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Some science Tarisa  puzzles

Some science Tarisa puzzles

Four puzzles I have made for science such as fuels, electromagnetic radiation, metal reactions and photosynthesis. There is also a link to the software that you need to down load to acess. It is free!
Lesson based on transmission of infection

Lesson based on transmission of infection

a lesson based on how microbes are transfered. The lesson is based around Semmelweiss and what he discovered. \n\nyou will need the glow bug powder and a uv light. make sure you sprinkle it on worksheets first to show how its transmitted. it shows what surfaces it gets on to and how one person not washing their hands has a big effect.\n\nyou can also use the gel to demonstrate how well hand washing needs to be done to remove any traces of microbes.
Spelling sheet for student books; template

Spelling sheet for student books; template

A basic sheet that can be photocopied and stick in the front of books for the words the student often mispelled when you mark books. Get the student to refer back to the list and use it as a personailsed spelling dictionary to help them corect their spelling.
nuclear radiation types independant learning

nuclear radiation types independant learning

an hour lesson on types of radiation, properties and introduction to uses - more about applying what they have learnt to situations. \n\nyou will need to find a quiz off here for the types but there are lots to choose from.\nThe summary sheet was a table off the board with column headings: particle type, stucture, penetration power, ionisation power.
AQA science Recycling evaluation

AQA science Recycling evaluation

Full lesson for evlauating and justifying why recycling is important. The starter links to the ideas of mining and extracting metals from ores. It is an A and B lesson but you easily adapt. The ideas were to show lots of progress in the lesson and this is why the exam question is given before the main activity. I printed out a website with possitive points and negative points. This formed the basis of the main task. Im sorry I dont have it electronically so its not been linked. \n\nThis was done for an observation with B/C graded kids and got an outstanding for progress!
Immune system - new style 6 mark qu for higher

Immune system - new style 6 mark qu for higher

a question based on the white blood cells and how it proctects against illness. the image file is how i presented it to the students and looked at the banding of the marks. we went through what was required and i explained that 6 points were not enough and that it was more about the structure of the answer. the model answer sheet shows the students what is required to gain the full 6 and an A*. hope you find it useful.
Modeling sedimentry rocks

Modeling sedimentry rocks

kinestetic activity to help understand how sedimentry rocks form. Can also be used for app evaluation strand when completing the levelled evaluation sheet. \nthe making needs to be done before the evaluation can be done.
making cells evaluation

making cells evaluation

students made cells (specialised or basic) out of materials such as jelly, plastacene, paint, plastic cups, pain ect.. they then were asked to evaluate them with the help of the levelled scaffold. A photo of their cell was taken and printed to put in their books with the evlauation. its for a lower level class where literacy and vocabulary is an issue. it can also be used as an app assesment in a modeling contex
exit ticket

exit ticket

add your objectives/outcomes to the text box or spercific questions for the students and they answer. you can collect it in and use it to inform your planning for next lesson. great to asses progress in the lesson and students to self asses their progress
Le Blanc and Chlorine production

Le Blanc and Chlorine production

A lesson based on the Le Blanc Process and chlorine production. More based around evaluating the process and envrionmental impact. Full lesson plans and resources are there. Was intended for a double lesson but could be split into two.
Hearing ranges and mosquito device

Hearing ranges and mosquito device

a lesson based around hearing ranges relevent to the 'mosquito' device and how it works. You need a signal generator and a speaker or download a free app on the iphone/pod/pad. if you have clip bank there are some good news clips about it you can use. It is based for a btec lesson but the outcomes on the plan and exit ticket can be changed to GCSE grades.
Fuels and energy

Fuels and energy

This is a 30 min lesson that could be easily extended to a full lesson with class feedback and other activities linking energy transfer in a real situation. I did 3 demos of fuels so students could see that not all fuels are traditionally though of as fuels. the demos were blowing custard powder/icing sugar into a bunsen, whoosh bottle (big water cooler bottle with a small amount of ethanol and ignite it - it looks like an upside down rocket) and methane bubbles. It really engaged them and they really enjoyed putting ideas about the true or false cards.
Student graphs for self tracking

Student graphs for self tracking

a graph that I use to stick in the front of students books and whenever they do a summertive assesment or task that provides them with information on their achievement they fill in a bar on the graph. In my books I get the students to draw a thick black line on the graph where their target is so they can see quickly if they are on at or above the target.
Modelling digestion APP task focus

Modelling digestion APP task focus

Modeling the digestive system. Students evaluate the model and suggest improvements to the model to meet the app focus. they then asses their evaluation against the app criteria attached. To model the digestive system you need a: mortar and pestle, tights, blender, food, water and a washing up bowl. The mortar and pestle are the mouth and teeth, the blender the stomach, the tights the intestines and the washing up bowl is the body.
Asteriods Lesson

Asteriods Lesson

For threats to the earth topic. Complete lesson that was done for an interview that was 30 min long. This could be adapted though to fill a full 50 -60 min as there are opportunities for it to be adapted to enable the students to do more tries and complete a graph on paper rather than a class graph only.