1. Power point 1:
Objectif: to learn how to use and form the perfect tense in French.(passé composé) To use it to talk about things in the past.
Challenge: to learn all the parts of the verb not just je and nous and also recognize irregular verbs.
2. Worksheet - match the past tenses in French and English
3. Worksheet that presents past tenses using 'avoir' and also those using 'etre'
4. Presentation showing infinitives turning into past tenses/perfect tense
5. Power point with various activities - gap fill / spot the mistake / cross word of past participles - all avoir /perfect tenses
6. A presentation showing how present tense phrases turn into the perfect tense
7. A word search - looking for perfect tenses
8. Power point that explains and practises the perfect tense with etre verbs
Simple puzzle in French - zoo animals
A word search with 8 hidden domestic animals in French - also the solution
A crossword with 8 French animals - although the French is in anagram form and needs to be unscrambled
2 very similar powerpoints - showing how 'to' and 'near to' work grammatically with the definite article in French.
Tasks at the end of both to practise.
1. Work sheet matching useful phrases to talk about work experience - good as a starter or homework. Uses the imperfect tense a lot.
2. Translate the bubbles into English (they state what sort of work you would like to do) and then write a sentence to state what job you want to be. The first one has been done for you, as an example.
Very simple document - listing all the poetry techniques that students should be looking for - when studying poetry - especially at GCSE.
Key words - with explanations of what that means.
Students are required to find the German word for each letter of the alphabet - that fits into the puzzle - very challenging and prizeworthy!!
Good homework - to keep them thinking!!
Power point - explaining how to form the past tense (perfect tense) in French
Matching exercise at the start to establish patterns - 'avoir' verbs only - including irregulars
A power point that goes through what sexting is; what you should do; who can help and the illegality of it.
Could be used in a set of assemblies following Internet safety day on 7/2/17
Assembly; tutor time or PSHE resource
FGM power point - explaining what it is; who it happens to etc and raising awareness.
Power point that explains what; where; when ; why and legalities + how to get help