writing sentences using ‘ng’ words. These worksheets are simple, but effective. For use by teachers and private tutors. Find activities suitable for all abilities Assume no knowledge of other digraphs (except on two stated worksheets where ‘th’ and ‘ck’ are used in higher level worksheets) Two worksheets for most activities: one without consonant blend words, and one with consonant blend words. Suitable for Special Needs/intervention work/homework.
CK Digraph Phonic Worksheets Phase 2

CK Digraph Phonic Worksheets Phase 2

22 ‘ck’ fully differentiated worksheets, for use with any phonic programme. Written for those just beginning to blend, e.g Letters and sounds Phases 2 -4 and RWI Speed Set 1, Special friends. These worksheets cater for the needs of the average class and special needs. The worksheets give practice in: Reading and spelling ck words Tracking the ck sound in words and sentences Proofreading Comprehension Writing sentences using ck words. These worksheets are simple, but effective. For use by teachers and private tutors. Find activities suitable for all abilities Assume no knowledge of other digraphs Two worksheets for most activities: one without consonant blend words, and one with consonant blend words. Suitable for Special Needs/intervention work/homework. If you have already purchased our big book of Phases 3 and 4 worksheets for Letters and Sounds, you may have a few of these sheets, but this pack contains mainly new/changed material.
Apple Tree Life Cycle Lesson Plan and Resources

Apple Tree Life Cycle Lesson Plan and Resources

A complete lesson to help children to learn about the seasonal changes in an Apple Tree that lead to the formation of apples. Includes Lesson Plan 2 differentated worksheets to show life-cycle of an apple tree through winter, spring, summer and autumn Supporting resources: flashcards for 4 key words, original photos, 1 page four mini photos, one for each of the four seasons. Suggested to be used with our PowerPoint on the same subject: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12752722 Buy as a bundle and save!
Light and Dark PowerPoint Science KS1/Y3 Science

Light and Dark PowerPoint Science KS1/Y3 Science

This powerPoint about Light and Dark can help children to begin to understand the relationship between all living things and the sun; our need of light and the sun. This PowerPoint can help pupils learn or revise some aspects of the Y1/Y2 curriculum providing continuity of learning, and setting the context for Y3 work. Simply explained, children will learn: Darkness is the absence of light The sun is the main source of light on Planet Earth Reminds pupils never to look directly at the sun The sun provides warmth too - or Earth would be very cold Why plants need the sun: to make food to help them reproduce Creatures of the day (the need for survival) Shadows - how they are formed Plants and animals that prefer the shade and why (the need for survival) Creatures of the night Nocturnal (the need for survival) KS1 children can also learn: To name some common animals Why certain creatures/plants come out in the daytime/night time Why plants need light The basic needs of animals for survival This PowerPoint is silent but comes with full narration notes, both under each slide for use in Presenter View, or as a PDF. Why not follow this up with our Seasons PowerPoint? https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12761222
The Seasons and Light and Dark PowerPoints

The Seasons and Light and Dark PowerPoints

2 Resources
Two PowerPoints suitable for use when teaching about Seasons/weather/changing levels of light through the year. Covers many areas of science: Seasons: Learn what changes to look out for across the four seasons Learn that days get shorter and longer throughout the year How this affects the weather How the seasons affect us: what we wear/what we do How the seasons affect plants and animals Light and Dark Darkness is the absence of light The sun is the main source of light on Planet Earth Reminds pupils never to look directly at the sun The sun provides warmth too - or Earth would be very cold Why plants need the sun: to make food to help them reproduce Creatures of the day (the need for survival) Shadows - how they are formed Plants and animals that prefer the shade and why (the need for survival) Creatures of the night Nocturnal (the need for survival) Both with full narration notes plus notes under slides for use in Presenter View.
Frog Life-cycle PowerPoint and Worksheet Bundle

Frog Life-cycle PowerPoint and Worksheet Bundle

2 Resources
Yes, Y1 can study the life-cycle of a frog. If frogs or frogspawn captures your children’s interest then use it to teach KS1 Science. Just because the National Curriculum says do life-cycles in Y2, it does not mean you cannot touch the subject in Y1! Much can be learnt that can actually covers the Y1 Science Curriculum! KS1 Overview: To enable pupils to experience and observe phenomena, looking more closely at the natural and humanly-constructed world around them. They should be encouraged to be curious and ask questions about what they notice. Y1: Animals, including humans Statutory requirements identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Y1 Science is all about arousing interest in the world around the child - use whatever is at hand, such as… Butterflies: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12679180 Conkers: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12239335 Squirrels: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12742537
Frog Life-cycle worksheets for Y1

Frog Life-cycle worksheets for Y1

Frog-life-cycle worksheets for Y1: Stick the pictures of the frog’s life-cycle in order - 2 choices of format. A life-cycle mat for display, or to stimulate discussion/writing A frog development poster/mat for display/discussion A sheet on which to write descriptive words about a frog. A picture to colour for early finishers. Use with our Frog-Life-cycle PowerPoint for Y1 and Y2! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12410937 Young children are always fascinated by frog spawn and frogs. Life-cycles is not just for Y2! These sheets help teach the Science National curriculum for Y1: KS1 Overview: To enable pupils to experience and observe phenomena, looking more closely at the natural and humanly-constructed world around them. They should be encouraged to be curious and ask questions about what they notice. * Y1: Animals, including humans Statutory requirements identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores These frog Life-cycle worksheets can be used in mixed Y1/Y2 classes when Y2 children are learning about frog life-cycle, or in Y1 classes.
Apple Tree Lifecycle PowerPoint

Apple Tree Lifecycle PowerPoint

Watch and learn the seasonal changes in an Apple Tree that lead to the formation of apples. 32 slide PowerPoint. Helps children to learn The life cycle of an apple tree through winter, spring, summer and autumn with beautiful pictures. Watch leaves unfolding day by day and then see the blossom appear. How apples grow on trees: watch the development of apples from the swelling at the base of the flower, through to ripe, juicy apples. Learn the parts of an apple tree: leaves, buds, sepals, fruit, seeds, blossom, flowers, Learn simply about pollination and the concept of seed dispersal Great in Y1 to teach changes through the seasons. Great in Y2 to Help pupils to use the local environment throughout the year to observe how different plants grow. (Plants: Notes and guidance (non-statutory)) Begin to introduce the idea of food chains and how animals and plants in a habitat depend upon each other ( insects pollinating the flowers and animals eating the fruit and helping to disperse the seeds, seeds). These are not discussed in depth, but the PowerPoint could be used as a springboard to further explore these subjects. This powerpoint is provided in two formats, narrated and un-narrated with narration notes supplied in PDF form as well as being written under each slide so that you can use presenter mode. Suitable for use in either autumn or spring. See our other life-cycle Lesson resources and Powerpoints: Life-cycle of a Horse Chestnut Tree Apples Frogs Daffodils Butterflies
Butterfly Life-cycle Lesson notes and worksheets KS1

Butterfly Life-cycle Lesson notes and worksheets KS1

Use our Lesson notes to help you to plan your lesson about the life-cycle of butterflies.Aimed to help stimulate enquiry and observation. Useful as part of work on life-cycles. How to raise butterflies from the egg stage Links to the National Curriculum for Science What to look for/background information for each stage - helping you to feel like an expert! Questions to help get the class thinking and to model asking questions Guided reading sheets: blow up for class use, or copy for group/individual use Use the worksheets for follow up: Pictures to order the life-cycle of a butterfly Label the parts of a butterfly Draw and write about an observed caterpillar/butterfly Reading comprehension 2 poems with comprehension exercises to follow each (two ability levels) Decorated writing sheets See our other life-cycle Lesson resources and Powerpoints: Life-cycle of a Horse Chestnut Tree Apples Frogs Daffodils Apples
Lifecycle of a Butterfly Lesson Resources Bundle Pack

Lifecycle of a Butterfly Lesson Resources Bundle Pack

2 Resources
All you need to teach an amazing lesson about the life-cycle of a butterfly: Lesson notes to make you feel like an expert, and guidance on how to teach the lesson Supporting Science and language activities with worksheets, differentiated where necessary Display pack with Headers to arrange into a bright life-cycle display 4 original photos Butterfly life-cycle word mat with multiple uses Life-cycle matching cards for display or to make a game of ordering.
CVC Words/Consonant Blends Words Phonics Worksheets

CVC Words/Consonant Blends Words Phonics Worksheets

A bumper pack of 70 differentiated phonics worksheets to support the teaching and learning of blending and segmenting cvc and consonant blends words with a short vowel sound (not including special friends sh/th/ch/qu/ng/nk and ck). Suitable for use with Jolly Phonics and Read, Write, Inc. Blending Level 1 sounds and any other good phonic programme, including Reading Made Simple. Also suitable for use with Letters and Sounds Note - this pack is for use during Phases 2 and 3 once the initial sounds have been learned. It also teaches Phase 4 consonant blends with words with a short vowel sound. It does not include the digraphs from Phase 3. These can be found here. Here are worksheets to give plentiful blending and segmenting practice for all abilities. Written to meet the needs of the average class, with a range of differentiated worksheets from which you are sure to find one to meet the needs of every pupil. Some children breeze through this stage quickly and you will find material to challenge them and to assess their readiness to move on. Others need much more reinforcement work and you will find here plenty of that too - a bountiful supply! Some sheets focus on blending, others on segmenting and some on both. Other sheets encourage the child to see letter patterns and similarities between words including a focus on rhyming. Hints on the best use of the sheets are provided - not least how to use them as an assessment tool. Suitable for use with SEND pupils and for reading catchup. The sheets can be enlarged for guided literacy sessions/whole class work. Find my decode-able FREE to download CVC Words reading books here. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12636791 Have you seen ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVC Games, and the ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVCC Games’ which complement these worksheets making a good fun way of reinforcing learning? They are ideal for sending home for extra practice after a lesson, or for use by classroom assistants. Also Sound-it-out Initial Sounds Worksheets for those children not yet ready for blending.
CVC/CCVC Words Phonics worksheets Phases 2 and 4

CVC/CCVC Words Phonics worksheets Phases 2 and 4

A bumper pack of 70 differentiated phonics worksheets to support the teaching and learning of blending and segmenting cvc and cvcc/ccvc words with short vowel sounds (excluding ‘ck’), including a focus on consonant blends. Note - this pack is for use during Phases 2 and 4 once the initial sounds have been learned. It does not include the digraphs from Phase 3. These can be found here. Here are worksheets to give plentiful blending and segmenting practice for all abilities. The sheets can be used with any synthetic, systematic phonic scheme and work well at stages 2, 3 and 4 of letters and sounds, once all of the initial sounds have been learned. Many also find them helpful for older special needs pupils. Written to meet the needs of the average class, with a range of differentiated worksheets from which you are sure to find one to meet the needs of every pupil. Some children breeze through this stage quickly and you will find material to challenge them and to assess their readiness to move on. Others need much more reinforcement work and you will find here plenty of that too - a bountiful supply! Some sheets focus on blending, others on segmenting and some on both. Other sheets encourage the child to see letter patterns and similarities between words including a focus on rhyming. Hints on the best use of the sheets are provided - not least how to use them as an assessment tool. Suitable for use with SEND pupils and for reading catchup. The sheets can be enlarged for guided literacy sessions/whole class work. Have you seen ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVC Games, and the ‘Sound-it-out’ Pack of CVCC Games’ which complement these worksheets making a good fun way of reinforcing learning? They are ideal for sending home for extra practice after a lesson, or for use by classroom assistants. Also Sound-it-out Initial Sounds Worksheets for those children not yet ready for blending.