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Elise Parker

Average Rating4.25
(based on 13 reviews)

I'm a high school teacher in the United States with more than 20 years experience teaching history and English! I believe in making learning fun and incorporating critical thinking skills, as well as building lessons that provide teacher convenience features!




I'm a high school teacher in the United States with more than 20 years experience teaching history and English! I believe in making learning fun and incorporating critical thinking skills, as well as building lessons that provide teacher convenience features!
PBS The Supreme Court Episode 1 Worksheet and Puzzle Activity Pack

PBS The Supreme Court Episode 1 Worksheet and Puzzle Activity Pack

40-problem cloze viewing worksheet, crossword puzzle review designed for differentiated learning, and helpful teaching aids to assist you as you lead your students through a fun and engaging review of U.S. history as told through key Supreme Court cases that clearly show the various eras the nation has experienced! This video activity packet is intended for use with the excellent PBS series The Supreme Court. The series consists of four episodes, each lasting an hour. Through watching all four episodes, students will be explore in chronological order the entire history of the Supreme Court up through the early 21st century. The program first aired on PBS in 2007 but will remain relevant for many, many years to come! What This PBS The Supreme Court Episode 1 Worksheet Packet Includes: • Comprehensive fill-in worksheet with 40 problems: All problems are presented in video order so that students can follow along. Doing the worksheet as they watch requires students to pay close attention to all narration so they can “catch” the next problem coming up. This leads to higher student engagement with the video and more learning! • Student answer sheet: The student worksheet is formatted to discourage students from writing directly on their copies. This way, teachers can make one class set and use it for years, saving them both time and paper! Students can write on their own paper, of course, but using the included answer sheet will facilitate super-fast grading since it will guarantee that student answers “line up” perfectly with the answer key. • Answer key for fast grading: This key perfectly matches the student answer sheet so that teachers can correct 3, 5, or even more papers at once should they choose – just spread them out carefully so all student pages line up with the key, and you’ll be able to correct student work in nothing flat! • Answer key for going over answers with the class: Instead of grading the papers yourself, you can have students grade themselves or each other with this key. Instead of just reading out the right answer, you can make the “correcting phase” a learning/review experience by reading students the whole sentence they were looking at during viewing, pausing when the answer appears to let the class or selected students supply the correct answer. This lets students hear the key sentences again, helping to reinforce key concepts and information! • Teacher reference materials: Included is a list of all the laws and court cases discussed during the episode, as well as a full transcript of the episode’s narration in case you want to quickly review what the program had to say on a particular topic. • Crossword puzzle activity: Differentiated for basic and advanced learners; 28 words & clues!
Interactive Self-Checking U.S. History Cloze Activity -- Part 1: Settlement through Constitution

Interactive Self-Checking U.S. History Cloze Activity -- Part 1: Settlement through Constitution

Students learn best through immediate feedback. These activities provide that. They are html files; load them into any web browser and students will be presented with a detailed narrative about U.S. History -- with some words missing. They fill in the blanks using the drop-down lists provided and can check their own answers as they go. These Interactive U.S. History Games will allow you to individualize and personalize instruction. Students consider them both fun and challenging! WHAT THESE INTERACTIVE U.S. HISTORY GAMES INCLUDE Your download will consist of a zip file containing 14 web pages of fill-in exercises. These exercises are interactive and self-correcting if used on a computer -- though they can be printed out to make static fill-in worksheets that students do at their desks. The 14 pages will take students sequentially through the eras of settlement, revolution, and the Constitution in United States History. SIMPLE TO SET UP, EASY TO USE! To run the exercises, all you have to do is double click on one of the three index files provided. These serve as tables of contents to the exercises. Your web browser will open and you will be able to play the fill-in game, which in each case will consist of several pages in a row that students cycle through. To have students use the exercises, you might want to load them onto a central location on your school network and provide students the link. That way, you can load the files once and have them available network-wide. Otherwise, you will have to load the files onto the hard drive of each computer that will be using them. U.S. HISTORY GAMES AUTOMATICALLY DIFFERENTIATE LEARNING! Those who can master the material faster will move ahead into new sections while those who need more time and practice can run through the same exercise until they master it. This means that everybody is working at his or her level, rather than waiting for other students to catch up before the class can move on. For your information, here are the topics covered in each of the three activities: Section 1-1: *Converging Cultures * The Earliest Americans * European Explorations * Early French and English Settlement * The Thirteen Colonies * Crisis Over Land * A Diverse Society Section 1-2: Dissent and Independence * Mercantilism and the Glorious Revolution * The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening * Growing Rebelliousness * The Road to War * Fighting for Independence Section 1-3: The Constitution * The Young Nation * A New Constitution * The Fight for Ratification
SMART BOARD History Games-Reagan Era / 1980's Jumbo 19 Games

SMART BOARD History Games-Reagan Era / 1980's Jumbo 19 Games

Encourage broad learning; use games in class with your Smart Board! HISTORY TOPICS INCLUDED IN THESE REAGAN SMART BOARD GAMES About the games -- they all cover the topic of "The Reagan Era" in United States history. Major topics include: --The Election of 1980 --SDI / Strategic Defense Initiative --Supreme Court shifts --1980's cultural trends --Cold War treaties --Perestroika --The Iran-Contra affair --And many other topics! GAME TYPES INCLUDED IN THESE REAGAN SMART BOARD ACTIVITIES The games include matching, tiles games, anagrams, brainstorming games, image arrange, events arrange, timed puzzles, multiple choice, electoral college analysis and many, many more. All the games are interactive and almost all of them are self-checking. Some of the games are very appropriate as "teachable moments" -- the answer is "Sandinistas," so who can tell me more about them? Let's look at Nicaragua in a little more detail before we continue to the next slide... you get the idea. WHAT YOU WILL GET IN THESE REAGAN SMART BOARD GAMES The full download has NINETEEN slides full of games, many with multiple rounds/items. Playing these games can easily occupy a full class period. The sample games in the preview file are locked, but in the full download all the games can be edited, allowing you to customize them further with your own content if you wish. History Games created by Elise Parker
American Experience -- The Presidents: LBJ Worksheets for Parts 3-4 out of 4

American Experience -- The Presidents: LBJ Worksheets for Parts 3-4 out of 4

122 Multiple Choice Questions on American Experience Presents -- The Presidents: LBJ! All in video order, conveniently divided into two separate worksheets, one for each of the two hour-long episodes included in the last half of this video series! About American Experience Presents The Presidents: LBJ American Experience Presents The Presidents: LBJ is a comprehensive biography of the 36th President of the United States. The program originally aired on PBS stations throughout the U.S. Lasting about four hours, the video takes students through Lyndon Johnson’s political career including his time as a Congressman and as the majority leader of the U.S. Senate. The program spends the bulk of the four hours, however, focusing in on LBJ’s time as president, first as an “accidental president” who came to power because of the JFK assassination, and then as a president elected in his own right. This exploration of the LBJ administration means that the video does an excellent job of highlighting major events of the 1960s, including in particular the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War. Format of video that goes with these The Presidents LBJ Worksheets The Presidents: LBJ is usually presented in two 2-hour programs, providing a natural break in the historical narrative. Each of the two hour programs is further subdivided into two parts, providing a total of four logical episode divisions. Conveniently for high school teachers, each of these four parts lasts slightly less than an hour, which is about the length of time available in a typical secondary class period. THESE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE LBJ WORKSHEETS COVER THE LAST TWO HOURS OF THE VIDEO SERIES. Teacher Convenience Features Included with these American Experience: The Presidents LBJ Worksheets All worksheets include answer blanks in case teachers want students to write directly on them. Having answers marked on the blanks instead of just having the correct choices circled makes it easier for teachers to review student efforts. Sometimes, consumable worksheets are the best approach for a given class, but in other cases, teachers may want to copy off a file set of worksheets that can be re-used from year to year or class to class. To help make correcting as efficient as possible in that case, I have included special student answer sheets where answers can be recorded. The teacher answer keys exactly match the format/setup of the answer sheets in order to make correcting fast and easy!
Truman Movie Worksheets -- 38 TF and Mult. Choice Questions -- Examview and Editable Formats

Truman Movie Worksheets -- 38 TF and Mult. Choice Questions -- Examview and Editable Formats

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Make History Come Alive in Your Classroom! Movies + Excellent Support Materials = Success!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These Truman movie worksheets are based on the movie "Truman" starring Gary Sinise, which takes students on a journey that begins before World War I and carries them all the way through to the early 1950s and the new challenges of the Cold War. TEACHER CONVENIENCE FEATURES INCLUDED IN THESE TRUMAN MOVIE WORKSHEETS • The download includes a Word file so the questions can be delivered in paper/pencil format if you wish, and can also be edited to suit your own needs. • The download also includes a "condensed" version of the Word file, with information formatted without blank lines in order to help teachers save on paper and printing. • In addition, you will receive an Examview file so that you can use the questions from these Truman worksheets with a variety of electronic delivery systems. WHAT THESE TRUMAN MOVIE WORKSHEETS COVER The movie covers history from World War I through the 1952 election, so it covers a huge variety of American history topics including: • WWI • WWII • Great Depression • Thee establishment of the state of Israel • McCarthyism • The onset of the Cold War. These Truman worksheets work well in both world history classes and U.S. history classes! QUESTION FORMAT OF THESE TRUMAN MOVIE WORKSHEETS There are 38 questions total: • 15 True/False • 23 Multiple Choice TEACHING OPTIONS FOR THESE TRUMAN MOVIE WORKSHEETS The questions go in the same order as the movie information! Therefore, you could use these questions as a worksheet that students fill out as they watch the movie Or use them afterwards: These questions are perfect for assessing how well students paid attention to the movie, and they can also be used as a springboard to preview important points in the movie or to discuss it with the class afterwards. You can have students take notes during the movie and use them with these questions afterwards, or require them to do the questions from memory only.
The Nazi Officer's Wife: Reading Check Questions -- Common Core Compliant!

The Nazi Officer's Wife: Reading Check Questions -- Common Core Compliant!

This history-through-literature learning packet is designed to accompany The Nazi Officer’s Wife: How One Woman Survived the Holocaust. This memoir tells the true story of Edith Hahn Beer, who suffered as a slave laborer in both agricultural and industrial camps in the Nazi empire before finding a way to disappear into Aryan society. She lived out the rest of the war as a “U-boat,” or a Jewish person passing for Aryan, eventually marrying a German to help preserve her cover. After the war, she confronted the realities of life in the Soviet sector, finally fleeing Germany for freedom in England and eventually, Israel. ABOUT THIS TEACHING PACKET This resource consists of student worksheets to accompany each chapter of The Nazi Officer’s Wife. Each worksheet consists of a variety of text-dependent questions about the target chapter. All questions are free-response and are presented in order to match the sequence of the target chapter; each worksheet is formatted to provide students enough space to record their answers. WHY ONLY FREE RESPONSE QUESTIONS? The basic purpose these questions are meant to address is that of reading check; they are designed to help teachers assess which students have carefully read the assigned chapter(s). To accomplish this, they need to lend themselves to guessing as little as possible. Using true/false or multiple choice questions would defeat this objective. The questions themselves are carefully constructed to make guessing difficult. Questions with a limited logical set of answers, such as “What color?” or “Did Werner believe Edith?” are not included. In a number of cases, the correct answer is actually the least likely thing to occur to someone guessing, as in “What did the Russians answer when Edith asked them to help her husband?” – In that case, the correct answer is “Nothing,” since the text is explicit about the fact that they did NOT answer her despite her repeated requests.
U.S. Constitution Quiz Questions --128 Questions separated by Article

U.S. Constitution Quiz Questions --128 Questions separated by Article

This resource consists of a large question set --more than 100 questions!-- that will engage student interest about the U.S. Constitution. How? Through scenarios when possible! In this way, students are asked to *apply* government knowledge, not just recite it. For example, instead of rattling off the list of requirements to be eligible for President, students are presented with brief life histories and asked which of the people described are actually eligible. I BELIEVE IN MAKING THINGS AS CONVENIENT AS POSSIBLE FOR HARD-WORKING TEACHERS! Articles I, II, and III are all treated separately so that you can discuss a portion of the Constitution and then have a quiz or review session, knowing that the questions at your fingertips are specific to JUST the article under study. When you have finished reading/discussing the Constitution with your class, you can combine all the Examview banks into one test for a final assessment! A VARIED APPROACH TO QUESTIONING STUDENTS All questions are True/False/Yes/No or Multiple Choice, and many of them are "scenario" questions that students find intriguing... for example: "You are a Senator. During your term of office, Congress creates a new job: deputy undersecretary for labor relations with Indonesia. Once you leave the Senate, can you take this job?" The information in the Constitution is thus personalized -- scenario questions strive to demonstrate applications of the rules the government must follow. FOCUS ON THE FRAMERS This question set covers the original Constitution only, meaning Articles I-VII. It does not cover any of the amendments. I treat those separately because in my class, we take a close look first at the Constitution as originally conceived, and when we thoroughly understand THAT, then we look at how time and circumstances have contributed to the amendment process. Articles IV-VII are treated together since each one is relatively short compared to the first three articles. LOOK AT ALL THE CONTENT INCLUDED! In this download, you will get: -- 40 questions on Article I and the Preamble -- 27 questions on Article II -- 15 questions on Article III -- 46 questions on Articles IV-VII. GREAT FOR TRADITIONAL PRINTOUTS --OR-- FOR ELECTRONIC EDUCATION You will receive all the questions in several formats, the better to match your teaching style, available technology, and your instructional needs: ----- Word processing (.rtf) file that Microsoft Word can open. ----- Examview Test file (.tst). ----- Examview Test bank (.bnk)
PBS The Supreme Court Episode 2 Worksheet and Puzzle Activity Pack

PBS The Supreme Court Episode 2 Worksheet and Puzzle Activity Pack

37-problem cloze viewing worksheet, crossword puzzle review designed for differentiated learning, and helpful teaching aids to assist you as you lead your students through a fun and engaging review of U.S. history as told through key Supreme Court cases that clearly show the various eras the nation has experienced! This video activity packet is intended for use with the excellent PBS series The Supreme Court. The series consists of four episodes, each lasting an hour. Through watching all four episodes, students will be explore in chronological order the entire history of the Supreme Court up through the early 21st century. The program first aired on PBS in 2007 but will remain relevant for many, many years to come! What This PBS The Supreme Court Episode 2 Worksheet Packet Includes: • Comprehensive fill-in worksheet with 37 problems: All problems are presented in video order so that students can follow along. Doing the worksheet as they watch requires students to pay close attention to all narration so they can “catch” the next problem coming up. This leads to higher student engagement with the video and more learning! • Student answer sheet: The student worksheet is formatted to discourage students from writing directly on their copies. This way, teachers can make one class set and use it for years, saving them both time and paper! Students can write on their own paper, of course, but using the included answer sheet will facilitate super-fast grading since it will guarantee that student answers “line up” perfectly with the answer key. • Answer key for fast grading: This key perfectly matches the student answer sheet so that teachers can correct 3, 5, or even more papers at once should they choose – just spread them out carefully so all student pages line up with the key, and you’ll be able to correct student work in nothing flat! • Answer key for going over answers with the class: Instead of grading the papers yourself, you can have students grade themselves or each other with this key. Instead of just reading out the right answer, you can make the “correcting phase” a learning/review experience by reading students the whole sentence they were looking at during viewing, pausing when the answer appears to let the class or selected students supply the correct answer. This lets students hear the key sentences again, helping to reinforce key concepts and information! • Teacher reference materials: Included is a list of all the laws and court cases discussed during the episode, as well as a full transcript of the episode’s narration in case you want to quickly review what the program had to say on a particular topic. • Crossword puzzle activity: Differentiated for basic and advanced learners; 27 words & clues!
PBS The Supreme Court Episode 3 Worksheet and Puzzle Activity Pack

PBS The Supreme Court Episode 3 Worksheet and Puzzle Activity Pack

27-problem cloze viewing worksheet, crossword puzzle review designed for differentiated learning, and helpful teaching aids to assist you as you lead your students through a fun and engaging review of U.S. history as told through key Supreme Court cases that clearly show the various eras the nation has experienced! This video activity packet is intended for use with the excellent PBS series The Supreme Court. The series consists of four episodes, each lasting an hour. Through watching all four episodes, students will be explore in chronological order the entire history of the Supreme Court up through the early 21st century. The program first aired on PBS in 2007 but will remain relevant for many, many years to come! What This PBS The Supreme Court Episode 3 Worksheet Packet Includes: • Comprehensive fill-in worksheet with 27 problems: All problems are presented in video order so that students can follow along. Doing the worksheet as they watch requires students to pay close attention to all narration so they can “catch” the next problem coming up. This leads to higher student engagement with the video and more learning! • Student answer sheet: The student worksheet is formatted to discourage students from writing directly on their copies. This way, teachers can make one class set and use it for years, saving them both time and paper! Students can write on their own paper, of course, but using the included answer sheet will facilitate super-fast grading since it will guarantee that student answers “line up” perfectly with the answer key. • Answer key for fast grading: This key perfectly matches the student answer sheet so that teachers can correct 3, 5, or even more papers at once should they choose – just spread them out carefully so all student pages line up with the key, and you’ll be able to correct student work in nothing flat! • Answer key for going over answers with the class: Instead of grading the papers yourself, you can have students grade themselves or each other with this key. Instead of just reading out the right answer, you can make the “correcting phase” a learning/review experience by reading students the whole sentence they were looking at during viewing, pausing when the answer appears to let the class or selected students supply the correct answer. This lets students hear the key sentences again, helping to reinforce key concepts and information! • Teacher reference materials: Included is a list of all the laws and court cases discussed during the episode, as well as a full transcript of the episode’s narration in case you want to quickly review what the program had to say on a particular topic. • Crossword puzzle activity: Differentiated for basic and advanced learners; 25 words & clues!
Great Civics and Government Quotations by Alexis de Tocqueville

Great Civics and Government Quotations by Alexis de Tocqueville

History and government never had it so good! These posters, each featuring a fascinating quotation from Alexis de Tocqueville, will help your students see fascinating aspects of the American character when it comes to issues of liberty and democracy. Instead of looking out into a sea of glazed faces, as is all too common in high school history and civics classes, get your students engaged and debating, using as a starting-off point one of the greatest students of American politics of all time -- even though he was a rank amateur! ABOUT ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE Alexis de Tocqueville was a Frenchman who traveled the United States during the early 1800s, writing down his observations about the American character -- particularly as it applied to freedom, politics, and government. His insights into the American mind were so profound that his great work, Democracy in America, is still studied today in both high school and college classrooms. De Tocqueville can be tough reading, however. With this set of classroom display posters and discussion starters, you can start having some great conversations with the whole class or small groups, but without wading through a lot of written material. Alternatively, these quotations can serve to reinforce and encapsulate the de Tocqueville selections your students may be reading! ENGAGE STUDENTS IN DISCUSSION These classroom display posters make for outstanding discussion starters about the nature of politics and democracy in the United States. All of the quotes are from Democracy in America, a ground-breaking work about the U.S. political landscape in the early 1800s. As you can see, de Tocqueville’s observations are still highly accurate and relevant today! ABOUT THESE DE TOCQUEVILLE POSTERS ----> Each poster is sized to fit onto an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper so that teachers can use their usual classroom or personal printers to print them out ----> The thumbnails show four different border and font styles because you will get all of the posters in all four styles! ---->The download includes PDF files of all posters so that printing will be a snap. ----> The download also includes editable files (Microsoft Word .docx format) of all posters so that the entire Tocqueville classroom display set is completely customizable. Should you wish to change it to use your own fonts, colors, and borders, you'll have an easy way to do it. You can even add in additional great quotations if you like. ----> All posters are designed by default to use black lettering on a white background. This is so that teachers without color printers can produce crisp, clean posters. If you *do* have a color printer, however, it will be a simple matter to use a color font to jazz things up.
Crash Course U.S. History Worksheets: Episodes 16-20

Crash Course U.S. History Worksheets: Episodes 16-20

TEACH WITH HUMOR USING U.S. HISTORY CRASH COURSE! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching American history content, the YouTube series Crash Course U.S. History is a fantastic place to start. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Primary Sources Emphasized! Teachers like it too, though, because the content is solid, relying on the regular use of primary sources, including the "Mystery Document" feature which occurs in every episode, in which John Green reads from a famous document of the period and has to see if he can identify the author. Where to Find Crash Course U.S. History Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: ABOUT THESE CRASH COURSE U.S. HISTORY WORKSHEETS Time stamps are provided for each and every question to help students zero in on the answers. If you do not care to provide your students with time stamp information, however, the packet also includes a "questions only" worksheet for each episode. Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. QUESTION TYPES INCLUDED: Some worksheets are free answer. Some are true/false -- and in the answer key, all false answers are annotated to give additional information. Some are fill-in-the-blank or cloze format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODES INCLUDED IN THESE CRASH COURSE U.S. HISTORY WORKSHEETS This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for episodes 16 - 20 of Crash Course U.S. History: • Women in the 19th Century • War and Expansion • The Election of 1860 and the Road to Disunion • Battles of the Civil War • The Civil War, Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capitalism A Love Story -- Movie Worksheets

Capitalism A Love Story -- Movie Worksheets

Make Economics Engaging! Are your students finding economics to be dry or boring despite your best efforts? The answer may well be to incorporate some feature film activities into your curriculum -- movies that illustrate economic concepts, challenges, and issues with the kind of real-world examples that students can relate to. The trouble is, it's not easy to find great economics movies -- but this one really hits the mark on target! And with these movie worksheets, you can hold students accountable for the class time you devote to the movie! The PDF file contains over a hundred unique questions for students to ponder and answer as they watch the Michael Moore documentary film "Capitalism: A Love Story." About the Movie: The title of "Capitalism: A Love Story" is ironic as the film presents a critical view of capitalism, particularly with regard to the financial crash of 2007-2008 and the growing income gap that has been developing over the course of 30+ years. The movie can serve as a potent discussion-starter among students and can also help teachers to provide some balance in their classrooms -- for if your high school economics text is anything like mine, it tends to present a hyper-positive view of the free enterprise system. The reality of a modern national economy, of course, is far more nuanced. Showing the Movie The materials are divided into three sections that match the beginning, middle, and ending portions of the film. The sections are divided so that teachers should have ample time during a 60-minute class period to show the relevant portion of the movie and then also correct/debrief/discuss the questions the students completed while the movie was playing. All questions are presented in "movie order" to facilitate this process. Teachers can alter this scheduling as they see fit, certainly, but if they follow it, they will show about 40 minutes of the movie on Day 1, about 42 minutes on Day 3, and the remainder (less than 30 minutes) on Day 3. keywords: capitalism, democratic socialism, recession, depression, economic meltdown, election of Barack Obama, housing crisis, sub-prime mortgage crisis, Wall Street
Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 11-15

Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 11-15

Teach with Humor using World History Crash Course! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching history contents, the YouTube series Crash Course World History is a great place to start. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: Crash Course World History If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! About These Worksheets Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. TIME STAMPS OPTION TO HELP STUDENT AND TEACHER INCLUDED FOR ALL EPISODES! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPISODES INCLUDED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORKSHEETS This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for episodes 11- - 15 of Crash Course World History: • Christianity from Judaism to Constantine • The Fall of the Roman Empire -- in the 15th Century • Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars • The Dark Ages -- How Dark Were They, Really? • The Crusades -- Pilgrimage or Holy War? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study. ---> Please note the bargain pricing!! At just $5.00 for 5 worksheets, that's only a dollar per worksheet, making this a truly affordable addition to your history repertoire!
Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets and Activity Pack

Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets and Activity Pack

Bring the French Revolution to Life with this Detailed Movie Worksheet plus Puzzle Page to accompany the 2006 Feature Film, "Marie Antoinette!" --117 Multiple Choice Questions, all in movie order --Full Answer Key Included --No Prep -- Just Print and Go! --Multiple Choice means fast correcting too! --Crossword Puzzle Review page makes for a fun recap of the movie, or can double as formal assessment quiz! About these Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets This movie activity pack is designed to go with the 2006 feature film Marie Antoinette. There is more than one movie with that name – this learning packet matches the version directed by Sofia Coppola and starring Kirsten Dunst in the title role. Marie Antoinette focuses on the life of the title character from shortly before her marriage through the events of the French Revolution which forced her to leave Versailles, never to return. As such, it provides students with a strong background into many of the issues and problems that were to contribute to the French Revolution. Benefits of these Marie Antoinette Worksheets Students who watch the movie will learn far more about the period if they pay close attention. These Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets and Activities help them focus on key ideas including: • The longstanding antipathy between Austria and France • Marie Antoinette’s Austrian status conveying a disadvantage • The free-spending ways of the French monarchy • Traditional life at Versailles • Marie Antoinette’s resistance to the norms of behavior at the French court • Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his influence on Marie Antoinette • French assistance to the American Revolution • The growing problem of the French national debt • The attack on the Bastille • The Women’s March on Versailles • Louis XVI’s indecisiveness in the face of the crises facing France Student Activities Included in these Marie Antoinette Movie Worksheets This packet contains both traditional and recreational approaches toward the movie: • More than 100 multiple-choice questions for use as a viewing worksheet or test/quiz. • Crossword puzzle with clues and terms drawn from key movie information   Features of these Marie Antoinette Worksheets • All questions presented in “movie order” so students can answer as they watch. • “Movie order” questions also allow teachers to stop and start the film whenever they wish • If the questions worksheet is used during viewing, teachers can reserve the crossword puzzle for a fun final assessment activity – or assign it for extra credit/enrichment if they desire.
Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 31-35

Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 31-35

TEACH WITH HUMOR USING WORLD HISTORY CRASH COURSE! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching history contents, the YouTube series Crash Course World History is a great place to start. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! ABOUT THESE CRASH COURSE WORLD HISTORY WORKSHEETS Time stamps are provided for each and every question to help students zero in on the answers. If you do not care to provide your students with time stamp information, however, the packet also includes a "questions only" worksheet for each episode. Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. Some worksheets are free answer and some are true/false -- and in the answer key, all false answers are annotated to give additional information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPISODES INCLUDED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORLD HISTORY WORKSHEETS This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for episodes 31-35 of Crash Course World History: • Latin American Revolutions • Coal, Steam & the Industrial Revolution • Capitalism & Socialism • Daimyo, Samurai, Nationalism & Matthew Perry • Imperialism in the 19th Century -- The New Imperialism ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 1-5

Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 1-5

Teach with Humor using World History Crash Course! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching history contents, the YouTube series Crash Course World History is a great place to start. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: Crash Course World History If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! About These Worksheets Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. ----TIME STAMPS OPTION TO HELP STUDENT AND TEACHER INCLUDED FOR ALL EPISODES!----- This set of worksheets covers the following episodes: • The Agricultural Revolution • Indus Valley Civilization • Mesopotamia • Ancient Egypt • The Persians and the Greeks All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study. ---> Please note the bargain pricing!! At just $5.00 for 5 worksheets, that's only a dollar per worksheet, making this a truly affordable addition to your history repertoire!
Crash Course U.S. History Worksheets: Episodes 6-10

Crash Course U.S. History Worksheets: Episodes 6-10

TEACH WITH HUMOR USING U.S. HISTORY CRASH COURSE! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching American history content, the YouTube series Crash Course U.S. History is a fantastic place to start. ABOUT THESE CRASH COURSE U.S. HISTORY WORKSHEETS Time stamps are provided for each and every question to help students zero in on the answers. If you do not care to provide your students with time stamp information, however, the packet also includes a "questions only" worksheet for each episode. Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course U.S. History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode! QUESTION TYPES INCLUDED: Some worksheets are free answer. Some are true/false -- and in the answer key, all false answers are annotated to give additional information. Some are fill-in-the-blank or cloze format. The worksheets cycle through these formats in order to keep student interest high, so using the worksheets is a varied experience for them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODES INCLUDED IN THESE CRASH COURSE U.S. HISTORY WORKSHEETS This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for episodes 6-10 of Crash Course U.S. History: • Taxes and Smuggling: A Prelude to Revolution • Who Won the American Revolution • The Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, and Federalism • Where Did U.S. Politics Come From? -- Federalists and Democratic-Republicans • Thomas Jefferson and His Democracy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Boy Jack Tests or Worksheets -- 68 TF and Multiple Ch. Questions -- Editable and Examview Formats

My Boy Jack Tests or Worksheets -- 68 TF and Multiple Ch. Questions -- Editable and Examview Formats

My Boy Jack Movie Worksheets are designed for use with the excellent WWI film "My Boy Jack" starring Daniel Radcliffe and David Haig. ABOUT THE MOVIE: MY BOY JACK My Boy Jack is a dramatic presentation (not a documentary) telling the true story of Rudyard Kipling and his son, who was killed in World War I -- but who arguably should not have been allowed to join up at all, since he didn't meet the vision requirements for battlefield work. As such, the movie raises profound questions about the duties of patriotism and of parenting, even as it portrays *both* life in the trenches and on the home front. TOPICS COVERED IN THESE MY BOY JACK WORKSHEETS Topics covered in the movie include • nationalism • British empire • Motivations for war / Causes of WWI • Total War • Life on the UK home front • Trench warfare As you can see, all very appropriate and topical for world history and European history classes! SET UP WITH TEACHER NEEDS IN MIND The questions are organized into three separate files, each one covering a specific portion of the movie. The segments are timed such that in a normal high school period, you would have enough time to show a full segment of the movie and then use the associated question set with the students as either a quiz or discussion-starter activity. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING: A THREE-DAY PLAN OR A TWO-DAY PLAN In this way you could show the 90 minute movie over a three day period and do assessment on it as you go. Another option would be to print out the Word files included in the download and have students fill them out as worksheets while the movie plays. In this way the entire movie could be completed in two class periods, including assessment being done as it plays. 68 Questions total, all true/false or multiple choice for super-fast correcting! FULLY EDITABLE FILES All questions are provided in both Word format for paper/pencil use and also in Examview format so that if you want to use them in CPS or Examview, you will not have to type them in. Either way, you can edit the files if you want to customize them! LOOKING FOR A CRITICAL THINKING OPTION? To help students analyze the film in more detail -- and to help personalize the experience of watching it, so students feel much more drawn into the action, you might want to look at my My Boy Jack Critical Thinking Questions, also here at TES. Movie Questions by Elise Parker.
Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 21-25

Crash Course World History Worksheets Episodes 21-25

Teach with Humor using World History Crash Course! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching history contents, the YouTube series Crash Course World History is a great place to start. The script of each episode is packed with humorous observations about life and culture -- ones that help to make strong points about the history being communicated. Just as importantly, the host, John Green, has what it takes to keep students' interest: enthusiasm about the topics, a quirky way with props, and a funny, sometimes deadpan delivery of content. Students like watching the series, which means they pay attention to it and learn! Each episode of Crash Course contains about 10 minutes of content plus a brief time for the credits. Episodes are available for free on YouTube at the following playlist: Crash Course World History If you are new to Crash Course, I encourage you to watch a few videos as soon as you can. I expect you'll be just as enthusiastic about the classroom possibilities as I am! About These Worksheets Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete. Worksheets are formatted to fit on one page for easy copying and a detailed answer key is provided for each episode. TIME STAMPS OPTION TO HELP STUDENT AND TEACHER INCLUDED FOR ALL EPISODES! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPISODES INCLUDED IN THESE CRASH COURSE WORLD HISTORY WORKSHEETS This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for episodes 21-25 of Crash Course World History:- • Columbus, De Gama, and Zheng He • The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? • The Columbian Exchange • The Atlantic Slave Trade • The Spanish Empire, Silver, and Runaway Inflation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All questions are presented in video order so that students can easily follow along, but these worksheets are not mere outlines that merely ask students to generate their own notes. Instead, they focus in on certain key issues that students watching the videos should master in order to have a clear and concise understanding of the topic under study. ---> Please note the bargain pricing!! At just $5.00 for 5 worksheets, that's only a dollar per worksheet, making this a truly affordable addition to your history repertoire!
Crash Course U.S. History Worksheets: Episodes 1-5

Crash Course U.S. History Worksheets: Episodes 1-5

TEACH WITH HUMOR USING U.S. HISTORY CRASH COURSE! Few classroom strategies are as successful as this simple approach: make learning fun! That, or course, is easier said than done, but when it comes to teaching American history content, the YouTube series Crash Course U.S. History is a fantastic place to start. QUESTION TYPES INCLUDED ON THESE Crash Course U.S. History Worksheets Some worksheets are free answer. Some are true/false -- and in the answer key, all false answers are annotated to give additional information. Some are fill-in-the-blank or cloze format. The worksheets cycle through these formats in order to keep student interest high, so using the worksheets is a varied experience for them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODES INCLUDED IN THESE CRASH COURSE U.S. HISTORY WORKSHEETS This resource includes a worksheet, a time-stamped worksheet, and a detailed answer key for each episode 1-5 of Crash Course U.S. History: • The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards • When is Thanksgiving? • The Native Americans and the English • The Quakers, the Dutch, and the Ladies • The Seven Years War and the Great Awakening --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------