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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

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15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
The Normanisation of the Church-Lanfranc

The Normanisation of the Church-Lanfranc

Edexcel GCSE History This lesson examines the ways in which Lanfranc changed the Saxon Church during the Norman conquest and how this enabled William to maintain control. Includes a “go find” activity which can also be used as a carousel with students working on different aspects of the Church. Could also be turned into an investigative commission where Lanfranc sends investigating Norman Archdeacons to report on wrong doings in the Church then writes a report. All info included, no textbook required. Also includes some exam questions and mark schemes/ example answer for 4 marker.
Succession Crisis 1088 and Odo rebellion

Succession Crisis 1088 and Odo rebellion

This lesson is focused on why there was a second succession crisis in 1088, why William had a difficult relationship with his son Robert and Bishop Odo. Fully resourced lesson including starter, two main tasks and a plenary/ end of unit summary retrieval Who am I? To test student understanding of key individuals such as Edwin and Morcar, Waltheof, Lanfranc, Roger de Bretuill and Ralph de Gael. Includes a fully detailed worksheet, powerpoint, storyboard template , mini family tree for William (only 3 relevant sons included and Matilda) and fact file on Bishop Odo of Bayeux/ Kent. Also looks at causes of Odo and Robert’s rebellion against William II and why it failed. Exam Board: Edexcel GCSE= can be used for other boards.
Superpower Relations Cold War Question Guide

Superpower Relations Cold War Question Guide

This word document is a how to guide on how to answer each of the three question stems for Edexcel GCSE Paper 2 option P4 Superpower Relations in the Cold War It includes breakdowns of how to answer the questions, top tips, past paper examples and a model answer of each type of question. It is to glue into pupil books.
The Lean Years Weimar Germany

The Lean Years Weimar Germany

Edexcel GCSE History 9-1 Weimar and Nazi Germany This lesson looks at the Lean Years following the Munich Putsch and the way in which the Nazis reorganised including the development of new branches of the party e.g. women and young people and the development of the SS as a foil to the SA. Also includes the Bamberg Conference and the battle between Socialist and Nationalist factions within the party. Includes retrieval tasks on 25 point programme and the impact of the Munich Putsch
Cold War Tension 1946-1948 Breakdown of Grand Alliance

Cold War Tension 1946-1948 Breakdown of Grand Alliance

Edexcel GCSE History SUperpower Relations Paper 2 This is lesson 2 in unit of work and looks at reasons for the growth of tension between USA and USSR in 1946-48 including the Long Telegram and Novikov Telegram and the Iron Curtain speech and establishment of Soviet satellite states in E. Europe. Fully detailed resources- no need for textbooks etc. All resources included. NOTE I have added a simplified version of the powerpoint and worksheet for LPA and MPA students.
Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine

Edexcel GCSE lesson (can be used for any board) Detailed and complete lesson on TRuman Doctrine and Marshall Plan and the consequences including the formation of Comecon and Cominform and the division of Europe into 2 alliances. This is lesson 3 in my Cold War Unit for Key Topic 1: Origins of the Cold War. I have updated the files and included simplified versions for MPA and LPA students. Includes all info// detail on slides, no need for textbooks or any other resource.
How did Hitler become Fuhrer?

How did Hitler become Fuhrer?

Edexcel GCSE lesson for Weimar and Nazi Germany- can be adapted for AQA or iGCSE Could also be used for ALevel as a base to build up. Lesson examining the impact of the Enabling Act and the Night of the Long Knives and how Hitler consolidated and strengthened his position to make himself a dictator The lesson begins with a consolidation/ recap of Hitler becoming Chancellor and the Reichstag Fire decree/ impact. Then it looks at how Hitler used the Enabling Act to attack trade unions and political parties before his purge of political enemies and the SA. Also includes a practice of a “how useful source” Question (although with just one source to save time- includes a model answer highlighting task for a cartoon source. Looks at how and why the Night of the Long Knives happened in 1934 and the Death of Hindenburg which enabled Hitler to name himself Fuhrer Very detailed, complete lesson- no additional resources are needed. Also includes a bonus video sheet for the Rise of the Nazis Episode 3 (BBC) but obviously I cannot include the video for copyright- however if you don’t have access it doesn’t matter- you can use a documentary on youtube or just use the slides.
The Wyatt Rebellion

The Wyatt Rebellion

The Wyatt Rebellion Tudor REbellions OCR Thematic History ALevel Course This lesson (2-3 hours plus hwk) looks at the Wyatt rebellion vs Mary I in 1554. Includes all resources needed to teach- no textbook required. Comprehensive and detailed.
Weimar Germany- Culture The Golden Years

Weimar Germany- Culture The Golden Years

This is lesson 2 of my mini unit on Weimar Culture and How Golden were the Golden Years? This lesson is focused on a depth study of German culture during the 1920s and the Liberal winds of change which swept through German cities in the 1920s. This lesson includes: women and sexuality, LGBTQ history in Berlin, Art and Architecture (Bauhaus and Gropius), Leisure and Jazz and Cinema as well as behaviour and attitudinal changes and the ways in which they were perceived differently in society. Very teacher led lesson but should produce some fantastic discussion and very relevant to today in terms of “culture wars” as a distraction from some of the problems in society. Wiill also serve as a great contrast to Life in Nazi Germany in topic 4
Remembrance Day Assembly 2023

Remembrance Day Assembly 2023

Assembly created for schools for remembrance day 2023 This assembly pays tribute to relatively unknown British hero Walter Tull whose family still have not received the medal he was recommended for. The assembly touches on also Arthur Conway whose family left a rare anti-war message on his grave in Tyne Cot cemetery in Belgium. Also briefly touches on (without detail) the ongoing conflicts which rage throughout the world today. Includes a full set of notes to accompany the slides- I always have someone from the student body play the Last Post at the end so there is reference to it however you can remove this. Fully editable.
Medicine Through Time Revision Quizzes- Thematic

Medicine Through Time Revision Quizzes- Thematic

These quizzes are for Edexcel but they will also work for AQA for the most part (minor tweaks only). They are thematic- 20 questions per theme with a separate 20 questions on the case studies. (Care and Treatment is huge so this has 22) The questions/ answers are also all in chronological order to help support the building of a narrative of change over time. They are based on the WASIIC factors we use to explain reasons for change/ continuity (War, Attitudes, Science and TEch, Institutions, Individuals and Chance). Box for self evaluation at the bottom. We use these to check how well students are revising- we set them themes to revise each week then quiz them in class in test conditions. They can be peer marked to save time and you still get the results to put in your mark book if you need.
Golden Years: Living Standards in Weimar Germany

Golden Years: Living Standards in Weimar Germany

Edexcel GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany Lesson 1 on mini unit on the Weimar Germany Golden Years 1924-1929 Includes a retrieval starter to match up Stresemann’s policies to the problems they solved and a summary of positive and negative outcomes. Then examines a debate on the extent to which living standards improves (refers to textbook but all stats/ info is on one of the slides). Encourages students to develop explanation/ analysis for themselves for how and why this would improve living conditions. Segue into WEimar culture- Art looking at Metropolis by Otto Dix and social commentary on divided society in Weimar Germany- Primary source analysis then examination of effect of Weimar Constitution and examination of New Objectivism in German Art/ culture. This is part of my wider Unit on Weimar Germany but a 3 parter on “how golden were the golden years” as an enquiry/ debate for Interpretations.
History of USA

History of USA

This lesson was designed as an introduction to US Politics but can also be used as a Historical overview for studying the History of the USA in depth- can be used as a first lesson to build a big picture narrative of the USA and why it remains so divided today. Designed to last a full 2 hour lesson.
The Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs

The Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs

Edexcel GCSE lesson Superpower Relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 This lesson is an in depth examination of the consequences of the Cuban REvolution of 1959 on US policy towards Cuba including Kennedy’s policy; the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961. It looks at why the Bay of Pigs failed and why it had such serious consequences for international relations and USA Part of Key Topic 2: Escalating Tensions in the Cold War this is my third lesson (follows on from the Berlin Crisis and Berlin Wall) Also includes a model answer for 8 mark question Explain two consequences of… Includes all resources and info needed- textbooks are not necessary.
The Berlin Wall and consequences

The Berlin Wall and consequences

GCSE Edexcel Superpower Relations and the Cold War 1941-1991 This lesson follows my lesson on the Second Berlin Crisis and examines why the Wall was built and what the consequences were on Berlin/ Germany, USA, USSR and International Relations. Fully resourced, does not need textbooks - any reference to the textbook- has all the necessary information on the following slides/ animations pull it up but obviously you can use the textbooks if you have them- or print the info on the slides for students to do that task independently. Very detailed; enough material for Grades 9-1.
The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Edexcel GCSE Superpower relations Key Topic 2: Cold War Crises Lesson 4 The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 This lesson follows my lesson on the Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs invasion It examines the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev’s defence of sending missiles to Cuba and Kennedy’s decision making as well as the divisive advice from the Hawks and Doves in foreign and defence policy. The consequences of Cuban Missile Crisis are also covered alongside an 8 mark write a narrative account question. Also includes a gap fill model answer to the Explain two consequences of the Bay of Pigs invasion question including an SEND version with words to use to make it easier.
How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

How did the Bolsheviks Consolidate Power?

Lesson on the Red Terror, the Cheka, Political Decrees, Murder of Romanovs, War Communism and Gulags This is a source based lesson for students to do in groups. It examines the various methods Bolsheviks used to consolidate their power and control. To complement my lessons on the Civil War- this has more in depth analysis of War Communism, Propaganda, the Cheka etc as well as in depth work on murder of the Romanovs. No powerpoint- just a big A3 template, a card sort and lots of sources
Gorbachev's New Thinking

Gorbachev's New Thinking

Edexcel GCSE History- Superpower Relations and the Cold War Key Topic 3: The end of the Cold War Lesson 5 Gorbachev’s New Thinking and Summits to end the Cold War Detailed lesson looking at causes, policies and consequences of Gorbachev’s New Thinking in the USSR. Examines the role of Perestroika and Glasnost in bringing an end to the Cold War. Includes a colour code activity and worksheet as well as an 8 mark question with gap fill model answer (explain two consequences). Does not require textbook, includes all information/ resources you need.
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948- 1949

The Berlin Blockade and Airlift 1948- 1949

Edexcel GCSE lesson on the first Berlin Crisis 1948-1949 From Unit of work on Superpower Relations This is lesson 4 in my unit of work key topic 1: Origins of the Cold War Examines Causes and Consequences of the First Berlin Crisis, includes previously classified documents from the Truman library
The Hungarian Revolution/ Rising 1956

The Hungarian Revolution/ Rising 1956

GCSE Edexcel (can be used for any board) lesson on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. This is my 6th lesson in the unit on the Cold War for the key topic 1: Origings of the Cold War. It follows lesson 4 (Berlin Crisis ) and lesson 5 (the Arms Race) Examines the causes, events and consequences including the impact on relations and views on USA/ USSR etc. Fully resourced does not require textbooks or any other materials.