This resource considers in detail the key themes of honour and reputation in Hamlet. It could be given to students to facilitate independent learning by asking them to make notes for revision purposes. This could be followed with a practice exam question which allows students to demonstrate their new knowledge (not included).
*Hamlet’s late father is a figure repeatedly described in honourable terms. He is presented as a war hero, leading Denmark to victory against Norway. Horatio explains the apparition to Hamlet as: ‘A figure like your father, / Armed at point exactly, cap-a-pe, / Appears before them.’ He is described as ‘valiant Hamlet’ and by his son of having ‘an eye like Mars, to threaten and command.’ This is particularly important since Prince Hamlet will fail time and again to measure up to his father’s sense of honour. *
This resource considers in detail how Heaven and Hell is presented and explored in Hamlet. It could be given to students to facilitate independent learning by asking them to make notes for revision purposes. This could be followed with a practice exam question which allows students to demonstrate their new knowledge (not included).
Taster: Hamlet, aware of the dangers involved in associating with the supernatural, is driven by his desire to know what the ghost of his late father wants to communicate. In Act I Scene ii, Hamlet explains: ‘If it assume my noble father’s person, / I’ll speak to it, though hell itself should gape / And bid me hold my peace.’ Hamlet is prepared to risk God’s disapproval. Hell itself would be shocked, as suggested by his words.
This resource considers the complex family relationships explored in Hamlet. It could be given to students to facilitate independent learning by asking them to make notes for revision purposes. This could be followed with a practice exam question which allows students to demonstrate their new knowledge (not included).
Taster: One dubious father figure is Claudius. He advises Hamlet that it is time for him to stop grieving his late father in Act I Scene ii: ‘But you must know your father lost a father; / That father lost his.’ The audience may at first be fooled into thinking Claudius is offering comfort to his son-in-law but the rhyming quality betrays his insincerity.
This resource considers a variety of examples of death and grief being explored in Hamlet. It could be given to students to facilitate independent learning by asking them to make notes for revision purposes. This could be followed with a practice exam question which allows students to demonstrate their new knowledge (not included).
Taster: *Death and grief are evident from the very beginning of the play. The King, in Act I Scene ii, talks of the kingdom’s recent loss, namely the death of the previous king: ‘Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother’s death / The memory be green… it us befitted / To bear our hearts in grief… we with wisest sorrow think on him.’ Although Claudius seems to be saddened by his brother’s death, there are some clues which suggest he is not. The sentence begins with a subordinate clause which indicates the lack of importance Claudius assigns to his brother. *
This resource considers a variety of examples of where appearance masks the reality in Hamlet. It could be given to students to facilitate independent learning by asking them to make notes for revision purposes. This could be followed with a practice exam question which allows students to demonstrate their new knowledge.
Taster: The state of Denmark is not what it appears: it’s led by a false king and its prince feigns madness to uncover the true circumstances surrounding the late king’s death. The first line of the play, ‘Who’s there?’, introduces ideas of uncertainty and dubious identity. The question is repeated prior to Horatio’s entrance, building an atmosphere of nervous expectation.
This A level resource gives detailed analysis of six key characters within Hamlet. Each character study includes interpretations, key quotations and analysis plus suggestions of how to read each character through various lenses. An ideal revision resource for students studying Hamlet and coming up to their exams. By buying the bundle you will save £3. Hope they help!
Intended for A Level students covering the Crime Writing Elements of English Literature AQA, these are two mock exam questions with indicative content and an annotated example response. Students can write their own response and then be presented with the annotated response to see where the assessment objectives have been met. They might then go back to their own essay and look for them in their own work.
This resource aims to stretch A level students when it comes to this key theme. Melancholy is discussed in detail with a variety of useful key quotations and (hopefully!) thoughtful analysis provided to encourage students to think critically about this important idea within Hamlet. This resource is offered for free so you can see the quality. A further 10 key themes are available at the very reasonable price of £1.50 each considering the hours that have gone into producing them. A bundle of all 10 can be purchased from my shop at a discounted price of £7.50, making each thematic overview half price when purchased together.
This A level resource is designed to develop students’ minds when it comes to how far Othello and Hamlet fit within the genre of ‘tragedy’. This can be used in lesson or given out as a home learning assignment and can hopefully help foster a culture of independent study. The resource includes a variety of key quotations to help students understand the tragedy genre along with a summary of Aristotle’s key concepts of the genre.
This A level resource gives a detailed analysis of this character in chronological order of their significance within Hamlet. It includes interpretations, key quotations and analysis and suggestions of how to read the character through various lenses. An ideal revision resource for students studying Hamlet and coming up to their exams. You can buy the bundle of six character studies (Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes and Polonius) at the discounted price of £6 making them only £1 each rather than £1.50.
This A level resource gives a detailed analysis of this character in chronological order of their significance within Hamlet. It includes interpretations, key quotations and analysis and suggestions of how to read the character through various lenses. An ideal revision resource for students studying Hamlet and coming up to their exams. You can buy the bundle of six character studies (Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes and Polonius) at the discounted price of £6 making them only £1 each rather than £1.50.
This A level resource gives a detailed analysis of this character in chronological order of their significance within Hamlet. It includes interpretations, key quotations and analysis and suggestions of how to read the character through various lenses. An ideal revision resource for students studying Hamlet and coming up to their exams. You can buy the bundle of six character studies (Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes and Polonius) at the discounted price of £6 making them only £1 each rather than £1.50.
This A level resource gives a detailed analysis of this character in chronological order of their significance within Hamlet. It includes interpretations, key quotations and analysis and suggestions of how to read the character through various lenses. An ideal revision resource for students studying Hamlet and coming up to their exams. You can buy the bundle of six character studies (Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes and Polonius) at the discounted price of £6 making them only £1 each rather than £1.50.
This A level resource gives a detailed analysis of this character in chronological order of their significance within Hamlet. It includes interpretations, key quotations and analysis and suggestions of how to read the character through various lenses. An ideal revision resource for students studying Hamlet and coming up to their exams. You can buy the bundle of six character studies (Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes and Polonius) at the discounted price of £6 making them only £1 each rather than £1.50.
This A level resource gives a detailed analysis of this character in chronological order of his significance within Hamlet. It includes interpretations, key quotations and analysis and suggestions of how to read the character through various lenses. An ideal revision resource for students studying Hamlet and coming up to their exams. You can buy the bundle of six character (Claudius, Gertrude, Hamlet, Ophelia, Laertes and Polonius) studies at the discounted price of £6 making them only £1 each rather than £1.50.
This bundle of act summaries can be printed out and given to students to work through during lessons or as home learning / independent exam revision. Each resource is 2-3 pages long and contains a detailed scene by scene plot summary. Students are asked to identify key themes of the act and to complete some revision questions following their reading. Ideal A level exam preparation resource for anyone studying Hamlet. Answers are not provided in the spirit of independent study at A level.
AQA Style A Level English Literature B (7717) Mock Exam 2: ‘The Ghost is of minor significance in the play’. To what extent do you agree with this view? Indicative content is provided for each Assessment Objective, along with an annotated example response which indicates where each AO has been met. You might give students the question to complete first and then use this resource for feedback and improvement purposes. You can buy a bundle to include Mock Exam 1 at the discounted price of £5 for both.
AQA Style A Level English Literature B (7717) Mock Exam 1: ‘Gertrude is the main catalyst for Hamlet’s revenge’. To what extent do you agree with this view? Indicative content is provided for each Assessment Objective, along with an annotated example response which indicates where each AO has been met. You might give students the question to complete first and then use this resource for feedback and improvement purposes. You can buy a bundle of two mock exams in this style at a discounted rate of £5.
This is a bundle to aid student revision of Hamlet at A level. It contains a selection of key quotations that link to a variety of key themes within each act. For each quotation, students are told who said it, provided with detailed analysis of language and methods along with how they can use the quotation to bring in contextual knowledge. It comes complete with all answers but you could delete all or part of them to create a revision activity for your students depending on their ability.
This resource for Act V can be printed out and given to students to work through during lessons or as home learning / independent exam revision. Each resource is 2-3 pages long and contains a detailed scene by scene plot summary. Students are asked to identify key themes of the act and to complete some revision questions following their reading. Ideal A level exam preparation resource for anyone studying Hamlet. Answers are not provided in the spirit of independent study at A level. A bundle - one resource per act - can be purchased at the discounted price of £5.