KS1 & KS2 New Year/New Me: Set of Circle time reflection and affirmation cards. 16 cards (green border) which reflect on the current year and thoughts/actions/achievements and 16 cards (blue border) which help pupils focus on affirmations and positive actions to continue or create a new beginning/new year or fresh start.
Useful to use as an end of year activity to welcome in a New Year or new term.
KS1 & 2 Geography –Leaf investigation blank template. A quick information gathering resource for pupils to use to scaffold a leaf investigation walk. Space to write short bullet points of key information. Great for class display and for starting points in cross curricular ‘season’ project . Link to cross curricular topics on Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer, Habitats, Growing, Trees etc.
KS1 & 2 powerpoint lesson about Sun Safety. Written mainly for KS1 but can be easily adapted. Powerpoint of 17 slides which promotes small group and paired discussion about sun safety. Can be used as a complete lesson or adapted for an assembly. The first slides look at fun in the sun and lead into some simple facts about the sun following a short paired talk session to assess pupil knowledge. Pupils are encouraged to look at different photographs of the sun (sunset, sun rise, in space) and describe features. There is a very simple slide on Vitamin D and UV rays linked to health. The children can discuss how to protect themselves in the sun and when to wear sunscreen. The final slide is an example of a sun safety poster which pupils can use as a basis to design their own for the rest of the school (and which can be used as an assessment of their learning).
**RE Jesus and Disciples set of 13 comparison game cards (KS1&2). Can be used as a game to help pupils learn the names and characteristics of the individual disciples. Use also as a reference resource for research work in RE, History or non- fiction writing.
Weekly planning unit for EYFS. Learning activities and theme based upon the rhyme/song 'There was a Princess long ago'. Activities cover areas of learning with emphasis on speaking and listening and vocabulary development through role play and fun outdoor learning. Non negotiable vocabulary is identified for Literacy and Numeracy teaching. Planning includes differentiated Literacy and Numeracy for LA,MA and HA groups.
YR,Y1,Y2 (SEN) Eight Christmas themed Maths worksheets. Each worksheet contains a mixture of Maths applications eg simple 4 rules of number to 10 and 20, understanding Maths vocabulary and symbols (subtract, more than), time (o’clock) weight (heavier/lighter than) and shape recognition.
Worksheet 1: Circle recognition, one more, counting to 10, comparison of size, who has the most, number story to 10.
Worksheet 2: Triangle recognition, one more than, counting to 10, size comparison, one less, addition story to 10.
Worksheet 3: Weighing comparison, 2 more than, counting to 10, missing numbers, ordinal numbers, missing number addition stories.
Worksheet 4: Half, matching equivalent amounts, counting to 10, take away 1, largest, middle, longest.
Worksheet 5: Take away, greater than/less than symbols, height comparison, one more, counting to 20.
Worksheet 6: more/less than and symbols, height comparison, subtract, half, o’clock, addition of three numbers.
Worksheet 7: Counting to 20, missing numbers to 20, o’clock, pairs, missing number addition, length comparison.
Worksheet 8: Hexagon recognition, more/less than, most/least, counting to 20, ordinal numbers, o’clock.
KS2 Babushka descriptive account.
A first- hand account, written by Babushka. This example demonstrates acts as a recount of the search for the baby king Jesus including personal feelings and points of view.
Useful in the lesson for pupils to use to identify features and structure of first hand accounts or as a starting point for discussing a dilemma, or point of view activity.
Can also be used with a cross curricular Christmas topic.
Whole school Teaching & Learning Policy. Written for Primary but could be adapted. Includes key headings and statements on what constitutes good teaching, knowledge of pupils, prior learning, planning, learning environment, resources, teaching strategies, assessment and expectations. This policy can be used as a structured starting point for sharing views on T&L with staff prior to adapting the content or creating own policy.
A set of 35 Landmark cards (5 per Australian Territory) with a picture and short description about the landmark. Suitable for pupils in KS2 and can be used as a topic reference, research resource or general knowledge/quiz cards. Print off two copies and use to play games such as Snap or Pairs to help pupils learn , match and recognise key places in a topic about Australia.
Non- negotiable spoken vocabulary assessment record grid for EYFS practitioners. There are vocabulary lists for 14 key topic areas eg colours, body parts, family, verbs, comparisons etc. organised into age expected bands. Colour coded assessment for use in under3 setting, YN or 3 year old setting and YR and equivalent setting. A useful tool to monitor record individual speaking and listening progress.
Playtime: A series of four complete power-point lessons (52 slides) for pupils in KS1. Each lesson focuses on playtime and toys from the past including Roman, Elizabethan, Victorian times and present day. The lessons are interactive and include opportunities for the pupils to work in pairs or a small group to extract information from sources (photographs, paintings, video clips) ask questions, compare and record findings. Children will learn to play a range of playground games, small group games and role play games from each of the periods studied which they can transfer to their own playtime in school and teach their friends. Opportunities to extend the lessons with ideas for creative cross curricular links eg How to make a Victorian Thalmatrope optical illusion.. There is an initial assessment in lesson one, recap in the following lessons and a simple final assessment in lesson four.
KS2 set of 4 Reindeer resources: The pack includes
* 2 different A4 factual Reindeer information sheets for pupils to use. Both information sheets focus on different information about habitat, adaptation, and life of a reindeer.
Can be used as a factual support for a project about reindeer to help with pupil research or as a basis for comprehension / using information for a range of purposes.
*Label the reindeer diagram worksheet with linked 5 questions ‘fill in the missing word’ sentence activity.
* Reindeer Geography activity to help pupils use a map to locate reindeer habitats and key questions.
* Simple Arctic Animal tally and block graph activity with three linked questions.
KS1 & KS2 New Year/New Me: Set of Circle time reflection and affirmation cards. 16 cards (green border) which reflect on the current year and thoughts/actions/achievements and 16 cards (blue border) which help pupils focus on affirmations and positive actions to continue or create a new beginning/new year or fresh start.
Useful to use as an end of year activity to welcome in a New Year or new term.
KS1 Babushka descriptive account.
A first- hand account, written by Babushka. This example demonstrates acts as a recount of the search for the baby king Jesus including personal feelings and points of view.
Useful in the lesson for pupils to use to identify features and structure of first hand accounts or as a starting point for discussing a dilemma, or point of view activity.
Can also be used with a cross curricular Christmas topic.
KS2 and 3 Label the Human skeleton, eye, ear and tooth (4 worksheets). Worksheet 1 Skeleton has 14 bones to label. Worksheet 2 Eye (2 diagrams to label) exterior (8 labels) and interior (7 labels). Worksheet 3 ear (2 diagrams to label) exterior (6 labels) and interior (8 labels). Worksheet 4 Tooth ( 2 diagrams to label) exterior (6 labels) and interior (7 labels).
Can be used in topics – the body, keeping healthy, healthy eating, moving, growing.
This power-point can be used as a full lesson or as a guideline for active learning for a whole day focus on The Gunpowder Plot. It consists of a range of interactive cross curricular activities which begin using pupil knowledge of Bonfire Night and develop into the historical account of the Gunpowder Plot.
Learning includes: Understanding the link between Bonfire Night celebrations and the Gunpowder Plot, developing historical vocabulary, and using historical documents to extract and interpret information.
The power-point promotes collaboration, discussion and information sharing in a historical, geographical and mathematical context.
KS 1 & 2 Power-point : Variation in Sharks.
Learning Objectives
• To understand that sharks can be classified into specific groups according to their characteristics.
• To recognise similarities and differences in sharks.
• To be able to classify sharks into Mackerel, Ground, Carpet, Bullhead and Dogfish groups according to their characteristics.
Slides 2-6 explore the definition of variation through key questions in partner/small group discussion. There is also a link to a YouTube clip about sharks.
Slides 7-11 are information slides about 4 sharks characterised under the heading Mackerel Sharks.
Slides 12-16 are information slides about 4 sharks characterised under the heading Ground sharks.
Slides 17-21 are information slides about 4 sharks characterised under the heading Carpet sharks.
Slides 22-25 are information slides about 3 sharks characterised under the heading Bullhead sharks.
Slides 26-28 are information slides about 2 sharks characterised under the heading Dogfish sharks.
Each shark slide gives information ranging from colour, length, location found, food and prey, danger level to humans.
Can be split into a series of lessons or used as on entire lesson on variation. The information about the shark groups is written in a simple text so can be printed for pupil use and used to judge comparisons and similarities between the groups within the species.
Myths and legends Greek Gods and Goddesses set of 20 comparison game cards (KS1&2). Can be used as a game to help pupils learn the names and characteristics of the individual gods and goddesses. Use also as a reference resource for research work in RE, History or mythological/fiction writing.
Three A4 sheets with information about six Australian animals - Koala, kangaroo, shark, snake, Tasmanian Devil, crocodile. Useful for enabling pupils to research and access non fiction information in a simple format.
EYFS 2 week plan on 2 x A4 sheet grid. Grid 1 - Focused teaching ideas in the areas of learning. Grid 2- Continuous provision ideas in the areas of learning.