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I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.




I am a Geography specialist who has also been teaching GCSE history for the past few years. I have uploaded some lessons for History and Geography. I hope people find them useful.
Rivers: Waterfalls and Gorges

Rivers: Waterfalls and Gorges

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at waterfalls and gorges and how they are formed through the processes of erosion. The starter is a retrieval practice grid filled in for the rivers work so far, but it’s editable. We then look at how underlying geology plays and important part in the formation of waterfalls, the pupils have some questions to answer and I sometimes get a pupil to teach this bit. We then look at how waterfalls develop, after some teacher exposition the pupils will have an outline diagram of a waterfall with some tasks to complete on the diagram. We then look at the formation of gorges and how they relate to waterfalls. This time the pupils use the diagram on the board to create one themselves. We finish with a sketch from photograph of High Force. After we have introduced the waterfall and given some detail on its formation the pupils will create a field sketch either in a blank box, or using a feint outline, which they can draw over the top of. They then label features etc. We finish with a 6-mark question similar to the 2019 May exam on physical processes and waterfalls/gorges. There is advice and guidance should the pupils need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice grid starter. Question answer session on how a waterfall starts to form. Blank outline actvity on the development of waterfalls over time. Diagram activity on the formation of a gorge. Worksheet activty on sketching High Force from a photograph. 6-mark GCSE question with guidance. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Rivers: Erosion and Transportation

Rivers: Erosion and Transportation

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at erosion, transportation and deposition. The starter is “which row is the odd one out”. The pupils need to work out which row has an incorrect term in. Just gets them thinking. We then look at erosion and when rivers are eroding more effectively. The pupils learn about vertical and lateral erosion and will be making some diagrams in there exercise books. They then receive a worksheet where the processes of erosion and transportation are illustrated, the pupils use an information slide (or sheet if you prefer) and label the processes on and colour code the area of the diagram where that process is displayed. We then look at how these processes vary as you progress down the long profile of a river. The pupils get another worksheet where they read the labels and draw an appropriate diagram in each box to create an illustrated log profile. We finish with a summarising pyramid plenary. In a nutshell lesson includes: Odd one out starter. Vertical and lateral erosion diagram activity Worksheet on processes of erosion Worksheet activity on processes of erosion along the course of a river Summarising pyramid Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Rivers: Long and Cross Profiles of a River

Rivers: Long and Cross Profiles of a River

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at long and cross profiles of a river and how river valleys change shape downstream. We start with “perfect paragraph”. The pupils read a paragraph describing a drainage basin and they should try to find the errors in the paragraph and what should be added in. We then introduce long profiles, and the pupils will be plotting a long profile of a river on their worksheet. We then look at the upper, middle and lower courses of the river. The pupils shade in these sections on their graph. We complete the worksheet by looking at cross profiles and how river valley shapes change downstream. The pupils create annotated cross sections of the upper, middle and lower courses using the info slides. We finish with a 4 mark GCSE-style question “describe how the shape of a river valley changes downstream”. As always the pupils have some guidance on the question if they need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Perfect paragraph starter. Long profile plotting exercise. Cross profile diagram activity. 4-mark GCSE-style question. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Rivers: Drainage Basins

Rivers: Drainage Basins

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at drainage basins and what types of features you find within them. We start with a photo mystery starter, the pupils only see fragments of a map of the drainage basins of the UK and Ireland. The pupils try to guess what the complete picture might be. This leads onto a discussion about drainage basins and the Amazon Basin in particular. Next we look at the features within a drainage basin. The pupils will work from a worksheet and are given a description of a feature. They must find the feature on the diagram, write the description, and then for some features they draw their own zoomed-in picture of the feature. Following this the pupils get a grid of photographs of the various features and they need to work out what the feature is. The board is editable so they can play bingo as well if you want to create bingo cards. We finish with a simple post-it plenary based on a GCSE-style question. In a nutshell lesson includes: Geographical gallery of contemporary art starter Worksheet activities on the features of a drainage basin Photo grid of the features of a drainage basin. Post-it plenary. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Managed Retreat

Coasts: Managed Retreat

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at what managed retreat is and we also consider an example at Medmerry in West Sussex. The starter is a a simple true or false quiz that is used for retrieval practice, but is easily edited. We introduce the concept of coastal management schemes first and then we explore the definition of managed retreat with a simple fill in the gap task and the pupils consider when it might be appropriate as a strategy and when not. We introduce Medmerry, the pupils write a description of it’s location before we look at the scheme and why it was needed. The pupils have a worksheet, the questions are answered whilst the pupils watch a video clip on the scheme. They then complete a visual plan map of the scheme to show how the area is flooded. We then consider the benefits and costs of the scheme in a categorising task. We finish with a 6 mark question on the effectiveness of coastal management schemes. The pupils have some guidance on this if you feel they need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Short tasks on definition of managed retreat and location of Medmerry. Worksheet tasks with questions and a plan view map of the scheme. Information categorising task on costs and benefits of the scheme. 6-mark GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Soft Engineering

Coasts: Soft Engineering

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at types of soft engineering and look at an example where they have been applied. We also use the lesson as an opportunity to practice some map skills. The starter is a simple retrieval practice grid based on the coasts unit of work. We begin by locating Crow Point which is an area in North Devon at risk from coastal erosion where soft engineering strategies have been used to prevent further erosion to the fragile dune system. The pupils will be given a large A3 sheet of paper with an outline map of the area including the dune system. The pupils then use grid references to add labels and features onto their map. Once they have completed this we look at the different types of soft engineering strategies and the advantages and disadvantages. The pupils are given grid references to the location these strategies have been applied. They locate them on their map and write the details in the appropriate box. We do this four all four strategies. This could be done as an info gather, round the room, carousel etc. We finish with a 4 mark question comparing hard and soft engineering with some guidance on how they can answer this. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Map skills practice Soft engineering information gather task 4-mark GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Hard Engineering

Coasts: Hard Engineering

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at types of hard engineering and where they are best applied. The starter is a quiz where the pupils need to select the squares that have a depositional landform. There are sound effects too so it’s all very exciting. We begin by looking at why certain areas of the coast need protecting and what factors go into consideration when planners are deciding whether or not to protect the coastline. The pupils are then given some information cards and a worksheet to fill in on the different types of hard engineering, they also have a visual scale to shade in for each one according to it’s effectiveness and durability, cost and sustainability. This can be done in a number of ways (group work, round the room, carousel etc). We then seek to apply this knowledge though the pupils completing a decision making exercise. This is based on a fictional town (Sandytown). The town has been divided into zones, the pupils read the information on each zone and decide what type fo hard engineering that zone needs and justify this. We finish with a 6 mark question on hard engineering with some guidance on how they can answer this. In a nutshell lesson includes: Interactive starter quiz on depositional landforms. Video clip. Hard engineering worksheet with visual scale. Decision making exercise activity. 6-mark GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Urban Change in the UK: London's Environmental Challenges

Urban Change in the UK: London's Environmental Challenges

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2A: In this lesson we look at the environmental challenges of urban sprawl and housing provision in London. We start with a retrieval practice grid with questions based on the London unit so far (but you just amend to whatever you want). We then look at what urban sprawl is, we then consider the advantages and disadvantages of urban sprawl in a spray diagram. The pupils are given some sentence starters to help them consider what they might be. We move on to consider if there is a housing shortage in London. We use house prices as a proxy for this and the pupils spend some time working with a graph of house prices and completing some questions related to the graph. We then consider the options London has of developing on either brownfield or greenfield sites. The pupils complete a photo annotation task on the two types and what the advantages and disadvantages of building on both types are. We then move on to a mapping activity where the pupils map the available greenfield and brownfield sites for development. They answer some questions related to London’s options to solve its housing problems and what the impact on the environment might be. Once we have completed the diagram we tackle a 6-mark question on the effects of urban sprawl on the environment and people. There is guidance should the pupils need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Benefits and drawbacks of urban sprawl diagram task Greenfield and brownfield photo annotation task Video clips where appropriate Mapping London’s greenfield and brownfield sites task. GCSE-style question with guidance or live writing exercise. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Urban Change in the UK: Air Quality and Waste Management in London

Urban Change in the UK: Air Quality and Waste Management in London

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2A: In this lesson we look at air quality and waste management issues in London. There is a photo interpretation starter around landfill in London, e usually discuss how landfill and disposal is not a sustainable method of waste disposal. We then look at air quality in London, we consider the causes of poor air quality in the city and the pupils explain the causes using the hexagons. We then consider which is the most likely cause of air pollution in London. We then use nitrogen dioxide as a proxy for air pollution and the pupils create a map to show where the concentrations are high. We discuss why this might be. We briefly look at London’s cycle super highways as a potential solution to air pollution. Moving on to waste management the pupils create a pie chart to show how London disposes of its waste, we use the pie chart and look at the city of London’s hierarchy for dealing with waste and consider how successful they have been at meeting their targets. Once we have completed the diagram we tackle a 6-mark question on waste disposal. There is guidance should the pupils need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Photo Interpretation Starter Causes of air pollution hexagon task. Mapping activity using nitrogen dioxide as a proxy for air pollution Video clips where appropriate Pie chart activity GCSE-style question with guidance or live writing exercise. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Urban Change in the UK: Social Inequality in London

Urban Change in the UK: Social Inequality in London

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2A: In this lesson we look at how urban change has led to social and economic inequalities in London. The starter is called “perfect paragraph?” The pupils will see a response to a GCSE-style question and need to spot the errors in the paragraph, we then discuss if anything needs adding to the answer. We then look at inequalities in London and we use an Iceberg Analysis to determine causes of social inequalities and short and long terms effects. The short term effects go in the iceberg above the water. The longer term effects go underneath the water. We then consider what indicators could we use to map social deprivation. We use percentage of people on benefits as an indicator and the pupils create a choropleth map of London. We consider the pattern and the pupils look at what the benefits and drawbacks of presenting the data this way is. Once we have completed the diagram we tackle a 6-mark question on social inequalities in a HIC city. I usually do this as a live writing exercise, but there is guidance should the pupils need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Perfect Paragraph Starter Iceberg analysis of cause and effects of social inequalities Choropleth map activity using percentage of people claiming benefits as an indicator. GCSE-style question with guidance or live writing exercise. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Coastal Landforms at Swanage

Coasts: Coastal Landforms at Swanage

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at coastal landforms along the Swanage coastline. The starter is called “perfect paragraph?” The pupils will see a response to a GCSE-style question and need to spot the errors in the paragraph, we then discuss if anything needs adding to the answer. We introduce Swanage to the pupils and its location. The pupils will be working on an A3 sheet of paper that will become a revision resource for them in the future. We start by locating Swanage and the pupils describe its location using geographical language. We the look at the discordant and concordant sections of the coastline and the pupils create an annotated map showing the locations of the landforms we will study as well as an explanation of how the geology affects the coastline. We then look at Old Harry Rocks. The pupils will do a field sketch from photograph which they then label to show all the features on the landform. We then look at Lulworth Cove and how it has formed on a concordant coast. The pupils create a 3 stage diagram to show how this formed., they annotate this too/ We finish with a post-it plenary based on a short question regarding the content of the lesson. In a nutshell lesson includes: Perfect paragraph? Starter. A3 poster worksheet with a variety of activities on the landforms around Swanage. Video clip. Post-it plenary. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Urban Change in the UK: Transport and Urban Greening in London

Urban Change in the UK: Transport and Urban Greening in London

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 2A: In this lesson we look at how London’s transport strategy and urban greening have improved the quality of life for people living in London. We start with a retrieval practice grid based on previous learning from this section. We then look at the green transport strategies London is adopting. Using an information sheet the pupils fill in sections on an A3 worksheet. We next look at Crossrail, the pupils consider the reasons why Crossrail was needed and the arguments for and against Crossrail before answering some questions on how it will improve quality of life in London. We move onto urban greening, using a video clip we consider the benefits of urban greening and then the pupils create a “London Eye” pie chart which they annotate to show how London is a green city and how it is continuing its urban greening. Once we have completed the diagram we tackle a 6-mark question on how environmental change have led to an increase in the quality of life for people in a HIC city. The pupils do have some help with some points to get them going if they need it. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter A3 worksheet on transport in London and Crossrail Two urban greening activities. Video clips where appropriate GCSE-style question with guidance Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Spits and Bars

Coasts: Spits and Bars

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at spits and bars together with the processes that lead to their formation. The starter is a true or false type quiz where the pupils have to find the landforms and processes associated with erosion. We have a brief reminder of what longshore drift and deposition are. We have a quiz around a photo of Spurn Head and then watch a video clip. The pupils then create annotated diagrams of spits, bars and tombolos. This is usually teacher led in my lessons, but would work as an info hunt/share. We then draw an annotated field sketch from a photograph of Dawlish Warren Spit. The pupils then label the feature of the spit and fill in the blanks on the paragraph. We finish with a 6 mark GCSE-style question: “Explain how the processes of deposition lead to the formation of distinctive landforms”. The pupils have some guidance in answering this. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice true or false starter Video clip Annotated diagrams on formation of spits, bars and tombolos. Features of a field sketch from photograph with an example. 6 mark GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Beaches and Sand Dunes

Coasts: Beaches and Sand Dunes

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at beaches and how their profiles can be altered and sand dune succession and formation… We start with a simple retrieval practice grid which is good for spaced practice. We then discuss why some beaches have different profiles to other beaches and what difference the size of sediment makes. We then look at the different types of waves and how they affect beach profiles. The pupils will make annotated diagrams of winter and summer beaches. We move onto sand dune systems. The pupils have an outline profile of sand dune succession. We use info slides which can either be teacher led, or use as a round the room activity, group activity etc, the pupils add the appropriate info onto the diagram from the slides. We then look at what conditions are needed for the dune system to form. The pupils have a hexagon task. I usually get the pupils to think about each factor first, the next slide has the answers but they still need to match them up We finish with a GCSE-style question on the formation of sand dunes with some guidance on how to answer. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Beach profile diagram activity Sand dune succession annotated round the room/group diagram task. Formation of sand dunes hexagon task. 4 mark GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Wave Cut-Notches & Platforms, Stacks, Stumps and Arches

Coasts: Wave Cut-Notches & Platforms, Stacks, Stumps and Arches

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at erosional features found on a headland, wave-cut notches and platforms, caves, stacks, stumps and arches. We start with a simple retrieval practice grid which is good for spaced practice. We then introduce wave-cut notches and platform. After discussion about how they may have formed the pupils use an outline diagram to add annotations and explanations. We then look at the formation of caves, arches, stacks and stumps. We watch a video clip before the pupils get to teach each other and the class about the features. The pupils then get given a drawing of Durdle Door. On the picture of Durdle Door in the present, the pupils annotate the diagram. The other two diagrams are for the pupils to trace around. The idea is that the pupils will predict what Durdle Door will look like in 400 and 800 years into the future and sketch how the headland might have been affected by erosion. We finish with a GCSE-style question on wave-cut platforms with some guidance on how to write their answer. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Wave-cut platforms diagram. Video clips where appropriate. Durdle Door: Present and Future activity. 4 mark GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Headlands and Bays

Coasts: Headlands and Bays

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at the formation of headlands and bays through the process of differential erosion. We start with a simple retrieval practice quiz. We then introduce the concept of differential erosion and how geology can play big role in the formation of bays and headlands. the pupils are introduced to the features then use a trace outline diagram to alter the coastline to predict what it might look like in the future. The pupils then label the diagrams to show how headlands and bays are formed. We then look at concordant and discordant coastlines. We start by analysing a map of the Swanage coastline, the pupils questioned as to why the coast has different features and shapes. The pupils make a geological map of the area using an outline map, they them annotate where the two types of coastline are. We finish with a GCSE-style question on the role of geology in the formation of landforms on the coast. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Trace it 3-step diagram on the formation of bays and headlands. A geological outline map of the Dorset coastline activity. 6 mark GCSE-style question with guidance should the pupils need it. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Longshore Drift and Deposition

Coasts: Longshore Drift and Deposition

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at the processes of longshore drift, deposition and wave refraction. We start with a retrieval practice grid which can be filled in with your own questions. We then introduce the concept of longshore drift. We watch a video clip, look at some sequential diagrams, and also consider why some parts of the coastline do not experience longshore drift, yet other parts do. The pupils use this knowledge to complete a worksheet which has several tasks such as explaining, drawing sequential diagrams and annotating. We then move onto deposition and wave refraction. We consider how wave refraction can create areas of erosion and deposition. The pupils create a diagram, which we label and annotate as we go along. There are several extension questions for the pupils to consider too. We finish with a simple post-it plenary on groynes and longshore drift. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Worksheet on the process of longshore drift with several activities. Annotated diagram of wave refraction. Video clips where appropriate Post-it plenary. Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Processes of Erosion and Transportation

Coasts: Processes of Erosion and Transportation

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at the processes of erosion and transportation (Note we don’t do longshore drift until the next lesson, too much for one lesson!) We start with a retrieval practice grid from the previous lesson (good for spaced practice). We then introduce the concept of erosion, we watch a short video clip of he problems at Dawlish several years ago to get the pupils thinking about why erosion is important. We then look at erosion first, the pupils have a worksheet which shows the processes. They need to describe the process, locate the process on the map with an arrow and as a bonus they get to colour the diagram in (They still love doing this in year 11). We briefly look at the four processes of transportation and they do the same thing on the diagram. Next we explore what factors might affect the rate of these processes occurring. I get the pupils to do a spray diagram or spider diagram. The pupils then use this to answer the question on the worksheet. In a nutshell lesson includes: Retrieval practice starter Worksheet on the processes of erosion and transportation. Activity on factors influencing these processes Video clips where appropriate GCSE-style question with guidance on answering Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Weathering and Mass Movement

Coasts: Weathering and Mass Movement

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at the different types of weathering and mass movement. We start with a true or false retrieval practice quiz on wave types from the previous lesson. We then introduce the concept of weathering and proceed to look at mechanical, biological and chemical weathering. The pupils have a variety of annotation, drawing and question tasks to complete on the worksheet. Moving on to mass movement, the pupils get a second worksheet with 4 different slopes on. The pupils then are given information on each type of mass movement. They sketch the type of mass movement onto their slope and add labels. We finish with a simple GCSE-style question which I get the pupils to answer on a post-it note. In a nutshell lesson includes: True or False starter on wave types Weathering activity sheet with diagrams and questions. Mass movement ‘change the slope’ activity sheet. Video clips where appropriate GCSE-style question plenary Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer
Coasts: Types of Waves

Coasts: Types of Waves

AQA GCSE Geography lesson for the new specification Unit 1C: In this lesson we look at how waves are formed and different types of waves. We start with a differentiated photo starter where the pupils can create questions for themselves or the teacher to answer on coastal erosion. We then introduce waves by watching big wave surfers at Nazare in Portugal. This is where the largest onshore waves in the world are found. The pupils then make an annotated step by step guide to how ripples turn into large waves. We then look at what happens when the waves arrive on-shore. The pupils make an annotated diagram. We then look at constructive and destructive waves. The pupils make pop-up versions of both wave types to go into their books with annotations. We finish we a simple 4-mark question on the differences between constructive and destructive waves with some guidance. In a nutshell lesson includes: Photo interpretation question creator starter Annotated step by step diagrams of wave formation Diagram of the process of waves breaking Pop-up destructive and constructive waves. Video clips where appropriate GCSE-style question with guidance Hope this saves you some valuable planning time. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/markthegeographer