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Littlemstopmarx's Shop

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My name is Ms Little and I teach GCSE and A Level Sociology. I'm Head of Sociology and Psychology & Head of Years 12 and 13 at USF. In my shop you will find Sociology and Tutor time resources aimed at Secondary and Sixth Form students. I follow the new Eduqas exam board, so most Sociology resources available in my shop are based on this specification. Eduqas course content is similar to other exam boards and therefore transferable. Happy Shopping! Always aim for Top Marx!




My name is Ms Little and I teach GCSE and A Level Sociology. I'm Head of Sociology and Psychology & Head of Years 12 and 13 at USF. In my shop you will find Sociology and Tutor time resources aimed at Secondary and Sixth Form students. I follow the new Eduqas exam board, so most Sociology resources available in my shop are based on this specification. Eduqas course content is similar to other exam boards and therefore transferable. Happy Shopping! Always aim for Top Marx!
GCSE Eduqas: Feminism and the Family

GCSE Eduqas: Feminism and the Family

This lesson encourages students to build upon knowledge of Feminism from previous lessons from Module 1: Key Concepts. The lesson has several activities which encourage students to think about the female role, sexism and oppression within the family unit. There are a selection of activities, some of which can be completed for homework. The aim of this lesson is to prepare students for future lessons on conjugal roles.
Eduqas GCSE Socialisation

Eduqas GCSE Socialisation

This is a full lesson introducing the concept of socialisation with a focus on primary socialisation and the family. The lesson aims to be interactive with lots of thinking activities which encourage independent learning. One slide makes reference to the TV show Super Nanny. A clip from the TV show has been included, but you could use other episodes. You will find sample exam questions with model answers embedded with in the slides. The exam questions are based on the GCSE Eduqas Specification. However, other exam boards can use the slides, but you will need to change questions accordingly. Progress checking questions are embedded throughout. Answers to the questions can be found within the notes. You will need scissors, glue, mini wipe boards, pens and access to the internet to deliver this lesson.
EDUQAS GCSE: Culture and Norms

EDUQAS GCSE: Culture and Norms

This resource is a PowerPoint with several interactive tasks embedded within the slides. The lesson is aimed at year 9 GCSE Sociology students with a focus on ‘culture’ and ‘norms’. The lesson was made with the Eduqas exam board in mind, however it does fit other GCSE course- not slide 13 (Eduqas exam questions). For this lesson, you will need scissors, glue, dictionaries, mini wipe-boards and pens. For the plenary you may prefer to use buzzers if you have them. This will add a little competition to the end of your lesson- which is always good fun! You may wish to print off slide 7 for students to stick in their exercise books. On slide 9, there is an activity that involves watching a clip from Idiot Abroad (Season 1, Episode 4 Mexico). There is a link to an uncensored clip (a few swear words) to show Easter Sunday Fireworks in Mexico. Any episode of Idiot Abroad can be used to complete the task on slide 9. Activities are differentiated with ‘You must, You should and You could’. Slide 13 has sample multiple choice exam questions (like section one on the Eduqas paper).
GCSE Eduqas Sociology. Reasons for the rise in Lone Parent Families

GCSE Eduqas Sociology. Reasons for the rise in Lone Parent Families

This is one lesson based on the new GCSE Eduqas exam specification. The lesson uses interactive note book activities, so students will need scissors, glue and different coloured pens during your class. The Power Point contains a starter, plenary, x2 four mark exam questions with model answers, sentence starters and an exam criteria over view. There are differentiated activities embedded within the slides and progress checks. Some slides have extra information, guidance and help in the notes.
GCSE Eduqas Sociology. Families and the growth in single-hood

GCSE Eduqas Sociology. Families and the growth in single-hood

This resource contains one lesson with an interactive notebook based activity. Students will need scissors, glue and colouring pencils. The lesson is based on the Eduqas specification and aims to explore the reasons why single-hood or the singleton is on the rise. Students will be expected to answer x1 two mark exam question. Sentence starters, exam criteria and a model answer are provided within the slides. You will also need mini wipe boards and pens for this lesson for progress checks.
GCSE Gender as a social construct. Family Focus

GCSE Gender as a social construct. Family Focus

This lesson is aimed at the GCSE Eduqas course but can be adapted and used with AQA. It is interactive and encourages students to reflect on their own identity. Students will need to bring to school their own childhood photos to participate in the main activity. You will also need magazines (perhaps catalogues with images of toys in), scissors and glue. The lesson will introduce students to Oakley's key terms: Verbal appellation, Manipulation, Different Activities and canalisation.
C2 Social Inequality: Functionalism

C2 Social Inequality: Functionalism

This resources is aimed at GCSE Eduqas paper 2. It introduces students to Functionalism in relation to inequality and role allocation. It’s a starter lesson which encourages students to begin essay planning using interactive note books. The lesson includes model paragraphs to help develop essays. You will need scissors, glue, exercise books, colouring pens and a copy of Eduqas’s grade mark scheme (details can be found in notes on slide 8- MS is optional).
Eduqas GCSE C2 Crime & Deviance: Media and Crime

Eduqas GCSE C2 Crime & Deviance: Media and Crime

This PowerPoint contains x 4 lessons with a focus on Media and Crime. The PowerPoints follows the Eduqas exam course. Lesson one focuses on propaganda and how to spot it. Students will watch clips from Digital Disruption and discuss how the media uses propaganda. Links will be made to the hypodermic syringe model. Lesson two focuses on the functions of media and crime and draws upon contemporary examples. Lesson three concerns a documentary with a focus on columbine massacres. Students have a worksheet to complete as they watch the documentary. Lesson four concerns moral panics and takes an exam focus. Students will use their knew knowledge to attempt an 8 mark exam question. See the notes section for links, questions and answers.
GCSE Eduqas Questionnaires

GCSE Eduqas Questionnaires

This resource is aimed at the GCSE Eduqas course. Lesson 1: Questionnaire Questioning This lesson focuses on closed and open-ended questions. Lesson 2: Questionnaire Design This lesson aims to encourage students to design their own questionnaire with little guidance. Students are expected to distribute the questionnaire, analyse results and create their own conclusion. Students will produce poor questionnaires and will learn from participant feedback. This is a great lesson to work independently and to reflect on skills. Lesson 3: Evaluating Questionnaires Students are encouraged to look at the strengths and weaknesses of questionnaires with reference to their own study from lesson 2, and by analysing the ‘bad questionnaire’ resource. There are also exam questions embedded within this lesson. Answers to questions can be found in the notes. Progress check questions can be found in the notes too. There is also a link to Quizlet activities in the notes.
GCSE Eduqas Sociology: White Collar Crime

GCSE Eduqas Sociology: White Collar Crime

This resource covers 4 lessons. You can cut this down by skipping the documentary on ‘Corruption and Bribery’. The lessons aim to encourage students to create an interactive notebook which represents 10 examples of white collar crime. You will need colouring pens, scissors, glue and the interactive doors attached. The lesson includes a small mark exam question, clips, progress checks and activities. Please see the notes for progress check questions and answers. Additional information and links to websites and clips can also be found in the notes. My students thoroughly enjoyed these lessons, and WCC is their strongest area because of it.
GCSE Eduqas: Secondary Agents of Socialisation

GCSE Eduqas: Secondary Agents of Socialisation

This resource is aimed at year 9 GCSE Sociology students. There are 3 lessons which concentrate on the introduction of secondary agents of socialisation: Education, Media, Work, Religion and Peer groups. This resource has 5 exam questions with model answers along with homework activities and interactive notebook tasks. There are progress checks with prompt questions in the notes. Additionally there are several clips and interactive based challenges. Links to clips can be found in the notes.
GCSE Crime & Deviance: Gender x 3 Lessons

GCSE Crime & Deviance: Gender x 3 Lessons

Here you will find x 3 lessons on gender. Throughout the 3 lessons your students will plan an essay together. At the end of each lesson, students will be expected to write their essay. The lesson contains progress checks and model paragraphs. There are 3 starters and plenary activities. You will need some envelopes for lesson 2 when students are introduced to Pat Carlen. This of course is optional.