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Nikimath's Shop

Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.




Hello teachers friends! My name is Niki.I have been teaching mathematics for over 20 years. My subjects are Algebra through Calculus 3 along with Geometry, Trig and Differential Equations. My passion is to create engaging fun and rigorous math resources of high quality for teachers and students. My products include partner and group activities, matching and sorting activities, multiple-choice games, rigorous worksheets & lessons, challenging independent practice, homework assignments, etc.
Implicit Differentiation - 2 WS - 16 various problems - typed solutions

Implicit Differentiation - 2 WS - 16 various problems - typed solutions

This resource contains a total of 16 problems. Students will practice taking the first derivatives of y(x) for each of given implicit functions by implicit differentiation. The packet has 2 worksheets each containing 8 various examples including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. The worksheets can be used as a class practice, for an extra practice or enrichment, an assessment or homework assignment. It can be also used as a partner activity – like that: ⟡ Partner A will solve WS # 1 while Partner B solves WS # 2 , then they swap papers and Partner A will solve WS # 2 while Partner B solves WS # 1 . Once they have completed the work, they compare their results. If there are different answers to one and the same problem, students have to identify and correct any errors. Typed solutions to all of the problems are provided.
Using Limits to Find ASYMPTOTES - Partner Activity

Using Limits to Find ASYMPTOTES - Partner Activity

Students will practice finding vertical, horizontal and slant asymptotes using limits in this activity. There are included rational, involving radicals, exponential and natural logarithm functions. Students will work through 7 sections (or less if preferred). There is a function given in each section and differentiated instructions to each of the partners. In each section they share their work like this – Partner A finds all the vertical asymptotes of the given function while Partner B finds the slant asymptote of the same function. In the next section Partner B finds the vertical asymptotes of another function while Partner A finds the slant. There are sections where one of the partners is asked to find the horizontal asymptotes and the other partner – the vertical. The last section asks Partner A to find the left horizontal asymptote and Partner B – the right horizontal asymptote of a function. Students recording sheets are specially designed for this activity with HINTS and rooms to show work. Partners have to record all their answers in a table on a partners’ response sheet provided. Answer key is included.
Rational Equations (Cross Multiplication) - "Eat the Bonbons" Matching Game

Rational Equations (Cross Multiplication) - "Eat the Bonbons" Matching Game

This is a fun matching game on solving rational equations by cross multiplication. Students have to solve 12 equations as the first six result in linear equations and the rest six result in quadratic equations. There are 4 slides/pages with problems. On each slide/page students are given 3 equations to solve and pictures of four bonbons (candy). Students search for their answers written on the bonbons and if they find their answer written on a bonbon then they “eat the bonbon” striking it through. Then students are asked to match the problems with their solutions. Students can draw identical characters to mark the equation and its solution or they can draw a line/curve to joint the problem and its solution. Student find out that in each slide/page there is one bonbon that “can not be eaten” (the answer written on it is not solution to any of the problems). I hope your students enjoy this activity. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has four slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Factoring Trinomials - "What's the name of the dragon?" (Multiple Choice GAME)

Factoring Trinomials - "What's the name of the dragon?" (Multiple Choice GAME)

This is a fun game on factoring trinomials. The half of the problems are with the leading coefficient a=1 and the other half have a≠1. Students are given 12 problems and 12 pictures of dragons ( there is a picture of a dragon corresponding on each trinomial). The problems are multiple-choice format with four options each ( there is a name of a dragon corresponding on each possible answer). Students have to factor the trinomials given and find out the names of all dragons. The names are funny as they begin with Dr or the dragons may have names like “ The Lazy” , “The Clever”… The game arouses students’ imagination and makes students enjoy while solving the problems. Student recoring sheet and answer keys are provided.
Trigonometric Equations - Group Activity/Practice (48 equations + keys)

Trigonometric Equations - Group Activity/Practice (48 equations + keys)

These are 12 cards for partners – a total of 48 trigonometric equations. Students will practice solving basic trig equations, equations with multiple angles and equations of quadratic type. They will need to use factoring method and the quadratic formula, the fundamental and double-angle identities. There is one trig equation involving a parameter on each card. Students are asked to solve the equation for four given different values of the parameter. Thus, students have four problems per card – problems 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. Students can work in pairs (partner activity) or in groups of three and four (group activity). This is a wonderful way to get students working on different, but similar problems helping each other with methods. The cards can be used for independent work as well. The teacher or student can chose which problems to solve – like problems 1A, 2C, 3B, 4A, 5D, etc. Student recording sheet and answer keys are included.
Right Triangles (Trig Ratios)-Group Activity/Practice Forms A,B,C&D

Right Triangles (Trig Ratios)-Group Activity/Practice Forms A,B,C&D

This trigonometry activity consists of a total of 24 problems in which students will practice finding missing side and angle measures in right triangles using the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios. The problems are divided into six sections of four similar problems. The product is intended to be used for groups of maximum four members (there is a problem for each partner of the group in a section) . Solving similar problems in each section encourages the partners to help each other with methods. Moreover, this group activity may easily turn into a competition between groups. The product can be also used as an independent practice with four similar forms (form A, form B and forms C and D) if preferred. I have included a modified worksheet so the product can be used in this way. Here is the description of the problems in each section: Section 1&2 – given the hypotenuse and an acute angle. Section 3 – given an acute angle and its opposite side. Section 4 – given an acute angle and its adjacent side. Section 5 – given a leg and the hypotenuse. Section 6 – given the two legs. Students have to find the missing sides or/and angles. Answer keys are included.
BASIC Trigonometric Equations - Partner Activity "Make Compound Words"

BASIC Trigonometric Equations - Partner Activity "Make Compound Words"

This activity practices solving basic trigonometric equations. Students must find their primary solutions in the specific interval (0 ; 2π] and give answers in radian form. The process of solving involves only the use of the reciprocal identities and algebraic manipulation (such as collecting like terms) to isolate the trigonometric function on one side of the equation. Partners will each have their own set of fourteen equations. All the equations are well thought so the solutions of each equation on the specified interval are only two. The amusing part of this activity is creating compound words corresponding to each solution set of the trigonometric equations given. Partner A’ s equations are equivalent to partner B’ s equations, so the compound words made by one partner will be the same as the words made by the other partner. Thus, partners will be satisfied to know that they both have worked correctly and will be encouraged to collaborate. Activity Directions: Partners start solving individually their own problems. Once they have found the solution set of each equation, they are given two tables to use. There is a word corresponding to each radian written in table 1 . Using this table, students find which two words correspond to each solution set of their equations and make compound words. They record the solution set of each trigonometric equation and write down the compound word corresponding to it in table 2 . Students show detailed solutions on student recording sheets specially designed for this activity or they can solve the problems on a separate sheet of notebook paper. All answer keys are included.
Rational Equations ALL with EXTRANEOUS Solutions - Group Activity

Rational Equations ALL with EXTRANEOUS Solutions - Group Activity

This quiz game is designed to be used for groups of 4, 3 or 2 members. Students will practice solving rational equations ALL HAVING EXTRANEOUS SOLUTIONS using the most appropriate method for solving . The activity includes monomial, binomial, and trinomial denominators. The problems are well thought out so the partners have similar type of problems. This aims to encourage collaborative team-work. Activity Directions: There are 32 problems total, separated into four sets. Partners start solving their own set of equations and check for extraneous solutions. They “throw” the extraneous solution of each of the equations into its corresponding recycle bin on the “recycle bins board” given by writing the value of the extraneous root on the “falling” into the bin sheet of paper. The group which has thrown away all the extraneous solutions first and solved all the equations properly win. Student show detailed solutions on student recording sheets provided for this activity. All answer keys are provided as well.
Solving Quadratic Equations by All Methods - Practice Advanced (two versions)

Solving Quadratic Equations by All Methods - Practice Advanced (two versions)

This activity is a perfect way to challenge your advanced learners on topic quadratic equations. It contains more complex problems, much more engaging than the ordinary one. Students will practice solving quadratic equations with rational coefficients having only rational solutions. Each quadratic equation must be solved by a specified method. There are problems included, where students need to compute • the sum and product of the roots of two equations • the absolute value of the sum and difference of the roots of an equation • the sum of the squares and cubes of the roots of a quadratic equation Hints ( formulae) are provided to help students check their ”pretty” answers.
Multi-Step Equations - "What Species of Bat Am I?" Multiple-Choice Activity

Multi-Step Equations - "What Species of Bat Am I?" Multiple-Choice Activity

This is a fun multiple-choice activity on solving multi-step equations. There are 10 problem slides. On each slide there is given one equation, a picture of a bat, four optional answer choices and a name of bat species corresponding to each answer choice. There is also short information for each bat included. Students have to solve the equations and use their answers to find out what species of bat are all bats on the pictures. Students circle the letter of the answer they have chosen to be correct. Answer keys are included. NOTE: I created this product in Google Slides. I uploaded it here in PDF format as I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three and two slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Derivative at a Point - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

Derivative at a Point - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

This coloring activity provides students with 12 problems. Students will evaluate the first derivative of a function at a given point/value of the variable x. After solving a problem, the students find their answer in a table. This tells them what color to use in the coloring page. Students are asked to show work on a recording sheet provided. Answer keys are included.
Derivatives The Power, Product & Quotient Rules-Warm-Ups and Homework 35 Problems

Derivatives The Power, Product & Quotient Rules-Warm-Ups and Homework 35 Problems

These are 2 Warm-Ups/Exit Tickets/ and 2 worksheets of homework assignment on the power, product and quotient rules for finding the first derivative of a function. The warm -ups contains 6 to 7 problems and each homework worksheet has 10 problems. There is provided space for students to show condensed solutions on the worksheets and warm-ups. Answer keys are included.
Simplify & Evaluate Algebraic Expressions - (Group) Activity

Simplify & Evaluate Algebraic Expressions - (Group) Activity

This is a digital kids from different countries themed (group) activity on simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions. There are ten problem slides. On each slide a kid from a country says to another kid from different country to help him/her with the answers of three similar problems. The other kid has provided the answers of the problems. Some of them are wrong! Students are asked to determine which of the given answers are correct. They are provided with an empty box on each slide where to write their findings. This activity engages students with simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions in a fun way and encourages mutual help with Math and friendship between students from different countries. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created with Google Slides. I have uploaded it in PDF format here as I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has three and two slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Partial Fraction Decomposition - Circuit (14 Problems)

Partial Fraction Decomposition - Circuit (14 Problems)

This is a self-checking circuit activity on finding partial fraction decomposition. The denominators of some problems are similar so the answers to be similar - this is for preventing the students to guess the correct answer before working over the problem. (There is provided space for students to show work on the pages.) Activity directions: Students begin with the problem #1, solve the problem, find the answer somewhere else on the pages ( which are four) and write “2” in the blank. Then student solve that problem (#2), search for the answer again and when find it write “3” in the next blank. Students continue in this manner until they return to the problem #1. They should solve all the 14 problems before returning to the start point. Answer keys are included.
Rational Inequalities - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

Rational Inequalities - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

This coloring activity provides students with 12 problems. Students will solve rational inequalities. After solving a problem, the students find their answer in a table. This tells them what color to use in the coloring page. Students are asked to show work on a recording sheet provided. Answer key is included.
Calculus: Higher Order Derivatives - Color by Code Activity

Calculus: Higher Order Derivatives - Color by Code Activity

This coloring activity provides students with 12 problems. Students will find higher order derivatives. After solving a problem, the students find their answer in a table. This tells them what color to use in the coloring page. Students are asked to show work on a recording sheet provided. Answer key is included.
Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions - Color by Code Christmas Activity

Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions - Color by Code Christmas Activity

This coloring activity provides students with 12 problems. Students will differentiate inverse trigonometric functions (chain rule required). After solving a problem, the students find their answer in a table. This tells them what color to use in the coloring page. Students are asked to show work on a recording sheet provided. Answer key is included.
Combining Like Terms - Digital Cards with Animal Toppers (60 problems)

Combining Like Terms - Digital Cards with Animal Toppers (60 problems)

These are 15 cards with animal toppers on combining like terms. Each card contains 4 similar problems. The first three cards on slide 1 have two like terms to be combined, the three cards on slide 2 have three like terms, the three cards on slide 3 have four like terms to be combined, two cards on slide 4 have four terms as two of them are like terms and the other two are also like terms, card three on slide 4 have six terms, the last three cards on slide 5 include problems where the distributive property has to be applied first and them like terms have to be combined. There are empty boxes provided below each problem where students can type their answers. These cards can be completed independently or students can work in groups of 2 or 4. Answer keys are included. NOTE: This product is created as a Google Slides product. I have converted it to PDF item here. I have included 2 PDF files - the one has each slide as a page and the other has two and three slides on a page for easy and more economic printing!
Evaluating Piecewise Functions - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

Evaluating Piecewise Functions - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

This coloring activity provides students with 12 problems. Students will evaluate expressions of type f(a)+f(b) or f(a)+f(b)+f© given f(x) that is a piecewise function. After solving a problem, the students find their answer in a table. This tells them what color to use in the coloring page. Students are asked to show work on a recording sheet provided. Answer key is included.
Inverse Matrices - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

Inverse Matrices - Coloring Activity/Color by Code

This coloring activity provides students with 12 problems. Students will find the inverse matrix of a given matrix (2x2 and 3x3). (I have not included matrices with determinant equal to zero). After solving a problem, the students find their answer in a table. This tells them what color to use in the coloring page. Students are asked to show work on recording sheets provided. Answer key is included.