A powerpoint to accompany and essay on: to embrace love is to embrace danger. In light of this view, discuss the poet’s treatment of love. Suitable for any A level study of the text.
A short essay plan comparing the gothic texts of Dracula and Dorian Gray looking at the theme of violence. This was produced for the Edexcel spec but could be useful for others teaching these texts for A level.
AQA spec A Othello question on self-love with an annotated extract to support essay planning
In the literature of love, where self-love dominates, true love declines.
In the light of this view, discuss how Shakespeare presents men in this extract and elsewhere in the play.
This is a short plan I put together for the theme of heroes and villains for the Edexcel A level English Literature spec comparing the gothic texts, Dracula with Dorian Gray.
An essay title written for the AQA spec A Love Through the Ages paper 1 section A with a question onRead the passage from Othello, provided below, and respond to the following:
• ‘In Othello, love makes women helpless victims’.
• In light of this view, discuss whether Shakespeare presents women as victims in this passage and elsewhere in the play.
• [25 marks]
This includes an annotated extract to support teaching.
This resource has been edited and made more detailed. Three detailed essay plans on Lord of the Flies on the following titles:
One of the themes in ‘Lord of the Flies’ is the corrupting influence of power. How does Golding present this theme. In your answer you should consider social, cultural and historical contexts.
Consider Golding’s presentation of fear in ‘Lord of the Flies’. Consider social, cultural and historical context in your answer.
How does Golding present the theme of conflict in his novel ‘Lord of the Flies’. In the course of your answer you should consider social, cultural and historical contexts.
A powerpoint presentation covering Fitzgerald’s presentation of women in The Great Gatsby, looking at Flappers; Androgyny; the liberated woman; war, work and freedom; with a look also at Zelda’s perspective.
A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
This presentation is a very useful revision of all the contexts of the GCE AQA spec A pre 1900 poetry anthology. Slides ask students to identify aspects of the following periods: Renaissance, Restoration, Romantics, Victorian, Decadent movement and then to consider how love is typically reflected in poetry from each of those eras. Suggested answers are given in subsequent slides. I encourage students to see the poems as part of a period or movement and prompts discuss what is typical of the poems from each age.
A detailed essay plan on the theme of fear and threat comparing the gothic texts Dracula and Dorian Gray. This was prepared for the Edexcel spec but would suit other A levels.
This was put together for the Edexcel spec but would work for other specs also. It is looking at the theme of doubles across the two gothic texts, Dracula and Dorian Gray.
This is a comparative essay plan I put together for the texts of Dracula and Dorian Gray looking at the theme of power. It was for the Edexcel spec but would work for other specs also.
A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
This test provides you with quotations from the text and invites students to make links to relevant contexts. A filled in version is supplied for the teacher.
An Eduqas style paper built around an old paper that has been adapted to fit the new spec. The resources included two detailed powerpoints that help students to annotate the text and frame the wording of their answers to address the questions 3 and 4
This is a short essay plan presentation I put together for the Edexcel spec comparing the gothic texts of Dracula and Dorian Gray looking at the theme of deviant sexuality.