I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.
I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for Unit 2C: The Challenge of Resource Management. The lesson is roughly one hour long, but is easily extended. We start with a quiz starter to get the pupils thinking about our food imports. We then look at how much of our food is imported and why that is the case. We consider then what challenges that creates for the UK. We then complete a skills task looking at high-value mangetout peas from Kenya. The pupils create a divided bar chart and answer related questions. We then finish by looking at ways the UK has tried to meet the challenge of increased food demand using agribusiness and organic farms. The pupils use this information to tackle a GCSE-style question. Included is:
Starter quiz
Hexagon task exploring what factors have led to UK reliance on imports
Data presentation skills task using mangetout peas example from Kenya
GCSE style question
Hope this helps.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for Unit 1 A. Comparing the responses of the Chile 2010 and Nepal 2015 earthquakes. In this lesson we start with a retrieval practice grid which you can populate with your own questions. We then look at the difference between immediate and long-term responses. The pupils complete a photo interpretation task around the searching of buildings before completing a worksheet on the responses to the two earthquakes and answer some questions on what they have found. We then use the worksheets to answer a GCSE-style 9 mark question. using a structure guidance sheet together with mark scheme for content and SPAG.
In a nutshell lesson includes:
Retrieval practice starter
Photo interpretation task
Responses worksheet with questions
GCSE 9 mark question with guidance and mark scheme
Hope this saves you valuable planning time.
AQA GCSEGeography Lesson for Unit1A. In this lesson we look at the four different types of plate boundaries; destructive, constructive, collision and conservative (transform). We start by looking at the example of Iceland. We then use information cards to complete a foldables exercise for each plate type for the pupils to stick into their books. We then answer a GCSE-style question with some pointers on content for the pupils to use if you wish them to. ****Please note the foldables template may need adapting for certain printers as it depends on settings, it just needs a quick check to ensure it will print the right way around.
Hope this saves you valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for Unit 2C Water Management. The lesson is approximately one hour long, but can be extended. We start the lesson with a quick quiz to test the pupils knowledge around global water supplies and issues. We then complete an activity looking at water surplus and deficit patterns around the world. The pupils will be creating their own map and then answering questions around the patterns. We then look at why consumption is increasing with the pupils writing their own extended sentences to explain these factors. We then look at what factors affect water availability. The pupils will be completing a worksheet which helps them to explain how the factor affects water availability. We then use the worksheet to answer a GCSE-style question with guidance on how to answer this should the pupils need it.
At a glance the lesson includes
Quiz starter on global water supplies
Map activity and questions arising from the patterns of deficit and surplus.
Writing activity on why consumption is increasing
Worksheet activity on factors affecting availability.
Practice question with guidance.
Hope this saves you valuable planing time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1B: In this lesson we look at what how plants and animals have adapted to the environmental conditions in the rainforest.
The lesson has a retrieval practice starter to begin with. We then look at what biodiversity is and why the rainforests are particularly diverse. We then look at rainforest stratification and plant adaptations. The students have a sheet to complete and some information slides to use to complete the sheet. This could be used as a carousel or group work task. The sheet can even be coloured in! Then the students complete a mix and match up task on the most common types of animal adaptations. The students then complete a rating task with explanation as to how significant are threats to biodiversity in the rainforest. We finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some guidance and structure provided for the students.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1B: In this lesson we examine the distribution of the global ecosystems or biomes.
The lesson has an ordnance survey map skills retrieval practice starter quiz. We then look at what a global ecosystem or biome is and what the general pattern of their distribution is. The students complete a cloze exercise and write a paragraph introducing the concept of global ecosystems. The students then complete a colouring by numbers worksheet to familiarise them with the distribution of the global ecosystems. They then complete a worksheet on where these ecosystems can be found, using atlases to give named examples of countries that feature those particular biomes. There is another extension to this where the students create a diagram to show the importance of latitude in the distribution of global ecosystems. We finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some sentence starters and a mark scheme provided for the students.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2A: In this lesson we look at the economic challenges in Lagos with special attention paid to the informal economy and the Olusosun Landfill site.
We use elaborative questioning on a photo of rubbish collectors at Olusosun as a starter, the pupils may be able to work out that the rubbish tip employs informally, many people.
We then look at the employment structure of Lagos, and how it compares with Nigeria. The pupils will be plotting their own pie charts and answering questions relating to them. We then look at the formal and informal economies. Focusing on the informal economy and the Olusosun landfill site, pupils look at the problems and benefits of working on the landfill site, there are 2 video clips to support this.
We finish with a GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it
In a nutshell lesson includes:
Photo interpretation starter
Pie chart plotting activities
Video clips from Olusosun.
Problems and benefits of Olusosun.
GCSE-style question with guidance on how to respond.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1A: In this lesson we look at monitoring, prediction, planning and protection in regards to tropical storms.
The lesson has a tropical stormed themed retrieval practice starter. We firstly introduce the importance of monitoring to aid prediction with measurements of SST’s. There is a cloze writing exercise on monitoring of hurricanes. A video clip from American tv provides a useful example of how tropical storms are monitored and their paths predicted even on mainstream television. There are some questions for the clip. We then look at protection, specifically storm shelters in Bangladesh, the pupils will have to label the storm shelter and annotate why these features of the storm shelter were needed. We then look at how building in vulnerable areas has made the risks of tropical storms and storm surges more severe. We then look at Bangladesh as a success story of monitoring, predicting, planning and protection, the students have a grid with the actions that have been undertaken by Bangladesh, they have to categorise them accordingly. We finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some guidance and structure provided for the students.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at the post-industrial economy and how it has changed the UK economy.
The lesson starts with a quick retrieval practice quiz. We then introduce the idea of a post-industrial economy. The pupils then complete an information gathering exercise where they collect information on three sections of the economy that are behind these changes, development of IT technology, the services industry and finance and research and development. All the information is recorded in a A3 knowledge organiser. We then finish with a GCSE-style practice question with some guidance.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
GCSE Anglo Saxon and Norman England 1060-87 for the new specification 2016.
In this lesson we look at the growth of towns after the conquest and what towns were like to live in. We start with a quick retrieval practice starter. We then look at how the towns developed into market towns, the pupils answer questions from a video clip. We then complete a text analysis where the pupils highlight the reasons for the growth of towns during Norman times. We briefly look at burgesses before focusing on trade and the pupils complete a profitability scale to show which of the aspects of trade in medieval times produced the most money for the medieval town and why. We finish with a to what extent plenary.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time!
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for Unit 2C: Water Management section.
This lesson requires the AQA GCSE Oxford textbook
In this lesson the pupils look at the Lesotho Highland Water Project. The pupil’s using the textbook complete a number of tasks to become familiar with the example such as constructing a climate graph, describing places, finding the meaning of facts and figures, creating a map, defining key words, categorising impacts. The sheets need printing out on A3 paper ideally.
We then tackle a question on large-scale water transfer schemes. The pupils have guidance should they need it on how to answer the question and can use their sheet to help them.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification. The lesson introduces the concept of irrigation and then looks at the Indira Ghandi Canal in the Thar Desert. We then look at the challenges of the desert environment, extreme temperatures, water supply and accessibility. We finish with a GCSE style question on irrigation with guidance. All worksheets and photocopying resoources included.
At a glance lesson includes
Irrigation question starter
Task in the Indira Ghandi Canal
Three tasks on the challenges in the desert to development
A guided 4 mark GCSE style question on irrigation.
Hope this helps.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson as part of the Nigeria: A Newly Emerging Economy unit. The lesson is roughly one hour long but can be shortened or extended. In this lesson we introduce the concept of a TNC. We then do a quick activity on the incentives for TNC’s to locate their operations in different countries. The pupils then complete a sorting exercise on the problems and benefits of TNC’s in general before we look at Shell’s operations in the Niger Delta. The pupils create a visual chart to show the overall benefits and costs, but also the extent to which those factors are benefits or costs. We then go on to answer a 6 mark question with a structure strip for support. Included is:
Starter on TNC’s in Nigeria
Exercise on incentives for TNC’s in countries
Sorting activity on costs and benefits
Costs and benefits chart on Shell Oil
GCSE style question with structure strip
Hope this helps.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2B: In this lesson we look at the environmental impacts of quarrying in the UK.
The lesson starts with a quick true or false retrieval practice quiz with sound effects. We then look at a photo of a quarry and the pupils think about all the impacts the quarry may be having on the physical environment. There are possible answers on the next slide. We then look at ways that industry might be able to become more sustainable. The pupils have hexes and are asked to develop the points further by explaining their potential impacts. There are suggestions on the following slide. We then look at quarrying and Torr Quarry as an example. The pupils have an info sheet and a knowledge organiser to complete with questions relating to Torr Quarry and Quarrying. There is also a video clip on quarry restoration to help with this section. We finish with a 4-mark practice question with some guidance on how to respond.
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for Unti 1A: The Challenge of Natural Hazards. there is a retrieval practice starter grid which will just need filling out by the teacher with appropriate questions. Pupils begin by looking at the location of earthquakes and volcanoes by plotting their location on a map using longitude and latitude. Pupils then describe the pattern using T.E.A (trend, examples, anomaly). We then look at the plates and margins. The pupils use description of the plates locations to work out where they are then descriptions of their movements to draw on arrows of the plates direction of travel. We examine the link between the locations and plate margins and briefly explain the anomalies by looking at hotspot volcanoes. We then tackle a GCSE-style question with guidance for the pupils if needed.
In a nutshell lesson includes:
Retrieval practice starter
Longitude and latitude skills task plotting tectonic hazards
Map task using descriptions of plate locations and movements
Hotspot diagram drawing
GCSE-style question with guidance.
Hope this saves you valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for The Changing Economic World section. Lesson one in the Nigeria SOW. The lesson is over one hour long, but can be adapted.
We first look at the location of Nigeria and pupils complete some skills work around describing the location. We then continue to examine Nigeria’s global importance whilst the pupils complete an knowledge organiser. Then using demographic data the pupils examine Nigeria’s population whilst practicing some graphical skills. We then look at the importance of Nigeria in Africa. Included in the lesson is:
Differentiated activity on Nigeria’s Location
Knowledge organiser on Nigeria’s global importance
Graph skills worksheet on Nigeria’s Demographics
Activity on Nigeria’s importance in Africa.
Hope this helps.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2A: In this lesson we introduce Lagos as a case study for a city in an NEE.
We start with the pupils looking at a variety of photo’s trying to work out where the photos might be taken. They are all of Lagos of course, this is to introduce the pupils to the variety, and inequality in the city.
We then look an introductory video to Lagos to gauge the pupils first impressions. The pupils then go on to describe to location of Lagos. I use the C>L>O>C>K formula but this can be changed to whatever you like. We then look at some key facts or indicators about Lagos. We compare this to the same key facts as London. the pupils use this information to explain what Lagos is like and what challenges it may have. This allows the pupils to understand how it compares to a city they may well be familiar with. We finish with a GCSE style question on the importance both regionally and internationally of Lagos.
In a nutshell lesson includes:
Photo starter
Video clip
Describing the location of Lagos task.
Worksheet on key facts and indicators of Lagos.
Comparison of London
GCSE-style question with guidance
Hope this saves you some valuable planning time.
AQA GCSE Geography lesson from the Nigeria: A Newly Emerging Economy Unit.
The Lesson needs the Oxford AQA GCSE Geography textbook
The lesson is roughy one hour long, but can be extended or shortened, The lessons starts with an annotation exercise on an image of slums in Lagos. The pupils explore the environmental problems in the image and potential causes and solutions. We then take a short look at a video clip of an illegal oil extraction operation in the Niger Delta and asked how rapid developemnt may have led to this. The pupils then move onto an A3 information gathering task usingthe Oxford textbook. The sheet is differentiated with a variety of tasks. We then finish the lesson by attempting to answer a 6-mark question on environmental issues with guidance and structure if the pupils need it. Included is:
Photo annotation starter
Two relevant video clips
A3 information organiser task
GCSE question with structure and guidance.
Hope this helps.
Key Stage 3 lesson for a scheme of work on The Rise of The Dictators. In this lesson we look at what life was like for people living in Nazi Germany. We start with an activity called ‘Photos from Nazi Germany’. The pupils try to work out what is going on in the photos and what this tells us about life in Germany at this time. We then look at life for different types of adults, we use an evidence sheet and the pupils make notes about how those people perhaps benefited, or suffered under Nazi rule. We then look at young people. We start by analyzing a school day fro the German school pupil and why the Nazi’s wanted certain subjects to be taught. We then look at the Hitler Youth and the league of German Maidens and why young people were drawn to these groups and what purpose they served the Nazi’s
I hope this proves useful and saves you some time.
Power & the People lesson on the Chartists. In this lesson we introduce the Chartists and Chartism. We then look at what the demands of the Chartists were and how they believed they would make for a fairer electoral system. We then examine the methods of the Chartists and how they were successful at spreading their message. We then look at the failure of Chartism and examine the reasons for this before finishing with how significant the movement was in the end. Included in the lesson is:-
Question starter around Secret Ballots
Activity on the Chartists Six Point Demands
Video Clip
Activity examining the methods of the Chartists
Writing activity on the failure of Chartism
Question on the significance of Chartism.
Hope this helps